View Full Version : The End of Whiteness

01-13-2009, 12:39 AM

"For Lander, whiteness has become a vacuum. The “white identity” he limns on his blog is predicated on the quest for authenticity—usually other people’s authenticity. “As a white person, you’re just desperate to find something else to grab onto. You’re jealous! Pretty much every white person I grew up with wished they’d grown up in, you know, an ethnic home that gave them a second language. White culture is Family Ties and Led Zeppelin and Guns N’ Roses—like, this is white culture. This is all we have.”

Lander’s “white people” are products of a very specific historical moment, raised by well-meaning Baby Boomers to reject the old ideal of white American gentility and to embrace diversity and fluidity instead. (“It’s strange that we are the kids of Baby Boomers, right? How the hell do you rebel against that? Like, your parents will march against the World Trade Organization next to you. They’ll have bigger white dreadlocks than you. What do you do?”) But his lighthearted anthropology suggests that the multicultural harmony they were raised to worship has bred a kind of self-denial. "

An article I read tonight. I certainly don't agree with all of it's points but this point made me think. I know that whites aren't a homogeneous society but is this supposed 'white' cultural void a reality? And if not, is it becoming a reality with each rising generation?

01-13-2009, 03:58 AM
I don`t think it can be generalised. There`s no doubting that for far too many there are no cultural roots to investigate and hold to, no heritage they are willing to discover but, at the risk of oversimplifying, I think much of that is down to the overemphasis on the value of imported cultures over our own...black American especially, and in the UK, now, Islamic, where even the BBC, long a bastion of all that is traditionally English, churns out tripe on "What Islam Does For Us"....
So it`s no surprise that this generation especially feels unrooted, and apathetic about their own heritage. What have they got to be proud of, after all, when the glory of bravery in wars past (no matter whether they believe wars are wrong or not, there`s little denying the courage of those who took part) is belittled and played down in favour of politically correct rhetoric, why should they look to furthering white culture now when all they see is a plethora of negative imagery, football hooliganism, `white` rap etc, the apparent need and desire for the youth of today to emulate the obscenely rich black celebrities they see who tout, in their music, rape, violence and gang culture as a means of advancement!
I think we all know, it HAS become almost a taboo to praise our own cultural backgrounds, for fear of offending the new usurpers to our lands. And that makes me sadder than you can know, for though I can only speak about Scotland and her people, I see the pride in our heritage, rich and colourful in the true sense of that word, strong and inidividual, slowly slipping into a darkened past and being replaced by a homogenous, bland, but dangerous multicultural lie.