View Full Version : Blacks are teaching white people they ruled Europeans for thousands years ( in schools )

09-13-2014, 05:02 PM
I truly believe almost every delusional African American ( and now from Africa ) believes that Black people were the monarchy and rulers of Europe.

Black People Ruled England, Spain, Italy, Russia & All Europe During The Dark Ages


09-13-2014, 05:04 PM
it was clearly basques/catalans/truehebrews.

09-13-2014, 05:06 PM
it was clearly basques/catalans/truehebrews.

They keep making so many videos like these. They obviously seem desperate to spread the message that Europe became civilized due to Blacks ruling them and other crap they wish people to know.


09-13-2014, 05:07 PM
Of course. I thought this is well known.

09-13-2014, 05:08 PM
Who let the black hebrew israelites into schools?

09-13-2014, 05:09 PM
I truly believe almost every delusional African American ( and now from Africa )

Black People Ruled England, Spain, Italy, Russia & All Europe During The Dark Ages

Thats why they called it the "Dark" Ages

09-13-2014, 05:13 PM
Of course. I thought this is well known.

I don't believe any of the crap Blacks ruled European since the painting and pictures they are showing only look like dark skin Caucasians with black hair and brown eyes.

But I do believe Mongoloid-Europoid hybrid race have ruled Europeans for 700 years and South Asia for 600 years. Since the Indians had described these Turkic invaders of India as looking different to Arabs and Persians ( even before Timurlane and Mughals ) and Arabs and European described them as looking different aswell.


I can't say the same with Blacks but you must admit the part with the Central Asians.

I believe the Turkic invaders of India such as Ghazvanids ( 900 - 1100 ) and Dehli Sultanate ( 1200-1500 ) were similar to those invaders of Europe.



Hungarian archaeologist István Bóna argues that most of Europeans Huns were of Caucasoid and that less than 20-25% were of Mongoloid stock.[47] Turanid was most common among the Hun, According to the Hungarian anhtropologist Pál Lipták (1955) the Turanid type is a Caucasoid type with significant Mongoloid admixture, arising from the mixture of the Andronovo type of Europoid features and the Oriental (Mongoloid).[48] Eickstedt's concept on this race as a variety of the Turanid type, transitional between the Europeoid and Mongoloid.[49]


Anthropological evidence

" Anthropological research has revealed few skeletons with Mongoloid-type features, although there was continuing cultural influence from the Eurasian nomadic steppe. The late Avar period shows more hybridization, resulting in higher frequencies of Euro-Mongoloids.[15] Mongoloid and Euro-Mongoloid types compose about one-third of the total population of the Avar graves of the eighth century.[16] According to Pál Lipták the early Avar anthropological material was almost exclusively Europoid in the 7th century, while grave-goods indicated Middle and Central Asian parallels.[17] On the other hand, cemeteries dated for the 8th century contained Mongoloid elements among others. He analysed population of the Danube-Tisza midland region in the Avar period and found that 80% of them showed Europoid characteristics.[17] Pál Lipták (1955) the Turanid type is a Caucasoid type with significant Mongoloid admixture, arising from the mixture of the Andronovo type of Europoid features and the Oriental (Mongoloid).[18] "


Anthropological evidence

" Bulgars were a Caucasoid people with a small Mongoloid component and practiced circular type artificial cranial deformation.[69][70][71][72][73][74] An examined population from an abandoned medieval cemetery showed mixed in anthropological terms with brachicranial Caucasoid type as the primary representatives followed by the Mongoloid admixed type. Women's were not significantly different from men but were more Caucasoid than men. Apparently, carriers of Mongoloid elements was a male part of the population that came to this territory as conquerors.[75] "


Anthropological evidence

" According to Ukrainian anthropologists, Kipchaks had racial characteristics of Caucasians and Mongoloids, namely a broad flat face and protruding nose. Researcher EP Alekseeva drew attention to the fact that European Kipchak stone images have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid faces"

09-13-2014, 05:16 PM
I truly believe almost every delusional African American ( and now from Africa ) believes that Black people were the monarchy and rulers of Europe.

Really? I truly believe that most of them couldn't tell you what a monarchy is.

09-13-2014, 05:21 PM
What a retarded video.

09-13-2014, 05:25 PM

So term "snownigger" was coined aptly after all.

So if 1453 was the switch, does that mean that the turks made europe white?

09-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Black people even claimed Gautama Buddha as Black. They also said the royal class was a Dravidian black race and after the Aryan invasion the Black race suffered discrimination.

