View Full Version : 8 Portuguese immigrants to Brazil

09-15-2014, 02:11 PM
1. http://i62.tinypic.com/5vr490.png

2. http://i61.tinypic.com/nz362r.png

3. http://i57.tinypic.com/33vccba.png

4. http://i62.tinypic.com/2a6tlw9.png

5. http://i60.tinypic.com/2wmp9bs.png

6. http://i61.tinypic.com/a3dx8m.png

7. http://i59.tinypic.com/4uga35.png

8. http://i59.tinypic.com/33vlzex.png

I saw them on a report by a Portuguese TV channel (SIC) on recent Portuguese immigration to Brazil:


09-15-2014, 07:46 PM

10-24-2014, 11:13 AM
I wouldn't expect a native portuguese to look like that. Any info about their background? I think there's a chance they are portuguese of brazilian ancestry? As far as i know, there's a brazilian community in Portugal

10-24-2014, 03:32 PM
I wouldn't expect a native portuguese to look like that. Any info about their background? I think there's a chance they are portuguese of brazilian ancestry? As far as i know, there's a brazilian community in Portugal

They're fully, I work with a portuguese and he is very dark and has this same phenotype. The southerners portugueses usually are more pigmented.

spanish catalan
10-24-2014, 05:11 PM
atlanto med,atlantid,north atlantid,dinarid mix

10-24-2014, 05:19 PM
They're fully, I work with a portuguese and he is very dark and has this same phenotype. The southerners portugueses usually are more pigmented.
Haha, and some people here say 1/8 Amerindians are not white in Brazil.:rolleyes:

Tooting Carmen
10-24-2014, 05:21 PM
Mostly Atlanto-Meds, except the first one who looks octoroon.

10-24-2014, 05:30 PM
They're fully, I work with a portuguese and he is very dark and has this same phenotype. The southerners portugueses usually are more pigmented.

Southerners are darker because (surprise!) the weather is a lot hotter and sunnier over there. Not because they are phenotipically different form the rest.

10-24-2014, 05:56 PM
Haha, and some people here say 1/8 Amerindians are not white in Brazil.:rolleyes:

I know a lot of brazilians, even pardos, who say these portugueses aren't really "europeans". :p

10-24-2014, 06:00 PM
They look more like Brazilians than native Portuguese. Maybe its just the brownest Portuguese immigrate to Brazil where they will feel at home.

Edit: Specifically 1, 4 and 6 look most atypical.

10-24-2014, 06:03 PM
Southerners are darker because (surprise!) the weather is a lot hotter and sunnier over there. Not because they are phenotipically different form the rest.

Nope, I live in the central west region of Brazil (here is 40 ° C everyday), I am tanned by tropical sun all my life and I'm still much more lighter than all these portugueses.

So, it's not just weather. Skin tones, hair and eyes vary in all european country, in Portugal isn't different.

10-24-2014, 06:05 PM
Nope, I live in the central west region of Brazil (here is 40 ° C everyday), I am tanned by tropical sun all my life and I'm still much more lighter than all these portugueses.

So, it's not just weather. Skin tones, hair and eyes vary in all european country, in Portugal isn't different.

I'm sorry, but I know my own country and its people infinitely better than you do.

10-24-2014, 06:10 PM
I'm sorry, but I know my own country and its people infinitely better than you do.

It's okay. I have just one more question: The southern portuguese sun can tan eyes and hair too?

10-24-2014, 06:12 PM
It's okay. I have just one more question: The southern portuguese sun can tan eyes and hair too?

Whatever eye/hair pigment difference that exists between Northern and Southern Portuguese is residual.
You don't have to act like a fucking cunt asking shit like that.

10-24-2014, 06:14 PM
Whatever eye/hair pigment difference that exists between Northern and Southern Portuguese is residual.
You don't have to act like a fucking cunt asking shit like that.

Was sarcasm.

10-24-2014, 06:15 PM
Was sarcasm.

Yes, that's why I called you a cunt.

10-24-2014, 06:20 PM
Haha, and some people here say 1/8 Amerindians are not white in Brazil.:rolleyes:

I forgot to talk about it.

I know some people 1/8 amerindian who looks completely non-white, I have a friend like that, he and his sisters strangely looks very japanese, lol Basically here, if you don't have the "white" phenotype, you are not white.

Generally for brazilians:
White features, like these portugueses, and dark skin = isn't white;
Non- white features, fair skin, bad hair or whatever, isn't white.

Is complicated try to talk how the mostly of brazilians think.

10-24-2014, 06:23 PM
Generally for brazilians:
White features, like these portugueses, and dark skin = isn't white;
Non- white features, fair skin, bad hair or whatever, isn't white.

Ethnic Portuguese are not white in Brazil. :rotfl

10-24-2014, 06:25 PM
Mostly Atlanto-Meds, except the first one who looks octoroon.

No, he looks like he has Indian ancestry. Probably he is not fully Portuguese and has some ancestry from their colonies in India.

10-24-2014, 06:27 PM
Yes, that's why I called you a cunt.

I think sarcasm is a very funny thing :rofl_002:

But talking about pigmentation, I think is just a difference like exist in all european countries.

My mom's family (the portuguese part) is from north of Portugal, they are more lighter than my paternal family (Açores) and are blue-eyed, etc.

10-24-2014, 06:29 PM
Number 1 and 4 look dubious/atypical. The others look Portuguese.

10-24-2014, 06:30 PM
Ethnic Portuguese are not white in Brazil. :rotfl

One time a guy said to me: Oh, you looks very white for a person who was born to a white german mother (my mother ins't german, lol ) and a non-white father (my father is azorean), lol

10-24-2014, 06:30 PM
I think sarcasm is a very funny thing :rofl_002:

But talking about pigmentation, I think is just a difference like exist in all european countries.

My mom's family (the portuguese part) is from north of Portugal, they are more lighter than my paternal family (Açores) and are blue-eyed, etc.

If your opinion is based on such a small sample, then I do not know what to tell you.
All of my family is from the North, I have travelled all across the country and my personal experience is that the difference is minimal (if it even exists). You can either take my word for it, or ignore it and stick with your stereotype. Whatever floats your boat.

10-24-2014, 06:30 PM
I think sarcasm is a very funny thing :rofl_002:

But talking about pigmentation, I think is just a difference like exist in all european countries.

My mom's family (the portuguese part) is from north of Portugal, they are more lighter than my paternal family (Açores) and are blue-eyed, etc.

The Azores are actually meant to be quite light since there is Flemish admixture in some islands. But then a few smaller islands also have high concentration of Sephardi andestry.

10-24-2014, 06:33 PM
The Azores are actually meant to be quite light since there is Flemish admixture in some islands.

That is true. Also French, since apparently that's what influeced their accent.

10-24-2014, 06:35 PM
That is true. Also French, since apparently that's what influeced their accent.

My father always said they have funny accents haha

10-24-2014, 06:36 PM
That is true. Also French, since apparently that's what influeced their accent.

The people say the accent from Santa Catarina was influenced by azoreans, is very distinctive from the others brazilians accents indeed.

10-24-2014, 06:39 PM
If your opinion is based on such a small sample, then I do not know what to tell you.
All of my family is from the North, I have travelled all across the country and my personal experience is that the difference is minimal (if it even exists). You can either take my word for it, or ignore it and stick with your stereotype. Whatever floats your boat.

Calma, next year I'll go to Portugal and I will tell you what I think about my personal experience * in Portugal.

10-24-2014, 06:42 PM
Calma, next year I'll go to Portugal and I will tell you what I think about my personal experience * in Portugal.

Where in Portugal are you going?

10-24-2014, 06:45 PM
Where in Portugal are you going?

I'll go just visit Fátima and Lisbon.

10-24-2014, 06:49 PM
I'll go just visit Fátima and Lisbon.

Ok just don't judge the Portuguese population based on what you see here, as this is where you will find many Brazilians, Cape Verdeans, and people with full or partial African/Asian ancestry.

Just like you don't judge the British phenotype on London or the French phenotype on Paris.

10-24-2014, 06:53 PM
My father always said they have funny accents haha

They do, it's true! Some people have a hard time understanding someone with a thick Azorean (Micaelense) accent lol

10-24-2014, 06:56 PM
Ok just don't judge the Portuguese population based on what you see here, as this is where you will find many Brazilians, Cape Verdeans, and people with full or partial African/Asian ancestry.

Just like you don't judge the British phenotype on London or the French phenotype on Paris.

I'll don't, Haha Capitals are terribles places to see a native population of a country or even state/province.

