View Full Version : Wog on wog crime

War Chef
09-04-2014, 05:41 AM
What is this disorder, where swarthy people are insecure about being swarthy, so they bully other swarthies to make themselves feel better? It's a phenomenon that is most present in this forum but I've seen it in real life a couple times, one case in particular a former Kerdish friend and his entire family started treating me like shit and dis-owned me, giving me that arrogant "we're noble Aryan Kerds and better than you bla bla" attitude, and "don't ever hang out with my son again". So he and they back-stabbed me. I'm open to the possibility that I commented on one of his photos from social network and wrote "Kerdish Borat" because he had curly hair...... and that angered him and his family, who think wayyyy to highly of their ethnicity. Another case is when I was early teen and working at a store, the boss, who is in his early 20's and looks like a typical Neolithic short, fat hairy Jordanian (but with extremely piercing blue eyes) usually talked to me in a piteous manner, like he felt sorry for me, but other times (usually in front of others) he snapped at me in a kind of jealous manner (the vibes were clear). You know, belonging to the (IMO) superior CM sub-race and all is enough to make people of all kinds jealous. I mean swarthy or not, who would want to be a recessive looking _______? Anyway, this boss, I had later found out, most likely suffered from some kind of inferiority complex, being married to the most uber-Nordic looking woman imaginable, with hair as deeply yellow as week old collected hay stacks (although facially she was disharmonious and thus ugly to me).

You'll find the most racist people, are usually the most racially questionable themselves.

Notable people suffering from this on TA:

Melonhead – he once posted a photo of himself when he was a child, age 7-ish, and his team is all Anglo-American with blonde hair except for a bi-racial black guy and him. I won't waste my time digging for the post/photo, since he has way to many posts to dig through, so you'll have to take my word for it.

***Edit, here is the photo:


09-04-2014, 05:43 AM
i agree. but it is not always the case, there is also often nordic on wog crime

09-04-2014, 05:44 AM
I think this thread has no potential.

But I think most of us wouldn't mind a little wog-on-wog whisperer crime. :coffee:

09-04-2014, 05:45 AM
People don't take the piss with me because I am extremely pale most of the year and am pan-euro looking. No one knows I'm a wog until it's too late.

09-04-2014, 05:46 AM
I think this thread has no potential.

But I think most of us wouldn't mind a little wog-on-wog whisperer crime. :coffee:

I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to feel here.

09-04-2014, 05:47 AM
People don't take the piss with me because I am extremely pale most of the year and am pan-euro looking. No one knows I'm a wog until it's too late.


09-04-2014, 05:49 AM
Calling Melonhead a wog?!


Prisoner Of Ice
09-04-2014, 05:50 AM
Congratulations. That is the most senseless post I have read on this site, a site full of strange and illogical hominids many of which have various swarty folk complexes.

Melonhead – he once posted a photo of himself when he was a child, age 7-ish, and his team is all Anglo-American with blonde hair except for a bi-racial black guy and him. I won't waste my time digging for the post/photo, since he has way to many posts to dig through, so you'll have to take my word for it.

You should have just posted this part and come up with a more personalized insult to go with it. I didn't have any sort of complex until the jew-frow guy started to look white compared to 90% of the people all around me, so I think your theory fails. It's not clear from the picture but I was probably the palest guy there except for the dutch albino kid (this is what real dutch look like, btw, most people in dutchistan today are basically gypsyjewnignogs). I used to get teased about how pale and freckled I was so if I was less white than anyone (lol Irish American wogs) then I never got the memo.

War Chef
09-04-2014, 05:50 AM
People don't take the piss with me because I am extremely pale most of the year and am pan-euro looking. No one knows I'm a wog until it's too late.

Well honestly, feel free to disagree, but I think I'm equally as white as you, (you may have green eyes but I have dark brown/dark auburn hair) or actually, just a little less whiter than you are. So I guess it comes down to the fact you're a female and are less attacked by sexually frustrated males or whatever.

09-04-2014, 05:51 AM
I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to feel here.

Equal parts honored, afraid, and intrigued all at the same time. Obviously.

Calling Melonhead a wog?!


