View Full Version : hungarian tv announcers, reporters etc. which of them can pass in your country/ethnicity?

12-29-2014, 04:52 PM

12-29-2014, 04:53 PM

12-29-2014, 04:54 PM
None, they're all Europo-Mongoloid.

12-29-2014, 05:35 PM
Many people hard to say

Bíró Betáta: Alpinid
Bodacz Balázs: Turanid
Eszményi Anett: Alpinid
Farkas Boglárka: West Baltid
Gajdics Ottó: Carpathid
Heigl Lilla: Baltid
Jáki Szabó Gergely: Nordid
Rabb Ferenc: Alpinid
Szabó Anett: Dinarid

12-29-2014, 05:36 PM
Many people hard to say

Bíró Betáta: Alpinid
Bodacz Balázs: Turanid
Eszményi Anett: Alpinid
Farkas Boglárka: West Baltid
Gajdics Ottó: Carpathid
Heigl Lilla: Baltid
Jáki Szabó Gergely: Nordid
Rabb Ferenc: Alpinid
Szabó Anett: Dinarid

Tooting Carmen
12-29-2014, 06:42 PM
Numbers 4, 10 and 25 could pass reasonably well in the UK. The others not really.

12-30-2014, 08:38 AM

01-01-2015, 07:45 PM
Erdős Miklós is definitely Pamirid:

while Kisberk Szabolcs is a very clear case of the Turanid race:

Arrow Cross
01-01-2015, 09:16 PM
You left out The Fairest of Them All.



Who is to say a lackey of the Jew cannot be externally aesthetic?

01-02-2015, 06:09 AM
You left out The Fairest of Them All.



Who is to say a lackey of the Jew cannot be externally aesthetic?

She can pass next door in Austria and most of central and northern Europe, plus Slovenia

01-02-2015, 10:24 AM
You left out The Fairest of Them All.



Who is to say a lackey of the Jew cannot be externally aesthetic?

i took the photos from here : http://mno.hu/hirtv_musorvezetok ( I didn't post the half japanese half hungarian because that wouldn't make sense)

01-02-2015, 10:39 AM
gajdics otto=typical hungarian face

Looks typical balkanoid, less common but occur in Hungary. South slavic-sounding name anyway.

01-02-2015, 10:41 AM
Looks typical balkanoid, less common but occur in Hungary. South slavic-sounding name anyway.

surname means very little i think. he might be 1/8 or 1/16 serb/croatian

01-02-2015, 10:51 AM
surname means very little i think. he might be 1/8 or 1/16 serb/croatian

I know of similar-looking person, he came from Croatia and also south slavic surname.

01-02-2015, 10:56 AM
They all look foreign to me. Don't look like Romanians.

01-02-2015, 10:58 AM
i took the photos from here : http://mno.hu/hirtv_musorvezetok ( I didn't post the half japanese half hungarian because that wouldn't make sense)

Lol no way that woman is half Japanese and she is beautiful btw.

01-02-2015, 10:59 AM
Laura Szaplonczai can interview me anytime :D

01-02-2015, 11:24 AM
Lol no way that woman is half Japanese and she is beautiful btw.
I'm talking about her

01-02-2015, 11:56 AM
Lol no way that woman is half Japanese and she is beautiful btw.

She is not even half Japanese, but racially Mongoloid too! Of course Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character, but the defiency of the visible Europid character is clear.


Tooting Carmen
01-02-2015, 11:59 AM
She is not even half Japanese, but racially Mongoloid too! Of course Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character, but the defiency of the visible Europid character is clear.


LOL I know a Mexican woman who looks similar, only with lighter skin.

01-02-2015, 12:01 PM
She is not even half Japanese, but racially Mongoloid too! Of course Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character, but the defiency of the visible Europid character is clear.

she looks what she is : half european half asian

01-02-2015, 12:02 PM
LOL I know a Mexican woman who looks similar, only with lighter skin.

Mestizoes (Europo-Amerinds) with dominant Amerind character.

01-02-2015, 12:04 PM
she looks what she is : half european half asian

And what is the visible European character on her face? :)

01-02-2015, 12:14 PM
And what is the visible European character on her face? :)

Nose and cheekbone. Real europomongoloid.