I work with portugueses and I know a bigger community of luso-brazilians 1st, 3nd generation here. I have an idea what I'll find but, let's see it.

My couysin says Paris is just blacks, north africans, tourists and french humorless.

10-24-2014, 06:58 PM
They do, it's true! Some people have a hard time understanding someone with a thick Azorean (Micaelense) accent lol

These people aren't Portuguese. LMAO!! Another Brazilian trying to brown the Portuguese.

10-24-2014, 06:58 PM
Southerners are darker because (surprise!) the weather is a lot hotter and sunnier over there. Not because they are phenotipically different form the rest.

Even the Northern European retirees and immigrants living in the south are considerably darker than in their countries (except those who turn into lobsters under the sun).


10-24-2014, 07:06 PM
These are NATIVE Portuguese, not the colonial flotsam found in places like Lisbon - mulattos, half Indian, Cape Verdeans.

10-24-2014, 07:09 PM
I'll don't, Haha Capitals are terribles places to see a native population of a country or even state/province.

I work with portugueses and I know a bigger community of luso-brazilians 1st, 3nd generation here. I have an idea what I'll find but, let's see it.

My couysin says Paris is just blacks, north africans, tourists and french humorless.

You still find a few Frenchies in Paris. But yes, lots of North Africans and Blacks.

A common phrase where I am from (Eastern part of London) is "everyone is black or asian, and when you finally see a white face they are Eastern European"

10-24-2014, 07:11 PM
You still find a few Frenchies in Paris. But yes, lots of North Africans and Blacks.

A common phrase where I am from (Eastern part of London) is "everyone is black or asian, and when you finally see a white face they are Eastern European"

Lol, I think poles, hungarians and portugueses are in everywhere of Europe today. Mass immigration :nod:

10-24-2014, 07:19 PM

10-24-2014, 07:21 PM
Fatima is horrid. Don't bother.

10-24-2014, 07:23 PM
Lol, I think poles, hungarians and portugueses are in everywhere of Europe today. Mass immigration :nod:

It depends which country. There are not many Hungarians in the UK.

Tooting Carmen
10-24-2014, 07:24 PM
You still find a few Frenchies in Paris. But yes, lots of North Africans and Blacks.

A common phrase where I am from (Eastern part of London) is "everyone is black or asian, and when you finally see a white face they are Eastern European"

Take a look at this.:) http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?119352-Inner-city-neighbourhoods-in-London

10-24-2014, 07:27 PM
It depends which country. There are not many Hungarians in the UK.

I know a danish girl, she says there are a lot of hungarians and Denmark, I don't know how accurate is it, but I think they are a big number in Switzerland too. What have the most in UK?

10-24-2014, 07:27 PM
Take a look at this.:) http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?119352-Inner-city-neighbourhoods-in-London

Miscegenation will happens, that's sad.

10-24-2014, 07:33 PM
Take a look at this.:) http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?119352-Inner-city-neighbourhoods-in-London

Very interesting, though none of those ethnic neighbourhoods come as a shock when you live here lol

I have some very interesting data regarding the immigrant/foreign born demographics of London. I assume you have seen the top countries of origin? (its in that Wikipedia article)

10-24-2014, 07:35 PM
I know a danish girl, she says there are a lot of hungarians and Denmark, I don't know how accurate is it, but I think they are a big number in Switzerland too. What have the most in UK?

I will post some data if you want to see.

10-24-2014, 07:35 PM
I will post some data if you want to see.

Yes, o/

Bell Beaker
10-24-2014, 07:40 PM
Some Portuguese were called Galegos in Brazil. Because they looked Blond eyed guys.

Portuguese immigration to Brazil it sucks now. The place is a shithole excepting South and Southern Brazil.

The most Non-White/Mongrel populations live outside South and Southern Brazil. North and Northern Brazil (and most Centre Brazilian) are too damn poor.

The worst thing that could ever happened to Brazil was fucking Slavery trade to there. And the Portuguese immigration was a mainly Man so the country now is shithole and it could be an USA of South America (White, Catholic and free of Mongrels).

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 07:42 PM
I am tanned by tropical sun all my life and I'm still much more lighter than all these portugueses.

You are "much more lighter" than the woman on the 2nd pic? I don't think so.

10-24-2014, 07:47 PM
Yes, o/

You realize that you have not posted typical Portuguese, yes? At least two or three are not NATIVE.

