View Full Version : Classify a few Gypsies from a Serbian TV show

12-30-2014, 11:52 PM
It is called Postar which means Postman, the guy interviews some Gypsies, and the neighbours say the gypsies are shitting and pissing infront of their buildings, the gypsies seem to sell some stuff there. I dont know if this is a comedy or staged for stereotype though or real but im interested how you would classify the gypsies.


12-31-2014, 12:00 AM
i just received rep point that video is too long and it is to ardous task, so you can scroll forward and back you dont need to watch the whole video look just at the gypsies.

12-31-2014, 12:02 AM
1:35/1:36 and 2:55 you see them

Tooting Carmen
12-31-2014, 12:02 AM
They look like an interesting blend of Armenoid/Caucasus and Indid types. They are pretty dark-skinned too.

12-31-2014, 12:04 AM
They look like an interesting blend of Armenoid/Caucasus and Indid types. They are pretty dark-skinned too.

hey likely traveled through Central Asia and the Middle East but appear to have mingled only moderately with local populations there.
- my signature

people often classify gypsies as if they are half mideastern though, what makes you believe they are partly armenian?

Tooting Carmen
12-31-2014, 12:06 AM
hey likely traveled through Central Asia and the Middle East but appear to have mingled only moderately with local populations there.
- my signature

people often classify gypsies as if they are half mideastern though, what makes you believe they are partly armenian?

I'd say they mostly look rather more Indian than Armenian, but they have longer, more angular faces and pointier noses than Indians, so that's why I see a tad resemblance to Caucasus people.

12-31-2014, 12:07 AM
Regular Roma to me. Nothing special. Maybe a bit darker than some others.

12-31-2014, 12:08 AM
I'd say they mostly look rather more Indian than Armenian, but they have longer, more angular faces and pointier noses than Indians, so that's why I see a tad resemblance to Caucasus people.

maybe but probably this is not from mideastern admixture from their travells in mideast.

12-31-2014, 12:09 AM
Regular Roma to me. Nothing special. Maybe a bit darker than some others.

i agree bro, thats why i posted them i pick mostly regular romas, to show the regular roma phenotype.

12-31-2014, 12:11 AM
two more one man and one woman, they got caught stealing state property


12-31-2014, 08:07 AM
they look like typical gypsy in hungary. mixture of lots of different ethnicities. they are part european, part mid east, part indian etc

12-31-2014, 08:10 AM
they look like typical gypsy in hungary. mixture of lots of different ethnicities. they are part european, part mid east, part indian etc

"etc." what else are they mixed too? lol they actually have few admixture from mideast and and depends on the group but some have few admixture from europeans too and they are close to indians, they are not that mixed

12-31-2014, 08:18 AM
"etc." what else are they mixed too? lol they actually have few admixture from mideast and and depends on the group but some have few admixture from europeans too and they are close to indians, they are not that mixed

the fact that half indian half european people never look like gypsies makes me think that they are mixed with west asians. I heard gypsy DNA is more european than indian

12-31-2014, 08:20 AM
gypsis in looks are closest to west asians imo.(but different than them). Only 10% of gypsies look more or less indian. Gypsies that can pass in india are very rare and atypical

12-31-2014, 08:21 AM
the fact that half indian half european people never look like gypsies makes me think that they are mixed with west asians. I heard gypsy DNA is more european than indian

i think gypsies are at least 80% indian and 20% maybe european/westasian, fact is they would fit only in india not in westasia let alone europe, they are darker then iranians etc. gypsies are very dark even for indian standards which makes me believe they are not that mixed, also read the link in my signature it says they travelled mideast but "only modestly mingled with the populations there" and some groups like balkan gypsies or central european gypsies it says have low admixture from europeans up to recent times, but others like lithuanian or spanish gypsies mixed with europeans in the past but recently less. it is the newest study i could find, it is in my signature.

12-31-2014, 08:22 AM
gypsis in looks are closest to west asians imo.(but different than them). Only 10% of gypsies look more or less indian. Gypsies that can pass in india are very rare and atypical

i saw indians in my town who sell clothes on market and they looked like gypsies, india is big some maybe dont look like gypsies

12-31-2014, 08:33 AM

12-31-2014, 08:36 AM
well, i disagree with you, but i respect your opinion. everyone has different opinions. To me it's obvious that gypsies are very mixed with europeans and a lot of them have more european blood than indian

12-31-2014, 08:53 AM
^ in the Balkans they don't look no where as light as that, lol. Only on this forum i've witnessed this.