Black people really want to claim Indian as black....even though they look nothing alike except for the skin color.

Damiăo de Góis
09-13-2014, 05:32 PM
I see Charles V and his wife Isabel of Portugal are both in that video as examples of black people:



09-13-2014, 05:32 PM
they ruled our toilets

Bell Beaker
09-13-2014, 05:35 PM
Black people. The shame of the world. We pass well without them. Go dance the macumba in africa.

09-13-2014, 05:35 PM
Lol. Trying to claim other history as their own, pretty bad. It's rampant though. I was watching a program fairly recently about an ancient Mycenaean town/city (if i remember correctly) and all the time it was referring to 'us' and the 'western civilization' when the concept did not even exist at the time. Although to be fair, that at least has some sort of legitimacy. This is just funny. If someone was painted with a darker complexion anyway that does not show that they are African, but darker Caucasians - which is clear even in some of the pictures they show.

Sounds like an inferiority complex more than history.

09-13-2014, 05:37 PM
Black people. The shame of the world. We pass well without them. Go dance the macumba in africa.

Macumba is a musical instrument and not a dance or a style of music.

09-13-2014, 05:41 PM
Clicking through some of the related videos on YouTube leads you down a very surreal rabbithole.

09-13-2014, 05:41 PM
A Turk from Uzbekistan is educating people on how Turkic of Central Asia have ruled Europeans for 700 years.

I wonder if they will teach this in schools.


In India, they teach the Mughals and other Turkic people who ruled India and established many Indian dynasties were not of South Asian origin but from Central Asia.

But they never almost talk about their race and facial characteristics of these invaders... only that their foreign origins. Although the teacher who was teaching these stuff believed they were described as being similar to Mongols in appearance in reference to the fact they weren't described anything similar Afghans, Arabs, Persians or Kashmiris, basically none of the Caucasoid population next to North India who have all invaded India in the past

09-13-2014, 05:46 PM
Thats why they called it the "Dark" Ages
But then came the Enlightment.

09-13-2014, 05:47 PM
Clicking through some of the related videos on YouTube leads you down a very surreal rabbithole.

Hahaha, you are very right indeed.
Lol one of the best comments:
"Im on meth and this still makes no sense."


Andrei the 2nd
09-13-2014, 05:48 PM
Thats why they called it the "Dark" Ages


Styrian Mujo
09-13-2014, 05:51 PM
Lol. Trying to claim other history as their own, pretty bad. It's rampant though. I was watching a program fairly recently about an ancient Mycenaean town/city (if i remember correctly) and all the time it was referring to 'us' and the 'western civilization' when the concept did not even exist at the time. Although to be fair, that at least has some sort of legitimacy. This is just funny. If someone was painted with a darker complexion anyway that does not show that they are African, but darker Caucasians - which is clear even in some of the pictures they show.

Sounds like an inferiority complex more than history.
Africans don't really have a history so they have to claim other peoples history as their own.

09-13-2014, 05:55 PM
Africans don't really have a history so they have to claim other peoples history as their own.

But they do have a history (or rather many histories, for many groups), the only reason i presume that some of them choose not to appreciate their own history is because they feel superior, and yet feel their history does not show that. They should celebrate their own history. It is quite funny though, what some people believe.

09-13-2014, 05:56 PM
Africans don't really have a history so they have to claim other peoples history as their own.
Ethiopians have a history. Probably some others do too. But the rest were just tribes.

09-13-2014, 05:58 PM
Ethiopians have a history. Probably some other do too. But the rest were just tribes.
you arent russian since russians are very ignorant and hillbilly like

09-13-2014, 05:59 PM
you arent russian since russians are very ignorant and hillbilly like
We're not more ignorant than you are.

09-13-2014, 06:01 PM

09-13-2014, 06:02 PM
We're not more ignorant than you are.
so you do accept the hillbilly part

09-13-2014, 06:02 PM

09-13-2014, 06:03 PM
This is the horror of what they are doing with the Europeans.
soon they'll be entering croatia and stealing tomislavi

09-13-2014, 06:03 PM
Funny stuff...but just as laughable as mainstream ideas in the 19th-20th century like the Hamitic hypothesis, White Egypt, or melonhead's current views on bronze age Greeks.

09-13-2014, 06:04 PM
The European race is dead and the world is fucked.

09-13-2014, 06:04 PM
I don't believe any of the crap Blacks ruled European since the painting and pictures they are showing only look like dark skin Caucasians with black hair and brown eyes.

