View Full Version : Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century

10-29-2014, 10:21 PM
Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century


Most of pictures illustrate rural Slovakia and its peasants who are bearers of Slovak folk culture which is basically pagan, thus interesting for Slavdom as such. Life was different back then, everything looked more healthy for sure, just look at the peacefulness and nice Slavic traditions in Slovakia! Only when you look at these photos will you truly see how life used to look, and to be honest i wasn’t so bad at all!

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-AXXGGw-0eQE/Te4YN1-itnI/AAAAAAAAAPQ/ZcEMZNFR0VA/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rjPN-L-uLsA/Te4XJwPp45I/AAAAAAAAAG8/iu24n30fPjM/s512/%2525C4%25258Ci%2525C4%25258Dmany%25252C%252520Slo vakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GUt7K3-Z2y0/Te4XJwqCccI/AAAAAAAAAHA/BtRabPkQl-U/s512/Bo%2525C5%2525A1%2525C3%2525A1ca%25252C%252520Slov akia.jpg






https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-FeHpa-2pDDk/Te4XUwngbWI/AAAAAAAAAIc/6SQhIwEvwrE/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wJUwhzNG5_A/Te4XViR5gDI/AAAAAAAAAIk/ZbP2TAQb8XA/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-LRNzs-qfXFE/Te4XWRse-UI/AAAAAAAAAIs/E0qhJ0AAaBs/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-efYr7J1s4PM/Te4XWqwKpfI/AAAAAAAAAIw/4I1QOVB1gSQ/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525205%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-_s8RnfWbnKQ/Te4XYqs_Y6I/AAAAAAAAAI8/9fdAjvfInwU/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525209%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-TGvYCM-3_j8/Te4XZDG0NGI/AAAAAAAAAJA/3DuCBX38a3g/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252010%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-hjrB6HRQvmg/Te4XZqf4KDI/AAAAAAAAAJE/ZZP2I-dD8vI/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252011%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-d8OewmX8-O0/Te4XaPy2fZI/AAAAAAAAAJI/3oddad1NIXM/s512/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252012%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JWvtkxTsPB8/Te4Xa8frQCI/AAAAAAAAAJM/B3qD2cYbJyk/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252013%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_bkKBKseWpA/Te4XbQfWHzI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/43sFg2X5_TI/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252014%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-a9w77p34Py0/Te4XcTqJOMI/AAAAAAAAAJY/-sJXOVPblLs/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252016%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

Source: http://www.slavorum.org/slovakia-in-the-19th-and-20th-century/

10-29-2014, 10:22 PM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Pxr2q59ZHi8/Te4Xb8SwfWI/AAAAAAAAAJU/hmjNxZbH_fA/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252015%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-seF01BMuQLs/Te4XfLreRjI/AAAAAAAAAJs/XbOoTgPTVb8/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252021%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-CSPZoD0qkGA/Te4XgId_kcI/AAAAAAAAAJ0/NK3d7FiOVUY/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252022%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-W7unGV4bmHk/Te4Xg3bkySI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/p0fLSsUOiFo/s512/Ihri%2525C5%2525A1te%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia .jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ilGkcyqoz5c/Te4XhCET3FI/AAAAAAAAAJ8/jy3RFDWIiqo/s512/Ihri%2525C5%2525A1te%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia .jpg



https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-g5WIpLLcjTY/Te4XhyVLMnI/AAAAAAAAAKI/oFEQdE1cd_s/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525206%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg


https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-TkuUIh2V0rU/Te4Xj4VfkTI/AAAAAAAAAKU/WrTFja5-aBA/Ko%2525C5%2525A1ick%2525C3%2525A1%252520Nov%2525C3 %2525A1%252520Ves%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia.jp g

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-r9Fsd12TzUA/Te4Xj-lR-_I/AAAAAAAAAKY/8mSz8VR2vQs/s512/Kr%2525C3%2525A1%2525C4%2525BEovany%25252C%252520S lovakia.jpg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nTGhkhk3rI8/Te4Xlq-i1SI/AAAAAAAAAKo/K4vT85Wn84k/Mada%2525C4%25258Dka%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia .jpg


https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-iJ4zisFFqvk/Te4Xo3P2UdI/AAAAAAAAALE/eoMe1cRd9VI/s512/Nedeli%2525C5%2525A1te%2525201%25252C%252520Slovak ia.jpg



https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XHTx5cEbav0/Te4X2WSGP8I/AAAAAAAAAMg/kr8zx0QdRu0/Rajeck%2525C3%2525A1%252520Lesn%2525C3%2525A1%2525 201%25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg




