View Full Version : Is she a mestiza or harniza?

11-24-2014, 08:37 PM
She is a Mexican teacher of Spanish


Tooting Carmen
11-24-2014, 08:38 PM

11-24-2014, 08:39 PM

11-24-2014, 08:41 PM
Mestiza, I think.

Han Cholo
11-24-2014, 08:42 PM
75% Indigenous.

11-24-2014, 08:42 PM
Is that a common look in Mexico?

Tooting Carmen
11-24-2014, 08:43 PM
Is that a common look in Mexico?


11-24-2014, 08:46 PM
she looks fully Native American and she could even pass somewhere in Asia (Philippines etc)

11-24-2014, 08:47 PM

11-24-2014, 08:51 PM
75% Indigenous.
I don't think she is so indigenous. She does not have very pronounced cheek bones which is one of the main indigenous features. Hair looks very native though.

11-24-2014, 08:53 PM
She is a Mexican teacher of Spanish

Я не антрополог, но на вид, такая типичная метиска, у которой больше индейских черт, чем европейских. Такие обычно на рынках торгуют, ничего особенного.

11-24-2014, 09:02 PM
She is a Mexican teacher of Spanish

вот тебе шпаргалочка:

Harnizo = 62,5% европеец + 37,5% индеец.
Основные "расы" в испанских колониях:
1. Mestizo (метис): сын испанца и индианки.
2. Castizo (катис? нет такого слова в русском языке): сын метиса и испанки.
3. Zambo (самбо): сын африканца и индианки.
4. Mulato или Pardo (мулат или пардо): сын испанца и африканки.
5. Morisco (мориск): сын мулата от испанки.
6. Coyote или Cholo (койот или чоло): сын метиса и индианки, чоло - пренебрежительное название индейцев в Перу.
7. Chino (китаец): сын мулата и индианки (вообще в Лат. Америке, всех с эпикантусом кличут чино, т. е. китаец)
Сейчас все перееблись уже давно, поэтому точно классифицировать уже не получится.

Peter Nirsch
11-24-2014, 09:03 PM

11-24-2014, 09:06 PM
вот тебе шпаргалочка:

Harnizo = 62,5% европеец + 37,5% индеец.
Основные "расы" в испанских колониях:
1. Mestizo (метис): сын испанца и индианки.
2. Castizo (катис? нет такого слова в русском языке): сын метиса и испанки.
3. Zambo (самбо): сын африканца и индианки.
4. Mulato или Pardo (мулат или пардо): сын испанца и африканки.
5. Morisco (мориск): сын мулата от испанки.
6. Coyote или Cholo (койот или чоло): сын метиса и индианки, чоло - пренебрежительное название индейцев в Перу.
7. Chino (китаец): сын мулата и индианки (вообще в Лат. Америке, всех с эпикантусом кличут чино, т. е. китаец)
Сейчас все перееблись уже давно, поэтому точно классифицировать уже не получится.
Спасибо. Я знаком с большей частью терминов, ещё в детстве читал в книжках про это. Плюс тут используются они постоянно.

11-24-2014, 09:07 PM

11-24-2014, 09:07 PM
Can you guys keep in in English so others can read it without using Google Translate to get an idea what you are talking about.

11-24-2014, 09:09 PM
Can you guys keep in in English so others can read it without using Google Translate to get an idea what you are talking about.
Nothing special, I assure you.

11-24-2014, 09:10 PM
she looks mostly indigenous but not 75%

11-24-2014, 09:11 PM
Nothing special, I assure you.
I put it in Google Translate. You said "Thank you. I am familiar with most of the terms in the childhood read in books about it. Plus, here they are used consistently. Arnis water as more Indian than Custis. The first 65-70% of the euro, the second 80-plus, as I explained here.". That's a copy and paste from Google translate. While at it, let me know how accurate it translates. Please.

11-24-2014, 09:12 PM
Спасибо. Я знаком с большей частью терминов, ещё в детстве читал в книжках про это. Плюс тут используются они постоянно. Арнисо вроде как больший индеец, нежели кастисо. Первый 65-70% евро, второй 80 с лишним, как мне тут объясняли.
Правильно, кастисо по пути к "отбеливанию" ближе, у него всего один индеец в крови. А вот арнисо - это вроде ближе к европейцам, но неизвестно точно сколько индейцев у него было в роду. Я заметил у латиносов странную черту - почему-то всем хочется иметь европейские корни. А индейцев они считают страшными и хотят "отбелить расу". Сейчас это уже уходит в прошлое, но тренд все равно есть. Я открыл как-то испаноязычный учебник по истории. Очень интересно - до 15-го века учат много Западной Европы, немножко Россию, потом историю конкисты и названия рас, получившихся в результате смешения. Очень наглядные иллюстрации - картинки кто с кем и наименование получившейся смеси.

11-24-2014, 09:13 PM
I put it in Google Translate. You said "Thank you. I am familiar with most of the terms in the childhood read in books about it. Plus, here they are used consistently. Arnis water as more Indian than Custis. The first 65-70% of the euro, the second 80-plus, as I explained here.". That's a copy and paste from Google translate. While at it, let me know how accurate it translates. Please.
Google translate sucks hard when it comes to Russian, unfortunatelly. I found information about racial mixes, typical in Latin American countries and translated it to Russian for Sojourner.