But I do believe Mongoloid-Europoid hybrid race have ruled Europeans for 700 years and South Asia for 600 years. Since the Indians had described these Turkic invaders of India as looking different to Arabs and Persians ( even before Timurlane and Mughals ) and Arabs and European described them as looking different aswell.


I can't say the same with Blacks but you must admit the part with the Central Asians.

I believe the Turkic invaders of India such as Ghazvanids ( 900 - 1100 ) and Dehli Sultanate ( 1200-1500 ) were similar to those invaders of Europe.



Hungarian archaeologist István Bóna argues that most of Europeans Huns were of Caucasoid and that less than 20-25% were of Mongoloid stock.[47] Turanid was most common among the Hun, According to the Hungarian anhtropologist Pál Lipták (1955) the Turanid type is a Caucasoid type with significant Mongoloid admixture, arising from the mixture of the Andronovo type of Europoid features and the Oriental (Mongoloid).[48] Eickstedt's concept on this race as a variety of the Turanid type, transitional between the Europeoid and Mongoloid.[49]


Anthropological evidence

" Anthropological research has revealed few skeletons with Mongoloid-type features, although there was continuing cultural influence from the Eurasian nomadic steppe. The late Avar period shows more hybridization, resulting in higher frequencies of Euro-Mongoloids.[15] Mongoloid and Euro-Mongoloid types compose about one-third of the total population of the Avar graves of the eighth century.[16] According to Pál Lipták the early Avar anthropological material was almost exclusively Europoid in the 7th century, while grave-goods indicated Middle and Central Asian parallels.[17] On the other hand, cemeteries dated for the 8th century contained Mongoloid elements among others. He analysed population of the Danube-Tisza midland region in the Avar period and found that 80% of them showed Europoid characteristics.[17] Pál Lipták (1955) the Turanid type is a Caucasoid type with significant Mongoloid admixture, arising from the mixture of the Andronovo type of Europoid features and the Oriental (Mongoloid).[18] "


Anthropological evidence

" Bulgars were a Caucasoid people with a small Mongoloid component and practiced circular type artificial cranial deformation.[69][70][71][72][73][74] An examined population from an abandoned medieval cemetery showed mixed in anthropological terms with brachicranial Caucasoid type as the primary representatives followed by the Mongoloid admixed type. Women's were not significantly different from men but were more Caucasoid than men. Apparently, carriers of Mongoloid elements was a male part of the population that came to this territory as conquerors.[75] "


Anthropological evidence

" According to Ukrainian anthropologists, Kipchaks had racial characteristics of Caucasians and Mongoloids, namely a broad flat face and protruding nose. Researcher EP Alekseeva drew attention to the fact that European Kipchak stone images have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid faces"

What does that have to do with this topic? You just want to bring this stuff to surface constantly for Europeans to read and constantly trying to find appropriate time to post similar stuff. Fuck off shitskin.

09-13-2014, 06:04 PM
so you do accept the hillbilly part
Look, Albania is one of the poorest European countries. But I didn't say a thing about it. You started talking crap first. You are the last to speak about hillbillies.

09-13-2014, 06:07 PM
Look, Albania is one of the poorest European countries. But I didn't say a thing about it. You started talking crap first. You are the last to speak about hillbillies.
being poor doesn't mean you're a hillbilly bro

09-13-2014, 06:09 PM
Thats why they called it the "Dark" Ages


09-13-2014, 06:09 PM
What does that have to do with this topic? You just want to bring this stuff to surface constantly for Europeans to read and constantly trying to find appropriate time to post similar stuff. Fuck off shitskin.

This is a reference to what I'm trying to say with these delusional African American. They evidence they use are bullshit where as the evidence for Turkic invaders are facts.

A Turk from Central Asia doesn't brag about ruling Europe or India even though it's a proven fact. On the other African American like to brag about how they ruled Europe and how monarchy was Black even though is not a fact.

09-13-2014, 06:10 PM
Blacks are unable of rational thinking,i am not wondering why they have the lowest IQ.

09-13-2014, 06:11 PM
This is a reference to what I'm trying to say with these delusional African American. They evidence the use are bullshit where as the evidence for Turkic invaders are facts.

A Turk from Central Asia doesn't brag about ruling Europe or India even though it's a proven fact. On the other African American like to brag about how they ruled Europe and how monarchy was Black even though is not a fact.
turks do brag about it but they forgot that they attacked like millions and it took hundred years to conquer a small land like albania for example

09-13-2014, 06:12 PM
soon they'll be entering croatia and stealing tomislavi

Fortunately, we are not mitomane to disturb us such things.