01-02-2015, 12:19 PM
Nose and cheekbone. Real europomongoloid.


Typical Sinid nose and her cheekbone is a fucking huge flat cheekbone!

Jesus, even Genghis khan would be an Europid for you...

01-02-2015, 12:30 PM

Typical Sinid nose and her cheekbone is a fucking huge flat cheekbone!

Jesus, even Genghis khan would be an Europid for you...

Half Japanese and Hungarian.


Magyar–japán születésűként úgy látja...

01-02-2015, 12:42 PM
Half Japanese and Hungarian.


Yes, she is half Japanese and half Hungarian. And?

01-02-2015, 01:52 PM
Yes, she is half Japanese and half Hungarian. And?

So europid and mongoloid mix, as show the nose.

01-02-2015, 02:00 PM
So europid and mongoloid mix, as show the nose.

I see her Sinid character in her nose, but you have strange ideas about the racial mixing. Ethnical mixing is not equal with the racial mixing as the genetic mixing is not equal with the racial mixing. Who cares her 50/50 ethnical background, if her character is dominantly Mongoloid without visible Europid character! The dominant characters are hereditary, a speculative mathematics does not work here.

01-02-2015, 02:10 PM

blogen, how many of them would fit in Tajikistan?

01-02-2015, 02:12 PM
More pics about Diana:
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=matsuzaki+diana+gyerekei&start=10&sa=N&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=639&tbm=isch&imgil=IBhgmUQBeT98vM%253A%253BCkxbx82Nwb1cuM%253Bh ttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fmno.hu%25252Fhirtv_musorve zetok%25252Fmatsuzaki-diana-sayuri-5511&source=iu&pf=m&fir=IBhgmUQBeT98vM%253A%252CCkxbx82Nwb1cuM%252C_&usg=__d64gzj7sepFz08pgX-AK4fM6Yk4%3D&ved=0CDYQyjc4Cg&ei=JbSmVOzIGNPrapGSgNAH#facrc=_&imgdii=IBhgmUQBeT98vM%3A%3BBcvWCAShLrT41M%3BIBhgmU QBeT98vM%3A&imgrc=IBhgmUQBeT98vM%253A%3BCkxbx82Nwb1cuM%3Bhttp% 253A%252F%252Fmno.hu%252Fdata%252Fcikk%252F55%252F 11%252Fcikk_5511%252Fmatsu.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%25 2Fmno.hu%252Fhirtv_musorvezetok%252Fmatsuzaki-diana-sayuri-5511%3B610%3B828

01-02-2015, 02:12 PM
I see her Sinid character in her nose, but you have strange ideas about the racial mixing. Ethnical mixing is not equal with the racial mixing as the genetic mixing is not equal with the racial mixing. Who cares her 50/50 ethnical background, if her character is dominantly Mongoloid without visible Europid character! The dominant characters are hereditary, a speculative mathematics does not work here.

Hungarians fundamentally europid, that she may pure mongoloid?

01-02-2015, 02:14 PM


01-02-2015, 02:22 PM
blogen, how many of them would fit in Tajikistan?

Presumably only one, the Pamirid guy. But he is typcial Tajik face:


01-02-2015, 02:27 PM
Hungarians fundamentally europid, that she may pure mongoloid?

Who is pure Mongoloid?

Tooting Carmen
01-02-2015, 02:28 PM
Who is pure Mongoloid?

Japanese, Koreans and Han Chinese come pretty close for a start.

01-02-2015, 02:32 PM
Who is pure Mongoloid?

if her character is dominantly Mongoloid without visible Europid character!

01-02-2015, 02:34 PM

Yes, his character is dominantly Mongoloid without visible Europid character. And? How connected this to your "pure Mongoloid" thing?

01-02-2015, 02:37 PM
Yes, his character is dominantly Mongoloid without visible Europid character. And? How connected this to your "pure Mongoloid" thing?

Playing with words. Pure Mongoloid or not? I say no, she nose clearly caucasian.

