View Full Version : Your view about Lena Meyer-Landrut's song?

03-28-2010, 01:25 AM
Germany's participant in the this year's Eurovision contest is Lena Meyer-Landrut. She's breaking the national charts and people either like or hate her. :wink Her age is 18.

On the pro side is her natural, ingenuous and casual demeanor. Almost everybody thinks she's remarkably sweet and cuddly. She doesn't dance, she just moves to her music like a kid, only by rythm and feeling. Others say her kind of singing is unique and similiar to vocalists like Kate Nash.

On the contra side is the fact that she's not really singing but something between talking and singing. Her lack of professionalism and seriousness is considered as a problem. The main point of public criticism is her prominent imitation of weired British accent. She says she got it from her English teacher who talks like that. The accent is distinctive. Are people really talking like that in England?

That's why I want to ask the international audience of Apricity. What's your view of the song and that girl? Does she have a chance? Or does it suck? :cool:


(You have to click on the music box to listen, sorry. Embedding is forbidden)



03-28-2010, 01:53 AM
Her voice sounds like it has been through a processor, not quite natural.

That accent, sounds like a hybrid of Australian, South African and British to my ear...odd.

03-28-2010, 02:14 AM
Not much of a singer. The lyric is dull and empty. Boring.

03-28-2010, 02:33 AM
Not the type of music I generally like, but it's not bad, I've heard much worse.

03-28-2010, 06:42 AM
Cute girl but the same shallow shit that pours out of all these casting shows several times a year. Hyped and merchandised to the extreme and then thrown away. Let's see how much "Kate Nash" is left after the Eurovision.

03-28-2010, 07:30 AM
She isn't bad, but I don't like her type of singing.

Arrow Cross
03-28-2010, 11:28 AM
Bah, modern "music"...

03-28-2010, 12:28 PM
4/10. Probably England will present something better: I'm completelly unable to find any related to Germany in this video. A caracterical accent would be a good candidate, but, it seems than German singers took too many English lessons at school or at their career.

03-28-2010, 01:11 PM
It's not bad for this type of music. She's cute and her voice doesn't really bother me.

Of course if she wins and this songs gets played 24/7 for the next two months, soon I'll rather listen to the whirring of a bone saw next to my ankle than this.

Not that I see much chance of that happening; usually it's some schmaltzy ballad or some quasi-naked disco tart that wins. Lordi was actually a refreshing exception. (Funny how I don't know a single person who doesn't hate the Eurovision song contest, but still everybody watches it or at least comments on the contestants -- including myself. :rolleyes:)

Which reminds me; on my previous forum I used to do a "NoFoVision" song contest every year around this time. I think it's time for an "ApriVision" song contest. ;)

03-28-2010, 01:49 PM
I vote Rammstein! :D Seriously, Eurovision sucks anyway so with Rammstein at least Germany would have left an impression - as opposed to this song, which is flat, boring, unoriginal and not even good at its genre.

Sure, cute girl, her voice isn't bad (but she isn't singing), but the song is like, something that a teenager would have made up off the top of her head and posted on her Youtube channel.

On the bright side, we've seen far worse in Eurovision. :p

03-28-2010, 02:57 PM
Like the commentators here noted, there isn't much singing, the song is weak and boring (but considering it's for Eurovision purposes this isn't a hindrance), the video is stale and looks amateurish.

She's reasonably cute. There are obvious German traces in her accent. "The English" (and accents here vary enormously depending on the region of England they are from) don't sound like her but she's probably incorporated certain elements into her accent.

If she were a friend's little sister singing at amateur music night down the at pub I'd have been complimentary and would have encouraged her to develop her skills - there is some potential there.

However, if I had to judge her as a "professional singer" the verdict would be that she is currently useless and will need to put in many hours of hard training to develop her act and singing skills.

03-28-2010, 03:06 PM
(Funny how I don't know a single person who doesn't hate the Eurovision song contest, but still everybody watches it or at least comments on the contestants -- including myself. :rolleyes:)

A couple of years ago me and a Russian friend developed a Eurovision drinking game. We took bets on which voting countries were going to give the highest scores to which performing country and would down shooters accordingly.

Under the old voting system there were some cast iron patterns:

Estonia would usually give Russia 10 points. (Russian block voting from Estonia of course)

Turkey and Germany would give each other good points.