Source: http://www.slavorum.org/slovakia-in-the-19th-and-20th-century/

10-29-2014, 10:22 PM


https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-9J3TGLoJWlY/Te4YADd3heI/AAAAAAAAANs/dVNvdJU_-lk/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianska%252520Tepl%2525C3%2525A1% 2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-WiAhUl-QscU/Te4YBHFN3VI/AAAAAAAAAN4/rnIQ7i186Z8/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianska%252520Tepl%2525C3%2525A1% 2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-acPerPLNtXs/Te4YBnrgNpI/AAAAAAAAAN8/Jqc_2JdGAN8/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%2525201%252 52C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ByHcqYhXo3Y/Te4YH5lggZI/AAAAAAAAAOo/kBWuTZWsK08/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%25252012%25 252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-sRY4MSyQLrk/Te4YJJrJQBI/AAAAAAAAAOs/JTZ0Y66KKpE/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%25252013%25 252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-AhRmb15Cgy4/Te4YLlw5Z3I/AAAAAAAAAPA/TuiqSJ63O_U/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258D%2525C3%2525ADn%2525203%25252C%2 52520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-7RHfhihFkws/Te4YMm0ZNBI/AAAAAAAAAPE/ns9QMGId5oc/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258D%2525C3%2525ADn%2525205%25252C%2 52520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-YZYMr5MoZb4/Te4YOW1xxII/AAAAAAAAAPU/JfPLeppnMW8/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RPHYHB00xNo/Te4YO-J8yCI/AAAAAAAAAPY/gKHK8l2zzy0/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-DbDpwYoPL6M/Te4YP6bTDkI/AAAAAAAAAPg/1o2vO60lt0Y/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525205%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-5uVpthbjtG8/Te4YRKfWkEI/AAAAAAAAAPs/2azp5tSuWGg/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525208%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-gx6pftQHUYY/Te4YS0OSooI/AAAAAAAAAP8/dwlqiw_vYNY/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%25252012%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-1OpFcrWurH0/Te4YUfygHNI/AAAAAAAAAQI/VOFpB4-CBl8/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%25252015%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-RV_s2ZFzM_Q/Te4YXUKB-II/AAAAAAAAAQk/jzWM-2N1BWY/s512/Ve%2525C4%2525BEk%2525C3%2525BD%252520Lom%2525203% 25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-289Gq4UPI1I/Te4YaOAJR4I/AAAAAAAAARA/eP11ZhEBGnA/s512/%2525C5%2525BDa%2525C5%2525A1kov%2525201%25252C%25 2520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UHHpILP_Hn8/Te4YaqsUM9I/AAAAAAAAARE/1jt8MBnDhXM/s512/%2525C5%2525BDdiar%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-emoWXvzohPM/Te4YdygIEqI/AAAAAAAAARg/WEtV4SMX3DE/%2525C5%2525BDdiar%2525208%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

Source: http://www.slavorum.org/slovakia-in-the-19th-and-20th-century/

10-29-2014, 10:23 PM
Very interesting. :thumb001:

10-29-2014, 10:36 PM

ps. The geographical and political concept of Slovakia did not exist before the 20th century. The Horné Uhorsko (Upper Hungary) or the Horná zem (Highland) was the Slovakian name of this land.

11-15-2014, 11:04 AM

ps. The geographical and political concept of Slovakia did not exist before the 20th century. The Horné Uhorsko (Upper Hungary) or the Horná zem (Highland) was the Slovakian name of this land.

Stop infest the Slovakian thread with chauvinist magyar propaganda.

11-15-2014, 07:00 PM
Stop infest the Slovakian thread with chauvinist magyar propaganda.

This is the fact you idiot teenager boy! The Slovensko name was one of the version of Slavonia's name (as the tót name was the Slavonians name). The first usage of the name onto the Slovak populated land derives from 1809 (Dobrovský), but this was a rare exception and this was the situation at Bernolák too. Stúr used the name onto the area firstly exclusively in the fourties of the 19th century. But the average Slovak not used this name until the 20th century, when the first Slovakian state formed in Czechoslovakia. Since the original Slovak name of this region was the Horná zem and this was the common name before 1920.

11-15-2014, 07:02 PM
This is the fact you idiot teenager boy! The Slovensko name was one of the version of Slavonia's name (as the tót name was the Slavonians name). The first usage of the name onto the Slovak populated land derives from 1809 (Dobrovský), but this was a rare exception and this was the situation at Bernolák too. Stúr used the name onto the area firstly exclusively in the fourties of the 19th century. But the average Slovak not used this name until the 20th century, when the first Slovakian state formed in Czechoslovakia. Since the original Slovak name of this region was the Horná zem and this was the common name before 1920.

You dont need to present all this kind of chauvist things too present to us the magyar "superiority" . Everyone know this land nowadays as being Slovakians and Slovakia land.

