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09-19-2014, 01:23 AM
No, you implied that importing the modern turkish lower class will make a difference. The recent arrivals are students who study in germany which implies they can afford it and come from developed areas in turkey. The turkish masses that came over early on and still populate germany are like day or night compared to them.

While most other immigrants, like the ones I mentioned, either intergrated and made their way up or got their money and went back home when things became better, turks kept causing the same troubles. They seriously act like niggers, especially the younger ones which I can't understand. They all have that RAP BRAUCHT KEIN ABITUR EITER attitude.

Unsurprisingly, most muslim immigrants do too. So it's not a turkish phenomenon, it's a durka durka one and it persists.
You completely misunderstood me, most of the Turkish immigrants in Germany come from a lower class, poorer, conservative and rural background...I didn't say importing modern Turks from lower class background will solve the problem or anything but, I said that Germany should've gotten Turks from western Turkey, of a middle-to-upper class background where one would find a highly westernized Turk.

But, as I said, emigration from Turkey is decreasing and Turks are moving back to Turkey as the country develops economically each year.

09-19-2014, 01:26 AM
You completely misunderstood me, most of the Turkish immigrants in Germany come from a lower class, poorer, conservative and rural background...I didn't say importing modern Turks from lower class background will solve the problem or anything but, I said that Germany should've gotten Turks from western Turkey, of a middle-to-upper class background where one would find a highly westernized Turk.

But, as I said, emigration from Turkey is decreasing and Turks are moving back to Turkey as the country develops economically each year.

And I said, the other immigrants did also. Greece was a destroyed shithole post ww2. Same as Yugo. They would've been the equivalent to modern day syrians.

Yet their sons are now staffing hospitals near me and giving me and other students orders during my Praktikum.

09-19-2014, 01:42 AM
And I said, the other immigrants did also. Greece was a destroyed shithole post ww2. Same as Yugo. They would've been the equivalent to modern day syrians.

Yet their sons are now staffing hospitals near me and giving me and other students orders during my Praktikum.

This immigration process was in 1960s/1970s when Greece was pretty much developed and Yugoslavs highly educated and fairly rich for a socialist state. Turkey was developing but, not as fast as Greece (today it is the opposite due to Greek debt/unemployment but, it was different times then) and you have to also understand that Turkey was bigger than Greece or Yugoslavia and therefore, the chances of people varying in education/views on society from one region to another was high.

But, I also think Turks are not also favoured for reasons for being alien in customs/religion/looks to Germans as you see, most Greeks/Italians/Yugoslavs are closer to Germans than Turks are, for e.g. during Bhosphorus serial murders, many Turks were targeted and among them was a swarthy Greek who they mistook for Turk (doubt if they knew he was Greek, they would've murdered him). There is also this Turkish-German Kiyant, whose father (blue eyed and fair) was asked by some NS party to join, so, I also think that alien features also affect Germans in their view of Turks. (vice versa as the Greek victim, only opposite)

09-19-2014, 01:47 AM
This immigration process was in 1960s/1970s when Greece was pretty much developed and Yugoslavs highly educated and fairly rich for a socialist state. Turkey was developing but, not as fast as Greece (today it is the opposite due to Greek debt/unemployment but, it was different times then) and you have to also understand that Turkey was bigger than Greece or Yugoslavia and therefore, the chances of people varying in education/views on society from one region to another was high.

But, I also think Turks are not also favoured for reasons for being alien in customs/religion/looks to Germans as you see, most Greeks/Italians/Yugoslavs are closer to Germans than Turks are, for e.g. during Bhosphorus serial murders, many Turks were targeted and among them was a swarthy Greek who they mistook for Turk (doubt if they knew he was Greek, they would've murdered him). There is also this Turkish-German Kiyant, whose father (blue eyed and fair) was asked by some NS party to join, so, I also think that alien features also affect Germans in their view of Turks. (vice versa as the Greek victim, only opposite)


The majority came in the '50s. Yugoslavs and another wave of turks were in '70, you are mixing them up.

And yet Yugos are on the level of greeks today, which is what I am talking about.

