View Full Version : Classify Italian politician from Salento

09-23-2014, 09:18 AM
A colleague has just said that I look like him, I agree, so please classify him!



09-23-2014, 09:22 AM

09-23-2014, 09:23 AM

09-23-2014, 09:26 AM


Could he fit in Greece?? he's actually from a region where Greek influence is quite strong.

09-23-2014, 09:27 AM
Could he fit in Greece?? he's actually from a region where Greek influence is quite strong.

Yeup he could.

09-23-2014, 09:30 AM
I thought i was looking at a mirror!Looks like me a little because of alpinid feature so he can easily pass as a Greek.

09-23-2014, 09:33 AM
I thought i was looking at a mirror!Looks like me a little because of alpinid feature so he can easily pass as a Greek.

LOL So you look like me too Xd

09-23-2014, 09:37 AM
Could he fit in Greece?? he's actually from a region where Greek influence is quite strong.

Easily as typical.

09-23-2014, 09:40 AM
Possibly :thumb001:

Tooting Carmen
09-23-2014, 09:43 AM

09-23-2014, 09:46 AM
He reminds me former Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga.

09-23-2014, 10:05 AM
He reminds me former Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga.

Dejan was really a master player, with an excellent and unic technique.! I can see this resemblance.

09-24-2014, 01:10 AM
Med and slightly Alpine

09-24-2014, 01:15 AM
He looks Peloponnesian, but could probably fit in all of Greece. I suspect Apulia has a lot more recent Greek influence than other parts of southern Italy due to geographic proximity.


09-24-2014, 01:25 AM
Alpine-Atlantid. Too Western to fit in Greece.

09-24-2014, 01:25 AM
Alpine-Atlantid. Too Western to fit in Greece.

He's more Pontid than Atlantid.

09-24-2014, 01:27 AM
I would guess him as French.

09-24-2014, 01:28 AM
He's more Pontid than Atlantid.

Not really. He is Italian. Pontids are Eastern Euros.

09-24-2014, 01:30 AM
Not really. He is Italian. Pontids are Eastern Euros.

Southern Italians are genetically a southeastern European people.

09-24-2014, 01:36 AM
Southern Italians are genetically a southeastern European people.

But all in all Italy is a "Western" country. Romance, Catholic, Democratic, etc. I prefer using West Euro types when classifying Italians.

09-24-2014, 01:37 AM
But all in all Italy is a "Western" country. Romance, Catholic, Democratic, etc. I prefer using West Euro types when classifying Italians.

I don't think any region of Italy is "western Euro" typologically. The north is more Central Euro, the south more like Balkans.

09-24-2014, 01:48 AM
I don't think any region of Italy is "western Euro" typologically. The north is more Central Euro, the south more like Balkans.

By Western I am including Central Europe. And a South Italian would feel more at home in Portugal than in Albania.

09-24-2014, 01:49 AM
By Western I am including Central Europe. And a South Italian would feel more at home in Portugal than in Albania.

Well we're talking physical appearance here, not culture. I doubt that is true with regard to physical appearance, Portuguese people have a distinct look that isn't found in Italy.

And the culture isn't as close as you'd think. Italian culture is very warm and loud, Portuguese culture is reserved and cold like France. You have a different view of Italians because the ones in Brazil are from the north.

09-24-2014, 01:53 AM
Well we're talking physical appearance here, not culture. I doubt that is true with regard to physical appearance, Portuguese people have a distinct look that isn't found in Italy.

And the culture isn't as close as you'd think. Italian culture is very warm and loud, Portuguese culture is reserved and cold like France.

What? Absolutely not. There are very few differences between Italians and Portuguese. I am sorry, but you are very very wrong in your assumption. I know both peoples very well. I live in a place where most people are a mix of Iberian and Italian (myself included). No surprise they got along so well here.

09-24-2014, 01:55 AM
What? Absolutely not. There are very few differences between Italians and Portuguese. I am sorry, but you are very very wrong in your assumption. I know both peoples very well. I live in a place where most people are a mix of Iberian and Italian (myself included). No surprise they got along so well here.

Phenotypically, at least, southern Italians/Sicilians look highly distinct from Portuguese. Ask any Portuguese person here and they will tell you.

I am Sicilian and Portuguese. The food is nothing alike. The music is nothing alike. Neither is the attitude and behavior.