11-15-2014, 07:05 PM
You dont need to present all this kind of chauvist things too present to us the magyar "superiority" . Everyone know this land nowadays as being Slovakians and Slovakia land.


We talk about the name of this land and this name was not Slovakia in the 19th century. This is an anachronism. As the "Slovakia[n?] land" too.

11-15-2014, 07:05 PM
This is the fact you idiot teenager boy! The Slovensko name was one of the version of Slavonia's name (as the tót name was the Slavonians name). The first usage of the name onto the Slovak populated land derives from 1809 (Dobrovský), but this was a rare exception and this was the situation at Bernolák too. Stúr used the name onto the area firstly exclusively in the fourties of the 19th century. But the average Slovak not used this name until the 20th century, when the first Slovakian state formed in Czechoslovakia. Since the original Slovak name of this region was the Horná zem and this was the common name before 1920.

Do you suggest the author of the topic should have written a side note explaining that territories of modern Slovakia was known under a different name back then? It does not matter how it was called in the context, since the topic is about people of the land, who can trace their culture and language to the 19th century and beyond.

11-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Do you suggest the author of the topic should have written a side note explaining that territories of modern Slovakia was known under a different name back then? It does not matter how it was called in the context, since the topic is about people of the land, who can trace their culture and language to the 19th century and beyond.

I marked the problem of the phrasing only. We do not talk about the 15th century Oklahoma or the bronze age Vatican.

11-15-2014, 07:13 PM
I marked the problem of the phrasing only. We do not talk about the 15th century Oklahoma or the antique Vatican.

"Present day territories of Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century" would have been of a lesser problem?

11-15-2014, 07:14 PM
"Present day territories of Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century" would have been of a lesser problem?

That would be correct. Or the shorter Present Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century

11-15-2014, 07:19 PM
Do you suggest the author of the topic should have written a side note explaining that territories of modern Slovakia was known under a different name back then? It does not matter how it was called in the context, since the topic is about people of the land, who can trace their culture and language to the 19th century and beyond.

Is impossible to argue with a hungarian, they need to show their "superiority" in any context.

11-15-2014, 07:25 PM
Is impossible to argue with a hungarian, they need to show their "superiority" in any context.

Nowadays, countries show off their superiorites using economic success and living standards. Slovakia is more superior than Hungary in that regard. ;)

11-15-2014, 07:42 PM
Nowadays, countries show off their superiorites using economic success and living standards. Slovakia is more superior than Hungary in that regard. ;)

And education, slovakians are peaceful people, not some frustrated people for some lands where they were not the majority.

11-15-2014, 07:52 PM
Nowadays, countries show off their superiorites using economic success and living standards. Slovakia is more superior than Hungary in that regard. ;)

More punctually equal with Hungary:

GDP per capita HUN: 23,236
GDP per capita SK: 26,616

HDI HUN: 0.818
HDI SK: 0.830

PISA 2012 HUN math: 477, reading: 488, science: 494
PISA 2012 SK math: 482, reading: 463, science: 471

GDP growth HUN Q1: 3,5%, Q2: 3,6%, Q3: 3,1%
GDP growth SK Q1: 2,3%, Q2: 2,5%, Q3: 2,5%

etc. Same situation.

11-15-2014, 11:04 PM
Both are equal, and soon equal with Uganda if the Fico & Orbán duo continues their kleptocracy.

There was no ethnic identification of land before era of nationalism, only geographic, historical and linguistic. And it remained so for the most part of the nationalistic era. If you went to an area where people speak Hungarian, you went "na Maďare". If you went to an area where people speak Slovak, or Slovjak, or even Slovenian, you went "na Slovensko". And if you went somewhere near Košice, you went "na Košicko".
These concepts are vague and very approximate and nobody minded them just as you don't meditate over some random area "around there".

And this thread is more about some old villager photos and bickering about nonsense than about Slovakia in 19th & 20th century, anyway.
You can name it "another TA thread" and it won't matter.

Ars Moriendi
11-15-2014, 11:11 PM
Ah, good pictures of Félvidek.

11-15-2014, 11:22 PM

You mean Felvidék. It marks a difference in pronunciation.
And there are more felvidéki villagers than Felvidék itself on the photos.

11-16-2014, 12:10 PM
Slovakia in the 19th and 20th century


Most of pictures illustrate rural Slovakia and its peasants who are bearers of Slovak folk culture which is basically pagan, thus interesting for Slavdom as such. Life was different back then, everything looked more healthy for sure, just look at the peacefulness and nice Slavic traditions in Slovakia! Only when you look at these photos will you truly see how life used to look, and to be honest i wasn’t so bad at all!

