View Full Version : Chinese Millionaire bulldozes hometown and rebuilds luxury homes for everyone

11-28-2014, 03:51 PM
I found this story very touching because it is a great example of what a decent human being should be like.

Gratitude and generosity towards those who have been kind to you are one of the most important values in Chinese culture and something my parents deeply ingrained in me. Although I am somebody who strives to be independent and I rarely ask favors of others, when someone does me a favor, I always remember the debt and usually return it 3 or 4 fold.

I also admire the story because the millionaire grew up as an impoverished kid in a slum. Being able to achieve great things from such a humble origin, is far greater in my eyes, than someone who does it coming from a privileged background. I consider Xiong Shuihua a great role model for humanity.


11-28-2014, 03:53 PM
I was thinking of something politically incorrect to write but not even I am that heartless.
