View Full Version : An Afrikaner Arrival

11-06-2008, 12:15 AM

I'm an Afrikaner residing in South Africa. Not a cool place to be, though Stellenbosch is okay. I am proud of my Germanic heritage, which I probably embrace to a greater extent than the average white South African. The preservation of Germanic ethnicity and culture is something very close to my heart, and it saddens me more than anything else to see the setbacks and failures in this regard playing off in all the Germanic and previously Germanic lands.

Here's to celebrating who we are with like-minded people online. :beer: :beer:

P.S. I think it's great that I can use my own avatar already. Oh, and I'm the same Stormraaf as on Skadi. :)

11-06-2008, 01:04 AM
Welcome Stormraaf!

It is particularly gladdening to me to find a fellow Afrikaner who is deeply connected to his Germanic heritage. I feel strongly this way as well.

I hope you will enjoy the time with us here on Apricity. :)

11-06-2008, 08:04 AM
Great introduction Stormraaf :thumbs up! I extend you a warm :welcome: to the Apricity!!