Yeah, if he's a wog, you're dangerously close too.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 05:51 AM
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/c2/c267086d3d4d2d478dd77076eaaac0dc57c24415e8c720d92c c66b9663637ac3.jpg

War Chef
09-04-2014, 05:52 AM
Calling Melonhead a wog?!


He is a black sheep of his community. Anglo-Americans are almost all blond haired as children (before it turned dark) Melonhead was not. This is where his complex comes from.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 05:52 AM
Im a wog :/

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 05:53 AM
Im born as a wog and still a wog :/ should i cry?

09-04-2014, 05:54 AM
Im born as a wog and still a wog :/ should i cry?

Only if you die a wog, then you can cry.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 05:54 AM
Rudee much

09-04-2014, 05:54 AM
What is this disorder, where swarthy people are insecure about being swarthy, so they bully other swarthies to make themselves feel better? It's a phenomenon that is most present in this forum but I've seen it in real life a couple times, one case in particular a former Kerdish friend and his entire family started treating me like shit and dis-owned me, giving me that arrogant "we're noble Aryan Kerds and better than you bla bla" attitude, and "don't ever hang out with my son again". So he and they back-stabbed me. I'm open to the possibility that I commented on one of his photos from social network and wrote "Kerdish Borat" because he had curly hair...... and that angered him and his family, who think wayyyy to highly of their ethnicity. Another case is when I was early teen and working at a store, the boss, who is in his early 20's and looks like a typical Neolithic short, fat hairy Jordanian (but with extremely piercing blue eyes) usually talked to me in a piteous manner, like he felt sorry for me, but other times (usually in front of others) he snapped at me in a kind of jealous manner (the vibes were clear). You know, belonging to the (IMO) superior CM sub-race and all is enough to make people of all kinds jealous. I mean swarthy or not, who would want to be a recessive looking _______? Anyway, this boss, I had later found out, most likely suffered from some kind of inferiority complex, being married to the most uber-Nordic looking woman imaginable, with hair as deeply yellow as week old collected hay stacks (although facially she was disharmonious and thus ugly to me).

You'll find the most racist people, are usually the most racially questionable themselves.

Notable people suffering from this on TA:

Melonhead – he once posted a photo of himself when he was a child, age 7-ish, and his team is all Anglo-American with blonde hair except for a bi-racial black guy and him. I won't waste my time digging for the post/photo, since he has way to many posts to dig through, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Congratulations...you just stumbled on OWD.

09-04-2014, 05:55 AM
Well honestly, feel free to disagree, but I think I'm equally as white as you, (you may have green eyes but I have dark brown/dark auburn hair) or actually, just a little less whiter than you are. So I guess it comes down to the fact you're a female and are less attacked by sexually frustrated males or whatever.

I agree when it comes to coloring, but my features look pretty much Central European (apart from my high cheekbones). There isn't really anything that gives me away as "ethnic" not that there is much with you either so perhaps you are right.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 05:57 AM
Wog is real european blonde are ugly northerners!

09-04-2014, 05:58 AM
I agree when it comes to coloring, but my features look pretty much Central European (apart from my high cheekbones). There isn't really anything that gives me away as "ethnic" not that there is much with you either so perhaps you are right.

Your eye shape/brows (especially when you were a child) look kinda woggy, they remind me of andy kaufman's eyes. But yeah, had you told me you were a WASP, I wouldnt doubt it

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:00 AM
I agree when it comes to coloring, but my features look pretty much Central European (apart from my high cheekbones). There isn't really anything that gives me away as "ethnic" not that there is much with you either so perhaps you are right.

Ahh, then NVM because I do look ethnic. I mean when 4 different people, at random times, within a day tell you, "you look like a Vampire/Dracula" etc. you know something is up. Anyway I agree that you look more "western" than me, if that's what you're trying to say.

09-04-2014, 06:04 AM
Your eye shape/brows (especially when you were a child) look kinda woggy, they remind me of andy kaufman's eyes. But yeah, had you told me you were a WASP, I wouldnt doubt it

Makes sense given my ethnic makeup actually. In some pictures my non-euro comes out a lot and in some it's completely invisible.

Prisoner Of Ice
09-04-2014, 06:05 AM

If you look close you can see I have reddish hair anyway though it's very dark now that I'm older, and even my freckles (even a wog with 20% african DNA can look WHITE but never pinkish or freckly). My brother had ronald mc donald hair til he was 30, thankfully I was spared that.

