View Full Version : Amerindians are Mongoloids

11-11-2014, 02:50 PM
Amerindians are Mongoloids who descend from a proto-australoid strain:


1. Meyers Konversations-Lexikon (1888–1889) includes Amerindians into the Mongoloid race group:



2. Carleton S. Coon puts Amerindians into the Mongoloid race group.
See The Origin of Races (1962), p. 108-109:

"This schematic map shows the distribution of the five subspecies of Homo during most of the Pleistocene, from 500,000 to 10,000 years ago. This distribution matches that on the diagram in Chapter 1. Of the five subspecies, the Congoid was the most isolated; it was in contact with only one other, the Capoid, then resident in North Africa. The second map shows what happened at the end of the Pleistocene, when the Mongoloids and Caucasoids expanded and burst out of their territories. The Mongoloids entered and inhabited America, and extended their domain southward into Southeast Asia and Indonesia, while the Australoids crossed Wallace's Line and occupied Australia and New Guinea.”


Compare to display at the Horniman Museum:


3. Amerindians have mongoloid skulls.
Anthropologist Loring Brace's craniometric study from 1993,*Brace examined the cranial traits of the amerindian skulls in his possession and clustered them with Eastiasian mongoloid groups and more closely with Jomon-pacific groups:

source: *http://www.pnas.org/content/103/1/242.full


4. Amerindians have big archaic tooth size similar to Negroid, Micronesians and Melanesian populations.
Hanihara et al. (2005) examined dental variation in many global populations, both modern and old, including Amerindians(Central/South/North America). source:*http://www.femininebeauty.info/hanihara.flatness.pdf


5. Amerindians have prognathy similar to Southeastasian mongoloids & australoid admixed Micronesians.
Hanihara et al. (2005) examined facial flatness(prognathy) in many global populations, both modern and old, including Amerindians:


Tooting Carmen
11-11-2014, 02:51 PM
Well yes. Amerindians are essentially darker-skinned Mongoloids. What is news about that?

11-11-2014, 02:54 PM
You trying to pass them for Finnic or something?

11-11-2014, 02:58 PM
True. I always wondered, is that the reason why they generally can't grow much facial hair? Mongoloids aren't known for being hairy.

11-12-2014, 12:09 AM
They are mongols from Siberia.

Han Cholo
11-12-2014, 12:16 AM
Only 60% Mongoloid.

Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.

Based on the arm bone of a 24,000-year-old Siberian youth, the research could uncover new origins for America's indigenous peoples, as well as stir up fresh debate on Native American identities, experts say.

The study authors believe the new study could also help resolve some long-standing puzzles on the peopling of the New World, which include genetic oddities and archaeological inconsistencies. (Explore an atlas of the human journey.)

"These results were a great surprise to us," said study co-author and ancient-DNA specialist Eske Willerslev, of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

"I hadn't expected anything like this. A genome related to present-day western Eurasian populations and modern Native Americans as well was really puzzling in the beginning. How could this happen?"

So what's new?

The arm bone of a three-year-old boy from the Mal'ta site near the shores of Lake Baikal in south-central Siberia (map) yielded what may be the oldest genome of modern humans ever sequenced.

DNA from the remains revealed genes found today in western Eurasians in the Middle East and Europe, as well as other aspects unique to Native Americans, but no evidence of any relation to modern East Asians. (Related: "Is This Russian Landscape the Birthplace of Native Americans?")

A second individual genome sequenced from material found at the site and dated to 17,000 years ago revealed a similar genetic structure.

It also provided evidence that humans occupied this region of Siberia throughout the entire brutally cold period of the Last Glacial Maximum, which ended about 13,000 years ago.

Why is it important?

Prevailing theories suggest that Native Americans are descended from a group of East Asians who crossed the Bering Sea via a land bridge perhaps 16,500 years ago, though some sites may evidence an earlier arrival. (See "Siberian, Native American Languages Linked—A First [2008].")

"This study changes this idea because it shows that a significant minority of Native American ancestry actually derives not from East Asia but from a people related to present-day western Eurasians," Willerslev said.

"It's approximately one-third of the genome, and that is a lot," he added. "So in that regard I think it's changing quite a bit of the history."

While the land bridge still formed the gateway to America, the study now portrays Native Americans as a group derived from the meeting of two different populations, one ancestral to East Asians and the other related to western Eurasians, explained Willerslev, whose research was published in the November 20 edition of the journal Nature.