09-13-2014, 06:13 PM
Fortunately, we are not mitomane to disturb us such things.
good soon you'll be seeing a black tomislav and bow for him and you're oke with that?

09-13-2014, 06:15 PM
turks do brag about it but they forgot that they attacked like millions and it took hundred years to conquer a small land like albania for example

Only Turks of Turkey do, no central Asia Turk apart from the guy who made that video had bragged about ruling Europe.

That is why Turks of Turkey piss me off because they think the Mughals were the same shit as Turkish, delusional morons.

Everytime a Indian get into a argument with a Turkish person them they start talking bullshit about ruling India. ( only youtube, so far none of the Turkish members had behaved like that in this forum)

Several Turkish youtubers kept braging about how they rule India


09-13-2014, 06:16 PM

Byzantine emperor looks like you and I see the Croatian Checkerboard (white-red cubes).

09-13-2014, 06:18 PM
good soon you'll be seeing a black tomislav and bow for him and you're oke with that?


09-13-2014, 06:25 PM
The way I see it this is what is in store for the white race and how the world will end:

Communistic Jews will have undermined the white peoples for long enough and there are no more white people. All that is left is the Asians, Jews, Arabs, Africans and Hispanic etc.

Remember apartheid? Well, the world will basically be like that - with a minority of Jews at the top and Asians, Arabs, Africans, Hispanics etc. are all very poor. But the Empire will crumble. What happened to white South Africans will happen to the tiny minority of Jews that run the global Empire. Then, the world will descend into chaos. Without Whites and Jews, the Asians will probably dominate, though. I don't know if it will end up like this but I think something like this is going to happen.

Any way you go the Europoid race is screwed. All we can hope for is that the bastard Commie Jews who will have destroyed us will be a spat upon minority once whites are gone and it's only them and the Africans (and Hispanics, Arabs and Asians of course). They will ultimately be overwhelmed by the African hordes

Basically this:

In all honesty I don't think the Negroid peoples can survive without the white race. Not meant to sound racist but I think white people have a lot to do with world stability.

Still, Asians could easily dominate. Everything you see in America and Africa now too is 'made in China'...I wouldn't be suprised if the Asians overran the Africans after we're gone.

The Jews obviously are very intelligent but they are also a minority and without white people support I don't think they could hold back the violent African hordes no better than the white South African government could in the 1990s. Black people are empowered now, it's too late for the Jews to get them to revert back to their slave mentality. Blacks won't stand for Jewish bullshit, in fact the only one letting the Communistic Jews get away with this is white people. It will be much harder for the Jews as a minority to control the Negroid peoples....

I'll actually be pulling for the Negroids just because the Communistic Jews were asking for their own demise the whole time...I would love nothing more than to see the Communist bastards being killed off by black people....I'll also bee rooting for the Asians since well I am part Asian (Amerindian) and Asians are very intelligent people and also closely related to whites...if there ever was a successor to the white race it is them.

Anyways no one get offended okay this is just a theory and I know many anti Communist Jews who are helping the white race but unfortunately mosts of them are Leftist and they deserve their demise....

09-13-2014, 06:35 PM
I truly believe almost every delusional African American ( and now from Africa ) believes that Black people were the monarchy and rulers of Europe.

Black People Ruled England, Spain, Italy, Russia & All Europe During The Dark Ages

Really? :shocked:
Finally a good explanation of why Europe was such a mess at that time :thumbs:

09-13-2014, 06:37 PM
Really? :shocked:
Finally a good explanation of why Europe was such a mess at that time :thumbs:

You're a devil, Linet. :laugh:

I like

09-13-2014, 06:43 PM
In a more serious note now, the Orthodox hagiography :fpope: demands the basis color of the human skin to be either green either brown in order to show that humans are made out of soil . Hence the dark brown colour of our Saints faces...what can i say :noidea: ? I didnt expect our allegoric representation of the Saints to become the proof of the rule of the Black race in Europe :worship:.

09-13-2014, 07:01 PM
In a more serious note now, the Orthodox hagiography :fpope: demands the basis color of the human skin to be either green either brown in order to show that humans are made out of soil . Hence the dark brown colour of our Saints faces...what can i say :noidea: ? I didnt expect our allegoric representation of the Saints to become the proof of the rule of the Black race in Europe :worship:.

Fuck, stop using so many smilies.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-13-2014, 07:08 PM
Coming straight from da hood teaching white devils some history lesson about Europe...Epic. :D

09-13-2014, 07:32 PM
I truly believe almost every delusional African American ( and now from Africa ) believes that Black people were the monarchy and rulers of Europe.