The Balkans would vote for one another.... and give the UK 0 points. :D

Greece and Cyprus would give one another very good scores.

Ireland and the UK would vote for one another. Nobody else would vote for either of them.

etc etc etc :thumb001:

03-28-2010, 03:44 PM
A couple of years ago me and a Russian friend developed a Eurovision drinking game. We took bets on which voting countries were going to give the highest scores to which performing country and would down shooters accordingly.

Under the old voting system there were some cast iron patterns:

Estonia would usually give Russia 10 points. (Russian block voting from Estonia of course)

Turkey and Germany would give each other good points.

The Balkans would vote for one another.... and give the UK 0 points. :D

Greece and Cyprus would give one another very good scores.

Ireland and the UK would vote for one another. Nobody else would vote for either of them.

etc etc etc :thumb001:

Yeah I know how that goes. Also, no matter how much the Finnish entry sucks, we usually get at least a few points out of pity from Sweden and Norway.

03-28-2010, 07:34 PM
Irritating as hell. I couldn't listen through the whole thing.

God knows where her teacher was from. Perhaps I hear the odd bit of Northern Irish?!?!? :shrug:

03-28-2010, 07:43 PM
I switched off after 10 seconds, irritating rhythm, but then again, Eurovision should be sunk in the bottom of the Atlantic. :yawnee20:

03-28-2010, 07:50 PM
Cute girl, crappy song.

03-28-2010, 08:11 PM

The eurovision song done by Miroslav is much better because it's imaginative unlike Lena's.


03-28-2010, 09:11 PM
Very attractive girl,very amateurish video,and who the hell cares these days for eurovision anyway...the Italians did the right thing long time ago.

05-29-2010, 10:22 PM
Of course if she wins and this songs gets played 24/7 for the next two months, soon I'll rather listen to the whirring of a bone saw next to my ankle than this.


05-29-2010, 10:36 PM
Congratulations to Germany!! :thumbs

The song was mediocre (at best) but then again *all* the songs miraculously sucked this year. Must have been the worst year ever :shocked:

05-29-2010, 10:47 PM
The song is medicore, but Lena... an awesome girl :thumb001:

Stefan Raab knows too well how to sell a product. He indeed is a genius at his field.

05-29-2010, 11:06 PM
Es ist voll scheiße...:mmmm:

05-30-2010, 04:23 AM

05-30-2010, 04:40 PM
I don't like her song a lot but Lena is really a sweet lady. I'm glad we won after spending 150 billion Euros to buy sympathy for our country in Europe...:p

Most other countries celebrated a glitter, wind machine and special effects show. Lena's performance was understatement and rather normal. That made the difference.

An interesting notice is the fact that only Northern and Central European countries gave full 12 points to Germany: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Switzerland...and Slovakia as the sole Eastern European country.
All Southern and Eastern European countries, except Slovakia, don't like us, huh? We won't forget that, damn swarths! And only 3 or 4 points from Greece after saving your country: That's unpardonable. :cool:


05-30-2010, 05:34 PM
I have read from the Estonian media that Lena's grandfather was born in Tallinn, Estonia and was a Baltic-German. Thus it's quite probable that Lena has Estonian ancestry :p

05-30-2010, 07:05 PM
I have read from the Estonian media that Lena's grandfather was born in Tallinn, Estonia and was a Baltic-German. Thus it's quite probable that Lena has Estonian ancestry :p
If her grandfather was a Baltic-German then he was a German living in Estonia. No Estonian ancestry then.

Be that as it may, thanks for the 12 points of your country for Germany. Old German-Estonian connection lives. :wink

05-30-2010, 07:10 PM
Congratulations to Germany!! :thumbs

The song was mediocre (at best) but then again *all* the songs miraculously sucked this year. Must have been the worst year ever :shocked:

Every year is the worst year always...at least in Eurovision.

05-30-2010, 07:11 PM
Every year is the worst year always...at least in Eurovision.
Only because you lost. :P Spain could perform its song two times.

05-30-2010, 07:14 PM
I wish Spain wouldn't participate in that HorribleMusicFest,but then again my country is full of cretins so I'll keep dreaming...