The Italians near you are mostly northerners, who will have fewer differences.

09-24-2014, 01:57 AM
Phenotypically, at least, southern Italians/Sicilians look highly distinct from Portuguese. Ask any Portuguese person here and they will tell you.

I am Sicilian and Portuguese. The food is nothing alike. The music is nothing alike. Neither is the attitude and behavior.

The Italians near you are mostly northerners, who will have fewer differences.

Well, North Italians and Portuguese are very alike I can say. Genetically they are also similar. White Brazilians usually score exactly between them.

09-24-2014, 02:02 AM
Well, North Italians and Portuguese are very alike I can say. Genetically they are also similar. White Brazilians usually score exactly between them.

That makes sense to me given the continuity between Iberia, southern France, northern Italy. My idea of Italian is Sicilian, Calabrese, etc. and they are neither genetically, culturally (besides language and religion) nor phenotypically close to Portuguese.

09-24-2014, 02:11 AM
That makes sense to me given the continuity between Iberia, southern France, northern Italy. My idea of Italian is Sicilian, Calabrese, etc. and they are neither genetically, culturally (besides language and religion) nor phenotypically close to Portuguese.

But not to Balkanites as well.

09-24-2014, 02:21 AM
But not to Balkanites as well.

Southerners are close to Greeks, and also Cypriots though.

09-24-2014, 02:32 AM
Southerners are close to Greeks, and also Cypriots though.

Not culturally. Different language and religion. Different mindset.

09-24-2014, 02:33 AM
Not culturally. Different language and religion. Different mindset.

A lot of the music is the same and much of the mindset. But Greek food is Balkan and religion is East European, but still. I guess we're in a world of our own.

The one thing Sicily shares with Portugal that extends beyond what they share with Belgium and Romania is the North African influence in both.

09-24-2014, 04:32 PM
A lot of the music is the same and much of the mindset. But Greek food is Balkan and religion is East European, but still. I guess we're in a world of our own.

The one thing Sicily shares with Portugal that extends beyond what they share with Belgium and Romania is the North African influence in both.

What kind of mindset are you talking about? And just because the Portuguese side of your family is reserved and cold ,it doesn't mean you can say that about the Portuguese as a whole.

The Italian immigration to Brasil came mostly from North Italian regions but the Southern Italian presence in there is quite considerable as you can see here http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italo-brasiliani

Nord 53,3% vs Sud 32,1%

By the way what do you know about Sicilian culture? Is your knowledge of our culture based on other Sicilian Americans? if so i suggest you to study a typical sociological phenomenon called "Deriva etnica" in italian ,so you will understand how deeply different are Sicilians and Sicilian Americans.

09-24-2014, 04:33 PM
What kind of mindset are you talking about? And just because the Portuguese side of your family is reserved and cold ,it doesn't mean you can say that about the Portuguese as a whole.

It is a stereotype with some truth. Portuguese are known to be very somber and without the liveliness you'd expect from a "Latin" European. Makes sense since they were on the periphery of the Latin world in Europe compared even to Spain.

09-24-2014, 04:45 PM
What kind of mindset are you talking about? And just because the Portuguese side of your family is reserved and cold ,it doesn't mean you can say that about the Portuguese as a whole.

The Italian immigration to Brasil came mostly from North Italian regions but the Southern Italian presence in there is quite considerable as you can see here http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italo-brasiliani

Nord 53,3% vs Sud 32,1%

By the way what do you know about Sicilian culture? Is your knowledge of our culture based on other Sicilian Americans? if so i suggest you to study a typical sociological phenomenon called "Deriva etnica" in italian ,so you will understand how deeply different are Sicilians and Sicilian Americans.

Aye. I am mostly Venetian, but I also have Piedmontese, Napoletan and Calabrian ancestors.

It is a stereotype with some truth. Portuguese are known to be very somber and without the liveliness you'd expect from a "Latin" European. Makes sense since they were on the periphery of the Latin world in Europe compared even to Spain.

No and no! Trust me, I live in a Romance nation. Portuguese are not known for being cold, the only Romance nation known to be cold are the French, and still not that much.