Black People Ruled England, Spain, Italy, Russia & All Europe During The Dark Ages

Where is this shit taking place? Are those US public schools or what? Who is organizing this garbage?

09-13-2014, 07:44 PM
This is the problem with replacement theology is if you let a lie spread long enough, society thinks it's the truth.

09-13-2014, 07:47 PM
When blaxploitation becomes reality.

09-13-2014, 07:56 PM
we be civilized !!!111

09-13-2014, 07:57 PM
It would be interesting to talk to someone in real life who completely buys into all of this...

09-13-2014, 08:01 PM
It would be interesting to talk to someone in real life who completely buys into all of this...

They believe that a black evil scientists created the "albino" race.



Den dem crackaz took away our magic powaz n shieet

09-13-2014, 08:06 PM
It would be interesting to talk to someone in real life who completely buys into all of this...

And them being white too...

09-13-2014, 08:08 PM
Why do they even need to teach it its a well known fact.

I knew that.

09-13-2014, 08:08 PM
And them being white too...

Hahahaha!! I bet there's some crazy professor at an American university who would fit this description..

09-13-2014, 08:10 PM
Hahahaha!! I bet there's some crazy professor at an American university who would fit this description..

Lol holly fuck dude! What happened to your country and how can someone like that be a university professor? Hopefully not a white history or humanities professor. Then again it would be weirder if he was in some math and science field.

09-13-2014, 08:11 PM
Dude, no trolling but blonde with the e is feminine form and blond is masculine form. Or is it about some chick?:)

♥ Lily ♥
09-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Yea I came across this crazy video below the other day which claims the Scottish, Welsh and Irish Celts were black people...
black people are trying to claim they built stonehenge in the video below.


09-13-2014, 08:17 PM
Lol holly fuck dude! What happened to your country and how can someone like that be a university professor? Hopefully not a white history or humanities professor. Then again it would be weirder if he was in some math and science field.

You'd be surprised. I mean, sure, you probably wouldn't find such a person at a super reputable school, but there are some crazy professors around.

09-13-2014, 08:19 PM
Dude, no trolling but blonde with the e is feminine form and blond is masculine form. Or is it about some chick?:)

It was based on two interests, blonde women and jets. I'd change it to something else, but I'm not creative enough to think of a good username.

09-13-2014, 08:22 PM
I have to admit it was a bit interesting but i am not sure where he got his books from. That girl at the end is so lost. She asked if this only happened in america when he was talking about europe xD

09-13-2014, 08:25 PM
you arent russian since russians are very ignorant and hillbilly like

http://i57.tinypic.com/2q9dmog.jpg lol. Says the person from the country with an average IQ of 82.

09-13-2014, 08:29 PM
http://i57.tinypic.com/2q9dmog.jpg lol. Says t IQ of 82.
look here one of the highest in the world

09-13-2014, 08:44 PM
This is a reference to what I'm trying to say with these delusional African American. They evidence they use are bullshit where as the evidence for Turkic invaders are facts.

A Turk from Central Asia doesn't brag about ruling Europe or India even though it's a proven fact. On the other African American like to brag about how they ruled Europe and how monarchy was Black even though is not a fact.

Just stick with the core topic and stop finding excuses to write about broader things with the purpose of downgrading Europeans even further since that is what you are constantly doing butthurt boy.

09-13-2014, 09:00 PM
So this crap was really allowed in american state schools?

09-13-2014, 10:12 PM
Funny stuff...but just as laughable as mainstream ideas in the 19th-20th century like the Hamitic hypothesis, White Egypt, or melonhead's current views on bronze age Greeks.

About egypt and berbers, they are genetically eurasians and caucasians, and that they're neither white nor blacks. I dislike both euro and Afrocentrism.

09-13-2014, 10:13 PM
Just stick with the core topic and stop finding excuses to write about broader things with the purpose of downgrading Europeans even further since that is what you are constantly doing butthurt boy.

You say I'm degrading Europeans but that means I was also degrading South Asians since they were ruled just as long.

09-13-2014, 10:15 PM
You say I'm degrading Europeans but that means I was also degrading South Asians since they were ruled just as long.

One post and one thread don't change much. I thought I wrote that already in your other thread.

09-13-2014, 10:16 PM
One post and one thread don't change much. I thought I wrote that already in your other thread.

So what's your point o_o ?

It's a established fact even written in Wikipedia.

09-13-2014, 10:17 PM
So what's your point o_o ?