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-AXXGGw-0eQE/Te4YN1-itnI/AAAAAAAAAPQ/ZcEMZNFR0VA/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rjPN-L-uLsA/Te4XJwPp45I/AAAAAAAAAG8/iu24n30fPjM/s512/%2525C4%25258Ci%2525C4%25258Dmany%25252C%252520Slo vakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GUt7K3-Z2y0/Te4XJwqCccI/AAAAAAAAAHA/BtRabPkQl-U/s512/Bo%2525C5%2525A1%2525C3%2525A1ca%25252C%252520Slov akia.jpg




https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wJUwhzNG5_A/Te4XViR5gDI/AAAAAAAAAIk/ZbP2TAQb8XA/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-LRNzs-qfXFE/Te4XWRse-UI/AAAAAAAAAIs/E0qhJ0AAaBs/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-efYr7J1s4PM/Te4XWqwKpfI/AAAAAAAAAIw/4I1QOVB1gSQ/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525205%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-_s8RnfWbnKQ/Te4XYqs_Y6I/AAAAAAAAAI8/9fdAjvfInwU/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%2525209%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-TGvYCM-3_j8/Te4XZDG0NGI/AAAAAAAAAJA/3DuCBX38a3g/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252010%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-hjrB6HRQvmg/Te4XZqf4KDI/AAAAAAAAAJE/ZZP2I-dD8vI/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252011%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-d8OewmX8-O0/Te4XaPy2fZI/AAAAAAAAAJI/3oddad1NIXM/s512/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252012%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JWvtkxTsPB8/Te4Xa8frQCI/AAAAAAAAAJM/B3qD2cYbJyk/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252013%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_bkKBKseWpA/Te4XbQfWHzI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/43sFg2X5_TI/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252014%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-a9w77p34Py0/Te4XcTqJOMI/AAAAAAAAAJY/-sJXOVPblLs/He%2525C4%2525BEpa%25252016%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

Source: http://www.slavorum.org/slovakia-in-the-19th-and-20th-century/

Blogen, they are your ancestos! (many of slovaks migrated to present-day Northern Hungary, like the ancestors of blogen)


11-16-2014, 02:37 PM
You mean Felvidék. It marks a difference in pronunciation.
And there are more felvidéki villagers than Felvidék itself on the photos.

Yep. félvidek is halfland. :D

fel = up, fél = half

11-16-2014, 04:31 PM
Yep. félvidek is halfland. :D

fel = up, fél = half

Calm down slovak descendant boy from Northern Hungary! Your IQ is similar "high" as the slovak culture of the new so-called slovakia.

11-16-2014, 04:41 PM

How do you even...?

Ars Moriendi
11-16-2014, 05:15 PM
Calm down slovak descendant boy from Northern Hungary! Your IQ is similar "high" as the slovak culture of the new so-called slovakia.

Stears, dildo time. You need it.

11-16-2014, 05:29 PM
Stears, dildo time. You need it. Calm down you homosexual swarthy midget neo-cuman! You are the new sockpuppet of gypsy sabirhunogur.

12-28-2014, 12:50 PM


https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-9J3TGLoJWlY/Te4YADd3heI/AAAAAAAAANs/dVNvdJU_-lk/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianska%252520Tepl%2525C3%2525A1% 2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-WiAhUl-QscU/Te4YBHFN3VI/AAAAAAAAAN4/rnIQ7i186Z8/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianska%252520Tepl%2525C3%2525A1% 2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-acPerPLNtXs/Te4YBnrgNpI/AAAAAAAAAN8/Jqc_2JdGAN8/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%2525201%252 52C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ByHcqYhXo3Y/Te4YH5lggZI/AAAAAAAAAOo/kBWuTZWsK08/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%25252012%25 252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-sRY4MSyQLrk/Te4YJJrJQBI/AAAAAAAAAOs/JTZ0Y66KKpE/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258Dianske%252520Teplice%25252013%25 252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-AhRmb15Cgy4/Te4YLlw5Z3I/AAAAAAAAAPA/TuiqSJ63O_U/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258D%2525C3%2525ADn%2525203%25252C%2 52520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-7RHfhihFkws/Te4YMm0ZNBI/AAAAAAAAAPE/ns9QMGId5oc/s512/Tren%2525C4%25258D%2525C3%2525ADn%2525205%25252C%2 52520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-YZYMr5MoZb4/Te4YOW1xxII/AAAAAAAAAPU/JfPLeppnMW8/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525202%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RPHYHB00xNo/Te4YO-J8yCI/AAAAAAAAAPY/gKHK8l2zzy0/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525203%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-DbDpwYoPL6M/Te4YP6bTDkI/AAAAAAAAAPg/1o2vO60lt0Y/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525205%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-5uVpthbjtG8/Te4YRKfWkEI/AAAAAAAAAPs/2azp5tSuWGg/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%2525208%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-gx6pftQHUYY/Te4YS0OSooI/AAAAAAAAAP8/dwlqiw_vYNY/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%25252012%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-1OpFcrWurH0/Te4YUfygHNI/AAAAAAAAAQI/VOFpB4-CBl8/s512/Va%2525C5%2525BEec%25252015%25252C%252520Slovakia. jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-RV_s2ZFzM_Q/Te4YXUKB-II/AAAAAAAAAQk/jzWM-2N1BWY/s512/Ve%2525C4%2525BEk%2525C3%2525BD%252520Lom%2525203% 25252C%252520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-289Gq4UPI1I/Te4YaOAJR4I/AAAAAAAAARA/eP11ZhEBGnA/s512/%2525C5%2525BDa%2525C5%2525A1kov%2525201%25252C%25 2520Slovakia.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UHHpILP_Hn8/Te4YaqsUM9I/AAAAAAAAARE/1jt8MBnDhXM/s512/%2525C5%2525BDdiar%2525201%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-emoWXvzohPM/Te4YdygIEqI/AAAAAAAAARg/WEtV4SMX3DE/%2525C5%2525BDdiar%2525208%25252C%252520Slovakia.j pg

Source: http://www.slavorum.org/slovakia-in-the-19th-and-20th-century/
wonderful pictures! thanks

12-28-2014, 12:55 PM

ps. The geographical and political concept of Slovakia did not exist before the 20th century. The Horné Uhorsko (Upper Hungary) or the Horná zem (Highland) was the Slovakian name of this land.
you obviously ignore the fact that slovaks(the slavic tribe) ruled great moravia before the arrival of magyars in the 10th century!
were are not talking about slovak republic but about the slavic tribe of slovaks who ruled the territory of modern slovakia and hungary(great moravia, pannonaian and nitran principality) till the 10th century arrival of magyars!!! ungarn the german word for hungary is not even hungarian, it is derived from slavic word ugorsko = u gory = surrounded by hills!.. most people who call themselves hungarians today are hungarized slavs who carry the haplogroup R1a from their great moravian ancestors.. the fact mmost hungarians are slavs is also mirrored in your language which has hundreds of slovak loanwords! so stop spreading your chauvinistic lies!
romanians) is a dream while great moravia is a historical fact!

12-28-2014, 01:05 PM
you obviously ignore the fact that slovaks(the slavic tribe) ruled great moravia before the arrival of magyars in the 10th century!
were are not talking about slovak republic but about the slavic tribe of slovaks who ruled the territory of modern slovakia and hungary(great moravia, pannonaian and nitran principality) till the 10th century arrival of magyars!!! ungarn the german word for hungary is not even hungarian, it is derived from slavic word ugorsko = u gory = surrounded by hills!.. most people who call themselves hungarians today are hungarized slavs who carry the haplogroup R1a from their great moravian ancestors.. the fact mmost hungarians are slavs is also mirrored in your language which has hundreds of slovak loanwords! so stop spreading your chauvinistic lies!

Only partially true, it is too simplistic to claim Hungarians are Slavs who speak accidently a Finno Ugric language
Hungarians are a disitinctive ethnicity, an amalgam of various tribes including Germans who are united under a common bond:
The long lasting Magyar history of Nomadic horse riders invading in the Pannonia fields submerging and finally assimilating other populations who have lived there before
Hungarians, as a whole, have always considered themselves the descendants of the conquerors, and the Conquest is but an episode, admittedly a very important one, in the history of their nation.

12-28-2014, 01:19 PM
anyway genetics prove the majority of hungarians are slavic by dna they carry R1a whilst the dominant haplogroups of ancient ugrofinnic magyars was haplogroup N and haplogroup I ..

i am slovak and have lot of friends who are hungarians i know what i am speaking about, i am not nationalist i rather prefer honest historical evidence and genetics.

the invading magyars used to live in yurts and borrowed the slovak name for window oblok(because yurts have no windows so they had no word for window) and hundreds more.. they assimilated the slavs who lived in pannonia, budin, pest and so on.. also the hungarian folklore and costumes are derived and copied from slovak..

12-28-2014, 01:22 PM
anyway genetics prove the majority of hungarians are slavic by dna they carry R1a whilst the dominant haplogroups of ancient ugrofinnic magyars was haplogroup N and haplogroup I ..

i am slovak and have lot of friends who are hungarians i know what i am speaking about, i am not nationalist i rather prefer honest historical evidence and genetics.

I never denied that. I also think in terms of appearance most Hungarians are pretty close to Slovaks, but culturally Hungaria is not a Slavic country. There are some overlaps due to the proximity of both countries but Hungarians have always drawn pride from their uniqueness
and still do so.