09-24-2014, 04:48 PM
It is a stereotype with some truth. Portuguese are known to be very somber and without the liveliness you'd expect from a "Latin" European. Makes sense since they were on the periphery of the Latin world in Europe compared even to Spain.

Stereotypes are annoying and boring.

09-24-2014, 04:53 PM
No and no! Trust me, I live in a Romance nation. Portuguese are not known for being cold, the only Romance nation known to be cold are the French, and still not that much.

Portuguese aren't as cold as the French but are known to be melancholy and not "lively".

09-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Interesting how every Italian member, from North and South, thumbed up my posts on this thread. :rolleyes:

09-24-2014, 05:09 PM
Interesting how every Italian member, from North and South, thumbed up my posts on this thread. :rolleyes:

And I am supposed to care why? What I said was a comparison; IN COMPARED TO southern Italian culture, Portuguese culture is cold. From the perspective of someone in Sweden that wouldn't be the case.

Hell, I consider northern Italian culture very French-like and Germanic influenced in mindset and demeanor also.

09-24-2014, 05:10 PM
Phenotypically, at least, southern Italians/Sicilians look highly distinct from Portuguese. Ask any Portuguese person here and they will tell you.

I am Sicilian and Portuguese. The food is nothing alike. The music is nothing alike. Neither is the attitude and behavior.

The Italians near you are mostly northerners, who will have fewer differences.

1 out of 4 italibrazilian is venetian.

09-24-2014, 05:11 PM
1 out of 4 italibrazilian is venetian.

That makes sense then. Portuguese and northern Italian cultures would be more similar to one another than would southern Italian and Portuguese, so it makes total sense that he thinks of the two as similar; whereas I have seen both Sicilian and Portuguese culture and I can see that one is a lot more lively, and more stereotypically "Mediteranean" than the other is.

I am sure as a northern Italian you don't think southerners have the same culture as you. You guys have a better work ethic also!

09-24-2014, 05:24 PM
And I am supposed to care why? What I said was a comparison; IN COMPARED TO southern Italian culture, Portuguese culture is cold. From the perspective of someone in Sweden that wouldn't be the case.

Hell, I consider northern Italian culture very French-like and Germanic influenced in mindset and demeanor also.

Why this reaction? Even South Italians in Brazil, in my opinion, are not that different from Iberian. Perhaps they were influenced by Iberians and North Italians. The average Italianbrazilian culture is a mix of Northern and Southern elements. On the same dinner table you can find polenta, gnocchi and pizza. In a Italian festival here you will see both Tarantella dancers and Venetian Carnival happening at the same time. We incert Italian words in our Portuguese speach such as "ciao", "cazzo" and "ma che?". We have the best of both worlds.

09-24-2014, 05:25 PM
I don't think that portuguese culture is like north italian culture, they've their unique ethnic mindset and history, plus different recent cultural influences (venetian original culture for example is basically the cross point between romance, germanic and slavic europe)

09-24-2014, 05:25 PM
Why this reaction? Even South Italians in Brazil, in my opinion, are not that different from Iberian. Perhaps they were influenced by Iberians and North Italians. The average Italianbrazilian culture is a mix of Northern and Southern elements. On the same dinner table you can find polenta, gnocchi and pizza. In a Italian festival here you will see both Tarantella dancers and Venetian Carnival happening at the same time. We incert Italian words in our Portuguese speach such as "ciao", "cazzo" and "ma che?". We have the best of both worlds.

You are seeing the result of both cultures mixed together and thus not separating them. The southern Italians in Brazil, unless recent immigrants, would have adopted a Portuguese-based culture, just like those in the US assimilated to become "American".

Anyway I am unsure how this topic got started in this thread, but I am fairly certain it was you who brought culture into what should have been a CLASSIFICATION thread.

09-24-2014, 05:38 PM
You are seeing the result of both cultures mixed together and thus not separating them. The southern Italians in Brazil, unless recent immigrants, would have adopted a Portuguese-based culture, just like those in the US assimilated to become "American".

Anyway I am unsure how this topic got started in this thread, but I am fairly certain it was you who brought culture into what should have been a CLASSIFICATION thread.

Of course. I find is OFFENSIVE to associate Italians with Balkanites like they were doing here.

09-24-2014, 05:42 PM
Of course. I find is OFFENSIVE to associate Italians with Balkanites like they were doing here.

