View Full Version : Baby Born With Foot In Head

01-16-2009, 05:24 AM
This freaked me out somewhat, have to admit, though I did laugh at the surgeon`s comment. Idealistically, I know I should be saying "Aw, poor baby!".
In reality and honesty it makes me feel strange and a little sick and horrified.
I`m just no good with such things! :embarrassed I know that it`s long been known that one twin in the womb can somehow `absorb` the other, and this type of thing can happen...but it just feels cannibalistic...

Miracle baby born with a foot in his brain
Jan 14 2009

MIRACLE baby Sam Esquibel has stunned doctors - after he was born with a fully developed foot in his brain.

A small scar on the side of his head is the only sign of the bizarre discovery surgeons made when operating on what they thought was a tumour.

The growth was discovered when the three-month old's mum had a scan.

Sam birth was induced and surgeons in Colorado needed to operate within days.

But when he opened up the tumour, the tiny, perfectly formed foot popped out.

Neurosurgeon Paul Grabb said: "We medics like to think we've seen everything.

"This just goes to show we haven't."

He added: "The foot just popped out. It made me stop operating, since I'm not used to seeing feet in the brain.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime finding in the operating room."

The growth was later found to also contain a partially formed thigh and a hand.

Yesterday, Sam's parents Tiffnie and Manny told of their shock at the findings.

Tiffnie said. "We were stunned. We didn't know what to think when they told us what they had found."


01-16-2009, 05:26 AM
Esquibel? No doubt the mother was drinking tequila while pregnant