View Full Version : Is a married man who watches porn cheating on his wife?

01-10-2015, 01:22 AM

As the title says: Is a married man who watches internet porn cheating on his wife? Obviously porn and masturbation go hand-in-hand, so to say.

These days it is very easy to stumble on pornographic material and if he finds something in some arbitrary search of course he will look. I'm talking about the kind of guy who visits porn sites over and over again, day in and day out, whilst hiding it from his wife.

What do you think?


01-10-2015, 01:23 AM
They can watch porn together, can't they? Should be ideal :)

01-10-2015, 01:25 AM
I don't understand why do people watch porn!

01-10-2015, 01:27 AM
They can watch porn together, can't they? Should be ideal :)

Yes. Watching porn together is ideal of both partners are into it. I'm speaking specifically about the guy who goes about it in secret.

01-10-2015, 01:34 AM
No, essentially not. But as many women are against it, I guess he'll either have to make concessions about it... or hide it better (;))

01-10-2015, 01:36 AM
In the past, cheating was confined to actually having an affair with another woman. But with the advent of internet porn which is so easily accessible, it has become a grey area especially when the guys seeks it over and over again.

01-11-2015, 10:04 PM
I've long since said, yes, kind of.

Hear this: watching porn is a sexual experience. Masturbating is a sexual experience. Even just masturbating without visual aids (come on, think back to when you were 6 and the internet didn't exist yet) is a sexual experience. Having a sexual experience without your partner's consent is cheating. Of course there're gradations. Most people would say kissing > sex, and masturbating > kissing, for instance. Regardless, I for one would not like my partner getting of to the thought of someone or something other than me. So yes, it's cheating, unless your partner is cool with it. Porn is grim and damaging anyway.

01-11-2015, 10:15 PM
No, I don't think so. The reasons why some women don't want their husbands to consume pornography have nothing to do with this being cheating.

01-11-2015, 10:22 PM
Day in and out masturbating? She needs to put out more then.

Leo Iscariot
01-11-2015, 10:26 PM
No, though one could probably make a case that it's emotionally cheating if said s/o is going to lengths to hide it.

01-11-2015, 10:31 PM
Honestly, I'd be put off by it because, if you are in a committed relationship you only want your man to look at you in that way, and the thought of him intentionally getting aroused by looking at videos etc. of other naked women makes me feel very uncomfortable, no matter whether it's in real life or otherwise. Knowing that he regularly masturbates to porn would make me feel insecure and inadequate. I see it as, that's my job and if I'm good enough then there is no need for these disgusting little habits.

01-11-2015, 10:35 PM
When a wife of my best friend was pregnant, he couldn't have sex with her and he is always horny. She told him to go watch some porn.

01-11-2015, 10:56 PM
In the same way as if he cheated on me, it would make me feel like I wasn't sufficient. I agree with BlondeSalad.

01-11-2015, 10:57 PM
No -_- of course not.

01-11-2015, 10:57 PM
No. But I can see how it can damage a relationship.

01-11-2015, 10:59 PM
If this passes then next thing you know simply imagining a woman's body in your mind will be considered cheating.

01-11-2015, 11:01 PM
Honestly, I'd be put off by it because, if you are in a committed relationship you only want your man to look at you in that way, and the thought of him intentionally getting aroused by looking at videos etc. of other naked women makes me feel very uncomfortable, no matter whether it's in real life or otherwise. Knowing that he regularly masturbates to porn would make me feel insecure and inadequate. I see it as, that's my job and if I'm good enough then there is no need for these disgusting little habits.

Solution: create porn with your man for him to watch while you're away. :D

01-11-2015, 11:03 PM
give me head if you don't want me to do et

01-11-2015, 11:10 PM
It isn't cheating.

Partners aren't always around each other at the same time and men aren't forming relationships with the performers.

Besides, if we don't get off - bad things happen to good people.

01-11-2015, 11:10 PM
Yes it is perversion.

Pornography is evil to begin with.

01-11-2015, 11:13 PM
They can watch porn together, can't they? Should be ideal :)


01-11-2015, 11:14 PM
Pornography is evil to begin with.

I once stumbled across clown porn. I will agree with you that that particular piece of pornography was evil.

01-11-2015, 11:23 PM
I once stumbled across clown porn. I will agree with you that that particular piece of pornography was evil.

Pornography in general is evil.

01-11-2015, 11:26 PM
Pornography in general is evil.

Evil is too harsh a word. Can't we just call it a bit naughty?

And say it a little sassy for me.

01-11-2015, 11:41 PM
It isn't cheating.

