View Full Version : Howell's giant set of metric data.

09-06-2014, 07:10 PM
We really need a sticky for important, freely available data sets like this...rather than all theses stickies for 5,000 different types, some of which are halfbreed and only half-existent.

Anyways, out of respect and the scientists wishes, here is the citations for the work, and the link to the website which you can download it. There are over 3,000 skulls (ancient and modern) with a huge array of measurements, half of which I don't even know what they are...I have a document attached that explains some measurements, but it would be nice if anyone who could decipher some could help fill them in to make a full key.


EXCEL FILE 1: http://web.utk.edu/~auerbach/Howell.xls
EXCEL FILE 2: http://web.utk.edu/~auerbach/HowellTest.xls

Monographs about the Howells Craniometric Data Set:

Howells WW. 1973. Cranial Variation in Man. A Study by Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Differences Among Recent Human Populations. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, vol. 67, pp. 259. Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum.

Howells WW. 1989. Skull Shapes and the Map. Craniometric Analyses in the Dispersion of Modern Homo. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 79, pp. 189. Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum.

Howells WW. 1995. Who’s Who in Skulls. Ethnic Identification of Crania from Measurements. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 82, pp. 108. Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum.


Prisoner Of Ice
09-07-2014, 01:36 AM
Variable No. Label Indicator or Measurement

1. POP Population affiliation for each individual,
coded as 1-28. See Populations (below) for
coding designations.

2. SEX Designation of male or female for each
individual: Male = 1, Female = 2. See
Sex (below).
3. GOL Glabello-occipital length
4. NOL Nasio-occipital length
5. BNL Basion-nasion length
6. BBH Basion-bregma height
7. XCB Maximum cranial breadth
8. XFB Maximum frontal breadth
9. STB Bistephanic breadth
10. ZYB Bizygomatic breadth
11. AUB Biauricular breadth
12. WCB Minimum cranial breadth
13. ASB Biasterionic breadth
14. BPL Basion-prosthion length
15. NPH Nasion-prosthion height
16. NLH Nasal height
17. OBH Orbit height, left
18. OBB Orbit breadth, left
19. JUB Bijugal breadth
20. NLB Nasal breadth
21. MAB Palate breadth, external
22. MDH Mastoid height
23. MDB Mastoid breadth
24. ZMB Bimaxillary breadth
25. SSS Zygomaxillary subtense
26. FMB Bifrontal breadth
27. NAS Nasio-frontal subtense
28. EKB Biorbital breadth
29. DKS Dacryon subtense
30. DKB Interorbital breadth
31. NDS Naso-dacryal subtense
32. WNB Simotic chord (least nasal breadth)
33. SIS Simotic subtense
34. IML Malar length, inferior
35. XML Malar length, maximum
36. MLS Malar subtense
37. WMH Cheek height
38. SOS Supraorbital projection
39. GLS Glabella projection
40. FOL Foramen magnum length
41. FRC Nasion-bregma chord (Frontal chord)
42. FRS Nasion-bregma subtense (Frontal subtense)
43. FRF Nasion-subtense fraction
44. PAC Bregma-lambda chord (Parietal chord)
45. PAS Bregma-lambda subtense (Parietal subtense)
46. PAF Bregma-subtense fraction
47. OCC Lambda-opisthion chord (Occipital chord)


Oh boy, which ones correspond to these values?

I am not sure there's much reason to care unless you have a bunch of people who may have tribal ancestry, but it might be interesting to see how some of the euro skulls measure up.