12-28-2014, 01:28 PM
I never denied that. I also think in terms of appearance most Hungarians are pretty close to Slovaks, but culturally Hungaria is not a Slavic country. There are some overlaps due to the proximity of both countries but Hungarians have always drawn pride from their uniqueness
and still do so.
it is just really sad the hungarian education system and politicians are so chauvinistic and spread hate against slovaks who never invaded them or did anything to them and even more sad when i take into consideration we are nearly brothers by blood.. i know a lot of very nice hungarian people!

i know some hungarians dream about a great hungary felvidek which is nothing but a delusion because even in monarchy most of hungary was inhabited by slovaks, croats, romanians and so on.. so even if it has been called hungary in fact ist inhabitants were mostly not.. the same goes for austria(mixture of celtic and alpen slavic dna) ..

12-28-2014, 01:36 PM
slovaks and hungarians together against chauvinism!



12-29-2014, 03:48 AM
balloon over bratislava 1907


tramway from bratislava to vienna 1914

bratislava 1928


12-29-2014, 04:21 AM
anyway genetics prove the majority of hungarians are slavic by dna they carry R1a whilst the dominant haplogroups of ancient ugrofinnic magyars was haplogroup N and haplogroup I ..

i am slovak and have lot of friends who are hungarians i know what i am speaking about, i am not nationalist i rather prefer honest historical evidence and genetics.

the invading magyars used to live in yurts and borrowed the slovak name for window oblok(because yurts have no windows so they had no word for window) and hundreds more.. they assimilated the slavs who lived in pannonia, budin, pest and so on.. also the hungarian folklore and costumes are derived and copied from slovak..
That yurt stuff is a myth , we had great houses even in western siberia, at least archeological research suggest that.

12-29-2014, 04:23 AM
Slovakia did not exist in the 19th century:victory0:

12-29-2014, 04:35 AM
Slovakia did not exist in the 19th century:victory0:
when i say slovakia i refer to slovaks(slavic tribe) which was living in the area of todays slovakia and hungary before you arrived in 10th century, we slovaks(slavic tribe) had already great moravian kingdom, nitra principality, samos kingdom and pannonain principality when you arrived..

That yurt stuff is a myth , we had great houses even in western siberia, at least archeological research suggest that.
the yurt stuff is not a myth, otherwise you would not need to borrow our word oblok(ablak) for window!!!

give me any archeological or historical evidence the magyars had "great houses" in siberia before they came to great moravia(slovakia)! i wait for it mate..

all historical references say you lived in yurts and were nomads. this is why you had no word for a window because yurts have no windows, hence you borrowed our word oblok(ablak) and hundreds more..
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Hungarian_terms_derived_from_Slavic_langu ages

by the way your ancestors the khanty, mansi, lanky, saami, and so on are still living like you did before you learned culture from slavs.. so i do not buy into your chauvinistic low self esteem trolling..

all inventions and tools we slavs already had you did not know before you came here in 10th century, so you borrowed all words for things you did not know before, from us..


you are fantasising i speak about reality(historical and archeological plus genetic evidence)

12-29-2014, 04:49 AM
these are your famous allmighty ancestors from siberia.. thats why you always feel low self esteem to slavs and hate us even if we did nothing bad to you!.. you are exactly like your turkish friends who claim they are sumerians they built istanbul while they also arrived in 14th century from turkmenistan(like you arrived in 10th in our land) and settled in roman houses and now claim they built it all! they fantasize about great turania and you about great hungary which are nothing but dreams which never existed.. even in monarchy most of the hungarian part was settled by nonhungarians!


at least my hungarian friends are not living in delusions and chauvinism like you..

12-29-2014, 08:26 AM
when i say slovakia i refer to slovaks(slavic tribe) which was living in the area of todays slovakia and hungary before you arrived in 10th century, we slovaks(slavic tribe) had already great moravian kingdom, nitra principality, samos kingdom and pannonain principality when you arrived..

the yurt stuff is not a myth, otherwise you would not need to borrow our word oblok(ablak) for window!!!

give me any archeological or historical evidence the magyars had "great houses" in siberia before they came to great moravia(slovakia)! i wait for it mate..

all historical references say you lived in yurts and were nomads. this is why you had no word for a window because yurts have no windows, hence you borrowed our word oblok(ablak) and hundreds more..
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Hungarian_terms_derived_from_Slavic_langu ages

by the way your ancestors the khanty, mansi, lanky, saami, and so on are still living like you did before you learned culture from slavs.. so i do not buy into your chauvinistic low self esteem trolling..

all inventions and tools we slavs already had you did not know before you came here in 10th century, so you borrowed all words for things you did not know before, from us..


you are fantasising i speak about reality(historical and archeological plus genetic evidence)

bah shoult I searh it for you?:picard1: Of course I won't

12-29-2014, 08:41 AM
it is just really sad the hungarian education system and politicians are so chauvinistic and spread hate against slovaks

where do you get it from?

