View Full Version : Classify Spanish Singer Alex Ubago

12-07-2014, 04:45 AM
Interesting one, right? 0.o

Why on earth is there a SPANISH guy who looks like BeReal? Is there something I don't know about his background? :p





12-07-2014, 04:47 AM
Looks like a combination of Atlanto, South and East Med.

12-07-2014, 04:48 AM
Looks like a combination of Atlanto, South and East Med.

Looks like Atlantomed + BeRealid to me ;)


12-07-2014, 07:38 AM

12-07-2014, 09:29 AM

Davy Jones's Locker
12-07-2014, 09:11 PM


12-07-2014, 09:23 PM

funny Minard but please next time you want to mention me in a thread or open a thread with me being involved in it in any way ask me before you do :)

have some respect bro :cool:

12-07-2014, 09:30 PM
they don't look alike. Pred. Baskid/Mediterranean.

Dani Cutie
12-07-2014, 09:31 PM
baskid for me.

12-07-2014, 09:40 PM
they don't look alike. Pred. Baskid/Mediterranean.

many people agree with him and I see it too

http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5637951/1/ read the comments

but dont worry ...that doesnt make me think that I look spanish :bored:

it is normal that people sometimes can resemble each other

and can I dare to say that I am Caucasoid and that it is not impossible to have resemblence with a European Caucasoid?

chill bro that doesnt say much

12-07-2014, 09:49 PM
many people agree with him and I see it too

but I honestly do not see it, you are a different type, different nose, your face is wider and overall facial constitution is different, even if the Basque is a dark type you guys don't look alike

12-07-2014, 09:54 PM
but I honestly do not see it, you are a different type, different nose, your face is wider and overall facial constitution is different, even if the Basque is a dark type you guys don't look alike

well if you dont see similarity no problem :) I dont see THAT much resemblance either but you get my point ...you dont have to be the same type with a person to have some resemblance

(and for the record my nose looks bigger on pics for whatever reason and is also damaged from boxing )

12-07-2014, 09:55 PM
Dark Atlantomed + Basquid. I don't know why you think Labaru needs to chill tho, his reply was calm :S

Also yes you look a bit like him in the sense that you have an oval face with a small mouth and almond shaped eyes. That doesn't mean that you look atlantomed, it is just a simple case of convergence. Other than that he has clear Spanish features that you lack such as the sunken eyes, the lighter beige complexion (where you are a brown), a completely different cheek-nose structure that is typical of Basque areas whereas yours would look completely off (In Spain I mean, i don't know what's your background, Armenian or Persian perhaps?) and a narrower skull.

I don't think he looks any other thing than Spanish but of course because he presents many mediterranean convergences he could probably pass unnoticed anyhwere from Bilbao to Bagdag. You however would be rather out of place in Spain.

12-07-2014, 09:59 PM
^ of course that doesnt mean that I am Atlanto Med ...but who claimed that ? the thing is I am pred. Armenoid with some (B)east Med (:D) so also a dinariziced med type but of the west asian variant and I think I am caucasoid but not sure maybe I am mongoloid or negroid (jk lol) and to me it is nothing unusual that people despite being geographically not close can resemble each other and it doesnt mean that I look spanish or can fit in spain etc. ...and I didnt claim that I do mind you ....that was my point ...I am Anatolian Kurd/Zaza btw.

12-07-2014, 10:11 PM
There is a similarity, in face shape, eye structure and brow structure. No one is claiming they are identical or that Alex Ubago looks Kurdish, or Be-Real looks Spanish, but there is a visible similarity imo.

12-07-2014, 11:48 PM
There is a similarity, in face shape, eye structure and brow structure. No one is claiming they are identical or that Alex Ubago looks Kurdish, or Be-Real looks Spanish, but there is a visible similarity imo.

Yes. Exactly what I mean. Clearly this guy has spanish features, however he does look a bit exotic to me and it is not just the "dark skin" but also the features. I bet Italicroots would love this thread. XD. There is no reason why such phenotypes can't exist in Iberia, though, if you have people like Fiorello in Sicily.

12-07-2014, 11:49 PM

funny Minard but please next time you want to mention me in a thread or open a thread with me being involved in it in any way ask me before you do :)

have some respect bro :cool:

Sorry man, I thought it would be ok since I used no pictures of you and I sent you a link here. My bad. I just assume because my username is used a lot on here without my knowing (till I find it through searches).

12-08-2014, 01:01 AM
There is a similarity, in face shape, eye structure and brow structure. No one is claiming they are identical or that Alex Ubago looks Kurdish, or Be-Real looks Spanish, but there is a visible similarity imo.

Well I guess in the same some scandinavians of the Bjiork type present convergence with Siberian Mongolids despite the actuall mongoloid admixture of Scandinavians being low. Or like the Racoon Dog been called so for a resemblance to actual racoons despite not belonging to the same family of species. Some flies also look like wasps and actually make a survival scaring off some potential predators with her wasp-like features.

So yeah, but no. Yes you have some features that are also present in Ubag.But no, you don't look similar to Ubago. And Ubago is not particularly exotic (exotic in Spain I mean, he most definitely would be exotic in Mongolia or Iceland.)

12-08-2014, 01:03 AM
They look nothing alike, bro.