11-24-2014, 09:15 PM
I put it in Google Translate. You said "Thank you. I am familiar with most of the terms in the childhood read in books about it. Plus, here they are used consistently. Arnis water as more Indian than Custis. The first 65-70% of the euro, the second 80-plus, as I explained here.". That's a copy and paste from Google translate. While at it, let me know how accurate it translates. Please.
My advice fo you: don't try reading posts in Russian via GT. Many Russians use a multitude of non-standard slang words and expressions, plus not all are good at spelling (it is quite difficult at times). It is RELATIVELY correct, because I write in a more literary form of the language. Others can be completely untranslatable.

11-24-2014, 09:20 PM
Правильно, кастисо по пути к "отбеливанию" ближе, у него всего один индеец в крови. А вот арнисо - это вроде ближе к европейцам, но неизвестно точно сколько индейцев у него было в роду. Я заметил у латиносов странную черту - почему-то всем хочется иметь европейские корни. А индейцев они считают страшными и хотят "отбелить расу". Сейчас это уже уходит в прошлое, но тренд все равно есть. Я открыл как-то испаноязычный учебник по истории. Очень интересно - до 15-го века учат много Западной Европы, немножко Россию, потом историю конкисты и названия рас, получившихся в результате смешения. Очень наглядные иллюстрации - картинки кто с кем и наименование получившейся смеси.
It's no wonder. The less Indian blood you have, the better you look. It's kinda common opinion, not necessarily my own, though I share it to a great extent as well. Castizos are basically white to me, they can be pretty easily diluted and absorbed by a white majority.

11-24-2014, 09:26 PM
It's no wonder. The less Indian blood you have, the better you look. It's kinda common opinion, not necessarily my own, though I share it to a great extent as well. Castizos are basically white to me, they can be pretty easily diluted and absorbed by a white majority.
Yes, if you grew up among the people of Slavic appearance, the Indians look like tanned Chukchas, some of them look ugly. But the beauty is a subjective value. You can also say that for some Indians white people look ugly. Unfortunately, there is no universal criterion of beauty. There's the symmetry of facial and body features, but it is not a full analogue of beauty in the human understanding.

11-24-2014, 09:30 PM
Yes, if you grew up among the people of Slavic appearance, the Indians look like tanned Chukchas, some of them look ugly. But the beauty is a subjective value. You can also say that for some Indians white people look ugly. Unfortunately, there is no universal criterion of beauty. There's the symmetry of facial and body features, but it is not a full analogue of beauty in the human understanding.
Sure. Btw, Kyrgyz illegals in Moscow are "Indians" to me. They get tanned in summer and their skin looks almost bronze.:)

11-24-2014, 09:34 PM
Sure. Btw, Kyrgyz illegals in Moscow are "Indians" to me. They get tanned in summer and their skin looks almost bronze.:)
Yeah, they have some similarity.

11-25-2014, 06:54 AM
She looks more like Indo-mestiza, rather than mestiza, and let alone harniza. My guess is 75% Amerindian, or even more.

These would be good examples of harnizas:

Venezuelan Journalist Mariana Gomez:



Chilean singer Denise Alejandra Malebran Soto:



11-25-2014, 06:56 AM

Han Cholo
11-25-2014, 03:49 PM
I don't think she is so indigenous. She does not have very pronounced cheek bones which is one of the main indigenous features. Hair looks very native though.

What? Are you blind? She has partial epicanthic folds and her cheekbones are quite high and pronounced (with good muscular development).

It's very easy to list the Indigenous traits she has, but you'll have a bigger trouble listing the European features she has (because they're far less visible.) Thus we can conclude she's mostly indigenous.

11-25-2014, 03:57 PM
Does anyone else find her cute besides me?

11-25-2014, 04:04 PM
What? Are you blind? She has partial epicanthic folds and her cheekbones are quite high and pronounced (with good muscular development).

It's very easy to list the Indigenous traits she has, but you'll have a bigger trouble listing the European features she has (because they're far less visible.) Thus we can conclude she's mostly indigenous.
Actually I am blind, lol. I went to the eye doctor and prescribe me glasses, lol. I'm serious by the way. I see what you mean and took a better look, Yeah, I think you're right. She's kind of cute tough.

11-25-2014, 04:05 PM
Does anyone else find her cute besides me?
I do too.

11-25-2014, 04:09 PM
She is a Mexican teacher of Spanish


She is a predominantly amerindian mestiza (Indo-Mestiza)

11-26-2014, 05:19 AM
I do too.

My white anglo friend finds her ugly but i don't think she is, but you know what they say though.. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" some people have a different perception of beauty.

it happens from time to time.

11-26-2014, 01:04 PM
My white anglo friend finds her ugly but i don't think she is, but you know what they say though.. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" some people have a different perception of beauty.

it happens from time to time.
That's a true statement.

11-26-2014, 01:13 PM
I doesn't know much about amerinds, but they have big eyes like her ?