View Full Version : Please Classify me...DNA test is different from ancestral names

12-26-2014, 06:09 PM
If someone could help classify me I'd appreciate it. I took a DNA test through ancestry.com and had different results than what I expected. My ancestral last names do not match up to regions that DNA test says my bloodline came from. I have 2 sisters from the same parents who had different DNA results than me, and we do not look similar to each other. Im new to Taxonomy and classifying people by their facial features, so all of the different results are baffling. One person suggested I had a "baltid vibe" and "maybe baltid+atlantid." That doesnt match up to my DNA tests either....Ive attached photos that best show my features. There is also a photo of my sisters and I. Im the tall one on the left. Any input would be helpful. Thanks~

12-26-2014, 06:15 PM
You look a bit like Claudia Schiffer IMO. So within the germanic spectrum.

12-26-2014, 06:19 PM
No one has ever told me that before...thats flattering :thumb001: Bavaria region was one of the places listed on DNA test. Im assuming thats where any Germanic look I inherited is from.

12-26-2014, 06:24 PM
Nordo Atlantid

Damião de Góis
12-26-2014, 06:30 PM
You should have done the 23andme test instead.

12-26-2014, 06:33 PM
I was thinking Atlantid more than anything....Im not sure how the Baltid suggestion came about :confused: My ancestors are spread out all over Western Europe and (maybe) into Slovenia. Some people have a definite look to them. I always thought my face was a mixture of everywhere in Western Europe. My DNA test specified 39% British Isles, 29% France, Luxembourg and Bavaria, 15% Norse and the rest Irish. My ancestral last names are Welsh and Irish. So I read the test results and I'm like, "WTF."

12-26-2014, 06:36 PM
@ Afonso: I plan on doing another test through a different venue to compare results. Ive been wondering how accurate these DNA tests really are. It'd be interesting if another DNA test provided different results. Ill have to look into the 23andme one. I dont know of many companies that sell the DNA kits; the only ones I knew of are from the genealogy sites.

12-26-2014, 06:43 PM
You have a really cool elf like style!

You do have a baltid (eye area)/Nordo/Faelid look.

Damião de Góis
12-26-2014, 06:47 PM
@ Afonso: I plan on doing another test through a different venue to compare results. Ive been wondering how accurate these DNA tests really are. It'd be interesting if another DNA test provided different results. Ill have to look into the 23andme one. I dont know of many companies that sell the DNA kits; the only ones I knew of are from the genealogy sites.

23andme is easier to interpret and more reliable. It's the one everyone does.
There's even a section on this forum dedicated to 23andme results.

12-26-2014, 06:47 PM
Holy mackerel I love elves. Im completely comfortable being told I look like one. :love:

Then 23andme is the next kit I shall get :thumb001: Thank you for the suggestion :)

Grace O'Malley
12-26-2014, 07:17 PM
You look like a mix of British Isles/Germany and you are really lovely. What does your results say?

12-26-2014, 07:23 PM
Sometimes DNA tests plot people of mixed European ancestry where there are similarities - not necessarily direct descent. As far as I understand, that is.

12-26-2014, 09:34 PM
If someone could help classify me I'd appreciate it. I took a DNA test through ancestry.com and had different results than what I expected. My ancestral last names do not match up to regions that DNA test says my bloodline came from. I have 2 sisters from the same parents who had different DNA results than me, and we do not look similar to each other. Im new to Taxonomy and classifying people by their facial features, so all of the different results are baffling. One person suggested I had a "baltid vibe" and "maybe baltid+atlantid." That doesnt match up to my DNA tests either....Ive attached photos that best show my features. There is also a photo of my sisters and I. Im the tall one on the left. Any input would be helpful. Thanks~

You could be Borreby/Baltid+Atlantid. Your eyes are definitely northern. If you are half Anglo-Saxon then the Baltid could've been brought there by the "invaders" from present day Denmark/north Germany. Angles came from the Baltic side of Denmark for example.

12-26-2014, 09:35 PM
Sometimes DNA tests plot people of mixed European ancestry where there are similarities - not necessarily direct descent. As far as I understand, that is.

Probably. Anglojew for example plots with Balkans but he's half english half ashkenazi I think.

12-26-2014, 09:38 PM
Nordid Baltid....

12-27-2014, 05:26 AM
You look like a mix of British Isles/Germany and you are really lovely. What does your results say?

