View Full Version : Metric data on Oberkassel [Doppelgrab von Oberkassel]

10-02-2014, 09:04 AM
Left - as discovered / Right - Repaired

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hj-UUz13NZU/T06NUNRCo_I/AAAAAAAAOOM/lj0rnkQrszE/s1600/447px-OBERCAS1.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-R5WHm9DcXE0/TW2odEaniqI/AAAAAAAAAbE/YFtHOKU2zlo/s1600/Cromags3.jpg

For those who want to read it in originally German:http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelgrab_von_Oberkassel


The skull of the woman was dissolved in the very simple sutures and disintegrate into its component bones, but could, apart from parts of both temporal scales, the nasal bones and some defects of the skull base, are reassembled.

The long-headed skulls has a maximum length of 184 mm, a maximum width of 129 mm and a maximum height of 135 mm (from anterior margin of the occipital to vertex measured). Its horizontal extent is 512 mm. In side view the contour of the skull over the well arched steep forehead extends to the occipital hole in a circular arc. The face shows a front view of a well-developed jaw apparatus. The moderately broad forehead is divided by a frontal suture. The quadrangular orbits are relatively large. The nostril is of moderate size, the palate is arched deeply, a very powerful lower jaw with a strong chin completes the steep profile line. The dentition was completely during life up to the third right upper molar. The last three molars are less worn than the other teeth, not yet broken down too long.

These values ​​and those of the other skeletal bones were close Bonnet "on a petite body of about 155 cm length." Current calculations of the body length of the female range between 160 cm ± 3.7 cm and 163 cm ± 4.1 cm. As for the woman's age, Bonnet was assumed that she was about 20 years old. Today, her age is rather given as 25 years.


In contrast to the skull of the woman for Bonnet shows the skull of the man by its width and lowness a "gross disproportion" to the moderately broad and slightly sloping forehead and well arched skull. The age of the man he estimated that 40 to 50 years.

The greatest length of the skull is 193 mm, the maximum width of 144 mm, the maximum height 138 mm, the horizontal circumference 538 mm. The capacity was determined at about 1500 cc. The low rectangular orbits are highly inclined outwardly and downwardly over them falls a uniform, about 8 mm wide,Upper eye bead. A low average lower bead widening stretches and flattened out to the apex. The nostril is in proportion to the face width narrow, the palate, except for a partial restoration of the tooth socket extension in relation to other jaw structure, remarkably small.

In the upper jaw the last two strong outwardly directed molars on both sides and the left canine were only present during life. In the lower jaw during life incisors subsequently been even a cutting and a canine. All the crowns are, as you would in many cases also to dentures still young skull is from the Quaternary, worn down to small remnants of the enamel. The exposed dentine is black.

From these values ​​and the strong development of all muscle projections on the skull and bones of the extremities Bonnet concluded that the Oberkassel man possessed "unusual" physical strength and was about 160 cm tall. Current calculations of the body length range from 167 cm ± 3.3 cm and 168 cm ± 4.8 cm.

10-29-2014, 02:33 PM
Interesting reconstruction of the male

10-29-2014, 07:29 PM
CroMagnid. Totally expected for Europe before Neolithic. Some are relatively similar to "Nordid", since Aryan race comes from CroMagnid and only got its stable recognizable variety late in time (between 3000-1000 BC)

10-29-2014, 07:35 PM
CroMagnid. Totally expected for Europe before Neolithic. Some are relatively similar to "Nordid", since Aryan race comes from CroMagnid and only got its stable recognizable variety late in time (between 3000-1000 BC)

Confused because according to the "Aryan" thesis Aryans come from Indo-Iranians,which more or less don't intertwine with Proto-Europoid cavemen such as the Oberkassel.

According to some sources Nazis were not very fond of the Cro-Magnon man,they even destroyed some material and fossils,as well as literature.

King Claus
10-29-2014, 07:42 PM

King Claus
10-29-2014, 07:44 PM
The homo erectus is even quite visible in the profile of the reconstruction. However, that doesn't mean that the real cro magnoids looked like that as well. Probably just hun invaders or something

10-29-2014, 07:50 PM
What about comparison to the Old man of Cro-Magnon?Do you think they were of the same race?

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7cgYLibQDyntC7EREGk3DOmMXMA3cK ZC10slRMcTYRCVlVY90

10-29-2014, 07:50 PM
Confused because according to the "Aryan" thesis Aryans come from Indo-Iranians,which more or less don't intertwine with Proto-Europoid cavemen such as the Oberkassel.

According to some sources Nazis were not very fond of the Cro-Magnon man,they even destroyed some material and fossils,as well as literature.

Nazis, Hitler, Six-Million-Jews:D Automatic bot response implanted in the brain of goyim whenever the word Aryan comes.

10-29-2014, 07:56 PM
Nazis, Hitler, Six-Million-Jews:D Automatic bot response implanted in the brain of goyim whenever the word Aryan comes.

Well its the Nazis that introduced it to the world,before that it was a word for "Noble" that nobody has heard of or associated with the Nordic race.

I`m just observing the facts not being a goy.

King Claus
10-29-2014, 07:58 PM
What about comparison to the Old man of Cro-Magnon?Do you think they were of the same race?

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7cgYLibQDyntC7EREGk3DOmMXMA3cK ZC10slRMcTYRCVlVY90It has obvious differences

10-31-2014, 02:25 PM
U5b was one of the main haplogroups present among the indigenous Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers of Europe who eventually took up agriculture and were assimilated into Neolithic societies. Note that some of the Mesolithic U5b samples come from very late time periods where much of Europe was already Neolithic. These samples are still considered Mesolithic though as they came from hunter-gatherer cultures that descended from earlier Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic cultures and did not practice agriculture. Also I am sure that some of the samples from the various remains that are listed as being just U or U5 are in reality some type of U5b but they are not confirmed. I am only listing the samples that seem to be confirmed U5b. If I have missed any please add them in if you wish.

Upper Paleolithic:

Oberkassel Germany 12,000 BC: U5b1

Oberkassel Germany 11,400 BC: U5b1

Continenza Italy 14,000-8000 BC: U5b2b1


Portugal (Mesolithic remains no date given): U5b1c2

Falkensteiner Hohle Germany 7200 BC: U5b2

Hohlenstein-Stadel Germany 6700 BC: U5b2

Donkalnis Lithuania (Mesolithic remains no date given, based on cultural material): U5b (possibly U5b2)

Loschbour Luxembourg 6000 BC: U5b1a

La Brana-Arintero Spain 5000 BC: U5b2c1

La Brana-Arintero Spain 5000 BC: U5b2c1

Aizpea Navarre Spain 4600 +/- 65 BC: U5b1

Kretuonas Lithuania 4450 BC: U5b (possibly U5b2)

Kretuonas Lithuania 4200 BC: U5b (possibly U5b2)

Dudka Poland 3650 BC: U5b1

Dudka Poland 4000-3000 BC: U5b1


Pere Tumulus C, Prisse-la-Charriere France 4200 BC: U5b

Treilles Aveyron France 3000 BC: U5b1c

Copper Age/Chalcolithic:

Paimogo Portugal 3000 BC: U5b2*

Eulau Germany 2600 BC: U5b

Bronze Age:

Esperstedt Germany 2050-1800 BC: U5b

Lichenstein Cave Germany 1000 BC: U5b

Lichenstein Cave Germany 1000 BC: U5b

Lichenstein Cave Germany 1000 BC: U5b

Lichenstein Cave Germany 1000 BC: U5b

Lichenstein Cave Germany 1000 BC: U5b

Iron Age:

Bogebjerggard Denmark 0 BC/AD : U5b1

Kowalewko Poland 0-300 AD: U5b

Simonsborg Denmark 100-200 AD: U5b

Roman Period:

Leicester England UK 300-400 AD: U5b

Medeival Period:

Castle Mall Norwich England UK 890-1020 AD: U5b1

Priego de Cordoba Spain 1100-1300 AD: U5b

Riisby Denmark 1250-1450 AD: U5b

Mechtild of Holstein Sweden 1288 AD: U5b1

10-31-2014, 03:22 PM
If you think about it, this type of skull is opposite from previous human forms in just about every noticeable way. (previous does not include Neanderthal, that would be parallel)

-Short high vault
-Protruding nose
-Rectangular orbits
-Prominent chin
-Short wide face
-Lack of facial flatness
Can probably list a bunch more.

10-31-2014, 03:26 PM
If you think about it, this type of skull is opposite from previous human forms in just about every noticeable way. (previous does not include Neanderthal, that would be parallel)

-Short high vault
-Protruding nose
-Rectangular orbits
-Prominent chin
-Short wide face
-Lack of facial flatness
Can probably list a bunch more.