01-02-2015, 02:57 PM
Playing with words. Pure Mongoloid or not? I say no, she nose clearly caucasian.

I am sure that the locals in Japan would notice her unique features. However, they would presumably think that she is of Ainu stock :)

01-02-2015, 03:40 PM
Playing with words. Pure Mongoloid or not? I say no, she nose clearly caucasian.

You play. This is the situation here:

She is not even half Japanese, but racially Mongoloid too! Of course Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character, but the defiency of the visible Europid character is clear.

And the Sinid's nose:

whit this identical example:

There is no visible Europid character here. Presumably this situation is different metrically, but that is an another story.

01-02-2015, 03:55 PM
Presumably only one, the Pamirid guy. But he is typcial Tajik face:


Hmm I may be blind but he looks like average highlander from Dalmatian interior or Herzegovina hah :D He would be very common face there.

On topic, most can pass but look different as group IMO

01-02-2015, 04:09 PM
Hmm I may be blind but he looks like average highlander from Dalmatian interior or Herzegovina hah :D He would be very common face there.

On topic, most can pass but look different as group IMO

Don't lie! He is Pamirid, typical Tajik. Read blogen, you will understand!

01-02-2015, 04:11 PM
Hmm I may be blind but he looks like average highlander from Dalmatian interior or Herzegovina hah :D He would be very common face there.
On topic, most can pass but look different as group IMO

This character is distant from a Dinarid. Here is Erdős Miklós and a close tajik example:


01-02-2015, 04:15 PM
I lol`d

firstly, Croats have strong mongol influence!

secondly, like illes93 already told you, surname (gajdić) means shit.

thirdly, this is very mongol-like face, typical Hungarian, NOT SLAVIC AT ALL!!


Firstly, the man zero mongoloid but Dinarid+Alpinid mixed.

Secondly, Hungarians vast majority nothing mongoloid and was never.

Three, he south slavis surname like many others in Hungary.

Fourth, please inform yourself before you talk crap.

01-02-2015, 04:23 PM
And the Sinid's nose:

The guy seems a longhead, probably mixed. Beak does not exist in the case of Japan

Of course Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character

Thank you! So this is a real europomongoloid.

01-02-2015, 04:43 PM
The guy seems a longhead, probably mixed. Beak does not exist in the case of Japan

He was a Japanese aristocrat without European ancestors. And his racial type (Coshu type, a stable Sinid subtype) is one of the most common racial type in Japan and Korea. :)

Thank you! So this is a real europomongoloid.

No, she is the other side of the metisation scale. She is almost Mongoloid as the average Magyar Europo-Mongoloid are almost Europid. Anything other is your mind's problem.

01-02-2015, 04:44 PM
Many people hard to say Bíró Betáta: Alpinid Bodacz Balázs: Turanid Eszményi Anett: Alpinid Farkas Boglárka: West Baltid Gajdics Ottó: Carpathid Heigl Lilla: Baltid Jáki Szabó Gergely: Nordid Rabb Ferenc: Alpinid Szabó Anett: Dinarid Half of them have Jewish names. So many of them can pass n most European countries where Jews live.

01-02-2015, 04:46 PM
Hungarians look like Central Euros to me with some Balkan influence, I think the Turanid elements are highly exaggerated

01-02-2015, 04:46 PM
I lol`d firstly, Croats have strong mongol influence! secondly, like illes93 already told you, surname (gajdić) means shit. thirdly, this is very mongol-like face, typical Hungarian, NOT SLAVIC AT ALL!! Sorry but the genetics (see the haplogroup markers of serbs balkanites) and the average look of serbians are less european. I forgot to mention your dark pigmentation.

01-02-2015, 04:49 PM
This character is distant from a Dinarid. Here is Erdős Miklós and a close tajik example: Holocaust story http://iszdb.hu/kepek/szemely/e/erdosmiklos_150x200.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4144/4948461538_6a9f926e96_m.jpg Erdős is a Jewish name in Hungary. DEAL WITH IT: http://www.centropa.org/hu/photo/erdos-miklos-eskuvoje

01-02-2015, 04:50 PM
Whenever Blogen find "turanids" they have always typical Jewish names... Isn't it strange?

