View Full Version : New U.S.-Russia nuke treaty all but sealed

03-24-2010, 08:35 PM
MOSCOW - After long and trying negotiations, the U.S. and Russia have reached agreements for a historic new treaty to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold War rivals, officials said Wednesday. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev are expected to sign it in Prague.

The deal is widely seen as an important step toward rolling back global nuclear dangers and sealing a new level of trust and cooperation between the U.S. and Russia. All but small technical details have been cleared away, officials in both Washington and Moscow said.

Obama and Medvedev are expected to seal the deal when they talk by telephone this week, setting the stage for a White House campaign to win Senate ratification. The treaty also must win approval by the Russian Duma, and the two legislative processes are likely to take months...

Story (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36018913/ns/world_news-europe)

Sol Invictus
03-24-2010, 08:40 PM
I wonder how America plans to encircle Iran. Russia, and China with this sort of deal.
I smell a bait-and-switch afoot.