View Full Version : Classify Danish guy

09-20-2014, 10:04 PM
He is my brother. Based on looks alone, where would you think he is from? Strangers often ask him about his ethnicity because of his dark hair, they have guessed that he is Spanish, Russian, and everything in between.

http://s7.postimg.org/bil9hrkg7/tumblr_nc9n0vm_Ztp1tmzqh2o1_1280.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/bil9hrkg7/)http://s28.postimg.org/8p0y0ygxl/tumblr_nc9n0vm_Ztp1tmzqh2o2_1280.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/8p0y0ygxl/)

By the way this is my first time posting on this forum, so I did not know in what section to post it in - the admins, or whoever is in control of those things can move it if it is not supposed to be in this section.

Not a Cop
09-20-2014, 10:32 PM
He too western for a Russian, would gess him to be from NW europe.

09-21-2014, 01:15 PM
By the way, he is around 185cm, and average built, not super skinny, but not stocky either, if that makes any difference.

09-21-2014, 07:32 PM

09-21-2014, 07:33 PM

Not a Cop
09-21-2014, 07:33 PM
By the way, he is around 185cm, and average built, not super skinny, but not stocky either, if that makes any difference.

Does he have any ancestry from Danish isles? According to anthropogists danes from isles tend to be darker, usually they use Samsø as an example.

09-21-2014, 07:34 PM
Central European (German,French etc).

09-21-2014, 07:34 PM
Does he have any ancestry from Danish isles? According to anthropogists danes from isles tend to be darker, usually they use Samsø as an example.

I doubt there's much of a difference.

09-21-2014, 07:34 PM
He too western for a Russian, would gess him to be from NW europe.
Why? There are Russians like him.

Gustave H
09-21-2014, 07:35 PM
Looks 100% Spaniard.

09-21-2014, 07:35 PM
Iberian-like imo.

Not a Cop
09-21-2014, 07:39 PM
I doubt there's much of a difference.

There actually are (if we gonna trust the anthropogist who made the study) can't find statistics now, but that's what i've posted in "Atlantid Scandinavians thread"

Well, saying that Danes are unlike other Scandos is a big stretch, although they, as any other nation have regional differences.

From Bunak (great russian anthropologist):
"Своеобразное положение занимают антропологические особенности населения Дании. Эта («ютландская») зона в большой мере сохранила мегалитический тип, несмотря на свое положение среди светлоокрашенных вариантов."

"Peculiar position occupied by the anthropological characteristics of the population of Denmark. This ("Jutland") zone to a large extent preserved megalithic type, despite its position among the light-colored variants"

09-21-2014, 07:40 PM
Does he have any ancestry from Danish isles? According to anthropogists danes from isles tend to be darker, usually they use Samsø as an example.

Yeah, we live on Møn.

Not a Cop
09-21-2014, 07:40 PM
Why? There are Russians like him.

Not saying that he can't pass, but not the most typical, встреть я его на улице мне бы сразу не ударило в голову, что вот идёт русский, как это часто бывает.

09-21-2014, 07:41 PM
Not saying that he can't pass, but not the most typical, встреть я его на улице мне бы сразу не ударило в голову, что вот идёт русский, как это часто бывает.
Возможно (Probably).

Not a Cop
09-21-2014, 09:12 PM
Yeah, we live on Møn.

Heh, than he should be rather typical, anyway he surely doesn't look like a turk.

09-21-2014, 10:29 PM
Pontid. I wouldn't have guessed Danish.

09-21-2014, 10:32 PM
Pontid. I wouldn't have guessed Danish.

I've seen quite a few danes and they seem to be pretty diverse phenotypically. I don't know how but maybe they managed to maintain older, pre-alpinization phenotypes or something.

09-21-2014, 10:36 PM
I think he could definitely pass in England.

09-21-2014, 10:38 PM
Atlantid, slightly alpinized. There are actually plenty of atlantids present in Denmark.

09-21-2014, 10:47 PM
Looks French.

09-21-2014, 10:49 PM

09-22-2014, 05:24 PM
Pontid. I wouldn't have guessed Danish.

Interesting. How come? Everyone else seems to be in agreement about him looking Western European.

Not a Cop
09-25-2014, 12:19 AM
I doubt there's much of a difference.

As i promised the statistics on Danes of Samso island:

• Height – 169 cm (early XX century)
• Cephalic index– 81,8
• Hair colour: Light – 7,5%; Mixed shades– 40%; Dark shades – 43%; Black – 9%.
• Eye colour: Light – 38%; Mixed – 59%; Dark – 3%.

As you can see they rather tend towards North-Altantic zone (mixed and light eyes and medium hair colour) than to Scandinavian (light eyes and light-medium hair)

09-25-2014, 12:24 AM
There actually are (if we gonna trust the anthropogist who made the study) can't find statistics now, but that's what i've posted in "Atlantid Scandinavians thread"

Do you have stats for Funen and Zealand?

Not a Cop
09-25-2014, 12:46 AM
Do you have stats for Funen and Zealand?

No, maybe some Nordic anthrologists made it, but i don't have their books. But here is stats for whole Danish population:


Jens Palsson

Some Anthropological Characteristics of
Icelanders Analyzed with Regard to the
Problem of Ethnogenesis

Reykjavik, Iceland


Light eyes among northern europeans

Swedes – 66,7%

Norwegians –63,7%

Danes – 62,8%

blue/grey eyes - 268/382 = 70,1%
green eyes - 45/382 = 11,8%
brown/hazel eyes - 69/382 = 18,1%