05-30-2010, 07:16 PM
it's not really about talent, it's more about geopolitics.

ps. the song is crap

05-30-2010, 07:26 PM
10 points from BIH to Turkey
10 points from Bulgaria to Turkey
10 points from Germany to Turkey
10 points from FYROM to Turkey
12 points from France goes to Turkey
10 points from UK to Turkey

These countries have turkish / muslim minority

05-30-2010, 07:33 PM
10 points from BIH to Turkey
10 points from Bulgaria to Turkey
10 points from Germany to Turkey
10 points from FYROM to Turkey
12 points from France goes to Turkey
10 points from UK to Turkey

These countries have turkish / muslim minority

BiH does not have any Turkish minortity (not a significant one, that is). But you got Bosniaks (Bosnian muslims) as the most numerous nation of BiH (the two others being Croats and Serbs) and their strong cultural and historical bonds with Turkey.

Btw, Turkey received 12 points from Croatia too.

05-30-2010, 08:03 PM
If her grandfather was a Baltic-German then he was a German living in Estonia. No Estonian ancestry then.

Be that as it may, thanks for the 12 points of your country for Germany. Old German-Estonian connection lives. :wink

Well, the Baltic-Germans have lived in Estonia for ~650 years and many upper-class Estonians assimilated into the German society. The Estonians even had a word for those Estonians who started speaking German as a native language, "Kadaka sakslased".

Estonians like Germans and the song wasn't that bad when compared to the others, thus it's logical that we gave 12 points to Germany. :)

W. R.
05-30-2010, 08:17 PM
Very attractive girl,very amateurish video,and who the hell cares these days for eurovision anyway...the Italians did the right thing long time ago.What did the Italians do?

05-30-2010, 09:37 PM
4/10. Probably England will present something better: I'm completelly unable to find any related to Germany in this video. A caracterical accent would be a good candidate, but, it seems than German singers took too many English lessons at school or at their career.

I was too gentle with the girl because I presume she would be barely above zero. As saturday, first time since I watch it with my mother (about 20 years ago), I watched the 2 hours of Eurovision from head to tail, she won; I can be ruder now and say her victory it's a shame. As, quite surprisingly, average level of the songs (no masterpieces obviously) was at least not bad, her combination of spasmodic rythm (in the middle of songs nice of listening), childish lyrics (for what I understood) and, specially, her ridiculous phony accent, all summed up, made up a very annoying song hence one of the poorest candidates. For example, last one was UK, with a song if not excellent, at least gentle to the ears, far above the German subproduct. Denmark, Russia (great song), Georgia (BTW a girl really beautiful), France,Portugal,etc,etc...should be also far above German. I bet the annoying impostrous accent has something to do with her appeal as regarged as something fresh or cool, by contrast of the standard international English used by majority of contestants, few of them using their mother languages.

Ps. Good luck for Mundial, footballers has nothing to do with your nasty song.:D

05-31-2010, 12:36 AM
The Estonians even had a word for those Estonians who started speaking German as a native language, "Kadaka sakslased".

Juniper (можжевелник - the shrub they flavour gin with) Saxonfolk?!? :confused:

Georgia (BTW a girl really beautiful)
I didn't watch the contest, so thanks for the tip! :p

Yep, here she is;
Better in motion, really;

EDIT: this is better (the official produced clip);


05-31-2010, 12:47 AM
La madre que te trajo al mundo antoñito!!!
tú dale riendas... :D

05-31-2010, 12:49 AM

Um.... 'Vakh' is Georgian for 'nothing special, really'.


05-31-2010, 07:01 AM
Juniper (можжевелник - the shrub they flavour gin with) Saxonfolk?!? :confused:

The direct translation would be Juniper Germans. Sakslased means Germans. Sakslane = German, Saksamaa = Germany

I found an English definition.

Kadakasakslased were upstart Estonians, who spoke
corrupt German and tried to imitate the manners of the German gentry,
often to a rather ridiculous degree.

05-31-2010, 07:05 AM
What did the Italians do?

They dropped out of the Eurovision contest altogether. As you probably know the whole thing is funded by the public broadcasting corporations of the participating countries.