It's a established fact even written in Wikipedia.


09-13-2014, 10:20 PM

Hey, every minute there is properly like 10,000 viewers on Wikipedia.

Why don't you claim Wikipedia is downgrading Europeans since that's what I read. ( What I learned is based on Wikipedia )

09-13-2014, 10:28 PM
Hey, every minute there is properly like 10,000 viewers on Wikipedia.

Why don't you claim Wikipedia is downgrading Europeans since that's what I read. ( What I learned is based on Wikipedia )

You don't understand what I am trying to tell. Maybe I didn't express myself very well since English is not my native language. I am not questioning the content you are posting. I am just saying how annoying subhuman you are for joining TA, pretending you are someone who you are not, starting specific threads with the purpose of rubbing these sort of things on people's nose (with the exception of this thread which is a joke by itself). Do you really think people here find your threads welcoming, threads made by a sneaky lier? Are you this stupid that you can't understand what I am telling you?

09-14-2014, 01:02 AM
look here one of the highest in the world

That link doesn't even work.

Gustave H
09-14-2014, 01:08 AM
Yep, of course they did. Who needs logic? :coffee:

09-14-2014, 01:20 AM
Yep, of course they did. Who needs logic? :coffee:

I know, right? You can't rape and pillage logic, pffft. Can't cannibalize it, either.

Hong Key
09-14-2014, 01:22 AM
There may be a dark nobility but I can not prove it and it would not look like what those two gentlemen are rambling about, it would be more middle eastern/ north Africa. Babylon -> Egypt -> Rome -> Venice -> Amsterdam -> London -> New York. If it is true it would make sense why European Elites are hostile to the indigenous peoples of Europe.

09-14-2014, 01:27 AM
Black people even claimed Gautama Buddha as Black. They also said the royal class was a Dravidian black race and after the Aryan invasion the Black race suffered discrimination.

Black people really want to claim Indian as black....even though they look nothing alike except for the skin color.

You're surely an Indian :) Now I believe that Chinese poster.

Here in my city, Americans think some Indians as Somalis. Some Whites think I'm Mexican/Hispanic. I guess we can't blame foreigners for not knowing our features well.

09-14-2014, 01:29 AM
http://i57.tinypic.com/2q9dmog.jpg lol. Says the person from the country with an average IQ of 82.

Map is wrong for Bosnia and I'm sure it's wrong for Albania. Notice the trend that richer countries have "higher" IQ scores. That's because they have more money to spend on education.

Due to a controversy surrounding the Balkans, I reviewed the data. Lynn and Vanhanen made a numerical (or typographical) error in the case of Bosnia, which is now corrected.

09-14-2014, 01:31 AM
What a retarded video.

Many black Americans suffer from an identity crisis and that's why many of them quest to find if they were a great people or not, that created great civilizations. Because black Americans look to the history of slavery and are not connected to a particular country in Africa, many of them are pan-African and in that process, take text out of context, even pictures of individuals that do not represent the majority in other histories outside of Africa. Most of the afrocentrists you see on the internet are black Americans. They could just speak about the history of West Africa, but many times I find they take things out of context in other histories that mention dark complexion to mean "black" as in Sub-Saharan, when usually that's not the case.

Damiăo de Góis
09-14-2014, 01:33 AM
Map is wrong for Bosnia and I'm sure it's wrong for Albania. Notice the trend that richer countries have "higher" IQ scores. That's because they have more money to spend on education.

The Lynn IQ maps aren't based on national average IQ test results (because there isn't such a thing). They are based on GDP per capita, and other things.

09-14-2014, 01:41 AM
Many black Americans suffer from an identity crisis and that's why many of them quest to find if they were a great people or not, that created great civilizations. Because black Americans look to the history of slavery and are not connected to a particular country in Africa, many of them are pan-African and in that process, take text out of context, even pictures of individuals that do not represent the majority in other histories outside of Africa. Most of the afrocentrists you see on the internet are black Americans. They could just speak about the history of West Africa, but many times I find they take things out of context in other histories that mention dark complexion to mean "black" as in Sub-Saharan, when usually that's not the case.

The one thing I agree is that north africa was black and east african mixed with middle eastern blood. Originally north africa was east african who were mixed with SSA anyways.

I am a bit skeptical about europe though it seems definitely out of place but still interesting. But alot of black civilizations were destroyed during the scrambles for africa. They did not write down there history but passed it down orally. Alot of knowledge about africas past is lost.

