View Full Version : SE Asia

09-09-2014, 02:25 PM
I'm traveling to SE Asia at the end of this year, mostly Cambodia and Thailand. Any tips (like manners, how to dress, what to eat) or suggestions about places that I MUST visit?

09-09-2014, 02:39 PM
I was thinking about visiting Thailand myslef, its cuisine is among the best ones, in my opinion. Thus, be sure not to miss any staple food.

Yesterday, Plissken made a thread about White temple - it looks absolutely amazing.


09-09-2014, 04:02 PM
Yes! It is absolutely breathtaking. I've already have in mind the basics (Angkor Wat, Kh; Siemp Reap, Kh; Khemer ruins, Th.; Wat Pho, Th.; etc) but maybe we can use this thread to post other places, such as the White Palace, for all the travelers who wants to go there.