12-31-2014, 09:01 AM
^ in the Balkans they don't look no where as light as that, lol. Only on this forum i've witnessed this.

in hungary there are some lighter gypsies than the ones i posted.

i also noticed that balkan gypsies are darker than the ones in hungary.

but even in those very dark bakan gypsies i can see the european blood

12-31-2014, 10:58 AM
the fact that half indian half european people never look like gypsies makes me think that they are mixed with west asians. I heard gypsy DNA is more european than indian

The world is not your slavic hometown Miskolc.

12-31-2014, 11:03 AM
If you are referring to the Dodecad (autosomal) admixture, most Gypsies should have very little if any Eastern European admixture. They are originally South Asian, and Dravidian to be more specific (Y-haplogroup H1a), and the admixtures they acquired through intermarriages is mostly Caucasian/West Asian and Balkanic/Mediterranean (Y-haplogroups E1b, G2a, I2a1b, J2), not Balto-Slavic (R1a).

12-31-2014, 11:19 PM
If you are referring to the Dodecad (autosomal) admixture, most Gypsies should have very little if any Eastern European admixture. They are originally South Asian, and Dravidian to be more specific (Y-haplogroup H1a), and the admixtures they acquired through intermarriages is mostly Caucasian/West Asian and Balkanic/Mediterranean (Y-haplogroups E1b, G2a, I2a1b, J2), not Balto-Slavic (R1a).

Haplogroups are only a microscopic part of your genome though. Gypsies are not Dravidian, they are placed among Indo-Aryan Groups. Saying they are Dravidian because of H1a is like saying E1b Europeans are East African or similar to that. And read my signature they have only small admixture from Westasia commercial companies often express similar clusters for individual ancestry if you test with them, for example caucasus might be similar to ANI or like that. I did DNA Tribes and i turned out 50% Lebanese Druze 8% Tamil Untouchable 20% Greek and 20% Belarussian i asked why im only 8% Southasian when im ~60% Roma and they said i should add the westasian related Groups because they express similar clusters for northindian ancestry.

Here is their PM

thanks, i have one more question. i looked at the sample of the
gujurati indian and he has lots of punjabi and gangetic north india, i
have only 1% punjabi and 0% gangetic india, i thought roma are from
northindia not southindia but it seems they are from dravidian
southindia? also do they originate from tamil nadu dalits? because my
score is

38% Lebanese Druze
23% Russia
18%Thessaly Greece
10% Ukraine
8% Tamil Nadu Dalit

However, our SNP analysis uses unlinked genetic markers, so in some cases admixture results can express percentages of related clusters (depending on which clusters defined based on our current database best represents a person's genome data). In this case, results for your SNP genome also express several West Asian components:

Lebanese-Cyprus East Mediterranean
Pontic West Caucasus
Daghestan-North Caucasus

If these components express Romani family ancestry for your genome, they could in part reflect West Asian related ancestry from northern parts of India, potentially including populations not fully represented in our SNP database.

12-31-2014, 11:27 PM
He meant Dravidoid by race and not Dravidian speakers and happy new year dude.

12-31-2014, 11:30 PM
He meant Dravidoid by race and not Dravidian speakers and happy new year dude.

I dont know what Race Dravidoid is and if there is such a Race. There are different subraces in the indian subcontinent. I also dont believe in the Aryan Invasion Theory and that "Ancient Indo-Aryans were Slavs"

12-31-2014, 11:33 PM
I dont know what Race Dravidoid is and if there is such a Race. There are different subraces in the indian subcontinent. I also dont believe in the Aryan Invasion Theory and that "Ancient Indo-Aryans were Slavs"

They were not Slavs, but some related European tribe that migrated to Central Asia first. But they probbaly mixed a lot with West Asians in Iran and South-Central Asia, before moving to India as well.

12-31-2014, 11:35 PM
Dravidoids would be a more or less even mix of caucasoid and australoid and is the most numerous element in India I think, but I don't think it is among Gypsies.

12-31-2014, 11:44 PM
Dravidoids would be a more or less even mix of caucasoid and australoid and is the most numerous element in India I think, but I don't think it is among Gypsies.

I never heard of that subrace, but lets say there is such a subrace, gypsies dont belong to it, they were classified as meditteranid (coon) and indo-afghan (joseph deniker) as caucasoid

12-31-2014, 11:47 PM
Yes, I agree.

01-01-2015, 12:31 AM
niggas serbs