That was about phenotype. Your cultural views should not impact classification.

09-24-2014, 05:45 PM
That was about phenotype. Your cultural views should not impact classification.

I also find it offensive to say that Italians could pass in the Balkans.

09-24-2014, 05:45 PM

he looks turkish

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 05:45 PM
Of course. I find is OFFENSIVE to associate Italians with Balkanites like they were doing here.

Why? Are Italians different specie for someone to associate with Balkanites? Or Balkanites are sort of monster thus find them offensive to compare with Italians.

Go get some classification course together with geographical one to know better where the associating comes from.

09-24-2014, 05:46 PM
I also find it offensive to say that Italians could pass in the Balkans.

Then be offended.

09-24-2014, 05:46 PM
And I am supposed to care why? What I said was a comparison; IN COMPARED TO southern Italian culture, Portuguese culture is cold. From the perspective of someone in Sweden that wouldn't be the case.

Hell, I consider northern Italian culture very French-like and Germanic influenced in mindset and demeanor also.

Please don't be offended, Sikeliot. I understand you're an American who wants genuinely to understand Europe. But honestly, reading your post gives the impression that you speak of things of which you have little knowledge.

The simplifications are very American and not European.

09-24-2014, 05:50 PM
I also find it offensive to say that Italians could pass in the Balkans.

We could always say that some Balkanites could pass as Italians. ;-)

09-24-2014, 05:54 PM
We could always say that some Balkanites could pass as Italians. ;-)

So diplomatic :)

09-24-2014, 06:14 PM
Why? Are Italians different specie for someone to associate with Balkanites? Or Balkanites are sort of monster thus find them offensive to compare with Italians.

Go get some classification course together with geographical one to know better where the associating comes from.

Nothing against the Balkans an its people, I just think cultures and differences should be respected. It's not the first time I see him trying to make Italy look like an extension of the Balkans.

09-24-2014, 07:28 PM
Italy isn't an extension of Iberia either. But this is about PHENOTYPE so stop going off topic.

09-24-2014, 07:32 PM
Italy isn't an extension of Iberia either. But this is about PHENOTYPE so stop going off topic.

Do you think I look like him?

09-24-2014, 07:32 PM

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 07:44 PM
Nothing against the Balkans an its people, I just think cultures and differences should be respected. It's not the first time I see him trying to make Italy look like an extension of the Balkans.

Capital highlighted "offensive" word isn't quite pleasant opinion to express your disagreement with Sikeliot POV about Italians and Balkanites overlap, basically your contradicting yourself with second post when you say nothing against Balkanites cause its was pretty obvious you do, not that your opinion hurts me personally but try to be coherent and be more clearer why you as Brazilian yourself would feel offended in this regard about Italians being associated with Balkanites?

09-24-2014, 07:48 PM
Capital highlighted "offensive" word isn't quite pleasant opinion to express your disagreement with Sikeliot POV about Italians and Balkanites overlap, basically your contradicting yourself with second post when you say nothing against Balkanites cause its was pretty obvious you do, not that your opinion hurts me personally but try to be coherent and be more clearer why you as Brazilian yourself would feel offended in this regard about Italians being associated with Balkanites?

The funny thing is he used to be all about Iberia being Celtic and not wanting to group it with Italy. He's highly inconsistent.

Anyway of course Balkanites have a different culture but in terms of phenotype, certain Balkan nations share phenotypical traits with different regions of Italy. He has to accept it or at least not be rude.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 07:53 PM
We could always say that some Balkanites could pass as Italians. ;-)

Sorry to disappoint your Nordic taste, since in this direction is good thing for Balkanites since plots more Northern than Italians. ;)

Now expect a complete chimp-out :laugh:

09-24-2014, 07:54 PM
Sorry to disappoint your Nordic taste, since in this direction is good thing for Balkanites since plots more Northern than Italians. ;)

Now expect a complete chimp-out :laugh:

Who cares?

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 07:57 PM
Who cares?

I don't, she does - you can see for yourself how easy looses her coolness when dark Italians are being posted here. ;)

09-24-2014, 07:58 PM
Who cares?

Lol you said it in a polite way I would have said Who gives a fuck?;)

09-24-2014, 08:03 PM
I don't, she does - you can see for yourself how easy looses her coolness when dark Italians are being posted here. ;)

Because here people post only dark italians, that's why.