Partners aren't always around each other at the same time and men aren't forming relationships with the performers.

Besides, if we don't get off - bad things happen to good people.

You can get off without porn. Your ancestors did it for ages.

01-11-2015, 11:44 PM
You can get off without porn. Your ancestors did it for ages.

Is that even possible?

01-11-2015, 11:47 PM
No, cheating requires a contact with another person and there is no contact between a screen and man watching at it.

01-11-2015, 11:48 PM
No, cheating requires a contact with another person and there is no contact between a screen and man watching at it.

Ok, so if I got naked with another woman and we masturbated to each other, but not touching each other, that's totally OK?

01-11-2015, 11:50 PM
It's not cheating but it's dangerously unhealthy because masturbating leads to blindness.

01-11-2015, 11:52 PM
Ok, so if I got naked with another woman and we masturbated to each other, but not touching each other, that's totally OK?

Only if she doesn't know you're there and she's being paid for it.

01-11-2015, 11:55 PM
Ok, so if I got naked with another woman and we masturbated to each other, but not touching each other, that's totally OK?

If you met coincidentally at the same place without any former contact it can't be cheating. If you establish the contact and masturbate to each other at that place it is cheating.

01-11-2015, 11:57 PM
If you met coincidentally at the same place without any former contact it can't be cheating. If you establish the contact and masturbate to each other at that place it is cheating.

Fine, if you accidentally watch porn, it's fine. Good analogy, glad you're on my side.

Peter Nirsch
01-11-2015, 11:59 PM
I think it's better than married man who have sex with prostitutes.

01-12-2015, 12:04 AM
I think it's better than married man who have sex with prostitutes.

Better but still bad.

01-12-2015, 12:07 AM
Fine, if you accidentally watch porn, it's fine. Good analogy, glad you're on my side.

You can watch it deliberately too. You are only looking at the screen, you only extablished visual contact with a maschine showing something that is recorded who knows where. Now, if you watch live stream of sexual act or if you participate and tape yourself, it is cheating. Cheating, according to me, always requires interaction betwen two or more people.

01-12-2015, 12:10 AM
You can watch it deliberately too. You are only looking at the screen, you only extablished visual contact with a maschine showing something that is recorded who knows where. Now, if you watch live stream of sexual act or if you participate and tape yourself, it is cheating. Cheating, according to me, always requires interaction betwen two or more people.

So you'd be happy if your wife had a crush on someone or on a porn star and masturbated to him as long as the other person didn't know?

01-12-2015, 12:21 AM
So you'd be happy if your wife had a crush on someone or on a porn star and masturbated to him as long as the other person didn't know?

We talk about porns here. No, I wouldn't be happy, it would have certain effect on me but I wouldn't be mad either. It's not a reason to divorce her if she liked a guy on TV that she never met. Btw, it implies she does't do it openly in front of me, that is unexapatable ofc.

Seraph of the End
01-12-2015, 12:34 AM
Nah, I wouldn't call it cheating. I seriously doubt I would mind it either, hypothetically speaking.

01-12-2015, 12:49 AM
We talk about porns here. No, I wouldn't be happy, it would have certain effect on me but I wouldn't be mad either. It's not a reason to divorce her if she liked a guy on TV that she never met. Btw, it implies she does't do it openly in front of me, that is unexapatable ofc.

So you can see it's at least bad?

01-12-2015, 01:56 AM
So you can see it's at least bad?

I just don't see why people consider it bad at all.

Pornography can be damaging, if it is used in a damaging way. Just like any behaviour or substance.

01-12-2015, 02:02 AM
I just don't see why people consider it bad at all.

Pornography can be damaging, if it is used in a damaging way. Just like any behaviour or substance.

Specifically watching porn in a relationship without the knowledge and/or consent of your partner. However, porn is bad like cigarettes are bad.

01-12-2015, 02:07 AM
Specifically watching porn in a relationship without the knowledge and/or consent of your partner. However, porn is bad like cigarettes are bad.

I suppose an argument could be made that watching porn without your partner's awareness is bad but only in the same sense that cheating on your diet and eating a slice of cake when your partner knows you're trying to lose weight is bad. The act itself isn't inherently bad. The subterfuge is bad. The breach of trust is bad.

01-12-2015, 02:08 AM
I suppose an argument could be made that watching porn without your partner's awareness is bad but only in the same sense that cheating on your diet and eating a slice of cake when your partner knows you're trying to lose weight is bad. The act itself isn't inherently bad. The subterfuge is bad. The breach of trust is bad.

Within the relationship, if you partner consents, you may sleep with other people. The OP specified without one's partner's consent.