The attached are NATIVE Portuguese.

Stop trolling ... you're not good at it.

10-24-2014, 07:53 PM
I wouldn't expect a native portuguese to look like that. Any info about their background? I think there's a chance they are portuguese of brazilian ancestry? As far as i know, there's a brazilian community in Portugal

They don't. Check out the photos I've posted on this thread and the thousands more in various sections of TA.

It's, jejune, racially insecure third worlders who post crap trying to brown Portuguese. Pathetic.

Samanta Fabris
10-24-2014, 07:57 PM
No, he looks like he has Indian ancestry. Probably he is not fully Portuguese and has some ancestry from their colonies in India.

You either post a source or just shut up. They are all fully Portuguese until proven otherwise.

10-24-2014, 07:58 PM
You either post a source or just shut up. They are all fully Portuguese until proven otherwise.

Fair enough, but I'd be surprised if the first guy didn't have some Indian ancestry.

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 08:02 PM
You either post a source or just shut up. They are all fully Portuguese until proven otherwise.

So is him. I can't prove he's not:

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnHi7HHAZ_FotBgkJFPcsoQTz1TuDI1 4Il0b19wKAokk5ybQVf

10-24-2014, 08:05 PM
You either post a source or just shut up. They are all fully Portuguese until proven otherwise.

Come on man, look at the thousands of NATIVE Portuguese exemplars on TA. People aren't all that stupid.

Listen fella, YOU prove they are all indigenous Portuguese. Pathetic ... At least three do not fit the native Portuguese spectrum.

10-24-2014, 08:05 PM
I think sarcasm is a very funny thing :rofl_002:

But talking about pigmentation, I think is just a difference like exist in all european countries.

My mom's family (the portuguese part) is from north of Portugal, they are more lighter than my paternal family (Açores) and are blue-eyed, etc.

There is absolutely no difference between northern and southern Portuguese.

10-24-2014, 08:06 PM
There is absolutely no difference between northern and southern Portuguese.

Only regional "pocket" differences. Not great.

10-24-2014, 08:53 PM
You realize that you have not posted typical Portuguese, yes? At least two or three are not NATIVE.

The attached are NATIVE Portuguese.

Stop trolling ... you're not good at it.

Are you crazy? This thread is not mine, man.

10-24-2014, 08:56 PM
Are you crazy? This thread is not mine, man.

Apologies ...

10-24-2014, 08:57 PM
You are "much more lighter" than the woman on the 2nd pic? I don't think so.

You understood, u.u
She is more lighter than me, the rest not. And I'm 1/8 marrano (non-white for 98 % of people here), you know.

10-24-2014, 08:57 PM
1. http://i62.tinypic.com/5vr490.png

2. http://i61.tinypic.com/nz362r.png

3. http://i57.tinypic.com/33vccba.png

4. http://i62.tinypic.com/2a6tlw9.png

5. http://i60.tinypic.com/2wmp9bs.png

6. http://i61.tinypic.com/a3dx8m.png

7. http://i59.tinypic.com/4uga35.png

8. http://i59.tinypic.com/33vlzex.png

I saw them on a report by a Portuguese TV channel (SIC) on recent Portuguese immigration to Brazil:


You can't be serious. Maybe half aren't NATIVE Portuguese. What's your agenda?

10-24-2014, 08:58 PM
Apologies ...

When I posted pics of portugueses here? :confused:

10-24-2014, 09:04 PM
So much drama in this thread. curupira didn't even say if they are typical or not, he just asked for classifications, it's not like we should forbid him to post people because they are darker or appear darker on certain photos. It's silly that we have to go through this anytime a darker individual is posted. If everyone here was as "racially secure" as they pretend to be there would be no drama at all, it would just be like "these people are darker than average or are not ethnic "------" " and end of story.

They don't. Check out the photos I've posted on this thread and the thousands more in various sections of TA.

It's, jejune, racially insecure third worlders who post crap trying to brown Portuguese. Pathetic.

If we are third world portugueses don't need to immigrate here, no one is forcing them and they have better options.

Ethnic Portuguese are not white in Brazil. :rotfl

Depends, I consider people as white or non-white according to my flowchart.

10-24-2014, 09:14 PM
There is absolutely no difference between northern and southern Portuguese.

Por que vocês se revoltaram tanto com esse assunto? Todo país europeu tem suas diferenças regionais, e isso não ruim. As pessoas de nenhum país compartilham todas as mesmas características físicas entre si.

Por isso portugueses são tão trollados aqui, no Stormfront e até no Yahoo!Answer. É muito fácil fazer isso, nem precisa falar de invasão muçulmana pra vocês começarem a arrancar os cabelos, eu hein.

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 09:16 PM
Por isso portugueses são tão trollados aqui, no Stormfront e até no Yahoo!Answer. É muito fácil fazer isso, nem precisa falar de invasão muçulmana pra vocês começarem a arrancar os cabelos, eu hein.

Sim claro. E como podes ver, os zucas fazem por isso.

10-24-2014, 09:17 PM
You can't be serious. Maybe half aren't NATIVE Portuguese. What's your agenda?

There is NO agenda. They appeared in a TV program when they were interviewing portuguese immigrants.

10-24-2014, 09:24 PM
Sim claro. E como podes ver, os zucas fazem por isso.

Já disseram a mim que eu estava trollando os portugueses aqui outro dia, por quê eu iria fazer isso com 75% da minha árvore genealógica? Os "zucas" que fazem isso geralmente são os teuto-brasileiros.

Diariamente aqui eu leio postagens falando sobre como o sul da França é mais pigmentado, o da Itália ou até mesmo a Escócia e não vejo tragédias gregas feitas por pessoas desses países e regiões em momento algum.

10-24-2014, 09:26 PM
Já disseram a mim que eu estava trollando os portugueses aqui outro dia, por quê eu iria fazer isso com 75% da minha árvore genealógica? Os "zucas" que fazem isso geralmente são os teuto-brasileiros.

Diariamente aqui eu leio postagens falando sobre como o sul da França é mais pigmentado, o da Itália ou até mesmo a Escócia e não vejo tragédias gregas feitas por pessoas desses países e regiões em momento algum.

Os gajos são inseguros. Sofra a fúria lusitana :P

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 09:29 PM
Já disseram a mim que eu estava trollando os portugueses aqui outro dia, por quê eu iria fazer isso com 75% da minha árvore genealógica? Os "zucas" que fazem isso geralmente são os teuto-brasileiros.

Diariamente aqui eu leio postagens falando sobre como o sul da França é mais pigmentado, o da Itália ou até mesmo a Escócia e não vejo tragédias gregas feitas por pessoas desses países e regiões em momento algum.

Nem estava a falar de ti. Mas isto vem por ondas e tenho assistido a alguns membros brasileiros a fazê-lo desde que estou cá. Nunca percebi a motivação.

Quanto ao Sul, eu sou do Sul. Qual é a tua dúvida?

10-24-2014, 09:34 PM
Nem estava a falar de ti. Mas isto vem por ondas e tenho assistido a alguns membros brasileiros a fazê-lo desde que estou cá. Nunca percebi a motivação.

Quanto ao Sul, eu sou do Sul. Qual é a tua dúvida?

Motivação: provavelmente porque veem em portugueses "alvos" fáceis de serem trollados. Tem brigas entre portugueses e brasileiros com todo tipo de insulto a rodo nos comentários do YouTube, eu nunca saquei o real porquê disso.

Quanto ao sul português, não tenho dúvida nenhuma, só torço para que o sol e calor infernal de 900° C daí não acabe escurecendo até seus olhos. Por que olhos verdes são bem legais na minha opinião.

10-24-2014, 09:36 PM
Por que vocês se revoltaram tanto com esse assunto? Todo país europeu tem suas diferenças regionais, e isso não ruim. As pessoas de nenhum país compartilham todas as mesmas características físicas entre si.

Por isso portugueses são tão trollados aqui, no Stormfront e até no Yahoo!Answer. É muito fácil fazer isso, nem precisa falar de invasão muçulmana pra vocês começarem a arrancar os cabelos, eu hein.

E Portugal tem-nas, mas não é no aspecto das pessoas, mas sim na gastronomia, folclore, clima, paisagens etc....
E sinceramente não me importo que tentem trollar Portugueses, não me ofende, só o Anthropologique é que fica exaltado.

Pessoas dos dois distritos mais a sul de Portugal, Beja e Faro:








pessoas do norte:

Achas que há diferenças entre estas pessoas?
Da mesma maneira que há pessoas mais escuras no sul, tambem as há no norte, Portugal não é a Itália.

