View Full Version : A Million-Year-Old Alien Technology: "Does a 'Third-Level' Beyond Information & Matter Exist?"

04-26-2010, 04:17 PM
Arthur C Clarke made the famous observation that any sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic. Following in his footsteps, world renowned experts from physicist Sir Martin Rees of Cambridge University to astrobiologist Paul Davis of Arizona State have asked if we were to encounter alien technology far superior gto our own, would we even realize what it was. A technology a million or more years in advance of ours could well appear miraculous.

In fact, Davies writes in his new book, Eeie Silence, that advanced technology might not even be made of matter. That it might have no fixed size or shapoe; have no well-defined boundaries. Is dynamical on all scales of space and time. Or, conversely, does not appear to do anything at all that we can discern. Does not consistr of discrete, seperate things; but rather it is a system,or a subtle higher-level corrrelation of things.

Are matter and information, Davies asks, all there is.Five hundred years ago,e writes, " the very concept of a device manipulating information, or software, would have been incomprehensible. Might there be a still higher level, as yet outside all human experience, that organizes electrons? If so, this "third level" would never me manifest through observations made at the informational level, still less at the matter level.

We should be open to the distinct possibility that advanced alien technology a billion years old may operate at the third, or perhaps even a fourth or fifth level.


04-26-2010, 07:11 PM
Silence, why no one hears God these days- he didn't survive from the analog age.

Hello? Hello?! Damn it what's wrong? Ah the good old days of Ma Bell! HELLO? HELLO?? I never should've thrown away that Tracfone Jesus got me!

04-26-2010, 09:47 PM
It sounds as if the next level would be the Operating System: the set of rules that control the expression of matter, energy, and information. A Universal rulebook, if you would.