09-24-2014, 08:04 PM
Lol you said it in a politely way I would have said Who gives a fuck?;)

Or even the pan-northern ''va da via 'l'cul'' would have been good, lol.

09-24-2014, 08:05 PM
Because here people post only dark italians, that's why.

Probably because all that gets posted is southerners. :lol:

Tooting Carmen
09-24-2014, 08:06 PM
Because here people post only dark italians, that's why.

Not true. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?109199-Classify-these-light-haired-Italian-male-MPs

Tooting Carmen
09-24-2014, 08:07 PM
Probably because all that gets posted is southerners. :lol:

And you're a big part of that.

09-24-2014, 08:10 PM
Not true. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?109199-Classify-these-light-haired-Italian-male-MPs

It's not just about posting but about audience. F.e Peyrol used to post North Italians but there is no interest.. The folks love the swarthies and the trolls want to make them the average. Sikeliot is not among them ofc.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 08:11 PM
Because here people post only dark italians, that's why.

Never noticed this before but either way is nothing comparable to shitstorm kind of propaganda spread by our neighbors, even going too far to present Albanians as Mid-eastern without sharing facial trait or DNA with them whatsoever, but apparently some see racial thing in religious prism.

09-24-2014, 08:19 PM
And you're a big part of that.

Well maybe but I have no interest in posting northerners. Anyway I always label the people I post "Sicilian", "Calabrese" never as Italian, so if people are too dumb to think all of Italy looks like them, that's their own fault and they should educate themselves :)

09-24-2014, 08:24 PM
Probably because all that gets posted is southerners. :lol:

Yea that's the main reason

09-24-2014, 08:25 PM
Not true. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?109199-Classify-these-light-haired-Italian-male-MPs

Yeah but usually the threads about northt italians opened by you, me or other people are viewed and commented by 3 people.

''classify a piemontese''....3 replies

''classify this sicilian''...25 pages of shitstorm

09-24-2014, 08:41 PM
Capital highlighted "offensive" word isn't quite pleasant opinion to express your disagreement with Sikeliot POV about Italians and Balkanites overlap, basically your contradicting yourself with second post when you say nothing against Balkanites cause its was pretty obvious you do, not that your opinion hurts me personally but try to be coherent and be more clearer why you as Brazilian yourself would feel offended in this regard about Italians being associated with Balkanites?

I said what I said. And uh, maybe because I have Italian ancestry? Maybe because I live in the largest Italian nation outside Italy itself?

The funny thing is he used to be all about Iberia being Celtic and not wanting to group it with Italy. He's highly inconsistent.

Anyway of course Balkanites have a different culture but in terms of phenotype, certain Balkan nations share phenotypical traits with different regions of Italy. He has to accept it or at least not be rude.

No. Iberia has Celtic influences. I am just saying that Iberians are not that different from Italians, and I think I have a bit more experience than you, because my people was born from an Iberian-Italian syncretism.

09-24-2014, 08:43 PM
No. Iberia has Celtic influences. I am just saying that Iberians are not that different from Italians, and I think I have a bit more experience than you, because my people was born from an Iberian-Italian syncretism.

You view Italy different because over half of the Italians were northerners and thus the Italian culture there is mostly northern.

09-24-2014, 08:48 PM
Yeah but usually the threads about northt italians opened by you, me or other people are viewed and commented by 3 people.

''classify a piemontese''....3 replies

''classify this sicilian''...25 pages of shitstorm

You know what's worse? When I post a non-swarthy Italian-American and nobody responds or thinks they're mixed North Euro.

09-24-2014, 08:48 PM
You know what's worse? When I post a non-swarthy Italian-American and nobody responds or thinks they're mixed North Euro.

That may be because many Italian Americans are actually half Irish, Polish etc. I assume most are.

09-24-2014, 08:53 PM
That may be because many Italian Americans are actually half Irish, Polish etc. I assume most are.

He's not:


Nor is he:


Combined they have not even a third of the replies of this thread (and this guy isn't even that woggy at all) :lol:.

09-24-2014, 08:54 PM
You know what's worse? When I post a non-swarthy Italian-American and nobody responds or thinks they're mixed North Euro.

