View Full Version : Danish PM urges refugees to better integrate into society

01-02-2015, 11:07 AM
Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said here on Thursday that refugees and asylum seekers in Denmark need to better integrate with and make their own contribution to the society rather than rely on the social assistance.

Addressing the nation on New Year's Day for the fourth time since her coming into power as prime minister in October, 2011, Thorning-Schmidt said her government was tightening the possibilities for family reunification among refugees and tightening the rules on asylum too so as to keep up with the flow of the refugees.

"This is the first time in 12 years that it happens," the prime minister said in her new year speech that was broadcast live nationwide.

Echoing a New Year's Eve address by Queen Margrethe II, who urged Danes to help refuges take responsibility for themselves and manage on their own, Thorning-Schmidt said refuges should not become clients. "If you come to Denmark, you should obviously work."

"You must learn the (Danish) language and get to know Danish colleagues. You need to see how we do things in this country," she said.

The prime minister confessed that integration among those refuges who are already in Denmark was not a success. "The fact is that too many have ended up on social assistance," she said.

"We must avoid the mistakes of the past," the prime minster said.

"Therefore, I would change the terms of refugees and immigrants who are on social assistance. They have to work more for the service, and it should preferably be in a workplace," she said.

The Danish government anticipated earlier in 2014 that around 20,000 people would seek asylum in Denmark in the year, more than double its previous estimates. Recently, thousands of refugees have come to Denmark, and many of them are from Syria.

In her speech, Thorning-Schmidt defended her government's track record, saying that her job was "to do what is best for Denmark, not only the best for today but also for tomorrow."

She said she knew that "not everything the government has done is popular."

"I stand by the decisions I have made. The responsibility is mine. I will keep working. Whether it is good or not is ultimately your decision," the prime minister told the nation at the onset of an election year.

The prime minister is expected to call for a general election no later than September this year.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-02-2015, 11:10 AM
Don't be criminals guys. Nine of out ten people agree that crime is bad mm'kay.

With this kind of fiery dedication to getting to the root of problems, things are bound to work themselves out. Maybe eventually they will even realize taking in a bunch of random retards is just a bad idea!