Thank you :) The results said 39% British Isles (includes Wales and Scotland), 29% France, Luxembourg and Bavaria, 15% Norse and the rest Irish. My ancestral last names are Welsh and Irish. My last name is McGill and I have predominantly Powell's on both sides of my family. The earliest last name I can trace outside of the British Isles region is from 5 generations back I think. DNA is weird and seems to skip some generations...I dont look much like either of my parents, but I can see resemblances from ancestors I have pictures of from a couple of generations back. The pattern seems to be random. My little sisters test (the blonde in the middle in one of the photos) picked up alot more Irish than I did, and my older sister (the short dark one) picked up a bunch of random stuff, but had mostly British Isles. Her coloring has always been darker than the rest of ours. My brother had red hair as a child and both my little sister and I were blondes up until the teenage years.

12-27-2014, 05:35 AM
yea, some elf admix I see :rolleyes:

12-27-2014, 05:37 AM
yea, some elf admix I see :rolleyes:

You are stealing my rhesus negative elven identity.

12-27-2014, 05:43 AM

12-27-2014, 05:44 AM

and back to reality, baltid/atlantid

12-27-2014, 06:27 AM
You look very Northern European (Scandinavian and Finnish), that is why people suggest baltid.

Not a Cop
12-27-2014, 10:16 AM
Thank you :) The results said 39% British Isles (includes Wales and Scotland), 29% France, Luxembourg and Bavaria, 15% Norse and the rest Irish. My ancestral last names are Welsh and Irish. My last name is McGill and I have predominantly Powell's on both sides of my family. The earliest last name I can trace outside of the British Isles region is from 5 generations back I think. DNA is weird and seems to skip some generations...I dont look much like either of my parents, but I can see resemblances from ancestors I have pictures of from a couple of generations back. The pattern seems to be random. My little sisters test (the blonde in the middle in one of the photos) picked up alot more Irish than I did, and my older sister (the short dark one) picked up a bunch of random stuff, but had mostly British Isles. Her coloring has always been darker than the rest of ours. My brother had red hair as a child and both my little sister and I were blondes up until the teenage years.

You should try Gedmatch site, therer is a lot of calculators there, which can try to predict your ancestry. Try Eurogenes K13 and K15 and MDLP K23b.

12-27-2014, 05:24 PM
You look very Northern European (Scandinavian and Finnish), that is why people suggest baltid.


spanish catalan
12-27-2014, 06:55 PM
atlantid + cm

12-27-2014, 07:31 PM
atlantid + cm

Does CM mean Central Mediterranean...? Sorry, Im still learning all of the terms.

12-27-2014, 07:34 PM
North Atlantid with some Baltid(?) influence [eyes]...very pretty btw.

12-27-2014, 07:35 PM
I read somewhere that Baltid was the eastern European countries; thats why I was surprised I was told I looked like one. I visited the Czech Republic last month and there were tourists approaching me asking for help in Russian. I did not think I looked Russian. Maybe it was my size....? Lol...Im tall and slender while both of my sisters are short and thicker.

12-27-2014, 07:40 PM
North Atlantid with some Baltid(?) influence [eyes]...very pretty btw.

Thank you :) I like studying peoples faces trying to guess their ancestry. Sometimes it makes them nervous because they dont know what Im doing...

12-27-2014, 07:44 PM
Does CM mean Central Mediterranean...? Sorry, Im still learning all of the terms.
Cromagnoid, which is basically a robust type with a broad jaw(think Heidi Klum, Courtney Thorne Smith). There are several types, just google it.

I read somewhere that Baltid was the eastern European countries; thats why I was surprised I was told I looked like one. I visited the Czech Republic last month and there were tourists approaching me asking for help in Russian. I did not think I looked Russian. Maybe it was my size....? Lol...Im tall and slender while both of my sisters are short and thicker.
I don't think you're Baltid. People generally classify someone as Baltid if they have high cheeckbones, but you don't look specifically eastern Euro. I would say you're North Atlantid + Alpine/Nordid(reduced CM). In the last picture you look very Northern Euro.

12-27-2014, 07:45 PM
You look Southern German to me. Definitly not Anglo Saxon
You kind of remind me of former Bavarian skier Maria Riesch.

12-27-2014, 08:38 PM
Cromagnoid, which is basically a robust type with a broad jaw(think Heidi Klum, Courtney Thorne Smith). There are several types, just google it.

Yeah I dont like my jawline. Or my square chin and long upper lip. Ive always wondered where those features came from. It seems like Ive been classified as everything European. Googling all of these terms is making me go off on other tangents because of all of the different paths that taxonomy encompasses. Ill be at this all weekend. :thumb001: