View Full Version : How my liberal friend was lied to

03-15-2010, 07:36 AM
The ideas of liberals often seem gullible and innocent at face value, but if we have learned anything from life, it is that face value is illusion. We need to look beyond the facade. A liberal friend of mine recently faced the bitter consequences of the facade he'd been trying to keep alive for years. After what he just realized, I don't think he'll want to talk about women or immigrants for a while.


The story is short and simple. This guy was looking for a job at government-owned news television. His dream was to become a famous news reporter, expressing to the world how unequal our society is against minorities. So he took contact with the head of the news department where he lived and asked around. Her answer was rigid: no, our financial situation is not what it used to be, we cannot hire you right now. Sorry.

A few weeks passed. He and I met up with a woman studying journalism. She was happy. We wondered why. She'd gotten a job at news television. How? Oh, she just asked for it. There was a temporary spot she could fill in. Great, I said. My liberal friend was not so happy. He wondered how the hell she'd gotten the job, despite the fact she was just a student and he had real credentials. He had merits. But she had the job. So he contacted the boss at the department again, and this is roughly how that conversation looked like:

Friend: We've been in contact before concerning a job as a reporter. At the time you told me there wasn't any need for me.

Boss: Ah, yes, that's right.

Friend: ...so how come you hired this woman for exactly such a job?

Boss: She was just the kind of person we were looking for, it was a good match. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you.

Friend: But I had greater merits. She is merely a student.

Boss: That's possible, but right now we're working according to an affirmative action system...

Friend: --wait, you hired her because she's a woman?

Boss: ...she had the background we were looking for.

Friend: So I, as a Swedish man, stand no chance of getting a job simply because I am not woman or from an immigrant background?

The conversation ended with a bitter truth: the news department followed the liberal affirmative action policies of the Swedish government, which demand that employers are forced to actively increase the number of women and immigrants within the work force. My friend now stood at the far end of that program: he was Swedish, blond and blue-eyed--blue-eyed enough to really believe that all the inequalities he spoke about every day never could affect him. Now he was barred from work simply because of his gender and ethnic background.

I told him he should at least be happy that he's contributing to a better world where diversity rules. "Right," was his answer, as he went off home. Reality, as always, is law.

Source (http://www.corrupt.org/news/how_my_liberal_friend_was_lied_to)

03-15-2010, 05:37 PM
Affirmative action is just playing favorites and hasn't any constructive outcome. When things are given to people that they haven't rightfully earned or aren't qualified for, like jobs, everyone loses. Not only does it devalue the degrees and education people spend years and thousands of dollars on, which, in turn, tends to detract from the incentive people have to attend college, and gives underachievers a false sense of entitlement, but it's unlikely the person with less experience and lesser credentials is going to work as hard or as well as the more qualified applicant. It's a huge risk that could well waste time, money and create instability within a business. If businesses cease to function properly and lose money because of lousy employees who were only hired to meet forced, idiotic ratios, then there'll actually be more government spending and less jobs for everyone. Isn't that what affirmative action is supposed to fix? Good luck.

03-15-2010, 05:50 PM
It would be loudly laughable if it was not because that well-respected jerk probably will keep his political stands as what happened him were just a bad dream. Congrats to Sweden goverment, what they do is not simply brainwashing...is a fucking work of art with the thoughts of their own children!:thumb001:

Pd. I suffered a similar case (although there were a collective involved, not a two person selection). Unfortunatelly a undeserved one, because I never was a progressive jerk in need of such kind of lessons from his ideologica pals. :mad:

03-15-2010, 05:59 PM
How is that guy a "liberal" ? Liberalism has nothing to do with this kind of discriminations. Also, with a liberal goverment, there wouldn´t even be a goverment- owned news tv

03-15-2010, 06:10 PM
Liberal got a wrong meaning in American-English: progressive, socialdemocratic...you know. :thumb001:

03-15-2010, 06:30 PM
Liberalism has nothing to do with this kind of discriminations. Also, with a liberal goverment, there wouldn´t even be a goverment- owned news tv

Liberal got a wrong meaning in American-English: progressive, socialdemocratic...you know. :thumb001:

Indeed, over here we refer to Falkata's idea of liberalism as "classic liberalism" meaning a largely amoral form of quasi-libertine society.

"Liberalism" in general is centre-left, progressive, social democratic, big gov't and anti-racist etc.