View Full Version : Bill Maher Blasts Liberal ‘P***y Nation’ For Fear Of Insulting Islam [VIDEO]

European Knight
01-08-2015, 10:27 PM
In an appearance to promote the upcoming season of his HBO talk show, liberal commentator Bill Maher slammed politically-correct liberals for not truly standing up for free speech in the aftermath of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices. Maher referred to the aforementioned liberals as a “pussy nation,” adding that they must stand up for their principles.

The liberal talk show host also continued his assault on the actions of radical Islam, going out of his way to call the attackers “Muslim terrorists,” while saying that while many Muslims would not carry out such a vile act, “hundreds of millions of them support an attack like this.”

Maher made his comments to ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show Wednesday night. “This was really big shit,” Maher said. “And we have to not avoid who did this.”

“Well, we presume…” Kimmel said before Maher cut him off.
