View Full Version : Being brown in Chile is a stigma suffered by the 95% of my people

09-24-2014, 08:41 PM
Being brown in Chile is a stigma

The millionaire Ivan Zamorano debt with some of the major banks in this country have filled pages and pages of articles, and has filled the social networks-and many epithets against Jews reject the former captain of La Roja. And it never hurts to see plenty of fall to an idol of its magnitude, especially if it does not meet the characteristics of a country like Chile, where the tan is punished to the first error.

That's right: newspapers, television and radio programs have been feasting on the financial situation of Bam Bam, questioning their spending, what he did or did not do to get so wealthy figure against. All this hand as always teasing and endless jokes about national footballer.

Chilean middle class


These moments, but bring with suffering and despair, unfortunately serve to see what we're made and what our true relationship with whom ever we applaud wildly and even hugged once they saw on the street. It helps us see what it is also made our journalism class and intentions that often entails.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel for those who give a bad financial information, it is best done when the person concerned has no real power. It is simpler. And best seen in a society where dark skin is challenged by be, to show no shame, because, apparently, there must be some decency of those who possess in a country where we still believe blond, blue eyes and with some Aryan descent that does not exist, and that is just part of a collective imagination that was instilled in us and we like it.

Zamorano, the same as he was walking with silvery blond women and had no qualms about showing their hats or jackets Italian designers, is now in financial trouble, and that seems to some good. It is as if they saw that the balance of the universe again be where they left. Total is broken, spicy, Maipu. Why did not you stay there many who celebrate their fall, ask your silence on this defeat that some enjoy quite boisterous.

Ivan was never ashamed of where they came from, always called out in Chile had ended the persecution of Communists in order to begin the poor, people with accents and mispronounced phrases. He was the first to demonstrate that football was the only place where there was real social mobility within a free market enslaved who did not come from a good family or a place where they could establish some networks of support.

So now it's time to drop before the flashes to remind you that all is not so simple, that in this country are born and die tan with all that that implies even if you've been lucky. Now that's what our means are class-based fun building the suffering of those recruited to realities; of those who danced in programs all too pretty girl and at the same time had to pay your membership in the world of the stars, being wet live in winter, to continue boleteando in this magnificently cruel as is the communications world.

Clearly, Ivan is not the same as its name based on sweat and peak was taken, but for media eyes it is. In the eyes of such television idiosyncrasies like ours, once with half the debt Za-Sa pair is simply a type unscrupulous today is paying his sins. When the truth is to be the example of another country, that real and unapologetic, and you know you have the same rights as those born lucky and own a brand called Chile are created, which he popularized in the world of sport.

Source (is in spanish) http://www.elquintopoder.cl/sociedad/ivan-zamorano-ser-moreno-en-chile/

09-14-2015, 11:55 PM
while this is very sad, its not only in Chile that this is a big issue, but you know whats ironic? its that in this region if you have white skine you are labele(mislabeled if you ask me) as "white" no matter if you are a white indo-mestizo.. so in this region you are either brown or white no matter any other features

09-15-2015, 12:08 AM
It is good that Chileans idolize Whiteness. In the future, perhaps the Chileans will set about on a eugenic program to both cultivate the existing White elements in their population, and to encourage the immigration of Whites into Chile to further this end; resulting in a White Chile.

Demon Revival
09-15-2015, 12:24 AM
It is good that Chileans idolize Whiteness. In the future, perhaps the Chileans will set about on a eugenic program to both cultivate the existing White elements in their population, and to encourage the immigration of Whites into Chile to further this end; resulting in a White Chile.

Actually I'm doing the opposite. Right now I've been on a travel through USA and Canada. I am not going to tell you how many girls have I banged but you can already have some calculations. I don't encourage immigration of Chileans anywhere but if they're traveling outside I thoroughly support them in banging and impregnating foreign girls, for Chileans are the true ultimatum in Latin America, feared by both white and non-white nations a like, for we are the true nation that has expanded tenfold and will continue doing so.

I'm bent on a mission to distribute my holy sperm in pred. Euro nations. European peoples have the gene for cuckoldry and get a trill out of stronger, darker males banging their women (something unparalleled elsewhere in the world) so it's a win-win situation.

09-15-2015, 12:28 AM
I'm having a hard time reading this article, it is horribly written.

09-15-2015, 12:44 AM
Actually I'm doing the opposite. Right now I've been on a travel through USA and Canada. I am not going to tell you how many girls have I banged but you can already have some calculations. I don't encourage immigration of Chileans anywhere but if they're traveling outside I thoroughly support them in banging and impregnating foreign girls, for Chileans are the true ultimatum in Latin America, feared by both white and non-white nations a like, for we are the true nation that has expanded tenfold and will continue doing so.