09-19-2014, 10:26 AM
seriously anatolian turks are only so often annoying wannabe pan-turanian fascists because most of them are just turkisized greeks,armenians,arabs,persians or kurds.They have an inferiority complex and think that they are more turkish when they spread such a ridicoulus and stupid Ideology.Nobody likes them because of that and everywhere there are turkish trolls in the internet who upload videos about imaginary turanian empires or about originally caucasoid turks.

09-19-2014, 03:39 PM
Funny how ultranationalist Turk immigrants in Germany don't feel any shame for invading a real European's land.

The ability to feel any form of shame or guilt defines an advanced civilization and ethnicity among other factors. Turks (and Arabs) are none. They are like troglodytes right from the Anatolian cave or Arab desert.

Petros Houhoulis
09-20-2014, 11:26 PM
This was back in the 1960s/1970s where Germany was still growing as one of the strongest economies in Europe and they needed a larger workforce to suit the economic needs and these "gastarbeiters" suited these labour needs and helped Germany prosper and it was indeed in good for Germany (at least at the time) to invite such foreign labour, even today, the German population is decreasing.

Not all Turks run Kebab shops and very few "cause trouble". Many are professionals in various areas as well, we cannot generalize. But, the cause of this indifference between immigrant groups is probably because the Turks of Germany came from rural districts of the Turkish black sea coast or Central-East Anatolia, both of which are highly conservative and at that time, economically very inequal to the Turkish west.

This would not have been the case had most Turkish immigrants came from the Marmara or western Turkey in general, for e.g. there's 500,000 Turks in Britain who are mostly Cypriots and they are prosperous and same could be said about the USA for e.g.

I don't think it really matters to the Germans where did those Turks came from...

...They should have placed a sign in the entrance: "Welcome to civilization. Whoever failes to get civilized, shall be returned to his original homeland"...

...And they should start expelling those who failed to become civilized over many generations right away...

Prisoner Of Ice
09-20-2014, 11:29 PM
All immigrants are shit. They are only bad news to whoever currently lives there. This is even true of white people (look at americas) let alone gypoturkoafricalevand triracial population runoff squeezings.

09-23-2014, 09:59 AM
As someone who has been living in germany for some time, I can tell you that this is bull. The only western turks you find are actually recent arrivals and mostly students. Instead of Kemaliste you'll find the turkish version of Dralos 90% of the time in germany.

I believe you...but you are wrong to think this is a Muslim only phenomona.

Go to British Columbia...Vancouver to be precise, and watch which 'urban youth group' acts thuggish there and causes problems. You'd be surprised to know its the 1st and 2nd generation Sikh kids. Now Sikhs and Punjabis in general are a commendable people, with strong values and work ethic. Many pooled their income, or saved money to open businesses here, and they have completley out competed the Anglos in the trucking business. And I lol when some White trucker calls an AM station here to rant about Sikh truck drivers...they all sound like bitter Melonheads.

But interestingly enough, the 2nd generation offspring of these Sikhs act quite thuggish and trouble makers. Usually petty violent misdemeanors towards other groups of youth, not really engaging in serious criminal activity.

The thing is...this is the case while they are youngish (17-25) As soon as they're older, they no longer cause problems, infact many become quite successful in real estate, professional/corporate world, and recently even Politics.

Why is that? Why do Punjabi youth who are gangbangers and troube in their teens, become productive members of society in adulthood? Because 99.99999% of the time, the reason is they get married. And it is arranged...and they are obligated to fulfil these arrangements, raise family et.c

I reckon this is also the case for the Turks in Germany. Are you going to tell me the 40 year olds act like dralos/douchebags, or are family men with obligations and no time for nonsense.

09-23-2014, 12:31 PM
I'm pretty sure attempting to start piss wars on the net is worse. :bored:

Petros Houhoulis
09-23-2014, 02:25 PM
I believe you...but you are wrong to think this is a Muslim only phenomona.

Go to British Columbia...Vancouver to be precise, and watch which 'urban youth group' acts thuggish there and causes problems. You'd be surprised to know its the 1st and 2nd generation Sikh kids. Now Sikhs and Punjabis in general are a commendable people, with strong values and work ethic. Many pooled their income, or saved money to open businesses here, and they have completley out competed the Anglos in the trucking business. And I lol when some White trucker calls an AM station here to rant about Sikh truck drivers...they all sound like bitter Melonheads.