Yet it is genetically connected to all other Paleolithic and Mesolithic and even some more recent fossils found.

Oberkassel in my book was a Cro-Magnon with a little too much testosterone and growth hormone.

10-31-2014, 03:29 PM
Old Cro-Magnon man was more aesthetic and had a bigger braincase than Oberkassel one

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7cgYLibQDyntC7EREGk3DOmMXMA3cK ZC10slRMcTYRCVlVY90

11-02-2014, 01:35 AM
Yet it is genetically connected to all other Paleolithic and Mesolithic and even some more recent fossils found.

Oberkassel in my book was a Cro-Magnon with a little too much testosterone and growth hormone.

Why would you say yet there?

But yeah, Oberkassel is one of the textbook references for the whole 'cro-magnid' subrace. I wo

02-08-2015, 08:40 AM
I found this cool reconstruction of both the woman and the man

10-01-2016, 04:47 PM
Summoning Grab the Gauge to give his opinion on the thread.

Grab the Gauge
10-04-2016, 06:51 AM
What about comparison to the Old man of Cro-Magnon?Do you think they were of the same race?

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7cgYLibQDyntC7EREGk3DOmMXMA3cK ZC10slRMcTYRCVlVY90

They certainly were. The Cro Magnon skull is missing it's zygomatic bones and had a larger braincase, but they were otherwise very similar. Note that like the old man of Cro Magnon, and several other Paleolithic skulls, the width of the face (bizygomatic breadth) is greater than the width of the braincase.

10-04-2016, 07:08 AM


Zmey Gorynych
10-04-2016, 07:48 AM
What's his bizygomatic and facial height? His measurements are exceptional only if you consider his height (165cm?). The picture of the skull and that of the reconstruction gives the impression of a larger individual.

10-04-2016, 11:26 AM
What's his bizygomatic and facial height? His measurements are exceptional only if you consider his height (165cm?). The picture of the skull and that of the reconstruction gives the impression of a larger individual.

There is no more numbers apart from those given in the article.Only way to find out is to go and fully measure the skull in person if they would even allow that,right now it is in the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn

10-12-2016, 07:10 PM
Not really

07-27-2018, 10:52 AM



07-27-2018, 11:12 AM
If someone is interested in actual metric data:
Maximum cranial length (from glabella): 194mm
Maximum cranial breadth (biparietal): 141mm
Bizygomatic breadth: 152mm
Upper facial height: 72mm
Minimum frontal breadth: 98mm
Basion-bregma height: 137mm
Nasal height: 51mm
Nasal breadth: 25mm
Orbital breadth: 47mm
Orbital height: 30mm

Reconstruction by M.M. Gerasimov:

07-27-2018, 11:13 AM
I found this cool reconstruction of both the woman and the man

Cunny resemblance to my granddad


07-27-2018, 11:16 AM
If someone is interested in actual metric data:
Maximum cranial length (from glabella): 194mm
Maximum cranial breadth (biparietal): 141mm
Bizygomatic breadth: 152mm
Upper facial height: 72mm
Minimum frontal breadth: 98mm
Basion-bregma height: 137mm
Nasal height: 51mm
Nasal breadth: 25mm
Orbital breadth: 47mm
Orbital height: 30mm

Reconstruction by M.M. Gerasimov:

Looks mongoloid race.

07-27-2018, 11:26 AM
Cunny resemblance to my granddad

Looks mongoloid race.

Not, the retracted zygomata and lateral orbital rims, the strong projection and convexity of nasal bridge, marked nasion depression and browridge, relatively narrow maxilla, and plethora of other characteristics which can be deduced from the skull are all in diametrical opposition to anything "Mongoloid".
Your grandfather can not be said to resemble him to any reasonable degree.


Scrap that nonsense, physical anthropology is not damn GEDmatch, you simply can not "calculate" proximities like that. When Howells tried to do that with his dataset, Oberkassel turned out to have "Australoid" affinities.
Pekkas have nothing to do with UP Europeans, sorry to disappoint you.

07-27-2018, 11:32 AM
Not, the retracted zygomata and lateral orbital rims, the strong projection and convexity of nasal bridge, marked nasion depression and browridge, relatively narrow maxilla, and plethora of other characteristics which can be deduced from the skull are all in diametrical opposition to anything "Mongoloid".
Your grandfather can not be said to resemble him to any reasonable degree.