I'm bent on a mission to distribute my holy sperm in pred. Euro nations. European peoples have the gene for cuckoldry and get a trill out of stronger, darker males banging their women (something unparalleled elsewhere in the world) so it's a win-win situation.

You are a Chilean, it is unlikely you are successful with White Women; given your people's dark skin and short stature. Unfortunately the process you described is happening, the darkening of White nations; not through any sexual prowess supposedly possessed by Swarthoids, but through mass immigration.

Regarding your assertion that Europeans possess a gene for cuckoldry, that's an interesting theory; but, it lacks clear cut evidence.

I would also like to point out, that a crucial part of the ethnogenesis of Latin Americans, was White men fucking darker race's women; Chileans being one of the peoples spawned by this historical process.

Demon Revival
09-15-2015, 01:30 AM
You are a Chilean, it is unlikely you are successful with White Women; given your people's dark skin and short stature. Unfortunately the process you described is happening, the darkening of White nations; not through any sexual prowess supposedly possessed by Swarthoids, but through mass immigration.

You can sit there and talk about how White men are desired, and how you are superior, despite being decimated by a disordered array of swarthies, and talk about piggybacked achievements: but that doesn't mean a damn thing to this man. You see how these people called "swarthoids" are banging your women left and right, while all you do is write empty rhetoric in a forum, but despite they bring what you call "breeding machines", the white youth fails to make any sexual advance on them: it's clear.

Regarding your assertion that Europeans possess a gene for cuckoldry, that's an interesting theory; but, it lacks clear cut evidence.

The evidence is empiric. You never hear about Black, Middle Eastern men fantasizing about whites banging their women. It's because unlike you; they have the patriarchy gene. They don't bend down to women like white men do. In fact, white men nowadays are almost women.

I would also like to point out, that a crucial part of the ethnogenesis of Latin Americans, was White men fucking darker race's women; Chileans being one of the peoples spawned by this historical process.

Interesting that you mention it, but my mother is of nearly full Croatian ancestry. The "brown" part of me comes from the paternal side. This process you mention is only furtherproof that white men are unable to be successful in getting women from other races, as is the reason that White Women marry Black men at 300X the rate White Men can marry Black Women, a reminder of the eternal lack of sexual prowess in White peoples. White people are unable to successfully approach females of other race if it isn't by threatening methods like rape and slavery, and you can thank that to your white autist genes. You just don't have enough game for that.

09-15-2015, 01:31 AM
Who the fuck even cares? :bored:

Demon Revival
09-15-2015, 02:08 AM
Sockorer, here are more examples of the Cuckold Theory and the general problem cuckoldry encompasses in any Anglo-White community or anyone under the strong ideological grip of them (You could add Japan, North Europe and a few other places by extension).




That a white man makes fun of a Latin American for being raped is ridiculous as kings in feudal Europe routinely raped, and more often than not devirginised all young women even before their own husbands. But overall this is moot, as we are talking about today and not 500 or 1000 years ago, which is what matters the most.

I personally want to be spared of this same faith as yours, which is why I distance myself from all things white or "western" that can be a drawback on my well-being.

One thing is for certain: it's completely clear you can't be really that superior in practical terms if trivial and relatively harmless stuff like "refugees, jewish manipulation, MTV, illegal immigrants" can be enough to put the entire blame for your own downfall and shortcomings. It is not space aliens with lasers and completely out of hand technology that are invading you. It is not a global planet meltdown either (so far). How can anyone truly superior succumb to such menial menaces (and I'm really hesitating to use this word, as in total terms they are no threat at all)?

Felix Volkbein
09-15-2015, 02:15 AM
Interesting that you mention it, but my mother is of nearly full Croatian ancestry. The "brown" part of me comes from the paternal side. This process you mention is only furtherproof that white men are unable to be successful in getting women from other races, as is the reason that White Women marry Black men at 300X the rate White Men can marry Black Women, a reminder of the eternal lack of sexual prowess in White peoples. White people are unable to successfully approach females of other race if it isn't by threatening methods like rape and slavery, and you can thank that to your white autist genes. You just don't have enough game for that.

Honestly, this is probably because most White men just don't want Black women. They're ugly. Beta White men who can't get White women usually find a nice Asian woman, who are much more appealing than Blacks.

Demon Revival
09-15-2015, 02:19 AM
Honestly, this is probably because most White men just don't want Black women. They're ugly. Beta White men who can't get White women usually find a nice Asian women, who are much more appealing than Blacks.

Ah, you might be right on that, but I can only really speak from my perspective in that topic. Blacks as a whole look too different to my taste but I already have been with Afro-Caribbeans that didn't particularly look too Caucasian admixed. It's certainly not impossible for them to be attractive. But then what would be the explanation of Black men's success with White women in the other hand?

Felix Volkbein
09-15-2015, 02:23 AM
Ah, you might be right on that, but I can only really speak from my perspective in that topic. Blacks as a whole look too different to my taste but I already have been with Afro-Caribbeans that didn't particularly look too Caucasian admixed. It's certainly not impossible for them to be attractive. But then what would be the explanation of Black men's success with White women in the other hand?

What success?


Demon Revival
09-15-2015, 02:30 AM
What success?


Bro, are you really expecting me to take this collage made of spergsphere dating sites (people with testosterone levels near the average, or that are average in attractivenes never have to resort to online dating in the first place), screenshots of facebook posts, and inverted roles interracial pictures seriously?

The only valid statistic there (that is mostly irrelevant to this topic anyway) is that black men are more violent than white men, but you do realize that women in general prefer violent, rugged men as opposed to limp-wristed, docile twinks?

Any look at a real social place will paint you a completely different picture. Not to mention "dating sites" not even take into account casual hook-ups, which as we both clearly know, are rampant in the whole western world (I suspect in some places they might even be more common than a formal relationship).

09-16-2015, 07:22 PM
I don't know where people get the idea that white guys aren't successful with women. Maybe Aspie WN sites and the media? I know that most women who are willing to date out of their race like white guys because they are associated with success, look good, and have a reputation for treating their women well. I've heard this from women directly. Mestizo men aren't all that successful and tend to get girls from the bottom of the barrel because they are short and have low status. More white looking hispanics do much better with women, especially when Americanized. This is just my observation, FWIW.

Felix Volkbein
09-16-2015, 07:55 PM
I don't know where people get the idea that white guys aren't successful with women. Maybe Aspie WN sites and the media? I know that most women who are willing to date out of their race like white guys because they are associated with success, look good, and have a reputation for treating their women well. I've heard this from women directly. Mestizo men aren't all that successful and tend to get girls from the bottom of the barrel because they are short and have low status. More white looking hispanics do much better with women, especially when Americanized. This is just my observation, FWIW.

I agree that White guys are the most desired men overall and any minority that can pass for White (White Hispanics, White Arabs, etc.) will do similarly well. On the other hand, Mestizo men who aren't short, fat, and uneducated probably have more success with White women than most other Non-White minorities. Just look at the Hispanic/White interracial marriage stats for the American southwest. There aren't nearly enough "White Hispanics" to account for them all.

Demon Revival
09-16-2015, 08:30 PM
I don't know where people get the idea that white guys aren't successful with women. Maybe Aspie WN sites and the media? I know that most women who are willing to date out of their race like white guys because they are associated with success, look good, and have a reputation for treating their women well. I've heard this from women directly. Mestizo men aren't all that successful and tend to get girls from the bottom of the barrel because they are short and have low status. More white looking hispanics do much better with women, especially when Americanized. This is just my observation, FWIW.

I get my idea from traveling and visiting clubs and frat partier. They also have a reputation for cuckoldry (you will never find any Mestizo or Mena men willingly giving his wive to fuck with another men, seriously, there have been lots of threads about it). All the sites in the incelsphere are also heavily white dominated.

As for mestizos being short, I don't know what you're talking about but I'm sure you should have seen at least once that Cuba (and the whole Caribbeans basically) basically ranks shorter in height on average than most major mainland mestizo nations such as Colombia, Mexico, Chile, etc... As for me, I am 1.87 which basically dwarfs the average of any white nation you could possibly pick by a considerable margin.

You are also taking into account non-sense stuff such as "sucess, reputation for treating their women well". Everyone knows primal hook-ups paint a different story. Trying to attempt to get women with "success and treating them well" just turns you into a beta-provider cuck. You've basically killed your own argument while trying to explain it. No surprise you're a woman.

09-16-2015, 08:42 PM
I don't know where people get the idea that white guys aren't successful with women. Maybe Aspie WN sites and the media? I know that most women who are willing to date out of their race like white guys because they are associated with success, look good, and have a reputation for treating their women well. I've heard this from women directly. Mestizo men aren't all that successful and tend to get girls from the bottom of the barrel because they are short and have low status. More white looking hispanics do much better with women, especially when Americanized. This is just my observation, FWIW.

Because of the ads on TV, reviews, mode reviews, etc.

These kinds of media, anyhow, force people to want to be like people who appears on them.

Edit: They tend to believe they would be happier if they are like them ...