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 09:41 PM
Quanto ao sul português, não tenho dúvida nenhuma, só torço para que o sol e calor infernal de 900° C daí não acabe escurecendo até seus olhos. Por que olhos verdes são bem legais na minha opinião.

Não tenhas dúvidas que faz sol e calor no pico do verão no interior sul. Na costa nem por isso...


10-24-2014, 09:51 PM
Não tenhas dúvidas que faz sol e calor no pico do verão no interior sul. Na costa nem por isso...

Eu não disse que não faz calor, só disse que o sol e o calor não são capazes de fazer uma mudança drástica no fenótipo. Até dei como exemplo o fato de eu viver na região centro-oeste do Brasil (que é a mais quente) e ser mais claro que todos os portugueses que foram postados (claro, exceto a segunda moça, mas minha mãe vive na mesma região e é por baixo umas 10 vezes mais clara que ela) e outro bom exemplo acredito que seja você, que vive no sul de Portugal e nem por isso tem/teve seu fenótipo alterado de forma abrupta.

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 09:58 PM
Eu não disse que não faz calor, só disse que o sol e o calor não são capazes de fazer uma mudança drástica no fenótipo. Até dei como exemplo o fato de eu viver na região centro-oeste do Brasil (que é a mais quente) e ser mais claro que todos os portugueses que foram postados (claro, exceto a segunda moça, mas minha mãe vive na mesma região e é por baixo umas 10 vezes mais clara que ela) e outro bom exemplo acredito que seja você, que vive no sul de Portugal e nem por isso tem/teve seu fenótipo alterado de forma abrupta.

Não há grandes diferenças entre o norte e o sul nas regiões rurais. O litoral norte talvez tenha uma percentagem maior de pessoas com pigmentação mais clara tipo o ciclista Rui Costa. Por outro lado creio que o sul tem uma percentagem maior de pessoas com pigmentação mais escura, mas não é por isso que deixa de ter pessoas tipo o cavaleiro Rui Fernandes.

O que é um facto é que o norte é mais chuvoso, frio e tem menos sol.

10-24-2014, 10:00 PM
Os gajos são inseguros. Sofra a fúria lusitana :P

Inseguros não. Defensivos ? Talvez.

E burros tão pouco.

Agora,existe cerca de 16 Milhões de Portugueses.O cara decidiu por fotos de um que e cigano,outro parece descendente de Goenses e outro do Leste.
Não me parece que sejam "Portugueses".

Talvez comece por colocar por aqui fotos de Brasileiros pretos,mulatos,meio chineses,meio japonês,meio meio qualquer coisa.
Por vezes penso que vocês por ai se esquecem que Portugal e uma Nação que tal como todos os outras oferece Nacionalidade especialmente aos Cidadãos das Ex-Colónias.

10-24-2014, 10:02 PM
Não há grandes diferenças entre o norte e o sul nas regiões rurais. O litoral norte talvez tenha uma percentagem maior de pessoas com pigmentação mais clara tipo o ciclista Rui Costa. Por outro lado creio que o sul tem uma percentagem maior de pessoas com pigmentação mais escura, mas não é por isso que deixa de ter pessoas tipo o cavaleiro Rui Fernandes.

O que é um facto é que o norte é mais chuvoso, frio e tem menos sol.

Isso é o que eu estou dizendo desde o começo e ninguém aqui parece entender! Eu não disse que todo mundo no no norte é loiro e tem olhos azuis e nem que todo mundo sul é exatamente o oposto.

10-24-2014, 10:05 PM
Inseguros não. Defensivos ? Talvez.

E burros tão pouco.

Agora,existe cerca de 16 Milhões de Portugueses.O cara decidiu por fotos de um que e cigano,outro parece descendente de Goenses e outro do Leste.
Não me parece que sejam "Portugueses".

Talvez comece por colocar por aqui fotos de Brasileiros pretos,mulatos,meio chineses,meio japonês,meio meio qualquer coisa.
Por vezes penso que vocês por ai se esquecem que Portugal e uma Nação que tal como todos os outras oferece Nacionalidade especialmente aos Cidadãos das Ex-Colónias.

Muito claro! Obrigado ...

