View Full Version : State the main phenotypes among university staff and students from Tenerife, Canary Islands

Tooting Carmen
11-05-2014, 10:42 PM
Mostly photos from the University of La Laguna.
http://facquim.webs.ull.es/imagenes/Grupo-IQ-gr.jpghttp://bandaull.webs.ull.es/portada_lanzarote.jpghttp://culturayocio.diariodeavisos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Premaidos-ULL.jpghttp://www.mptodos.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/178687_533922259956206_609924958_o.jpghttp://www.elblogoferoz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Premios-La-Caixa-12-010.jpghttp://www.iter.es/pub/imagenes/imagenes_d027_5e2406c8.jpghttp://www.larevistadelapalma.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Estudiantes-en-practcas-ULL.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3z-Tg1nvJgI/UZafW2iZHtI/AAAAAAAABzQ/tupWtID9MSQ/s1600/lalaguna9mayo3.jpghttp://www.fg.ull.es/imgs/t_noticies/1585_z5_clase_de_la_universidad_de_la_lagunajpg/clase_de_la_universidad_de_la_laguna.jpghttp://esic.edu/actualidad/files/2013/04/foto-2.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-p0fHKPxf8Dg/UqcBDVVgesI/AAAAAAAAAJU/ObW3--c6K74/s1600/la+foto+1.JPGhttp://www.gomeratoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/alumnos-en-clase.jpghttp://fotos00.laopinion.es/2013/07/20/646x260/20lo26afot1.jpghttp://www.gomeranoticias.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/titulon/examenes%20de%20la%20pau.jpghttp://www.fg.ull.es/imgs/t_noticies/1961_nd_foto_visita_neher_21_03_14/753/438/los_asistentes_al_seminario_fotografia_francisco_t rujillo.jpghttp://imagenes.universia.net/es/Institution/10015/Aula%20Magna%20Campus%20de%20Guadalajara_Estudios. NET.jpghttp://www.fg.ull.es/imgs/t_noticies/1391_7j_90520130625113139/753/501/alumnos_durante_un_curso_de_la_uva.jpghttps://www.aecc.es/Comunicacion/Noticias/PublishingImages/aecc_Tenerife_Mama4_12.jpghttp://www.fg.ull.es/imgs/t_noticies/1369_b5_89220130617104845/753/502/la_uva_plantea_un_curso_sobre_genero_derechos_huma nos_y_migraciones.jpghttp://www.eldigitaldecanarias.net/upload/fotos/2012070616150966637.jpg

11-05-2014, 10:43 PM
A lot look Portuguese, and very few light types.

Tooting Carmen
11-05-2014, 10:48 PM
A lot look Portuguese, and very few light types.

They don't really look that different from mainland Iberians from what I can tell. Their North African-ness is probably rather overrated. Certainly, Canary Islanders and mainland Spaniards are a lot more similar than are Cypriots and mainland Greeks.

11-05-2014, 10:49 PM
They don't really look that different from mainland Iberians from what I can tell. Their North African-ness is probably rather overrated. Certainly, Canary Islanders and mainland Spaniards are a lot more similar than are Cypriots and mainland Greeks.

These photos maybe, but I've seen some Canarians who look full North African.

11-05-2014, 10:53 PM
They don't really look that different from mainland Iberians from what I can tell. Their North African-ness is probably rather overrated. Certainly, Canary Islanders and mainland Spaniards are a lot more similar than are Cypriots and mainland Greeks.

I agree. I met a Canarian in the UK (incidentally, she happens to have studied at La Laguna), and based on her family and friends, they all look typical of mainland Iberia. Sometimes even southern France.

11-05-2014, 10:55 PM
no difference from mainland Iberians. some are tanned from the Sun but that doesn't make them "darker". Gracile Mediterranean with a bit more CM than mainland Iberia but still in reduced form, I was expecting some good ol' Berid

Tooting Carmen
11-05-2014, 11:03 PM
More photos:
http://www.tunadistritolalaguna.com/Drupal/sites/default/files/pictures/Fotos/5.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5LpK8wa_9GY/UZafTkLdntI/AAAAAAAABzA/XKS8_tTCtCI/s1600/lalaguna9mayo2jpg.jpghttp://www.elperiodicodecanarias.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ars-canendi_def-660x330.jpghttp://e-move.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/20130425_091720.jpghttp://huelva24.com/upload/img/periodico/img_39403.jpg[IMG]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ez7W-EBSkpE/T6xIPAQ0jNI/AAAAAAAAD6E/d30VUDoF8eI/s1600/Sentada+en+la+calle+de+estudiantes+de+la+Universid ad+de+la+Laguna.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fpt1M8OVySg/UZafWTWShdI/AAAAAAAABzM/oQgpj7e1-wo/s1600/lalaguna9mayo4.jpghttp://www.tunafemenina.es/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/IMG-20121212-WA0000.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Dg4K4vDCY8s/UD68Mc77JII/AAAAAAAAV5w/YtjZckiO21k/s1600/2.jpeghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GAXxMfWpX4k/UWb4aavF_QI/AAAAAAAAAHU/ciPiJvGqybw/s1600/internac1.jpghttp://www.opentoeverycitizen.uki.vu.lt/site_images/logos_photos/laguna_choir2.jpeghttp://www.iter.es/pub/imagenes/imagenes_d027_5e2406c8.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-f02Mdv1tV6M/UoDJ2pglkGI/AAAAAAAACrw/CNiEpQnI2Fg/s1600/Educaci%C3%B3n+ULL.jpg

Tooting Carmen
11-05-2014, 11:13 PM
While these are certainly far from being Nordic gods, at the same time they are very strikingly different to these:

Tooting Carmen
11-05-2014, 11:38 PM
Now for the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, also in Tenerife:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnwjW_JCYAAeypb.jpg:largehttp://www.actualidaduniversitaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/placido-domingo-uax-honoris-causa.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h2N5eLp8Ka0/TQcrU_cfpGI/AAAAAAAAAkc/-E9CP45g8k8/s1600/IMG_4286.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nZ_gIGi_h94/TWZllEXlPTI/AAAAAAAAHlw/v8rfyI6nKsU/s1600/severoochoaestudiantes.jpghttp://portaldelsur.es/upload/img/periodico/img_7945.jpghttp://clinicadentalestepona.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/cuadro-medico-estepona.pnghttp://www.leonoticias.com/adjuntos/alfon(1).jpghttp://www.tunaudc.com/certamen/alfonsox.jpghttp://www.infolibre.es/uploads/imagenes/bajacalidad/2013/04/16/_honoriscausaaguirre13ok_b93be8c6.jpghttp://www.tecniberia.es/images/stories/tecniberia/IMG_1235.jpghttp://thumbs.presspeople.com/fbf8640b4ba9de163be139abc0145fac/J.CVKPIdCGo/static.presspeople.com/attachment/2b78f28ea49a44d28ee8ec235478e793/720x480/thumb.jpghttp://www.asincardiel-cardiologia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/El-Dr.-Enrique-As%C3%ADn-Cardiel-junto-al-Rector-Magn%C3%ADfico-D.-Josom%C3%ADnguez-de-Posada-el-Presidente-D.-Jes%C3%BAs-N%C3%BA%C3%B1ez-Vel%C3%A1zquez-y-otras-autoridades-y-profesores-de-la-UAX.jpghttp://www.diariodeboadilla.es/images/stories/noticias/2013/130514_universidad_alfonso_x_el_sabio_ayuntamiento _boadilla_1.jpghttp://www.forummusikae.com/s/cc_images/cache_2444348689.jpghttp://www.ducrosseries.es/ficheros/Cross%20AX%20web.jpghttps://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5456/9267770929_26cb109f18.jpghttp://www.forummusikae.com/s/cc_images/cache_2445666062.jpg

Tooting Carmen
11-06-2014, 12:15 PM

Tooting Carmen
12-11-2014, 12:39 PM

12-11-2014, 12:50 PM
Most seem to be Alpine-Meds or Atlanto-Meds.I spotted some Atlantids and one Dinaro-Med.