Oh certo Jeraci...that's even worse...''italian? That's impossible''

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 08:55 PM
I said what I said. And uh, maybe because I have Italian ancestry? Maybe because I live in the largest Italian nation outside Italy itself?

Poor excuse, still you live thousand km away from Italy also many generation passed together with many other European mixes in your family tree to be able to count yourself fully Italian or citizen of Italy or anything that leads to feel offended about someone opinion with whom Italians of Europe overlap....The last sentence wasn't even a necessity to bring up into discussion since is worthless argument nor proves anything useful about issue we are talking.

09-24-2014, 08:57 PM
He's not:


Nor is he:


Combined they have not even a third of the replies of this thread (and this guy isn't even that woggy at all) :lol:.

Well I would think the first guy was mixed with North Euro but not the second. Either way many Italian Americans are mixed with North European, so before we know it, their looks will be the standard.

09-24-2014, 08:59 PM
You know what's worse? When I post a non-swarthy Italian-American and nobody responds or thinks they're mixed North Euro.

Who cares of non-swarthy Italian-Americans! All Italian-Americans are swarthy wog. Period.

I'm joking, of course

09-24-2014, 09:00 PM
That may be because many Italian Americans are actually half Irish, Polish etc. I assume most are.

You surely know Americans better than me. So you're stating that a non-swarty Italian-American is impossible. I see.

09-24-2014, 09:02 PM
You surely know Americans better than me. So you're stating that a non-swarty Italian-American is impossible. I see.

No, but whenever someone says they are "Italian American" I assume mixed with North Euro unless they look stereotypically South Euro.

09-24-2014, 09:03 PM
Well I would think the first guy was mixed with North Euro but not the second. Either way many Italian Americans are mixed with North European, so before we know it, their looks will be the standard.

First guy is 100% Campanian; both parents are from Avellino.

09-24-2014, 09:05 PM
Poor excuse, still you live thousand km away from Italy also many generation passed together with many other European mixes in your family tree to be able to count yourself fully Italian or citizen of Italy or anything that leads to feel offended about someone opinion with whom Italians of Europe overlap....The last sentence wasn't even a necessity to bring up into discussion since is worthless argument nor proves anything useful about issue we are talking.

Funny. I didn't know that being "a thousand kilometres" away from Italy should influence diasporian communities and how they feel about their origins. I'm sorry my friend, Italian culture is VERY strong here, and I can apply for Italian citizenship, actually some members of my family have already double citzenship. All Italians so far here seem to have great respect for Italian Brazilians, so I don't think they share your view, a view from an Albanian who indeed has nothing to do with the subject.

09-24-2014, 09:06 PM
First guy is 100% Campanian; both parents are from Avellino.

But he looks well.. not southern European to me. It's not even that he doesn't look woggy; I wouldn't expect him to, but he doesn't look distinctly southern European.

09-24-2014, 09:08 PM
I also find it offensive to say that Italians could pass in the Balkans.

Why would you find that offensive? Many Italians pass in the Balkans easily.

09-24-2014, 09:09 PM
But he looks well.. not southern European to me. It's not even that he doesn't look woggy; I wouldn't expect him to, but he doesn't look distinctly southern European.

Do you mean all South Europe? I can't believe you're talking seriously.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-24-2014, 09:13 PM
Funny. I didn't know that being "a thousand kilometres" away from Italy should influence diasporian communities and how they feel about their origins. I'm sorry my friend, Italian culture is VERY strong here, and I can apply for Italian citizenship, actually some members of my family have already double citzenship. All Italians so far here seem to have great respect for Italian Brazilians, so I don't think they share your view, a view from an Albanian who indeed has nothing to do with the subject.

PC off, you're New-World mutt not Italian nor knows anything about phenotypes, doubt you ever went to Italy even then you won't be able to give more accountable opinion than someone who is familiar with Italian and Balkanite look, and yes being Albanian helps me alot about this issue. ;)

09-24-2014, 09:13 PM
Do you mean all South Europe? I can't believe you're talking seriously.

I'm not following you well. If someone looks more like a typical North European than Southern, and I find out they have an Italian surname and are from the US, naturally I will assume they're mixed with North European until told otherwise. When told otherwise I'm not going to pester them or insist they're lying or anything...