01-02-2015, 04:51 PM
He was a Japanese aristocrat .

And? This is not proves nothing. Hungarian nobility multiple more mixed ethnic background as the common people.

01-02-2015, 04:57 PM
Other Jewish names: Rákóczi (like Hunyadi it is an adopted historical name ) Sárfalvi Rabb, Jónás Csermely Pataky

01-02-2015, 04:57 PM
And? This is not proves nothing. Hungarian nobility multiple more mixed ethnic background as the common people.


01-02-2015, 04:58 PM
This idiot proke consider everybody as Hungarian who live in Hungary, and work in TV? It is clearly an idiot 12y old little boy. (as his photo show it)

01-02-2015, 05:00 PM
And? This is not proves nothing. Hungarian nobility multiple more mixed ethnic background as the common people. Wrong. They did not even mixed with orthodox people. Catholics did not mixed with Protestants. What will be your next story? Mixing with extraterrestrials?

01-02-2015, 05:03 PM
This idiot proke consider everybody as Hungarian who live in Hungary, and work in TV? It is clearly an idiot 12y old little boy. (as his photo show it)

I'm 17.

01-02-2015, 05:06 PM
Wrong. They did not even mixed with orthodox people. Catholics did not mixed with Protestants. What will be your next story? Mixing with extraterrestrials?

Zrinyi dynasty? Báthori? Festetics? etc...

01-02-2015, 05:10 PM
Zrinyi dynasty? Báthori? Festetics? etc... Are they Japanese?

01-02-2015, 05:12 PM
Proke is unable to understand, that TA is an anthropology forum. When he wrote: "Hungarian hungarian tv announcers, reporters" foreign readers will think about ethnic Hungarians. You are an idiot, who misleads the foreign readers.

01-02-2015, 05:20 PM
Are they Japanese?

It is not that, you misunderstood. I say among the aristocracy frequent intermarriage, therefore uncertain who the real ancestors, the Japan man in the picture.

01-02-2015, 05:33 PM
It is not that, you misunderstood. I say among the aristocracy frequent intermarriage, therefore uncertain who the real ancestors, the Japan man in the picture. Hungarian aristocrats did not mixed with people from other (non-western) civilizations, like orthodox japanese or muslims.

01-02-2015, 05:38 PM
Hungarian aristocrats did not mixed with people from other (non-western) civilizations, like orthodox japanese or muslims.

True, in this case Hungarian aristocrats only a metaphor. I wanted to say, can not be sure the japan man real ancestors. :)

01-03-2015, 08:23 AM
what do I need to inform myself about retard???

Hungarians being the most gipsy mongrel nation in Europe and a successful example of assimilated Orientals??I already know that..

I also like how youre parading with "Hungarians, very inovative.While they originate from Iran, silly Hunish oriental. xD

Read genetic research(there are many) or come in Hungary and look at the Hungarians (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?123064-Hungarians).

Please check with the reality and not believe you nursery tale of the Huns. Next time, don't fool yourself! :)

01-03-2015, 08:42 AM
What genetic research are you speaking of Oriental??Am I parading with aryans, much reality innit?? :D:D

Im not fooling myself mongrel, you are successfully assimilated oriental, nothing else.This is something you have a lot in common with Stears, the butthurt huns.Parading with genetix and surnames, so funny.I also love when youre talking about Serbs, not knowing where pure of breed even lives at.. xD

Genetic studies of the Hungarians you miserable.
Serbs a swarthy mongrel nation, you conquered the Slavs and therefore speak Slavic languages. Proud? LOL
Hungarians have always been Hungarian more than a thousand years of living in the Carpathian Basin.

01-03-2015, 09:06 AM
And what is the visible European character on her face? :)

i look at her and i can tell she's not a pure japanese,

but i don't have info about her background, i'm just guessing she's half japanese because of her looks. but she might be 100% japanese, but it's unlikey imo.

She looks 100% japanese to you?

01-03-2015, 10:29 AM
and whats your point down syndrome??

Hungarian is a synonym for Orientals, keep talking..