12-08-2014, 01:25 AM
Magnetic, you cannot post pictures of another member without his permission.

12-08-2014, 01:28 AM
loool you really deleted my post ? :D well that says a lot ;)

you could have just deleted the pic in this case

the link was legitimate though ;)

link deleted

this is the guy calling me "exotic" while looking like this as a european and saying that the difference between me and Alex Ubago is like a fly and a wasp ...gtfo

12-08-2014, 01:29 AM
Looks like Colin Farrell except somewhat Iranid.

12-08-2014, 01:33 AM
loool you really deleted my post ? :D well that says a lot ;)

you could have just deleted the pic in this case

the link was legitimate though ;)


Your post is about the pic, what is your problem? You can not post a photo of a member, you know that, you are not a newbie here. You can continue calling "dark" to Ojáncanu if you wish, though I think you're wrong if you think you can offend him on that way.

12-08-2014, 01:37 AM

Your post is about the pic, what is your problem? You can not post a photo of a member, you know that, you are not a newbie here. You can continue calling "dark" to Ojáncanu if you wish, though I think you're wrong if you think you can offend him on that way.

it is not me who has a problem as you see

he talks in a way as if I claimed something like "oh Alex Ubago is so exotic , I look spanish , I am Atlanto Med , Alex looks Kurdish" or whatever even though I didnt say anything like this at all O_o

and no I didnt say it to offend him but before calling people "exotic" he should look at himself as a european looking like he does ...he can fit extremely well in the middle east just sayin

12-08-2014, 01:57 AM
it is not me who has a problem as you see

if you post a photo of a member without his permission because you get butthurt with his opinion, you are the problem.

he talks in a way as if I claimed something like "oh Alex Ubago is so exotic , I look spanish , I am Atlanto Med , Alex looks Kurdish" or whatever even though I didnt say anything like this at all O_oi

He is saying that you do not fit in Spain, and you do not looks like Álex Ubago, I agree. álex is a dark type in Spain but has some features that fit here, even if he can also fits in Turkey.

and no I didnt say it to offend him but before calling people "exotic" he should look at himself as a european looking like he does ...he can fit extremely well in the middle east just sayin

Maybe but you will not offend him with that, I've seen more pictures of Ojáncanu and has a long face, a very Iberian feature, look, Ojáncanu fits here without problem, you'll see similar types in the video, you believe that the Middle East fit here?


12-08-2014, 02:01 AM
^ do you actually read what I am writing or do you ignore it by choice ?

where did I write that Alex Ubago doesnt fit in spain ?

where did I write that I fit in spain ?

where did I write that spanish people in general look Middle Eastern ?

please show me

and why should I get butthurt ? is there a prize I win if you see me fitting as spanish ? I just dont like getting accused of things and ignorant statements

do you really not get my point ? I cant believe it

12-08-2014, 02:13 AM
^ do you actually read what I am writing or do you ignore it by choice ?

where did I write that Alex Ubago doesnt fit in spain ?

where did I write that I fit in spain ?

where did I write that spanish people in general look Middle Eastern ?

please show me

and why should I get butthurt ? is there a prize I win if you see me fitting as spanish ? I just dont like getting accused of things and ignorant statements

do you really not get my point ? I cant believe it

I catch the idea, Magnetic, you want say that Ojáncanu fits in the Middle East. If you publish his photo knowing that it is wrong, it must be because the opinion of Ojáncanu has bothered you, right?

if the opinion that you do not fit in Spain bothers you, it must be because somehow you want fits in Spain, or at least that's what your reaction implies.

12-08-2014, 02:19 AM
I catch the idea, Magnetic, you want say that Ojáncanu fits in the Middle East. If you publish his photo knowing that it is wrong, it must be because the opinion of Ojáncanu has bothered you, right?

I already told you what bothered/bothers me :confused:

sorry but I dont want to repeat myself the whole time

you are also right that posting the picture was wrong and you know I usually dont do such things but I just felt the need to this time ..sorry about that

but you already deleted it anyway

I will also take the link out ...nevermind

but I hope you get my point

Also : thats the reason I dont want anybody opening a thread about me anymore without me knowing

Minard opened the thread and now I have to keep up with this shi

close the thread please

12-08-2014, 02:28 AM
I already told you what bothered/bothers me :confused:

sorry but I dont want to repeat myself the whole time

you are also right that posting the picture was wrong and you know I usually dont do such things but I just felt the need to this time ..sorry about that

but you already deleted it anyway

I will also take the link out ...nevermind

but I hope you get my point

I get your point, but is not appropriate edit a post of a member if it contains inappropriate material our politics is delete the post.

Anyway you can say that Ojáncanu look like a moor, or tell him what fits in the Middle East again, without publish his photo, I assure you it will not be something new in this forum, join the armies against the Spaniards, we never have enough enemies and our inquisition have huge jails :D

12-08-2014, 02:30 AM
I am not your enemy :D

12-08-2014, 02:37 AM
I am not your enemy :D

I know, is a joke of course :)

12-08-2014, 02:50 AM
Thread closed at request of Magnetic, plz not reopen without talk with me, it is better open a new thread if the OP wish with only Alex Ubago as the topic, this thread is 95% about Magnetic.