But interestingly enough, the 2nd generation offspring of these Sikhs act quite thuggish and trouble makers. Usually petty violent misdemeanors towards other groups of youth, not really engaging in serious criminal activity.

The thing is...this is the case while they are youngish (17-25) As soon as they're older, they no longer cause problems, infact many become quite successful in real estate, professional/corporate world, and recently even Politics.

Why is that? Why do Punjabi youth who are gangbangers and troube in their teens, become productive members of society in adulthood? Because 99.99999% of the time, the reason is they get married. And it is arranged...and they are obligated to fulfil these arrangements, raise family et.c

I reckon this is also the case for the Turks in Germany. Are you going to tell me the 40 year olds act like dralos/douchebags, or are family men with obligations and no time for nonsense.

We've never heard of Sikhs waging religious wars and creating "Khalifates" though, neither do we hear of clusters of Sikh Paedophiles. Sikh terrorism? Apart from flight 182 and Indira Ghandis' murder (which was followed by a massacre of Sikhs) there is little of note. As a matter of fact, the Sikhs managed to elect a Sikh prime minister and to get a Sikh chief of the Indian army. There is no longer a Sikh issue in India.

This is because the Sikhs chose to emigrate from Pakistan towards India. If some of them had remained in Pakistan, there would still be trouble because they would have to deal with the Muslims...

There are no-go areas in Germany which are full of Muslims. Nevertheless, the Turks are among the best behaved Muslims there. Still, they are not Europeans...