"The meeting of those two groups is what formed Native Americans as we know them." (Learn more about National Geographic's Genographic Project.)

What does this mean?

Willerslev believes the discovery provides simpler and more likely explanations to long-standing controversies related to the peopling of the Americas.

"Although we know that North Americans are related to East Asians, it's striking that no contemporary East Asian populations really resemble Native Americans," he said.

"It's not like you can say that they are really closely related to Japanese, Chinese, or Koreans, so there seems to be something missing. But this result makes a lot of sense regarding why they don't fit so well genetically with contemporary East Asians—because one-third of their genome is derived from another population."

The findings could also allow reinterpretation of archaeological and anthropological evidence, like the famed Kennewick Man, whose remains don't look much like modern-day Native American or East Asian populations, according to some interpretations.

"Maybe, if he looks like something else, it's because a third of his ancestry isn't coming from East Asia but from something like the western Eurasians." (Read about history's great migration mysteries.)

What's next?

Many questions remain unanswered, including where and when the mixing of west Eurasian and East Asian populations occurred.

"It could have been somewhere in Siberia or potentially in the New World," Willerslev said.

"I think it's much more likely that it occurred in the Old World. But the only way to address that question would be to sequence more ancient skeletons of Native Americans and also Siberians."

Intriguing questions also exist about the nature of the advanced Upper Paleolithic Mal'ta society that now appears to figure in Native American genomes.

The Siberian child "was found buried with all kinds of cultural items, including Venus figurines, which have been found from Lake Baikal west all the way to Europe.

"So now we know that the individual represented with this culture is a western Eurasian, even though he was found very far east. It's an interesting question how closely related this individual might have been to the individuals carving these figurines at the same time in Europe and elsewhere."

The prognathy, big teeth, large noses, browridges come from their "Caucasoid" admix which peaks in groups like Scotts, Estonians, Finns, etc... (it's also around 1/5 of them, or more in certain cases).

All in all, 1800 writings by butt anthropologists make little sense now.

11-12-2014, 09:10 AM
Only 60% Mongoloid.

The prognathy, big teeth, large noses, browridges come from their "Caucasoid" admix which peaks in groups like Scotts, Estonians, Finns, etc... (it's also around 1/5 of them, or more in certain cases).

All in all, 1800 writings by butt anthropologists make little sense now.

Nah, all their traits come from the proto-mongoloid

Han Cholo
11-12-2014, 09:13 AM
Nah, all their traits come from the proto-mongoloid


11-12-2014, 09:27 AM

True, most West-Eurasian populations have significant Ancient North Eurasian admixture.

11-12-2014, 09:28 AM

You have to understand that there was a time when proto Caucasoid and Mongoloids were not to too dissimilar. But different groups evolved different traits. Both Amerindians and chinamen had the makeup and opportunities to radically change their looks. Some Amerindians stayed closer to their original shape and gained some progressive traits (like Silvids) while those in Asia became the chinks that we all know. Likewise, some Europeans became badass Borrebies and others gracile meds

But saying that Amerindians genetic makeup is made up of 60% or less Mong is wrong :nono:


Why are Amerindians next to Asians not and closer to other Caucasoids then? They should have drifted away with the "neutral" eurasian

Han Cholo
11-12-2014, 09:31 AM
True, most West-Eurasian populations have significant Ancient North Eurasian admixture.

Now all they have to define is which of the populations was closer to the source West Hunter Gatherer: if the Neolithic Farmers or the Ancient North Eurasians. I personally think those "Borealized" looks in Northern Europeans aren't due to Borealization but due to Ancient North Eurasians.

11-12-2014, 09:49 AM
Now all they have to define is which of the populations was closer to the source West Hunter Gatherer: if the Neolithic Farmers or the Ancient North Eurasians. I personally think those "Borealized" looks in Northern Europeans aren't due to Borealization but due to Ancient North Eurasians.

You are getting out of hand now! Ancient North Eurasians were very Cromagnid and it was after they split that borealization and mongoloid cold adaption began

11-12-2014, 09:54 AM
Now all they have to define is which of the populations was closer to the source West Hunter Gatherer: if the Neolithic Farmers or the Ancient North Eurasians. I personally think those "Borealized" looks in Northern Europeans aren't due to Borealization but due to Ancient North Eurasians.