Anyway you can judge for yourselves, I guess. I wish I could get all the people there together for a reshoot of the photo. Probably more IQ over 130 and bench press over 300 ubermen than you are ever likely to see in one place. Not without a time machine anyway.

09-04-2014, 06:06 AM
I just mugged myself, does that count?

09-04-2014, 06:07 AM
Actually, I do look ethnic. Can you imagine how freaky it is, when 4 different people, at random times, within a day tell you, "you look like a Vampire/Dracula" etc. Anyway I agree that you look more "western" than me, if that's what you're trying to say.

Actually a lot of people in college referred to me as a vampire due to my odd coloring. I think I look western to the untrained eye because I look a little like Kristen Stewart and so that is what people see when they look at me.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:07 AM
LOL,ugly blondes pigs!

Han Cholo
09-04-2014, 06:08 AM
There is nothing special about having light eyes and hair in the animal kingdom. Lizards, cats, birds, even some insects have light eyes. Primates, lions, polar bears show quite depigmented fur colors. People only get this "rarity" idea because this trait only became less common in humans.

I can't really think of a person that would truly feel bad (or on the contrary more "evolved" or "advanced") about their eye or hair color in real life. It's just a random probability process. I like to think the persons that do this here, do so only for the lolz.

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:08 AM
I just mugged myself, does that count?

Is that some kind of metaphor for self pleasure?

09-04-2014, 06:09 AM
Is that some kind of metaphor for self pleasure?
No, it's a metaphor for a Jew cheating himself out of money.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:09 AM
I don't know but for me blonde person looks weak

09-04-2014, 06:11 AM
what is a wog, all the self-declared "wogs" here look pretty much white to me (delivery, wogwhisperer, alfieb etc.) and if wog means brown then southern europeans arent "wogs"

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:12 AM
That blonde guy was Stears photo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:13 AM
Actually a lot of people in college referred to me as a vampire due to my odd coloring. I think I look western to the untrained eye because I look a little like Kristen Stewart and so that is what people see when they look at me.

Well I'm ghostly pale (I've been tanning though so I don't look as sickly) with a widows peak, and the canines on my upper teeth are so massive. Idk if the movie dracula was a CM though, also, he had blue eyes. Wogwhisperer, also it should be mentioned that you reside in CA and me in MN..... Here is most concentration of Scando's and blond ppl in all of North-America, wheras California is loaded with Mexicans so people are going to be more flexible with what they consider white over there. If you ever visit Minnesota, you will feel like Fartuna Ahmed.

09-04-2014, 06:13 AM
Did you ever see my photo?That blonde guy was Stears photo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

i think you are salvatore, that italian guy with distant turkish ancestry, and i think i saw you, if you are not him then im mistaken, sorry

09-04-2014, 06:14 AM

If you look close you can see I have reddish hair anyway though it's very dark now that I'm older, and even my freckles (even a wog with 20% african DNA can look WHITE but never pinkish or freckly). My brother had ronald mc donald hair til he was 30, thankfully I was spared that.

Anyway you can judge for yourselves, I guess. I wish I could get all the people there together for a reshoot of the photo. Probably more €IQ over 130 and bench press over 300 ubermen than you are ever likely to see in one place. Not without a time machine anyway.

your goalkeeper :lol:

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:16 AM
i think you are salvatore, that italian guy with distant turkish ancestry, and i think i saw you, if you are not him then im mistaken, sorry

No im not him i have posted time ago my photos,no that blonde guy with blue eyes is the magnifique stears.

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:20 AM

If you look close you can see I have reddish hair anyway though it's very dark now that I'm older, and even my freckles (even a wog with 20% african DNA can look WHITE but never pinkish or freckly). My brother had ronald mc donald hair til he was 30, thankfully I was spared that.

Anyway you can judge for yourselves, I guess. I wish I could get all the people there together for a reshoot of the photo. Probably more IQ over 130 and bench press over 300 ubermen than you are ever likely to see in one place. Not without a time machine anyway.

Pffft, you ain't got shit on me son, here is me about 3 years ago, in my natural East-Hallstat cloudy environment (don't feel like uploading child photo's, when my hair was even lighter):


Sry for the scrubby hair, I was kind of a hippy back then.