Germany’s Sharia No-Go ZonesPosted By Andrew Harrod On November 11, 2013 @ 12:34 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 39 Comments (http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/andrew-harrod/germanys-sharia-no-go-zones/print/#comments_controls)
“To mark No Go Areas, that is to say law-free areas with high danger potential, is nothing unusual,” Rüdiger Franz of Bonn, Germany’s General Anzeiger (GA) newspaper wrote (http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/Taten-statt-Phrasen-article1177916.html), as travel guide entries for cities such as Detroit, Istanbul, Johannesburg, or Mogadishu show. Considerable controversy, however, ensued after a language school posted an Internet No Go Area map of Bonn and environs, drawing ongoing, often unwelcome attention to the problems Germany’s once serene former capital faces from newly arrived Muslim immigrants.
The No Go map at the website of the Steinke Institut (http://www.steinke-institut.de/institut.htm) (SI) language school’s Bonn branch first drew significant public interest at the conservative German website Politically Incorrect (http://www.pi-news.net/2013/07/wo-man-in-bonn-besser-nicht-hinzieht/) (PI) with a July 18, 2013, entry. Attention only grew in the following weeks with an “unexpectedly large echo” of about 50 Bonn residents contacting SI with approval, queries, and criticism, as an SI Internet statement (http://www.nogoareas.de/nogobonn.htm) at the beginning of September noted.
SI explained therein the school’s emphasis on teaching German as a foreign language to students “from the entire world.” The No Go map resulted “exclusively” from some 250 such students reporting in the last six years “extremely negative experiences” in various Bonn neighborhoods, with over 80% of the reports agreeing upon the map’s red-marked problem zones. SI elaborated that these “negative experiences” entailed harassment of women, theft, robbery, break-ins, assaults, and insults.
In contrast to the suspicions of “some concerned callers” at SI, these experiences had no “Neo-Nazi context.” Rather, “above all” East Asian and East European students “had made pertinent experiences with adolescents, who almost exclusively seem to have an immigration background.” A landlord from Bonn’s Bad Godesberg (BadGo) suburb confirmed in an October 23, 2013, GA article (http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/bad-godesberg/Warnhinweise-loesen-lebhafte-Diskussion-aus-article1177743.html#plx1117388483) that many of her young renters suffered harassment from immigrants, particularly women, for “supposedly too short skirts and the wearing of shorts.” SI teaching personnel, many of whom “themselves live in these same city areas and are very often themselves connected with a partner with an immigrant background,” likewise agreed with the students, SI noted. On the other hand, the “overwhelming majority of the language students had a thoroughly positive impression of the German and/or as German perceived citizens of Bonn and confirm therefore the image of Bonn as a tolerant and cosmopolitan city.”
For each red zone on SI’s map, SI sought confirmation in the media and linked many of these articles to the statement. A subsequent PI entry (http://www.pi-news.net/2013/10/neues-von-den-bonner-no-go-areas/) criticized that SI “did not trust itself to name clearly what special kind of immigrants are responsible” for a “negative Germany image” among “peaceful and diligent foreign German learners.” Yet the linked “gruesome news reports” allowed an “unbiased observer” to surmise that the criticisms “all somehow had something to do with the I-word,” namely Islam.
An April 16, 2013, GA article (http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/beuel/50-Taten-gemeldet-Jugendbande-in-Beuel-weiter-aktiv-article1030152.html), for example, noted in general that Bonn area “investigators and judges no longer conceal” that “more than 90% of all youth criminality is perpetrated by youth with an immigration background.” An earlier August 30, 2007, article (http://www.express.de/bonn/sie-nennen-sich--bad-go--die-gruselkinder-von-bad-godesberg,2860,624094.html) in a regional boulevard paper, meanwhile, discussed the “Bad Go” gang in BadGo comprised of young adolescents “mostly from Arab families.” During a television report about the gang, one of the youths had discussed Hezbollah and how “you only come into paradise when the Israelis fight against you…and you then kill them…holy war, so to speak.”
A subsequent October 27, 2009, article (http://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article4993393/Vom-schicken-Diplomatenviertel-zur-No-Go-Area.html) in Germany’s conservative Die Welt newspaper elaborated BadGo’s development from a “pretty city area” to “tough streets” as one of the “crass consequences” of the capital’s move from Bonn to Berlin. Although Die Welt rejected equivalency with the Bronx, Berlin’s Neukölln, or notorious Paris suburbs, nonetheless “‘BadGo’ had become for many a ‘NoGo.’” Die Welt described a “new conflict” in BadGo in which “immigrant children, who see themselves as disadvantaged losers, take up position against elite offspring from well-to-do homes.” One anonymous 17-year-old college preparatory student, for example, discussed avoiding BadGo where “Kanaken” (a German derogatory term (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanake) for South Europeans, Turks, and other majority-Muslim peoples) lie in wait to mug.
