View Full Version : Proof: Ainu can never be Caucasian. Haplogroup D2 is related with Adamanese

09-05-2014, 04:00 AM

According to the Japanese friend of mine.

This video does not shows Jomons and Ainu are same race as Adamanese. It's only saying they share some superficial pseudo-resemblance. The truth is Adamanese, despite their African-Negroid appearance share physical anthropological facial features of the Australoid race rather than Negroid ( more closer to Australian aborigines ).

The Jomon and Ainu share cranial-facial similarity with Caucasians, Australoid, Polynesians, Dravidians but their DNA suggest their pure Mongoloid, including their dental morphology and fingerprint shows they are same race as the Sundadont Mongoloid race of Southeast Asia.

Some Taiwanese aborigines shows more physical resemblance to Polynesians, Caucasians, Australoid are also pure Mongoloid in DNA and are Sundodant race.

09-05-2014, 04:06 AM
It is interesting.

According to anthropologist and scientist. Adamanese are not related with blacks or Africans, their physical similarity is due to adaption to the southern environments. Their skeletal features are more like Australoid rather than Sub-Saharan negroid but the black skin and nappy hair that gives them a superficial negroid like African appearance.

Where as Ainu/Jomon have evolved into light skinned, straight hair, long beard, hairy body with more northern features evolution.

According to Japanese anthropologist. Ainu and Jomon have thicker lips, wider noses, larger mouth than both Caucasoid and Japanese.


09-05-2014, 04:07 AM
Dear Diary ....

09-05-2014, 04:17 AM
Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico said that the Ainu descend from the Jōmon people who are an East Asian population with "closest biological affinity with south-east Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples".[44]

The first Jomon of Japanese look like this, they had lighter skin than Japanese aswell

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1FMB-7sw_KI/TflZXv2m3II/AAAAAAAAEqM/YKtR7QjlzAY/s1600/Jomon+pottery+figure+and+Ainu+man+image+from+Past+ Horizons+2011+06+15.jpg

The ancestors of Jomon didn't look like Negrito though, they were believed to have already mutated into some Veddoid type


Japanese have 38% Jomon mtDNA AND 17% Jomon mtDNA but Jomon blood seems very small and have no influenced on Japanese appearance with exception of few or perharps Jomon being genetically Mongoloid to begin with contribute to their pure Mongoloid appearance of Japanese.

09-05-2014, 04:33 AM
By the way the Jomons who migrated to Japan have changed physically as soon as started migrating north.

They were believed to have already evolved in Southeast Asia

From Negrito evolved to Veddas to evolved to Jomon/Ainu

So Jomons = Light skinned Veddoids

The closest physical ancestors of Jomon's were the Sri Lanka's veddas.


09-05-2014, 04:53 AM
Haplogroup D2 and ancestors of Jomon were believed to have migrated from Southeast Asia


09-05-2014, 11:42 AM
It is agreed that Ainu are ( mostly Jomon blood ) are the closest descendants of Ainu.

It's true, Ainu have mixed with the Nivkhs but Ainu with 80% Jomon blood can still be seen

The haplogroup D2 was said to be 100% in Jomon but is 75% to 87.5% in Ainu today.




09-05-2014, 11:55 AM
lol. How old are you? 10?

People native to the caucasus region are the only one who can be called "caucasian".

09-05-2014, 11:57 AM
Dear Diary ....

It's the 9891238129389nth entry about the same topic, Ainu people. :rolleyes:

09-05-2014, 12:22 PM
By the way the Jomons who migrated to Japan have changed physically as soon as started migrating north.

They were believed to have already evolved in Southeast Asia

From Negrito evolved to Veddas to evolved to Jomon/Ainu

So Jomons = Light skinned Veddoids

The closest physical ancestors of Jomon's were the Sri Lanka's veddas.


Jomons are now veddoids? I heard the same thing about depigmented Euros, lol.

09-05-2014, 12:28 PM
No one claims anymore Ainu are Caucasoid, but East Asian people genetically and otherwise and to me they don't look too Caucasoid or so ''un-Asian''.

09-05-2014, 12:30 PM
Jomons are now veddoids? I heard the same thing about depigmented Euros, lol.

Veddas have 0% Caucasian / European DNA.

They are isolated group of people. Their most closely related with people from South Indian aborigines.


09-05-2014, 12:38 PM
Ainu were paleomongoloid

09-05-2014, 12:51 PM
I like cookies.

Grace O'Malley
09-05-2014, 01:17 PM
There is a connection between so many different groups of people in North Eastern Asia. The European, American Indians and Asians all have common heritage in the Siberian/Mongol area. If anyone has put their dna through Gedmatch you would know this.

02-17-2015, 05:27 AM
Ainu are a Paleosiberian ethnic group, originate from the Amur Valley and the Kamchatka peninsula.

Haplogroup D is not confined to an ethnic group, it's common :
- in Southwestern China (among Tibetans and southwestern Sinitic tribes)
- in Japan (especially among Ainu and the ancient Jomon people)
- in the Andaman Islands.
This haplogroup is probably related to the Paleolithic populations of Asia and the Pacific Islands, which was progressively replaced by haplogroup O carriers.
So, the subclade of haplogroup D common among Japanese and Ainu can be considerated as a Siberian subclade.

According to Wikipedia, Jomon people (and Ainu) are also distant cousins of Australian Aborigines and Melanesians, they have Denisovan admixture (it's not without reason, since Denisovans lived for a long time in Siberia).

03-30-2015, 02:41 AM
Ainu were paleomongoloid

(paleomongoloid are more like austrolasian)

03-30-2015, 02:42 AM
I think you are right for the Ainu but Jomon have probably a southern origine closer to austrolasian.

03-30-2015, 02:46 AM
mongoloids are cool, i like this thread.