I'm not bragging, I'm just saying. I still adore wogs (even this word is offensive TBH) especially Greeks.

09-04-2014, 06:23 AM
Well I'm ghostly pale (I've been tanning though so I don't look as sickly) with a widows peak, and the canines on my upper teeth are so massive. Idk if the movie dracula was a CM though, also, he had blue eyes. Wogwhisperer, also it should be mentioned that you reside in CA and me in MN..... Here is most concentration of Scando's and blond ppl in all of North-America, wheras California is loaded with Mexicans so people are going to be more flexible with what they consider white over there. If you ever visit Minnesota, you will feel like Fartuna Ahmed.
Yeah I was just in Chicago and I noticed people treated me a little differently (although that could have been the rather obnoxious company I was in) and I'm sure MN is even more typically Midwestern.

Prisoner Of Ice
09-04-2014, 06:25 AM
The average IQ for Navy SEALs is 135.

Maybe I was wrong about the over 130 IQ, over 300 BP comment. Some other units probably have even higher IQ averages.

There's several navy seals in that photo, and two guys who joined other elite units.

09-04-2014, 06:25 AM
All I know of Minnesota is what I've seen in TV and film like Fargo and Bobby's World, but uh, it sounds like hell. Pure hell.

Prisoner Of Ice
09-04-2014, 06:26 AM
Pffft, you ain't got shit on me son, here is me about 3 years ago, in my natural East-Hallstat cloudy environment (don't feel like uploading child photo's, when my hair was even lighter):


Sry for the scrubby hair, I was kind of a hippy back then.

I'm not bragging, I'm just saying. I still adore wogs (even this word is offensive TBH) especially Greeks.

lol, who are you trying to fool, son? I am probably the most 100% european person on this site. Anyone with a brown eyed relative is an african negro as far as I am concerned, let alone black hair.

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:30 AM
All I know of Minnesota is what I've seen in TV and film like Fargo and Bobby's World, but uh, it sounds like hell. Pure hell.

You wouldn't survive a winter in Minnesota. We are land-locked away from the oceans, dead center of North-America is even colder than Canada which has coastline. The Swedes and Norwegians, some of which still speak their languages, came here in the masses because it reminded them of their climate back home. Our state football team (or soccer as you Euro-fags call it) says a lot:


Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:41 AM

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:42 AM
Yeah I was just in Chicago and I noticed people treated me a little differently (although that could have been the rather obnoxious company I was in) and I'm sure MN is even more typically Midwestern.

You know, Celts were in Serbia (Hallstat Culture):


Now marry me so we can make east-Celtic alliance. :p

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:44 AM

09-04-2014, 06:44 AM
You know, Celts were in Serbia (Hallstat Culture):


Now marry me so we can make east-Celtic alliance. :p

I will have to check with Carlos...but he has multiple wives so why not. No way in hell I'm living in MN though. Anything below 30f is a deal-breaker.

09-04-2014, 06:44 AM

Nice avatar.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:45 AM

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:45 AM
I will have to check with Carlos...but he has multiple wives so why not. No way in hell I'm living in MN though. Anything below 30f is a deal-breaker.

Rejected. Shieeeeet, gotta give a brotha credit for trying tho.

09-04-2014, 06:46 AM
lol, who are you trying to fool, son? I am probably the most 100% european person on this site. Anyone with a brown eyed relative is an african negro as far as I am concerned, let alone black hair.

Yes that means Native americans are relatives to ssa. Black power :p

09-04-2014, 06:48 AM
Rejected. Shieeeeet, gotta give a brotha credit for trying tho.

You are a Northern European beta male. You must learn the dark side of the force in order to get dem wog wimminz.

Immortal Technique
09-04-2014, 06:48 AM
Uno des tres passito parlante maria

War Chef
09-04-2014, 06:50 AM
You are a Northern European beta male. You must learn the dark side of the force in order to get dem wog wimminz.

She's playing hard to get obviously.

I'm just messing you wogwisperer you know ur my sis, I don't do incest.

Han Cholo
09-04-2014, 06:51 AM

09-04-2014, 06:55 AM
She's playing hard to get obviously.

I'm just messing you wogwisperer you know ur my sis, I don't do incest.

I read on TA that incest is the best sex, and if it's on TA it must be true.