and why are you showing off with bratislava? until early 20th century, it had a german majority, and hungarian language was spoken more than slovak

12-29-2014, 09:25 AM
bah shoult I searh it for you?:picard1: Of course I won't

of course you wound because you have no arguments or evidence for it..

where do you get it from?

and why are you showing off with bratislava? until early 20th century, it had a german majority, and hungarian language was spoken more than slovak
i get it from the hungarians i know and from the political propaganda in hungary by garda and orban..
and from the fact that hungarians always try to prove something to us because they lack self esteem and are liars they make up stories of great hungary which never existed because majority of its inhabitants were slovaks, croats, dalmatians, romanians et cetera.. and so it is with majority of hungarians today they have r1a slavic haplogroup, slavic words in their language, slavic folklore(kroj) and so on.. you cannot change your history no matter how hard you try!.. if you want to see your real roots and history you should visit the siberian and ugrofinnic nomads sami, mansi, lanky, khanty etc. (your ancestors)

interestingly both bratislava and budapest are derived from slavic names, yes there were not germans but austrians here in the monarchy but it is still a city which was once part of great moravian slavic kingdom and now part of slovak republic which is nothing more then a new country for the original slavic inhabitants which live here since at least 1500years! so bratislava is a slovak town with mixed architecture, most old town is built by austrian architects not hungarians.. even the german name pressburg is derived from vratislaburgium and uratislava and before monarchy the great moravian emperor had ist seat and settlement on the place where the modern castle is located..

not to mention upper hungary(slovakia) was always the richest industrial region in monarchy..

12-29-2014, 09:40 AM
Great Moravia Empire

During the migration of peoples, at around the middle of the first millennium AD, the Slavs settled in the area of present-day Bratislava. Led by Samo, they formed an empire named after him – the first known organised community of Slavs.

The empire's formation was in part a response to raids by the nomadic Avars and the need to defend against them. After Samo’s death the empire dissolved into principalities. The subsequent merger of these principalities formed the Great Moravian Empire. This Slavic realm reached its apogee during the reign of the most distinguished noble, Svätopluk. The start of its gradual decline is linked to the first written mention of Bratislava Castle in the Salzburg chronicles from 907, when a battle took place near the castle between Hungarian and Bavarian troops. The Magyars won the battle and subsequently occupied the eastern part of Great Moravia.

balaton and budapest were also slavic derived from budín and pešt and bLatnohrad (balaton) principality of pribina. also the name hungary is not hungarian but comes from slavic uhorsko = ugorsko = from slavic u gary = surrounded by mountains, germanized ungarn.. magyar = megye comes from slavic medza (border)

you were nomads before you came here so how dare you make fun of slovaks who teached you everything..

12-29-2014, 09:46 AM
More than just this. Kingdom of Hungary was direct successor of Great Moravia. Teritorial organization including terminology is the same in KoH as it used to be in GM. Magyar name for county "Megye" is from Slovak "Medza", leader of the county in Magyar is "ispán" a that is as well from Slovak "župan" and thus I can continue with Slovak words in Magyar into infinity.

Interesting is also the comparation of development of settlements in different parts of former GM. When Czechs annexed western part of GM wich is now south-east region Morava of Czech republic, they let the settlements of former GM abandoned, and founded new settlements. These new settlement are here till today, cities like Brno or Olomouc. The former GM settlement now we are discovering as archeological sites.

On contrary, the proces in eastern part of GM (including also pannonia) was different. When nomadic Magyars came into the carpathian basin, they did not destroy settlements here, they just infiltrated them. That is basically because Magyars were nomads and simply didnt know how to build a settlement. Thus the old settlements of GM in Slovakia and in Hungary are still present today. Cities like Nitra (Nitrava) or Bratislava (Preslava) in SVK or Veszprém (Bezprín), Budapest (Budín) and Esztergom (Strägom) in Hun.

Magyars tend to claim, that they were the builders of Hungarian towns, that they came into blank area and many more. But seriously, when did they(nomads) learn how to build cities, when they spent 100 years (since their arrival till foundation of KoH) by looting, pillaging and slaughterring of half of Europe? Magyars only over time learned how to lead a settled life, majority of them were nomadic up to 13th ct. And Magyar chauvinists know it. They also know very well, that everything important for settled life they learned from us. Just look at Magyar vocabulary related to agriculture, housing, cuisine and you will find that so called Magyar expressions are nothing more just deformed Slovak words. This is the reason, why Magyars hate us - Slovaks most in whole world. Because they ceated a wonderfull story about glorious victors ("vitéz" in Magyar, wich is another Slovak word "výťaz"), that stood down from horseback and started to build stone castles and cathedrals. And when they are confrontated with reality, their unconscious can not accept it. So if there is any evidence, that can undermine their version of history, they must destroy it. Therefore Magyarisation, therefore thousands Magyar coments about nonexistent Slovaks and their history on every video, that has something to do with us on youtube, therefore hatefull replies on Slovaks in every forum you can find.

