View Full Version : Rioting in Rosengård (Malmö) ... again

04-29-2010, 10:09 AM
Fires and rioting after Malmö suburb unrest

Unrest erupted in the Malmö district of Rosengård on Wednesday evening with police forced to seal off the area before regaining control of the situation.

Some 20 police units, a total of 50 officers, were deployed to the troubled Malmö suburb to try to calm the situation as around 20 youths [cough, cough] rampaged through the district leaving a spate of fires and vandalism.

"We have concluded that there were a total of five fires. A couple of cars, as well as a recycling station, were some of the things burning," Peter Martinsson at Skåne police told the Dagens Nyheter daily.

Police were called to the area in the vicinity of Ramels väg in Rosengård at around 9pm on Wednesday. Residents of the area had become concerned over the gangs of young people and feared that fighting would break out.

Fire fighters were obliged to seek a police escort as they were subjected to stone throwing while battling to put out the fires in various parts of the district.

The police have confirmed that they considered the situation had been brought under control during Wednesday night and were able to withdraw their units.

Link. (http://www.thelocal.se/26354/20100429/)

04-29-2010, 10:14 AM


Upplopp kan vara hämnd mot polisen

Nattens upploppsliknande händelser i Herrgården var en hämnd för ett tidigare polisingripande. Den uppgiften cirkulerar nu på Herrgården.
Polisen ska ha gripit in mot en person i Herrgården under dagen i går eller i tisdags. Det ledde till nattens oroligheter. Den förklaringen har Sydsvenskan fått från både boende i området och lokala tjänstemän vid kommunen.

– Det är det man pratar om, säger tjänstemannen.

Vilka man?

– Det är alla - personal, boende och folk omkring som vi är i kontakt med.

Närmare uppgifter om det påstådda polisingripandet har Sydsvenskan inte i nuläget.

Mönstret med rykten om ojusta polisingripanden som ska hämnas går igen sedan flera år tillbaka. Flera gånger har det verkligen inträffat något som fått personer i området att reagera mot polisen.

Link. (http://sydsvenskan.se/malmo/article860954/Upplopp-kan-vara-hamnd-mot-polisen.html)