View Full Version : The Confusing Use of the Term Saxons

04-02-2010, 11:23 PM
Iīve seen Nethersaxons which should be one of the Origins of the Anglosaxons..
Angelosaxon is a Combination of Angeln and Saxon.
But itīs still confusing according to these chart Southgermany contains more R1B Dna even if itīs a slightly amount.
It confirmed my guess they are not typical Nordic related cause Pre-Germanic/Nordic is only occuring at 14 percent in England whilst in North Germany itīs occurs at 18 percent..

West and South Germany contain more R1b DNA than East and North Germany..
It seems the English shares more with these named parts instead of North Germany.


12-20-2010, 10:13 PM
I think it goes something like this:

Anglo-Saxon: Angles, Saxons, Jutes and the West Germanic settlers of England.

Nethersaxon: Modern Low Saxons in the Netherlands

Low Saxons: A regional group of the Germans and Dutch. There is a Low Saxon language I believe.

Saxons: The old Saxon tribe which once covered vast areas of the Netherlands and Germany and also settled in parts of England as part of the Anglo-Saxons. They were a confederation of smaller tribes which explains their geographic spread.

Transylvanian Saxons: German settlers in Transylvania.