View Full Version : Most like Erectus/Heidelbergensus

09-26-2014, 01:02 AM
Discuss who you think is the closest to said groups. I'd imagine denisovan descendants will be mentioned.

09-27-2014, 12:18 PM
Bazzippity bump

The Illyrian Warrior
09-27-2014, 12:38 PM
Looking closely at archaic features, Africans/Negroids resemble the most with Homo heidelbergensis/rhodesiensis, they were noticeable tall hominids also.

Homo rhodesiensis (Rhodesian man) is an extinct hominin species of the genus Homo, described from the fossil Kabwe skull. Other morphologically-comparable remains have been found from the same, or earlier, time period in southern Africa (Hopefield or Saldanha), East Africa (Bodo, Ndutu, Eyasi, Ileret) and North Africa (Salé, Rabat, Dar-es-Soltane, Djbel Irhoud, Sidi Aberrahaman, Tighenif). These remains were dated between 300,000 and 125,000 years old. Homo rhodesiensis is now regarded by some scientists as another name for Homo heidelbergensis.