However, watching porn is nearly always bad. Like cigarettes.

01-12-2015, 02:12 AM
Within the relationship, if you partner consents, you may sleep with other people. The OP specified without one's partner's consent.

However, watching porn is nearly always bad. Like cigarettes.

Read the OP? Longbowman, don't you know I'm too lazy for that sort of nonsense. I skim threads whilst watching porn.

Cigarettes are bad, in excess. Red meat is bad, in excess. Moderation is key. I smoke cigars. I average one a year. It isn't enough to cause any harm and it's very relaxing during that annual celebration.

01-12-2015, 02:14 AM
Read the OP? Longbowman, don't you know I'm too lazy for that sort of nonsense. I skim threads whilst watching porn.

Cigarettes are bad, in excess. Red meat is bad, in excess. Moderation is key. I smoke cigars. I average one a year. It isn't enough to cause any harm and it's very relaxing during that annual celebration.

Anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918?

01-12-2015, 02:15 AM
Anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918?

We've all got to celebrate something.

01-12-2015, 08:28 AM
Honestly, I'd be put off by it because, if you are in a committed relationship you only want your man to look at you in that way, and the thought of him intentionally getting aroused by looking at videos etc. of other naked women makes me feel very uncomfortable, no matter whether it's in real life or otherwise. Knowing that he regularly masturbates to porn would make me feel insecure and inadequate. I see it as, that's my job and if I'm good enough then there is no need for these disgusting little habits.
Yeye ok, hypocrite more. :puke

01-12-2015, 09:45 AM
So you can see it's at least bad?

It's not a thing to be really proud of but whatever, I don't feel cheated.

01-15-2015, 03:00 AM
Are you kidding? Is a married woman that watches romantic movies with some nudity cheating on her husband? No. Cheating is doing something with someone else!!!

01-15-2015, 03:07 AM
wtf is wrong with this place, porn cheating?

01-16-2015, 01:22 AM

As the title says: Is a married man who watches internet porn cheating on his wife? Obviously porn and masturbation go penis*-in-hand, so to say.

These days it is very easy to stumble on pornographic material and if he finds something in some arbitrary search of course he will look. I'm talking about the kind of guy who visits porn sites over and over again, day in and day out, whilst hiding it from his wife.

What do you think?

Discuss. a little correction

01-16-2015, 01:24 AM
I often dream about cheating my girlfriend, but i never did it.

01-16-2015, 01:25 AM
Married people it's said that they masturbate more than anyone else. So why not watch some porn with it.

John Smith
01-16-2015, 01:35 AM
How would that be cheating?! Not cheating.

01-16-2015, 10:03 AM
I don't think I would use the term "cheating," per se. However, porn can become addictive for many men. Any addiction means loss of control, which is a big negative. For men with a partner, gaining sexual satisfaction regularly from porn takes the man out of the relationship. He should be bonding with his real-life lover and not a video image. Otherwise, porn as part of foreplay can enhance love-making, so I don't see that as problematic.

Far worse, imo: if I found my partner was bonding regularly with something like a Fleshlight... :worried1:

01-16-2015, 10:05 AM
Not only is he cheating on his wife, he is also raping the woman doing porn... freaking patriarchs.

10-04-2017, 02:35 PM

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 12:48 AM
Nope. Just a degenerate.

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-18-2018, 12:52 AM
It can be classified as emotional cheating.

07-27-2019, 07:07 PM
Not really.

There’s a reason the clientele of strip clubs is primarily lonely old or ugly married men. Those guys could stay at home and watch porn for free but they go to the strippers to have a girl pretend to have literally any interest in their existence or give them any kind of affection, not just the stuff they pay for when they get a dance but just the girls sitting down to chat.

Lots of guys don’t get that at home especially single introverts and married guys.

07-27-2019, 07:27 PM
They are monsters.

Should be incarcerated for many years.

07-27-2019, 07:33 PM
I feel like the only legit answer is that it depends entirely on whether his wife is comfortable with it or not. If she's not and he does it anyway, that's at the very least a dick move if not outright unfaithful. Personally I think that if you're getting to the stage whereby you'd want to marry someone, porn is something you should have left behind a long time ago anyways.

07-27-2019, 07:34 PM
Nope but each to their own

07-27-2019, 07:39 PM
1) I can’t understand why someone would watch porn if he/she is married (no need to be married tho), it must be a dangerous addiction in this case
2) Yes, it would be cheating if he/she imagines another woman/man with it

07-27-2019, 07:42 PM
I don't understand why do people watch porn!

It is for the same reason people eat at MacDonald's