As Slovak writer Jerguš Ferko said, "It is a rebellion of cultural copy, against its original and effort to replace it".

And I also can mention here genetics, by wich you can see how close are present Magyars and Slovaks to each other. Both are very close to Czech, Poles or Ukrainians and therefore Slavic. That just show enormous nuber of Slovaks, that have been assimilated into Magyars


12-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Am I right, that you claim The Great Moravia was a proto-slovakian country?

01-01-2015, 12:29 PM
of course you wound because you have no arguments or evidence for it..

i get it from the hungarians i know and from the political propaganda in hungary by garda and orban..
and from the fact that hungarians always try to prove something to us because they lack self esteem and are liars they make up stories of great hungary which never existed because majority of its inhabitants were slovaks, croats, dalmatians, romanians et cetera.. and so it is with majority of hungarians today they have r1a slavic haplogroup, slavic words in their language, slavic folklore(kroj) and so on.. you cannot change your history no matter how hard you try!.. if you want to see your real roots and history you should visit the siberian and ugrofinnic nomads sami, mansi, lanky, khanty etc. (your ancestors)

interestingly both bratislava and budapest are derived from slavic names, yes there were not germans but austrians here in the monarchy but it is still a city which was once part of great moravian slavic kingdom and now part of slovak republic which is nothing more then a new country for the original slavic inhabitants which live here since at least 1500years! so bratislava is a slovak town with mixed architecture, most old town is built by austrian architects not hungarians.. even the german name pressburg is derived from vratislaburgium and uratislava and before monarchy the great moravian emperor had ist seat and settlement on the place where the modern castle is located..

not to mention upper hungary(slovakia) was always the richest industrial region in monarchy..

in fact austrian ethnicity didn't exist before ww2,they always called themselves germans and everyone else considered them germans. even today they are germans but they pretend they are "austrian". bavarian folklore culture and dialect is closer to austrian than north germany...

01-01-2015, 02:12 PM
http://www.visit.bratislava.sk/en/vismo/dokumenty2.asp?id_org=700014&id=1007&p1=3310 balaton and budapest were also slavic derived from budín and pešt and bLatnohrad (balaton) principality of pribina. also the name hungary is not hungarian but comes from slavic uhorsko = ugorsko = from slavic u gary = surrounded by mountains, germanized ungarn.. magyar = megye comes from slavic medza (border) you were nomads before you came here so how dare you make fun of slovaks who teached you everything.. Slavic is not automatically slovak. The "Slovak" ethnic group formed only in the early modern era. Just because some speakers of the slavic language family existed in Pannonia, it does not mean automatically the ancestors of modern slovaks.

01-01-2015, 02:16 PM
HAhaha LEGACY :))))))


Great Moravia also became a prominent theme of the Czech and Slovak romantic nationalism of the 19th century.[257] The Byzantine double-cross thought to have been brought by Cyril and Methodius is part of the symbol of Slovakia until today and the Constitution of Slovakia refers to Great Moravia in its preamble. Interest about that period rose as a result of the national revival in the 19th century. Great Moravian history has been regarded as a cultural root of several Slavic nations in Central Europe and it was employed in attempts to create a single Czechoslovak identity in the 20th century.

02-18-2019, 10:40 PM

balaton and budapest were also slavic derived from budín and pešt and bLatnohrad (balaton) principality of pribina. also the name hungary is not hungarian but comes from slavic uhorsko = ugorsko = from slavic u gary = surrounded by mountains, germanized ungarn.. magyar = megye comes from slavic medza (border)

you were nomads before you came here so how dare you make fun of slovaks who teached you everything..

Omg, the Balaton name is slovenian, the "Hungaria" name is latin, the "magyar" is uralic word means "people".

05-06-2019, 07:34 PM
Kde ste,bratia moji?

05-06-2019, 07:36 PM
Kde ste,bratia moji?


05-06-2019, 07:44 PM

Brat moj z slovanskej krvi,tesím sa ze si tu,tí madari sú uz tu tak vela,my pravy slovania,syny Svatopluka, sa musime drzit spolu.

05-06-2019, 07:46 PM
Brat moj z slovanskej krvi,tesím sa ze si tu,tí madari sú uz tu tak vela,my pravy slovania,syny Svatopluka, sa musime drzit spolu.

Megfertőzött az örök cs*h, beszéld újra őseid nyelvét, a Magyart