View Full Version : BNP vs. Cumbria police

European Knight
10-07-2014, 02:47 AM
Dear fellow patriot,

Newly appointed Head of Admin, BNP Cllr Dawn Charlton has given an emotional account of the trumped-up charges against her by the same local Labour mafia she terrified with her incredible 42% of the vote – resulting in Cumbria police’s third prosecution of her in seven months.

Thanks to the loyal support of her BNP family, Dawn’s resolve and commitment for the Cause has seen her through.

Have YOU got the Heart To Fight alongside front line activists like our very own Cllr Dawn Charlton?

If you're not already a proud BNP member, join us today by calling Dawn now on 0844 809 4581

Prisoner Of Ice
10-07-2014, 02:54 AM
Leliana should go into politics.

Neon Knight
10-09-2014, 12:38 AM
Those metal rings on her blouse go right through her nipples.

Seriously, the BNP cannot keep ignoring the importance of image; a more feminine hair style would help a lot here (on the woman, not the man).