Scrap that nonsense, physical anthropology is not damn GEDmatch, you simply can not "calculate" proximities like that. When Howells tried to do that with his dataset, Oberkassel turned out to have "Australoid" affinities.
Pekkas have nothing to do with UP Europeans, sorry to disappoint you.

OM Fucking god, so I better just trust your eye anthpology. You are one of the biggest retards here. That oberkassel resembles australoids with it's bulging forehead, sounds to me quite logical.

07-27-2018, 11:37 AM

www.janesoceania.com/australia_aboriginal_history/Aboriginal%20Jimmy%20Walkabout_%20pitjantjara_trib e.jpg

07-27-2018, 03:04 PM
OM Fucking god, so I better just trust your eye anthpology. You are one of the biggest retards here. That oberkassel resembles australoids with it's bulging forehead, sounds to me quite logical.
It is not "eye anthropology", but merely a recognition of the fact that UP Europeans had nothing to do with modern extra-European populations, especially considering that Oberkassel is Epipalaeolithic, almost Mesolithic.
Physical anthropology is not a game of numbers (enter metrics and compare by some formula), but much more, since immeasurable morphology is as (if not much more) important as metrics.
Bulging forehead? His frontal bone is sloped and flattened, do you even have a slightest idea on what are you yammering about?

Your attempts to connect Finns with UP Europeans are amusing, as is your Oase skull fetish. But no, someone (=the most common form of Finn) flat-nosed, strawheaded, with projected malars, among plenty of other traits, can't really be of their type.

08-25-2018, 01:52 AM
If someone is interested in actual metric data:
Maximum cranial length (from glabella): 194mm
Maximum cranial breadth (biparietal): 141mm
Bizygomatic breadth: 152mm
Upper facial height: 72mm
Minimum frontal breadth: 98mm
Basion-bregma height: 137mm
Nasal height: 51mm
Nasal breadth: 25mm
Orbital breadth: 47mm
Orbital height: 30mm

Reconstruction by M.M. Gerasimov:

My skull without texture (i made a radiography):

Maximum cranial length (from glabella): 215mm
Maximum cranial breadth (biparietal): 160 mm
Bizygomatic breadth: 150mm
Upper facial height: 86mm
Minimum frontal breadth: 115mm
Basion-bregma height: 130mm
Nasal height: 51mm
Nasal breadth: 40mm
Orbital breadth: 44mm
Orbital height: 25mm

What do you think i could be cosmoo?thanks in advantage...

08-13-2019, 12:56 PM
Not, the retracted zygomata

Stopped reading there. I can't even laugh anymore that is how dumb you are. Literally post earlier you posted this info:

Maximum cranial length (from glabella): 194mm
Maximum cranial breadth (biparietal): 141mm
Bizygomatic breadth: 152mm
Upper facial height: 72mm
Minimum frontal breadth: 98mm
Basion-bregma height: 137mm
Nasal height: 51mm
Nasal breadth: 25mm
Orbital breadth: 47mm
Orbital height: 30mm

Which literally means that Oberkassel motherfucker has laterally projecting mongoloid cheekbones: it has full centimeter broader jaw than braincase. It is quite fucking obvious you don't understand nothing about the terms you use.

Here is what coon wrote about the subject. Him being Smart dude obviously noticed the obvious:

https://scontent.fpoa24-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67880848_1150435258482870_4478593095117570048_n.jp g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQlKqiM4OfsDFyV1kk2-SdVdsirT3CxIbLdjdtG-1ZArpqJ3W6jisYmMRyTEj0mAd1A&_nc_ht=scontent.fpoa24-1.fna&oh=1c3b2e28f682d631cc8706328977f574&oe=5DDDF8F1

Then you go to some nauseating rant how Oberkassel can't resemble modern humble Finns because among other things, according to you, Finns have, "projected malars".

Now lets look at numbers again, since you hate them so much:

From Kylälahti burial ground, 14th century Karelian metropolis:

Maximum cranial breadth: 150mm
Maximum bizygomatic breadth: 135 mm

And here are numbers Coon gave for modern Finns (which seem to correspond quite well with Kylälahti):

Maximum cranial breadth: 153 to 154 mm
Maximum bizygomatic breadth: 141 mm

Now try compare honestly these numbers to Oberkassel, and then make some sort of conclusion, based on the data. I'm guessing, with your peanut brain, you are gonna get this wrong. I'm also guessing that if your countrymen are anything like you, your country of origin, has the economy of Zimbabwe.