09-24-2014, 09:19 PM
I'm not following you well. If someone looks more like a typical North European than Southern, and I find out they have an Italian surname and are from the US, naturally I will assume they're mixed with North European until told otherwise. When told otherwise I'm not going to pester them or insist they're lying or anything...

3/4 neapolitan and 1/4 ligurian...still don't look like many selfdeclared ''italian americans'' from Hollywood or MTV




09-24-2014, 09:20 PM
He looks South Euro though, I'd never doubt he is full Italian.

09-24-2014, 09:23 PM
PC off, you're New-World mutt not Italian nor knows anything about phenotypes, doubt you ever went to Italy even then you won't be able to give more accountable opinion than someone who is familiar with Italian and Balkanite look, and yes being Albanian helps me alot about this issue. ;)

Yes sure! Because the fact that I share the homeland with another 25 million oriundi is not important! :D
And yes, I'm a New World mutt, still I am an oriundi. And most of my family has already been to Italy, even my parents. So, yes, I am a thousand times more familar with Italian look and culture than an Albo.

09-24-2014, 09:25 PM
He looks South Euro though, I'd never doubt he is full Italian.

He still don't look like the usual ''italian'' posted here as ''typical'' by everyone from every nation.

Like the pics of the moroccan guys at the stadium with a giant ''telecom Maròc'' in the background that many eastern europeans and other MENAs here posted as ''italians''

09-24-2014, 09:26 PM
Sorry to disappoint your Nordic taste, since in this direction is good thing for Balkanites since plots more Northern than Italians. ;)

Now expect a complete chimp-out :laugh:

Just between us, it was a joke. But I can not resist observing that my nordic taste should be very common in Albania since here on TA many Albos (and other Balkanites, to be honest) like to describe themselves as the epitome of nordicness. Isn't it? ;)

I don't, she does - you can see for yourself how easy looses her coolness when dark Italians are being posted here. ;)

I'll make a confession: I reserve my coolness for real life. I'm not that kind of person that can take seriously pseudo-Anthropology.

Don't you believe me? :P


09-24-2014, 09:28 PM
I'm not following you well. If someone looks more like a typical North European than Southern, and I find out they have an Italian surname and are from the US, naturally I will assume they're mixed with North European until told otherwise. When told otherwise I'm not going to pester them or insist they're lying or anything...

because of that mentality people in the US think this woman is Italain.


09-24-2014, 09:35 PM
because of that mentality people in the US think this woman is Italain.


Here people would guess her as ethiopian or egyptian, lol.

09-24-2014, 09:37 PM
He looks South Euro though, I'd never doubt he is full Italian.

Don De Lillo, one of the most important contemporary American novelist, playwright and essayist, of full Italian descent from Molise, Southern Italy (from what I read on wikipedia). One of my favourite writers ever.



09-24-2014, 09:38 PM
Here people would guess her as ethiopian or egyptian, lol.

Her mom cheated on her dad. She's half black and we all know it; most Americans actually see her as a black woman and not Italian.

09-24-2014, 09:40 PM
Don De Lillo, one of the most important contemporary American novelist, playwright and essayist, of full Italian descent from Molise, Southern Italy (from what I read on wikipedia). One of my favourite writers ever.

People in Molise don't look exactly like Calabrese and Sicilians, but he still looks "Italian" to me.

I mean people like Kelly Ripa. I would not know she was full Italian American (presumably southern) if not told.

09-24-2014, 09:44 PM
People in Molise don't look exactly like Calabrese and Sicilians, but he still looks "Italian" to me.

I mean people like Kelly Ripa. I would not know she was full Italian American (presumably southern) if not told.

I give you an information. In Italy don't exist only Sicilians and Calabrese. :)

I don't know who is Kelly Ripa. I google.

De Lillo surely looks Italian. His mother even didn't speak english, only Italian and Molisan dialect.

09-24-2014, 09:58 PM
He still don't look like the usual ''italian'' posted here as ''typical'' by everyone from every nation.

Like the pics of the moroccan guys at the stadium with a giant ''telecom Maròc'' in the background that many eastern europeans and other MENAs here posted as ''italians''

Lol I remember that was epic :cool:

The Illyrian Warrior
09-25-2014, 07:11 AM
Yes sure! Because the fact that I share the homeland with another 25 million oriundi is not important! :D
And yes, I'm a New World mutt, still I am an oriundi. And most of my family has already been to Italy, even my parents. So, yes, I am a thousand times more familar with Italian look and culture than an Albo.