09-14-2014, 01:51 AM
Map is wrong for Bosnia and I'm sure it's wrong for Albania. Notice the trend that richer countries have "higher" IQ scores. That's because they have more money to spend on education.

Your map displays almost the same thing except for the results of Bosnia, Montenegro has a noticeably higher GDP per capita than Albania, almost as high as that of Bulgaria, and yet Montenegro's average IQ is closer to that of Albania than that of Bulgaria. Also, Romania has a higher GDP per capita than Bulgaria, and yet the average IQ of Romania is lower than that of Bulgaria. It suggests that Albania does not have a low average IQ because they are poor, but are poor because they have a low average IQ. It is either genetic or cultural (though more likely genetic) that makes Albanians on average have such a low IQ.

09-14-2014, 01:57 AM
The one thing I agree is that north africa was black and east african mixed with middle eastern blood. Originally north africa was east african who were mixed with SSA anyways.

I am a bit skeptical about europe though it seems definitely out of place but still interesting. But alot of black civilizations were destroyed during the scrambles for africa. They did not write down there history but passed it down orally. Alot of knowledge about africas past is lost.

Sahara Desert is a natural barrier and it's about the size of United States, it's impossible for people to be same race on both sides.

North Africans certainly weren't Black 1000s of years ago.

09-14-2014, 01:59 AM
The Lynn IQ maps aren't based on national average IQ test results (because there isn't such a thing). They are based on GDP per capita, and other things.

Admittedly I'm not really familiar with these maps I was just pointing out that someone had found a mistake in the data of the map posted. But what you said goes to prove my point even more. Though quickly looking this stuff up it seems that the "other things" that these maps are based on are often outdated or misrepresented meaning that these maps should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Damiăo de Góis
09-14-2014, 02:02 AM
Admittedly I'm not really familiar with these maps I was just pointing out that someone had found a mistake in the data of the map posted. But what you said goes to prove my point even more. Though quickly looking this stuff up it seems that the "other things" that these maps are based on are often outdated or misrepresented meaning that these maps should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Yeah, it always makes me laugh when i see these "IQ maps", like each nation had a national IQ score :D

09-14-2014, 02:06 AM
The one thing I agree is that north africa was black and east african mixed with middle eastern blood. Originally north africa was east african who were mixed with SSA anyways.

I am a bit skeptical about europe though it seems definitely out of place but still interesting. But alot of black civilizations were destroyed during the scrambles for africa. They did not write down there history but passed it down orally. Alot of knowledge about africas past is lost.
I believe North Africa today did have blacks in it's prehistoric times, but I also believe in the theory of the back migration back into Africa which is what we see as the Caucasoid component of North Africa, whom pushed the blacks out of North Africa 40,000 years ago. Whether the previous blacks in North Africa before the prehistoric migration were East African or Bantuid types like Sub-Saharans, that leaves a lot to be researched. There are East African haplogroups in North Africa, but there are also mutations particular to North Africans such as Berbers. So it probably was East African before the back migration, but we are talking about Africa here, so it's no surprise. Regarding Europe, much of what these black Americans present about black histories of Europe and beyond is a falsehood. They many times take text and individual pictures out of context. This is all stemmed from black Americans with an identity crisis looking for greatness beyond their slave history in the U.S.. Notice almost all afrocentrists on the web are black Americans.

I believe there were blacks in Europe at times, but I don't believe they founded these civilizations they speak of or that Europe has a black history for part of it. Europe is not like North Africa. Afrocentric black Americans claim everything from Mesopotamia to Native America, from Europe to North Africa and beyond. They just go overboard with things being taken out of context. I understand they are looking for greatness of civilization of their people, but it would be wise for them to stick to the history of their people and not the history of others.

09-14-2014, 02:52 AM
Really? I truly believe that most of them couldn't tell you what a monarchy is.

LOL too true. Some cannot even tell you who the first president of the US was.

09-14-2014, 03:39 AM
LOL too true. Some cannot even tell you who the first president of the US was.

"Abraham Lincoln "

09-14-2014, 07:51 AM
The Lynn IQ maps aren't based on national average IQ test results (because there isn't such a thing). They are based on GDP per capita, and other things.