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 10:05 PM
Isso é o que eu estou dizendo desde o começo e ninguém aqui parece entender! Eu não disse que todo mundo no no norte é loiro e tem olhos azuis e nem que todo mundo sul é exatamente o oposto.

Sim, eu também acho que existe esse gradiente. Mas é coisa muito ligeira... por algum motivo os portugueses de todas as regiões estão no mesmo cluster genético.

10-24-2014, 10:06 PM
Inseguros não. Defensivos ? Talvez.

E burros tão pouco.

Agora,existe cerca de 16 Milhões de Portugueses.O cara decidiu por fotos de um que e cigano,outro parece descendente de Goenses e outro do Leste.
Não me parece que sejam "Portugueses".

Talvez comece por colocar por aqui fotos de Brasileiros pretos,mulatos,meio chineses,meio japonês,meio meio qualquer coisa.
Por vezes penso que vocês por ai se esquecem que Portugal e uma Nação que tal como todos os outras oferece Nacionalidade especialmente aos Cidadãos das Ex-Colónias.

Eu já vi essa reportagem que ele postou os prints aqui, é um entrevista no aeroporto e na cidade com portugueses desembarcando em solo tupiniquim ou recém chegados,durante a entrevista a repórter perguntou seus objetivos, o que os atraíram ao Brasil, expectativa e tudo mais, mas infelizmente ela se esqueceu de perguntar a eles a árvore genealógica dos mesmos e nem pediu para que passassem os resultados do 23andme para ela.

10-24-2014, 10:20 PM
Eu já vi essa reportagem que ele postou os prints aqui, é um entrevista no aeroporto e na cidade com portugueses desembarcando em solo tupiniquim ou recém chegados,durante a entrevista a repórter perguntou seus objetivos, o que os atraíram ao Brasil, expectativa e tudo mais, mas infelizmente ela se esqueceu de perguntar a eles a árvore genealógica dos mesmos e nem pediu para que passassem os resultados do 23andme para ela.

Não sejas tolo.

Basta olhar para eles.
Nos por aqui sabemos ver quem e descendente de Ex-Colónias.

Damião de Góis
10-24-2014, 10:20 PM
Eu já vi essa reportagem que ele postou os prints aqui, é um entrevista no aeroporto e na cidade com portugueses desembarcando em solo tupiniquim ou recém chegados,durante a entrevista a repórter perguntou seus objetivos, o que os atraíram ao Brasil, expectativa e tudo mais, mas infelizmente ela se esqueceu de perguntar a eles a árvore genealógica dos mesmos e nem pediu para que passassem os resultados do 23andme para ela.

Parte deles não são imigrantes. São estudantes e não foram todos postados, vá-se lá saber porquê.

10-24-2014, 10:55 PM

Não sejas tolo.

Basta olhar para eles.
Nos por aqui sabemos ver quem e descendente de Ex-Colónias.

Bah, isso é relativo. O português com quem eu trabalho já me perguntou se meus pais são portugueses, então, acho que "sou colonial" não está tão explicito na testa de todo mundo assim, mas eu não duvido que vocês possam fazer. Dizem que os japoneses conseguem identificar alguém que é parte não japonês no país deles a quilômetros de distância.

Bell Beaker
10-24-2014, 11:23 PM
De onde vem a tua costela Sefardita, Tobi? :D

10-24-2014, 11:41 PM
De onde vem a tua costela Sefardita, Tobi? :D

Minha mãe a passou a mim, junto com aquele belo e pequeno nariz que os judeus tem. :rofl_002:
De Lisboa, quer dizer, minha costela sefardita veio de Lisboa quando era criança, mas não sei se a família dele morava em outro lugar antes disso, Haha

Felizmente meu avô foi criado pela mãe húngara dentro do catolicismo e de judeu só tem o pai e o nariz.

10-25-2014, 11:18 AM
It depends which country. There are not many Hungarians in the UK.

there are... maybe not where u live.. also maybe hungarians don't seem many when u compare to the poles and all the other immigrants. also a lot of hungarians in austria and germany

10-25-2014, 11:22 AM
there are... maybe not where u live.. also maybe hungarians don't seem many when u compare to the poles and all the other immigrants. also a lot of hungarians in austria and germany

Yeah. There is a big hungarian community ... but they are not as big as many other immigrant communities in the UK.

Biggest Eastern European communities are Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Bulgarian and Latvian.