View Full Version : A russian cousin wrote me

11-25-2014, 03:58 AM
I saw we are the matches by FTDNA's Family Finder (5th cousins) - is interesting - my father's line has origin from Austro-Hungary, as I know they lived in territory (now it's part of the Ukraine) which was lost after WWI by Trianon's Treaty. I found also yet several 4th and 5th cousins from old A-H Monarchy lands. And now we live in Russians Volga's region and I try to know about father's line origin. Several matches by autosomal tests and Y-DNA were from South Hungary.
Y-DNA: I2a2 (M-423)

With best regards,

i replied
Hi I dont have Hungarian or Austrian lineage but im 1/16 russian, my
mum is 1/8 that means 6.25% russian. maybe thats how we are related?
on 23andme i have russia in my countries of ancestry

11-25-2014, 04:01 AM
Please don't mention to him you're Serbian :picard2: