View Full Version : mtDNA H76

09-11-2014, 01:37 PM
Guapo had me do test here: http://dna.jameslick.com/mthap/

23andMe just shows me as 'H'. This result predicted I was H76. I matched all defining SNPs, but one because I wasn't tested for it.

My next best match is 'H' but I have extra SNPs. All other possible matches, I have mismatches on SNP tree. So I'm almost 100% I'm H76.

Anyone know about this origin? I found so far 4 people with this mtDNA. 3 of them from ftDNA project on H

1)USA, Georgia (Anglo-Saxon first and last name)
2) Germany
3) Czech Republic

Finally I found one in some paper from Galichnik in Macedonia. So closer to me.

I asked James Lick, his response:

It was just added in Build 14 of PhyloTree, so it is still relatively new. The FTDNA project you found is probably the best source currently.


So I started thread on 23andMe and got:

"Hello Stefan

Good to see you come from a distinctive haplogroup.

Have you seen my page for H76 ?


The page shows the GenBank sequences for the haplogroup.

But - none really suggests a source. So maybe Serbia is a good start !

Another rare haplogroup from me.......

09-12-2014, 02:27 AM

I googled "mtDNA H76" and noticed apricity was number one hit :cool:

Anyone know more?

09-12-2014, 03:06 AM
You're mt-dna seems to be very rare but I think 23andme is only good for health report SNP's mostly, other aspects are just for fun such as ancestry composition etc. which is why I did the Ftdna test.

09-12-2014, 03:08 AM
You'r mt-dna seems to be rare but I think 23andme is only good for health report SNP's mostly, other aspects are just for fun such as ancestry composition etc.

That and relative finder. Because of the health reports, you get access to huge database. A couple of my relatives came from people initially just interested in health stuff. Also their global plotting tool is interesting.

09-12-2014, 03:09 AM
Also their global plotting tool is interesting.

It is but even Serbian Dnk project plotted me differently I suppose, I wonder if Gedmatch results will be different with my Ftdna. I'll let you know cousin :D

09-12-2014, 03:12 AM
It is but even Serbian Dnk project plotted me differently I suppose, I wonder if Gedmatch results will be different with my Ftdna. I'll let you know cousin :D

Plotting can change depending on their axis they choose. My Serbian DNA plotting was fairly same on European plot. On global plot though I became very southern (on european I'm northwest of Serbs in general as I'm on 23andMe, on global I begin to move to their southern cluster, I haven't figured out why yet).

09-12-2014, 03:13 AM
Plotting can change depending on their axis they choose. My Serbian DNA plotting was fairly same on European plot. On global plot though I became very southern (on european I'm northwest of Serbs in general as I'm on 23andMe, on global I begin to move to their southern cluster, I haven't figured out why yet).

They told me I'm a filthy Austro-Hungarian :( :D

09-12-2014, 03:20 AM
They told me I'm a filthy Austro-Hungarian :( :D

Haha I wonder if there was way to see us together on their plots?

09-12-2014, 03:22 AM
Haha I wonder if there was way to see us together on their plots?

You were by the Swedes :D

09-12-2014, 03:24 AM
You were by the Swedes :D

Serbian Viking brothers :D

Pjeter Pan
09-12-2014, 03:24 AM
Congrats bro! I tried uploading my raw DNA data but it says to unpack zip. Whatever that means.

09-12-2014, 03:25 AM
Congrats bro! I tried uploading my raw DNA data but it says to unpack zip. Whatever that means.

It means, they need it as raw text file, so you need to unzip. I have mac, it does this automatically, for PC you may need to get WinZip, I'm not sure.

Pjeter Pan
09-12-2014, 03:27 AM
It means, they need it as raw text file, so you need to unzip. I have mac, it does this automatically, for PC you may need to get WinZip, I'm not sure.