Than it's such a shame you post mostly in non-taxonomy section since you're such a talented fella who knows everything about Italian look and whatnot, also Sao Paolo is such a great place to collect all needed information to give reliable opinion regarding Italians who live in Europe, with this being said pure Italians are nothing compared to those of diaspora when they associate another group with Italians cause they offend their mixed origin first and foremost. :rolleyes:

You should pay a visit in Italy some day, maybe not gonna be not exactly as you perceive Italians but worth a shot to see for yourself the difference from Italians of Brazil, and get much clearer picture about whole this. Until then you're way off from reality.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-25-2014, 07:37 AM
Just between us, it was a joke. But I can not resist observing that my nordic taste should be very common in Albania since here on TA many Albos (and other Balkanites, to be honest) like to describe themselves as the epitome of nordicness. Isn't it? ;)

I'll make a confession: I reserve my coolness for real life. I'm not that kind of person that can take seriously pseudo-Anthropology.

Don't you believe me? :P


Oh Ulla my Italian lioness, I was talking in personal sense don't include whole group into this, you never see me going all chimp-out about wog looking people who are Albanians while same can't be said about you when dark Italians are being posted here in otherhand you feel sort of pride inside when blond Italians are posted, never seen a women care about Nordicist view before, I can post tons of dark Italians just for trolling purpose and I could bet you'd be first to react and yes, you take whole this serious like you've done it before sometimes with laughable excuses to refuse dark Italians as your own....Now tell me who's being dishonest here. ;)

09-25-2014, 01:51 PM
Than it's such a shame you post mostly in non-taxonomy section since you're such a talented fella who knows everything about Italian look and whatnot, also Sao Paolo is such a great place to collect all needed information to give reliable opinion regarding Italians who live in Europe, with this being said pure Italians are nothing compared to those of diaspora when they associate another group with Italians cause they offend their mixed origin first and foremost. :rolleyes:

You should pay a visit in Italy some day, maybe not gonna be not exactly as you perceive Italians but worth a shot to see for yourself the difference from Italians of Brazil, and get much clearer picture about whole this. Until then you're way off from reality.

Yes. São Paulo is a great place to collect information because is the most Italian place in the world outside Italy itself. There are millions of people of pure Italian descent (relatives of mine included) and another million of recent first generation Italian immigrants living here. Funny an Albo saying that Italian-Brazilians don't look Italian, when Peyrol himself (hence, an Italian), claims that Italian Brazilians are how diasporian Italians should look like:

Finally some ''colonial'' italians which look like real italians of Italy and not like middle eastern fags as the italian americans.

I repeat myself: a very good thread about how real italians for the diaspora must look without middle eastern selfreported as ''italians'' as in the U.S.

09-25-2014, 03:10 PM
Yes. São Paulo is a great place to collect information because is the most Italian place in the world outside Italy itself. There are millions of people of pure Italian descent (relatives of mine included) and another million of recent first generation Italian immigrants living here. Funny an Albo saying that Italian-Brazilians don't look Italian, when Peyrol himself (hence, an Italian), claims that Italian Brazilians are how diasporian Italians should look like:
You are right! Looking throughout your and other threads It seems that you are preserving very well Italian and European traditions!! Living in a place where globalization and consumerism is surely softer than in the USA, It helps to preserve tradition and culture! You have amazing places, I will come to visit them for sure.

09-25-2014, 03:25 PM
You are right! Looking throughout your and other threads It seems that you are preserving very well Italian and European traditions!! Living in a place where globalization and consumerism is surely softer than in the USA, It helps to preserve tradition and culture! You have amazing places, I will come to visit them for sure.

Thank you very much. That's very nice, coming from another Italian. Did you check my threads like "São Paulo", "Italian-Brazilians" and "White Brazilians"?

09-25-2014, 03:28 PM
Thank you very much. That's very nice, coming from another Italian. Did you check my threads like "São Paulo", "Italian-Brazilians" and "White Brazilians"?
Yes!! I got that impressions basically from that threads and from a thread of another guy who I don't remember the name who is still brazilian! Amazing people!

Btw thanks for sharing, I knew anything before!!