In particular, Ingrid Müller-Münch (http://www.mueller-muench-web.de/uber-mich/), the author of a 2009 book on BadGo (http://www.mueller-muench-web.de/2009/10/zwei-welten-protokolle-aus-einer-stadt-im-wandel-emons-verlag-2009/) discussed by Die Welt, described at the book’s homepage a gang assault upon a preparatory school summer pre-graduation party. Gang members suddenly emerged from cars and assaulted celebrating seniors in a public park with baseball bats, knives, and crowbars, taking cellphones and money while leaving behind bruises. Rather than an “isolated incident,” this attack is one of several in which “pre-graduation parties are downright stormed and messed up.” Graduating seniors accordingly fear publicly announcing their parties.
In this environment, Die Welt reported, “immigrant youth gangs, whose tone is determined by Gangsta Rap and Kanaken-German and who proudly name themselves ‘foreigners,’ want to profile themselves with violence.” “What is mostly treated as a taboo is clearly spoken here” among the individuals interviewed by Die Welt: “Youth with an ‘immigrant background’ are—in their own estimate—more violence prone than Germans. The German hierarchy of law and values is not recognized.” As one 19-year-old of Syrian-Kurdish background stated, “I do not say that the Germans are weak, but they are not confident like the foreigners to punch away … They only go to their parents and say, that guy hit me.”
The “city picture portrays the chasm,” as retired diplomats and ministerial officials, along with other individuals of means, continue to live in BadGo. “The wife of an ex-diplomat shares the pedestrian zone with a veiled Muslim or a Moroccan in traditional caftan. Not far from Gründerzeit villas there are shops like from the Orient, döner, and trash.”
Individual emails and phone calls to SI (http://www.nogoareas.de/nogobonn_zuschriften.htm) only further confirmed the media reports. By October 26, 2013, SI had recorded ten positive phone calls in response to the No Go map, opposed to 11 negative calls, but 129 positive emails to 6 negative. SI posted online email extracts with permission of their authors and their initials.
One G.G. condemned the “absolute scandal” that “certain population groups” rejected the “rules of a peaceful communal life.” F.O. likewise referenced the “same group of persons” and F.K. wrote of “Germans and foreigners fearing (certain) foreigners.” G.G. distinctly contrasted these immigrants living in “parallel societies” and enjoying “evidently the particular protection of the multi-culti faction in Bonn” with the “curiosity and politeness” of SI’s foreign students.
Reflecting comments by G.G., F.W. criticized that “critical consideration of ‘problems’ with ‘foreigners’ is politically avoided as much as possible” due to accusations of “rightwing thinking” and “populism.” C.H. likewise complained of such a taboo with respect to a “certain group of persons” that “always causes more and disproportionately many problems.” Yet D.W. condemned as “treason against one’s own people” and “extremely criminal” that “in Germany it may no longer be warned against dangers if these come from certain cultural circles.”
Foreigners such as T.C. confirmed that Bonn’s No Go areas concerned not just Germans. T.C. wrote of his two nieces visiting from the home country suffering sexual harassment during a walk through BadGo. The BadGo landlord N.R. similarly wrote of a “very nice” and “super integrated” Turkish married couple that simply could not accept their neighborhood environment after a half-year of renting. N.R.’s only prospective purchaser for a BadGo dwelling was also an “investor from the Orient” who demanded a 20% price rebate.
Not everyone, though, approved of SI’s map. BadGo’s district mayor, Annette Schwolen-Flümann (http://www.cdu-godesberg.de/asf/?link=persoenlich), for example, considered the map in an October 22, 2013 (http://www.cdu-godesberg.de/asf/?link=aktuell), letter “not constructive for objectively and sensitively informing foreign guests about the circumstances in our city.” “In Bonn you can go everywhere,” police spokesperson Daniela Lindemann concurred (http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/Steinke-Institut-warnt-mit-Karte-vor-Strassengewalt-article1177109.html?&i=0) while noting a Bonn decrease in crime since 2012, “generalization does not do justice to reality.” More ominously, an anonymous caller who claimed to be an influential city official threatened to remove SI from the city list of immigrant integration course contractors, although SI had abandoned these courses in 2009.
Himself an immigrant of unspecified origins, SI director David Schah (http://ef-magazin.de/autor/david-schah) responded to these criticisms in an October 28, 2013, press release (http://www.nogoareas.de/nogobonn_pressemitteilung_2013_10_28.htm). Schah rejected Stamp’s demand for the map removal given support from the “overwhelming majority” of Bonn citizen responses that often described the map as a “symbol for the discrepancy between public and officially published opinion concerning the security situation in Bonn.” With respect to aiding “rightwing…populists,” the press release noted that ignorance of an “evidently widespread insecurity feeling” among citizens would lead to “their revenge at the ballot box.”
Schah in short advocated an unhindered discussion of immigration’s many, sometimes problematical facets in Bonn. As Bonn and the rest of Europe show, such discussions are desperately needed. Rather than experiencing a trouble-free post-Cold War “End of History” in a united global village of peace and prosperity, Germany’s former capital indicates the various culture clashes to come as peoples of differing means and mores come closer together.
Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=david+horowitz&rh=n%3A133140011%2Ck%3Adavid+horowitz&ajr=0#/ref=sr_st?keywords=david+horowitz&qid=1316459840&rh=n%3A133140011%2Ck%3Adavid+horowitz&sort=daterank).