Those filthy cheaters and liarshttp://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/crazy-monkey/crazy-monkey-emoticon-120.gif?1292792411
...so the people who made the IQ map were not very clever themselves http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/lol1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512

09-14-2014, 07:53 AM
Thats why they called it the "Dark" Ages


09-14-2014, 11:14 AM
Your map displays almost the same thing except for the results of Bosnia, Montenegro has a noticeably higher GDP per capita than Albania, almost as high as that of Bulgaria, and yet Montenegro's average IQ is closer to that of Albania than that of Bulgaria. Also, Romania has a higher GDP per capita than Bulgaria, and yet the average IQ of Romania is lower than that of Bulgaria. It suggests that Albania does not have a low average IQ because they are poor, but are poor because they have a low average IQ. It is either genetic or cultural (though more likely genetic) that makes Albanians on average have such a low IQ.
albania 113
bulgaria 103
and this are real tests taken by real people not just some maps

09-14-2014, 11:29 AM
Well these people clearly know nothing about anthropology and history, typical. It's made funnier by the fact that it's Aframs propagating this, descendants of (mostly) slaves.

Bell Beaker
09-14-2014, 12:52 PM
Well, those guys have to learn some few things.

First, we were rarely ruled by anyone (except for these new generations, aberration of life).

Second, when the Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch,English...) arrived at most of Africa Coast, we have decent army, great Ships, a great empire, masters of the World trade, negroes had tribal dance and they were hostile at us (as always).

Third, we enslave you, but you were enslave also by your NIGGER TRIBAL Rivals who used to sell blacks to us, also the first in praticce slavery against Blacks were Arabs.

Fourth, the owners of the boats who took negroids over America were owned and commanded majority by Jews or Crypto-Jews.

Fifth, The first Slave seller and owner.... was a negro.

Sixth, also Indians and other African-Americans owned slaves, in fact by 1860's 28% of Black free people owned slaves as 1,4% of Whites owned slaves.

Seventh, Whites were also victims of slavery, in the Ancient Era, in Modern times, the english Word slave, is from the word Slav (Eastern Europeans) who were enslaved by Muslims, Mongols, Turks, Jewish Khazars, Irish were also enslaved, Spanish, French, English.....

Eight, By the ends of the XIX Century and the begginings of the XX Century, many Whites went to America (USA, Canada,Brazil,Venezuela,Argentina....) to found new oportunities of life, all of them were poor, some died from famine. And some were descriminated (Italians and S.Europeans for being Catholic and "inferior" in America). They have reasons for being like negroes (allways crying at Whites, for being poor, by their toughts we "racist" cunts turned them into trash), but instead of being parasites, most of those Europeans descents now have a decent life.

Nine, after 50 years of the civil rights movement in America, most of Black Americans are poor, stupid, and murderers. Detroit, New Orleans, Chicago are all very "safety" and "healthy" cities. Instead of fighting for ending those numbers, negores prefer to cry in Jew Media, killing whites "for no reason" (well the explanation is allways revenge.... lol).

Ten, don't you have shame of being so unseful in the World history? Holly crap not even one decent Civilization like Rome, or Greece cities. Holly cow, more dumber than you only Monkeys (and the poor Animals don't cry).

And after all we want to mix race?

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQejv_Kq4svO81HHJ7R4l6nbMu6RKpy0 B_ttanA_0xduGyydm9ZwQ



09-14-2014, 02:18 PM
albania 113
bulgaria 103
and this are real tests taken by real people not just some maps

That link doesn't work, post a screenshot.

09-14-2014, 03:06 PM
So where does the black plague come into this?

09-16-2014, 06:59 AM
Where were these ''presentations'' taking place ButlerKing? State schools or what?

09-16-2014, 07:30 AM
So that is why the European civilization is so advance, they got it from sub Saharan Africans.If it wasn't for the much superior intelligence of these sub Saharan Africans mixing with white Europeans, Europeans will still be living like sub saharan Africans of today. The only buildings you would see around London, Berlin, Rome and Stockholm would be mud huts!:picard2:

09-16-2014, 07:49 AM
They believe that a black evil scientists created the "albino" race.



Den dem crackaz took away our magic powaz n shieet

The funny looking nig above looks like an alien from one of those "B" grade science fiction films from the 1950s

King Claus
09-16-2014, 08:03 AM
What if they painted black over white first... SUCH A STRONG ARGUMENT, BRO. anyway, saying that jews were black could be true , though.

09-16-2014, 08:42 AM
:laugh: Anybody ever seen a black guy with straight blond-brown hair?
They are really desperate trying to get something to be proud of.

09-16-2014, 09:21 AM
Yea I came across this crazy video below the other day which claims the Scottish, Welsh and Irish Celts were black people...
black people are trying to claim they built stonehenge in the video below.


Oh I see, the original Britons were sub saharan Africans. Even there before the Romans arrived. Crazy logic. I must admit the girl in the vid was attractive.