12-11-2014, 01:10 PM
strong Alpinid component in the first pic, too lazy to watch all the pics now

12-12-2014, 02:01 AM
Well there is a few things I have to say about these pictures and the people in them. My first point is that universities in the Canaries has people from all over Europe, but has many peninsulares (mainland Spain) that attend, so it's not just Canarians. Secondly, it's known that the people in the upper classes have the least Guanche admixture, this includes the more educated Canarians. This is not true for all, but many. If I show you some pics of Canarians that are in the lower working classes, you will see a striking difference. And also, in the cities is known to have more educated people from the upper classes that have less guanche ancestry than those in rural areas. For instance, take a look at these men from rural areas that have high guanche admixture:


There is a spectrum among Canarians that ranges from looking exactly like Iberians to looking very Berber admixed and everything in the middle. This will also fault along class lines as well. But not saying that's a tell all, because you can have several different types in several different classes.

You can see in that music video I posted of average Canarian phenotypes, you see all types:


Tooting Carmen
12-12-2014, 02:07 AM
Tbh, the ones in your videos to me look more like Hispanic Caribbeans than like mainstream Spaniards, whereas the photos I posted lean much more in the latter direction.

12-12-2014, 02:16 AM
Here are some Canarian genetics from a study I posted on Canarians from Pino-Yanes 2011 (the blue is Iberian and the green is North African, IBE=Iberian, NWA=Northwest Africa, CAN=Canarians, CBN=Canarians:

IBE=Iberians NWA=North Africans CAN=Canarians_1 CBN=Canarians_2


Calculated North African total averages among Canarians as a whole and per island, in comparison to Iberians and North Africans


12-12-2014, 02:23 AM
Tbh, the ones in your videos to me look more like Hispanic Caribbeans than like mainstream Spaniards, whereas the photos I posted lean much more in the latter direction.

Well that's because the video of the older men interviewing in the rural countryside are from the farmer class and the video of the Canarians in the music video are from the middle class. Lots of the ones you posted are from the educated upper classes and many of them are very Iberian while some have small guanche ancestry and some have none at all. Canarians are a people stuck between two ethnicities, both Iberian and North African Berber. Some are closer to Iberians, some are closer to North Africans and some are in the middle. Sorta like the situation with mestizos from Latin America. It's just the North African ancestry is usually in the 10-20% range on average instead of 30-40-50 for Amerind in countries such as Mexico. There are some Canarians with less than 10% and are pretty much Iberians and there are some that are greater than 20% and are very North African admixed.

There are greater frequencies between the two genetic components by class, but it's not a tell all as there can be any type of Canarian in any class.

12-12-2014, 02:58 AM
These photos maybe, but I've seen some Canarians who look full North African.

There are both more Iberian types and more North African influenced types and many in the middle. There are even in the same family. I have people in my family that look very Iberian like these university students and some that look very dark like some of the NA influenced types you've seen and I know they must have some significant North African admixture. I myself am 90% Euro/ 10% NA and I have a female cousin that tested and is 84% European and 16% NA (she is on my mother's side, so her other side probably had more than my blood relative that is her parent), so it really depends on the family and the members in that family. Again, both of us are in the common 10-20% range for NA and are almost entirely European.

02-19-2018, 10:41 PM
Common faces

02-20-2018, 02:04 AM
Mainly Gracile-Meds, Alpine-Meds, and few Atlantids/Atlanto-Meds.

03-13-2018, 06:59 PM
Mainly Gracile-Meds, Alpine-Meds, and few Atlantids/Atlanto-Meds.
I’d say this also.