Calm down typical dwarf swarthy WOG balkan gypsy.

01-03-2015, 10:30 AM
What genetic research are you speaking of Oriental??Am I parading with aryans, much reality innit?? :D:D

Im not fooling myself mongrel, you are successfully assimilated oriental, nothing else.This is something you have a lot in common with Stears, the butthurt huns.Parading with genetix and surnames, so funny.I also love when youre talking about Serbs, not knowing where pure of breed even lives at.. xD

Hungarians are genetically more european than most slavic speaking people (who contain more Asian mongoloid Y and mt.DNA haplogroup markers), but all Northern Germanic nations (incl. Northern Germany too) have higher ratio of Mongolid haplogroup markers . See the ratio of Central Asian haplogroup „Q” and the other mongoloid haplogroup marker „N” (aka. N1C1) markers in the largest genetic CHART of European nations:


And see the high ratio of middle-eastern haplogroup markers (various „J” and african negroid E1b1) in all balkan populations (inc. Romania). De facto, these nations populations genetically are less European than Hungarians.

Do not forget that vast majority of balkan population is not only genetically but anthropogically less white (average darker eye and hair color, skin tone) so-called „WOG” people. Just type in google image searcher: „eye color map” , „hair color map”.

Skin tone map:

Hair color map

Eye color map:

01-03-2015, 10:33 AM
Heres one I found randomly...

The research is outdated especially in this part:

He outlined the group's research on the DNA composition of human remains from graves dating to the early tenth century. On the basis of their findings the Szeged reseachers came to the conclusion that the number of invaders was most likely very small because even in these very early graves only 36% of the people had markers indicating Asiatic origin. Fifty percent of them were of purely European origin, and their DNA composition indicated that their ancestors had lived in Europe for at least 40-50,000 years. By now this Asiatic element has almost disappeared: 84% of Hungarians are totally of European origin and only 16% carry Asiatic markers.

Namely Ornella Semino 2000 research compare (and erroneous conclusions) relied on their. At the time, it was believed R1a Y-dna origin in europe.

But true. X. century hungarian ruling class 30-40% europomongoloids and 20-25% asia markers. They are not the ancestors of today's Hungarians.
The common people europids genetically and skull shape.
Kinga Ery a anthropologist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She a great job, making skull measurements different centuries archaeological finds and comparison. She said: before the tenth century people in the carpathian basin and 11-13 century hungarians same people.
and genetics:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17632797&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_RVDocSum


They real ancestors todays hungarians
This is fact. So commonly myth, Hungarians magyarized Slovaks...etc. Maybe Serbs, slaviczed Romanians? What bullshit! Hungarians Hungarians, as Serbs Serbs. There is no such thing as "pure" Serbian or Hungarian and never was, this nonsense. This is ignorance. There are different genotype and phenotype, these can be found throughout central-eastern europe. They are in the Neolithic and since the Bronze Age, the today nations did not exist then.

An interesting: The ancient hungarian Y-dna "N" Todays Hungarians 0.5% Serbs 2%, in turn R1a(the most frequent Slavs marker) Hungarians 29.5%, Serbs 16%

Loot at and read more:


Gajdics Ottó in turn typycal balkanoid/serb, in Hungary not typical but nothing mongoloid.

Please inform yourself before you talk crap! :)

01-03-2015, 10:40 AM
Culturally, both islam and the semi-asian orthodox countries were traditionally west-hater civilizations. Hungary is a Central European country, and part of the Catholic-Protestant western civilization. Hungary is not Eastern European (Orthodox = semi-asian culture) country.

What is Western Civilization?
The earliest mention of Western civilization “Occidental civilis”
After the Great Schism (The East-West Schism /formally in 1054/, between Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.) Hungary determined itself as the easternmost bastion of Western civilisation (This statement was affirmed later by Pope Pius II who wrote that to Emperor Friedrich III, “Hungary is the shield of Christianity and the protector of Western civilization”)
It is not a secret in history, that countries civilizations are/were not in the same level of development.
It is well-known that Western and Central Europe, ( the so-called Western civilization) was always more developed than Orthodox Slavic or Eastern European civilization.
The cultural the societal-system and the economical civilizational (and technological) differences between Orthodox countries and Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries were similar great, as the differences between Northern America (USA Canada) and Southern- (Latino) America.

Western things which were not existed in orthodox world:

1. POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL development: Medieval appearance of parliaments (a legislative body(!), DO NOT CONFUSE with the “councils of monarchs” which existed since the beginning of human history), the estates of the realm, the clergy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clergy), the nobility (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobility), and the commoners (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commoner),

2. SELF GOVERNMENT status of big royal/imperial cities, (local government systems of cities), which are the direct ancestors of modern self/local governmental systems.

3. ECONOMY: The medieval appearance of banking systems and social effects and status of urban bourgeoisie, the absolute dominance of money-economy (when the vast majority of trade based on money and the taxes customs duties were collected in money) from the 12th -13th century, instead of the former primitive bartel-based commerce (barter dominated the economies orthodox world until the 17-18th centuries.)

4. HIGHER EDUCATION: The medieval appearance of universities and the medieval appearance of secular intellectuals,

5. CULTURE: Knights, the knight-culture, chivalric code, (and the technological effects of crusades from the Holy Land,)
Music and literature: courtly love, troubadours, Gregorian chant, Ars nova, Organum, Motet, Madrigal, Canon and Ballata, Liturgical drama, Novellas,
medieval western THEATER: Mystery or cycle plays, morality and passion plays, which developed into the renaissance theater, the direct ancestor of modern theaters.
Philosophy: Scholasticism and humanist philosophy,

6. The medieval usage of Latin alphabet and medieval spread of movable type printing,

7. TECHNOLOGY: The guild system is an association of artisans or merchants, which organized the training education, and directed master's exam system for artisians. Due to the compulsory foreign studies of the artisian master's candidates, the guilds played key role in the fast spread of technologies and industrial knowledge in the medieval Western World.

8. The defence systems & fortifications: The spread of stone/brick castle defense -systems, the town-walls of western cities from the 11th century. (In the orthodox world, only the capital cities had such a walls . The countries of the Balkan region and the territory of Russian states fell under Ottoman/Mongolian rule very rapidly - with a single decesive open-field battle - due to the lack of the networks of stone/brick castles and fortresses in these countries. The only exception was the greek inhabited Byzantine territories which were well fortified.)

9. FINEARTS and ARCHITECTURE: western architecture, sculpture paintings and fine-arts: the Romanesque style, the Gothic style and the Renaissance style.
The orthodox church buildings and „palaces(?)” were very little, they had primitive structure and poor decorations, their style were influenced by non-European arabic and persian influenced Byzantine ornamentics.

The renaissance & humanism , the reformation and the enlightenment did not influenced/affected the Orthodox (Eastern European) countries.
Before 1870, the industrialization that had developed in Western and Central Europe and the United States did not extend in any significant way to the rest of the world. In Eastern Europe, industrialization lagged far behind, and started only in the 20th century.

01-03-2015, 10:40 AM
4. About the Finno-Ugric and IE language groups.

Just some Hard-facts: Finno-Ugric language group was born in N-Eastern Europe, until the roots of ancient IE language groups go back to Asian continent. In the Eurasian
supercontinent, there are more native speakers of IE languages in the ASIAN continent than in Europen continent. (Just remember the large IE speaking populations of India Pakistan Iran)
However, the 97% of Finno-ugric speaking people live in Europe. Therefore to call finno-ugric languages as "asian languages" is laughable illogical, unscientific and


and see the maps about original ancient IE people!France Britain Italy haven't signifficant proto indoeuropean genes.The Germanic people have also very very low ratio of ancient IE haplogroup markers (R1a),only Eastern Europeans have high ratio of original proto IE haplogroups markers.Western European languages belongs to IE language group,but in very very distant way.(Have you ever heard about Language-shift? The IE linguistic effect spreaded as a lingua franca and dealer language between many many populations during thousands of years)The real genetical IE people equal with the Eastern European people: and it represent lower culture,technology&lower scientific and economic development in European continent.

