View Full Version : classify hungarian u17 footballer Mátyás Tajti

11-08-2014, 02:54 PM

11-08-2014, 03:08 PM
he plays at barcelona youth academy. do you guys think he can pass as a native in spain? if not then where in europe can he pass? only in central europe and balkan?

11-08-2014, 07:38 PM
A Pamiroid with huge facial flatness and very visible forward projecting cheekbone.


11-09-2014, 07:13 AM
any other opinions? where can he pass?

Immortal Technique
11-09-2014, 07:13 AM
He can pass as Spanish

11-22-2014, 04:04 PM
Textbook Pontid. Obviously long-head, ergo Pamirid a nonsense.


11-22-2014, 04:05 PM
A Pamiroid with huge facial flatness and very visible forward projecting cheekbone.



More like Dinaro-Pontid like most Hungarians

11-22-2014, 05:02 PM
More like Dinaro-Pontid like most Hungarians

Sure :rofl_002:

11-22-2014, 05:06 PM
I can see him being Romanian and even Italian.

11-22-2014, 05:20 PM
other pictures of him
it's his brother on the right.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1256508_463633657111177_6289782801735496578_n.jpg? oh=fc1e9de0b87e5f9ac3c2f36dbdd068e8&oe=54D7B903&__gda__=1423427965_f2b129e71ec841df9ebd65f061f7fe6 6
https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/l/t1.0-9/10424288_459272480880628_1945920662620364871_n.jpg ?oh=54a0f33b440f4428339e63b546ee597b&oe=5517F898

with his sister(surprisingly dark skinned)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10615993_446885155452694_401879282665148592_n.jpg? oh=06c3f2de4d57eb26e66d8be66025cb61&oe=55201349&__gda__=1428074120_6aee7e04cd6aed15109ae00b72bc12e 5

with croatian alen halilovic
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10487368_433829283424948_8958762404756010685_n.jpg ?oh=60fd00265b6745b85352793e6afb7f11&oe=54D17CBE&__gda__=1427258127_6a8baa8e3fa93714113c54ae40c92b6 1
https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10614266_430501363757740_8448081671000893977_n.jpg ?oh=773f257014bfc31d1d4cb34ae133cde9&oe=54D8B855
i don't know who these 2 spanish guys are but probably some medic staff at fc barcelona or i don't know
https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10599268_425671394240737_1076790976772306944_n.jpg ?oh=1c222176211350df38435e643e0b1f6a&oe=54D693DA

11-22-2014, 05:28 PM
I can see him being Romanian and even Italian.

yeah he could be romanian easily, about italian i'm not sure

11-22-2014, 05:42 PM
yeah he could be romanian easily, about italian i'm not sure

Lighter Northern Italian at least. He thus look a bit like some less typical North Italians I think.

11-22-2014, 06:39 PM
If that North Italian has at least one Mongoloid ancestor, because this size of flatness is not Europid thing:


11-22-2014, 06:46 PM
Blogen cannot lose.

11-22-2014, 06:49 PM
Lighter Northern Italian at least. He thus look a bit like some less typical North Italians I think.

i think his skin tone is similar to central italians.

11-22-2014, 06:52 PM
If that North Italian has at least one Mongoloid ancestor, because this size of flatness is not Europid thing:


i think his face structure is normal for european people

11-22-2014, 06:54 PM
Blogen cannot lose.

Yep, since I know about a shocking fact: there are bones behind the faces and the basic morphology of the faces is only the consequence of the forms of these bones. And there is no democracy in these questions in other hand. For example what happens to the Sicilians if the wogs voted that they are whites!


11-22-2014, 06:55 PM
i think his face structure is normal for european people

You lived for too much in Hungary. :D

11-22-2014, 07:01 PM
You lived for too much in Hungary. :D

if there's something mongoloid about him, it's his eyes.

11-22-2014, 07:07 PM
Yep, since I know about a shocking fact: there are bones behind the faces and the basic morphology of the faces is only the consequence of the forms of these bones. And there is no democracy in these questions in other hand. For example what happens to the Sicilians if the wogs voted that they are whites!

Photos are not suitable for determining the exact proportions.

11-22-2014, 07:15 PM
if there's something mongoloid about him, it's his eyes.

No, his eyes are clear Europid eyes. His only visible Mongoloid heritage is his facial flatness.

11-22-2014, 07:17 PM
Photos are not suitable for determining the exact proportions.

So maybe this thing in the picture -if there is a thing in the picture- maybe a boy or maybe a dinner table, but definitely a postmodern situation. :D