View Full Version : Italian tennis players face corruption accusations

European Knight
10-15-2014, 02:13 PM
ROME (AP) - Italian tennis players Daniele Bracciali and Potito Starace are facing corruption accusations after intercepted Internet conversations claiming they sold matches were printed Wednesday in Italian media.

The conversations are part of the extensive data that judicial investigators in Cremona have been sorting through in a match-fixing inquiry into soccer.

In a July 2007 conversation on Skype between Bracciali and an accountant who was arrested in 2011, Bracciali discusses arranging a match in Newport, Rhode Island, against American player Scoville Jenkins.

Jenkins won 6-2, 6-1.
In 2011, an owner of a betting parlor who was later arrested is heard saying that Starace agreed to sell the final of a tournament in Casablanca.

Pablo Andujar of Spain won the final 6-1, 6-2.