The Italians in their own very typical fashion decided that music from elsewhere in Europe is just shit and went on to start their own annual song contest in San Marino. :p

05-31-2010, 05:32 PM
They dropped out of the Eurovision contest altogether. As you probably know the whole thing is funded by the public broadcasting corporations of the participating countries.

The Italians in their own very typical fashion decided that music from elsewhere in Europe is just shit and went on to start their own annual song contest in San Marino. :p

Italia dropped out few years ago...as Spain should be perpetually banned: Spaniards surely know what and whom I am talking about.:mad:

05-31-2010, 05:48 PM
Eurovision is a pageant of overt faggotry and decadence and could be used to deter unwanted would-be immigrants from settling in Europe.

05-31-2010, 06:54 PM
The direct translation would be Juniper Germans. Sakslased means Germans. Sakslane = German, Saksamaa = Germany

I found an English definition.

Kadakasakslased were upstart Estonians, who spoke
corrupt German and tried to imitate the manners of the German gentry,
often to a rather ridiculous degree.


Do you know why 'juniper' was the name given them? Or is this word just a coincidental homonym? Might 'kadaka' just be onomatopaeic or something similar?

Or does the plant have some association that I haven't thought of?

05-31-2010, 07:14 PM

Do you know why 'juniper' was the name given them? Or is this word just a coincidental homonym? Might 'kadaka' just be onomatopaeic or something similar?

Or does the plant have some association that I haven't thought of?

I have no idea why they were called juniper Germans. I looked from an encyclopedia in my bookcase and from some other books, but all I got was the definition.

05-31-2010, 07:33 PM

Do you know why 'juniper' was the name given them? Or is this word just a coincidental homonym? Might 'kadaka' just be onomatopaeic or something similar?

Or does the plant have some association that I haven't thought of?

By the way, wannabe Russians are called "pajuvenelased" (willow-Russians), Germanized Estonians were called juniper-Germans, similarily Anglophiles are called "võsainglased" (Bush-English) and there's also "võsajänkid" (meaning Bush-Yankees). It's all most likely random (well, Estonia is quite heavily forested and perhaps it stems from that) and meant to be disparaging.

05-31-2010, 07:39 PM
That accent is fucking ridiculous. She sounds like a Lily Allen wannabe or something.

Her speaking accent in English is very odd too. I watched some interviews and you can only hear the German accent sometimes and other times it's a mixture of English/American with a tinge of German, very odd either way. She pronounces the English TH perfectly though, which Germans (and most non-native English speakers) can rarely do.

05-31-2010, 08:36 PM
Juniper (можжевелник - the shrub they flavour gin with) Saxonfolk?!? :confused:

I didn't watch the contest, so thanks for the tip! :p

The closer the contest, the prettier she gets. :D

05-31-2010, 08:45 PM
That accent is fucking ridiculous. She sounds like a Lily Allen wannabe or something.

Her speaking accent in English is very odd too. I watched some interviews and you can only hear the German accent sometimes and other times it's a mixture of English/American with a tinge of German, very odd either way. She pronounces the English TH perfectly though, which Germans (and most non-native English speakers) can rarely do.

I love it when I stand against the masses: even the last position, UK, it's better than German, at least it's a easy-listening song, not an annoying one:


05-31-2010, 09:16 PM
Italia dropped out few years ago...as Spain should be perpetually banned: Spaniards surely know what and whom I am talking about.:mad:


I like it, they were acting like Spanish Garrul@s, not like the homogenic European singers of Eurovision, like the Spanish Singer this year. He seemed french, poslki, german... too indistinctive :(

05-31-2010, 09:34 PM
I like it, they were acting like Spanish Garrul@s, not like the homogenic European singers of Eurovision, like the Spanish Singer this year. He seemed french, poslki, german... too indistinctive :(

But this is a musical contest. When I want to watch and ears some Spanish garrulos I prefer to play some film from Pajares and Esteso, who were funnier and BTW let constrained Spaniards of the late seventies to see some good female flesh...even now worth to be revisited. :D

Ps. Anycase there's the video to be judged. :embarrassed

06-01-2010, 04:32 PM
Eurovision is a pageant of overt faggotry and decadence and could be used to deter unwanted would-be immigrants from settling in Europe.
Yet most of the users writing in this thread have watched it. At least partly.

06-07-2010, 04:33 PM
Not me.