Most likely West Hunter Gatherer according to this updated chart.

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/UhoLhO46zKXdh80fu7jqG5viIkUGwpzBRBPbXQIWtEybZnWIhS um7GdijmC8msxskikV0KWU0Ho=w1896-h835

Han Cholo
11-12-2014, 05:04 PM
You are getting out of hand now! Ancient North Eurasians were very Cromagnid and it was after they split that borealization and mongoloid cold adaption began

CM = Cro-Mongolid.

11-13-2014, 09:44 PM
Well yes. Amerindians are essentially darker-skinned Mongoloids. What is news about that?

Not exactly. American Indians don't look like Mongolians, Chinese, Koreans, etc..

Tooting Carmen
11-13-2014, 10:58 PM
Not exactly. American Indians don't look like Mongolians, Chinese, Koreans, etc..

True, but some can look strikingly like Thais, Malays, Filipinos, Indonesians etc.

Han Cholo
11-13-2014, 11:01 PM
True, but some can look strikingly like Thais, Malays, Filipinos, Indonesians etc.

No. Only some Siberians look like them.

Those are just an Australoid influenced version of the Chinese.

11-13-2014, 11:01 PM
True, but some can look strikingly like Thais, Malays, Filipinos, Indonesians etc.

Not really.

11-13-2014, 11:05 PM
Very interesting polynesians

11-13-2014, 11:18 PM
You are getting out of hand now! Ancient North Eurasians were very Cromagnid and it was after they split that borealization and mongoloid cold adaption beganSource?

11-14-2014, 11:06 AM
Only 60% Mongoloid.

The prognathy, big teeth, large noses, browridges come from their "Caucasoid" admix which peaks in groups like Scotts, Estonians, Finns, etc... (it's also around 1/5 of them, or more in certain cases).

All in all, 1800 writings by butt anthropologists make little sense now.

source http://www.uic.edu/classes/osci/osci590/10_1Non-Metric.htm


Anthropologists for more than a century have been intrigued by the biological similarities between Siberians and North American Indians. Christy Turner II of Arizona State University has studied the changing physical characteristics of Native American teeth, especially in their crowns and roots, and has compared them with those of Old World Asian populations.


The dental features studied by Turner are more stable than most morphological traits. There is a high genetic component that minimizes the effect of environmental differences, sexual dimorphism, and age variations. Turner has studied more than 4000 individuals, ancient and modern. From this, he has developed a series of hypotheses about the first settlement of the Americas based on dental morphology.

Prehistoric Americans display many fewer variations in their dental morphology than do Eastern Asians. Turner calls these features sinodonty. It is a pattern of dental features that includes shovel-shaped incisors, single-rooted upper first premolars, triple rooted lower first molars and other attributes.

(My note: what kind of frequencies are observed? Three-rooted lower first molars are reported in 25-40% of Eskimo-Aleuts and 6% for most North American Indian groups.) The cornerstone of Turner's hypothesis is this: sinodonty only occurs in northern Asia and the Americas. Sinodonty does not occur among the neighboring Mal'ta people of Lake Baikal or in the Stone Age Ukraine.

Turner's earliest evidence for sinodonty comes from northern China in about 18,000 B.C. He believes, however, that it emerged much earlier, perhaps as early as 40,000 years ago. According to his calculations, the Sinodonts migrated into Mongolia about 20,000 years ago and across the Bering Strait about 14,000 years ago.

European Upper Paleolithic peoples do not display sinodonty. It is Turner's belief that the Sinodont northern Chinese may have evolved from a primeval Southeast Asian Homo sapiens population.

11-14-2014, 11:31 AM
Amerindians are a diverse people that has came in several migration waves. They also have huge phenotypical differences.

Long-faced, large nosed, robust northern plains amerindian:


Short & round-faced, soft southern amerindian:


11-16-2014, 09:51 PM
Judging by those pictures, they don't look like typical mongolids, but don't look caucasid either. But some characteristics really indicate their origin as a branch from mongolid groups, and there is some overlap with asian islanders.

11-28-2014, 04:04 PM
Damn, those northern Amerindians have huge faces and impressive zygomatic bones and mandibles (cheek and jaw). I wonder if ANE people looked like that.