View Full Version : haplogroup r1b is cro magnon or indo european?

spanish catalan
11-26-2014, 03:52 PM
iberian refugee or asiatic origin?

11-26-2014, 03:53 PM
Neither. Bell Beaker settlers from the Near East. The Basque peoples are their remains.

11-26-2014, 06:04 PM
At the arrival to Iberia (4800 ybp) the M269 sub-clade split off M51 and soon there after the L11 downstream subclades. These populations became known as the Bell Beakers and moved north, along with the newly arisen subclades of P312 and L21 (which split off within a few centuries after P312). Those subclades and their downstream clades have effectively, without major interruptions, populated Europe (the smooth haplotype trees demonstrate the near non-stop proliferation of R1b haplotypes in Europe).