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine: http://www.frontpagemag.com
URL to article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/andrew-harrod/germanys-sharia-no-go-zones/

There are many IS volunteers from Germany, even ethnic Germans among them:


Six people – five ethnic Chechens and a German convert to Islam -- were arrested after the fight, all known to the police. According to German media, two of the arrested persons are “leading Salafist operatives” who were being monitored by German intelligence.


The media focus has been on a 27-year-old Germany Salafist named Silvio K., who was born in the eastern state of Saxony but is now fighting with IS in Syria. He is also being sought by an international arrest warrant, and on Internet postings has threatened his old neighbors in Solingen with attacks.

Many of the folks fighting with IS have jobs and families. They are certainly not like the Sikhs of Vancouver:


Many of them take their families and children to Syria or Iraq:


http://www.thelocal.no/userdata/images/article/w468/c6c899fc8342b2e85c7e33181564740c7ec92c46dea5636f92 c57dc94c4365fb.jpg (http://www.thelocal.no/20140908/terror-suspect-kidnaps-own-children-in-norway)The father of five forced his wife and children to travel to Syria. Photo: Shutterstock (http://shutr.bz/1pEU8Ft)
Norway terror suspect kidnaps own family

Published: 08 Sep 2014 00:10 GMT+02:00
Updated: 07 Sep 2014 00:10 GMT+02:00

A Norwegian citizen was arrested on Saturday evening after he kidnapped his wife and five children and took them as hostages to war-torn Syria.

The 35-year-old of Syrian origin told his wife he was taking the kids for a holiday in Turkey, but his wife soon learned he had taken the children over the border into Syria against their will.
The father from the North of Norway was arrested on Saturday and charged for keeping his family hostage. He arrived back in Norway with his wife and five children from Syria this weekend.
The five children landed back in Oslo Gardermoen airport after having been taken to war-torn Syria for one month. Their mother believed they were set for a vacation in Turkey, but against her and her children’s will, they were brought from Turkey past the border to Syria.

During their forced stay in Syria, the woman and her five children were kept with armed guards, while their father fought in the civil war in the Middle Eastern country.

On his way in to Oslo, the father was arrested by Norwegian police and separated from his family. His wife and his children, aged between one and eight-years-old, were heavily traumatized from the incident. All are now under the care and supervision of the Norwegian healthcare authority.

Vidar Helgheim, the victims' lawyer, said to NTB: “They were forced against their own will to go into a war zone. It is an extreme situation that it is difficult to fathom. These children feared for their lives.”

On request from family members in Norway, Helgheim agreed to report the case to the police on August 6th. Since then, attempts were made to get the mother and her children out of Syria.

The family father is described by Helgheim as an Islamic extremist. It is unclear whether the arrested man has or had intentions of joining one of the terrorist groups in Syria, the Islamic State (IS) or Al-Nusra, reported Dagbladet.

The man was earlier this year sentenced for two years of prison connected with a drug case earlier this year, said TV2. The trip to Turkey took place while he was waiting to serve his prison term.

The Norwegian police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Utenriksdepartementet - UD) worked on the case, but could not send personnel to Syria. The family of the five underage children crossed the border between Syria and Turkey themselves on their way home to Norway.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to comment the case to NTB. Kripos (Kriminalpolitisentralen - National Criminal Investigation Service Norway) stated it is not their case.

PST (Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste - Norwegian Police Security Service) were informed of the case, but could not comment on information as of Sunday evening. If the charge against the father in the case is extended from infringement of personal liberty to also partaking in terror actions abroad, then PST will also become involved in the case.

NTB reported Troms police is now handling the case.

For more stories about Norway, join us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TheLocalNorway) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/TheLocalNorway)
NTB/The Local (news@thelocal.no)

The Islamist terror is much more than spoiled brats... Nothing compares to it...

09-23-2014, 03:09 PM
Petros, it looks like you're suffering from a mental disorder :laugh:

09-23-2014, 03:27 PM
this thread is funny as hell

Petros Houhoulis
09-23-2014, 03:55 PM
Petros, it looks like you're suffering from a mental disorder :laugh:

I don't give a shit about what you think of me. You are not a doctor anyway.

Can you prove me wrong? That would count for something. If you can't, you are just entertaining me...

09-23-2014, 06:28 PM
turks are not European. There is nothing wrong to fight against islam, afterall we Europeans must fight to preserve our culture and race.

11-14-2014, 07:27 AM
Nothing good comes from Anatolia now

Anatolia should be nuked to oblivion, and I'm being polite.

Leo Iscariot
11-14-2014, 07:48 AM