01-03-2015, 10:41 AM
I can tell you, Stears an average Hungarian pigmentation in respect of.

01-03-2015, 01:14 PM
i look at her and i can tell she's not a pure japanese,
but i don't have info about her background, i'm just guessing she's half japanese because of her looks. but she might be 100% japanese, but it's unlikey imo.
She looks 100% japanese to you?

No, but not this was the question. Because her character is fully Japanese, but a little soft version. Too soft to the pure Japanese, but I do not see any not Mongoloid origin character on her face. Understand this?

01-03-2015, 05:28 PM
The research is outdated especially in this part: Namely Ornella Semino 2000 research compare (and erroneous conclusions) relied on their. At the time, it was believed R1a Y-dna origin in europe. But true. X. century hungarian ruling class 30-40% europomongoloids and 20-25% asia markers. They are not the ancestors of today's Hungarians. The common people europids genetically and skull shape. Kinga Ery a anthropologist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She a great job, making skull measurements different centuries archaeological finds and comparison. She said: before the tenth century people in the carpathian basin and 11-13 century hungarians same people. and genetics: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17632797&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_RVDocSum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18373723 They real ancestors todays hungarians This is fact. So commonly myth, Hungarians magyarized Slovaks...etc. Maybe Serbs, slaviczed Romanians? What bullshit! Hungarians Hungarians, as Serbs Serbs. There is no such thing as "pure" Serbian or Hungarian and never was, this nonsense. This is ignorance. There are different genotype and phenotype, these can be found throughout central-eastern europe. They are in the Neolithic and since the Bronze Age, the today nations did not exist then. An interesting: The ancient hungarian Y-dna "N" Todays Hungarians 0.5% Serbs 2%, in turn R1a(the most frequent Slavs marker) Hungarians 29.5%, Serbs 16% Loot at and read more: http://www.eupedia.com/europe/european_y-dna_haplogroups.shtml Gajdics Ottó in turn typycal balkanoid/serb, in Hungary not typical but nothing mongoloid. Please inform yourself before you talk crap! :) It is not outdated. Near and Middle-easterner markers are asians in the text of genetic researches. They called them as west/western asian. However if we use this term, 30-40% of Balkanites are asians (haplogroup J) and negro africans (E1B1)

01-03-2015, 05:52 PM
It is not outdated. Near and Middle-easterner markers are asians in the text of genetic researches. They called them as west/western asian. However if we use this term, 30-40% of Balkanites are asians (haplogroup J) and negro africans (E1B1)


A Semino féle kutatás alacsony minta számon dolgozott és hibás következtetést vontak le. Azt hitték az R1a eredeti európai és azt a magyaroknál 60%-ra becsülték. A mai napig sok magyar ezt túlmisztifikálva azt hiszi, a magyarok európa ősnépe. Lásd Sabir barátunk.
Itt az R1a ra céloznak szerintem.

Fifty percent of them were of purely European origin, and their DNA composition indicated that their ancestors had lived in Europe for at least 40-50,000 years

Sajnos alig publikálnak valamit magyarul még ezt a kutatást se, ami a kárpát-medence népesség történetéről szól, magyar tudosok is részt vettek benne. Nem csoda ha akkora a tudatlanság nálunk.


Hungarians and others people genetic map.


01-04-2015, 06:25 AM
An interesting: The ancient hungarian Y-dna "N" Todays Hungarians 0.5% Serbs 2%, in turn R1a(the most frequent Slavs marker) Hungarians 29.5%, Serbs 16%

Why is N haplogroup ancient hungarian ? half of europe have higher N than us

01-04-2015, 06:49 AM
Why is N haplogroup ancient hungarian ? half of europe have higher N than us

Not ancient hungarian but X-century Hungarian ruling class 7 cases 2 identify this Y-dna. This is significantly higher than today and this Y dna common, in the Ural language spoken peoples.

01-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Hahahaha Illés wants a turanian Central Asian turkic Q haplogroup, however it is absent in Hungary.......

01-04-2015, 10:45 AM
Hahahaha Illés wants a turanian Central Asian turkic Q haplogroup, however it is absent in Hungary.......

what are you talking about?