View Full Version : Classify this Szekeler girl

01-18-2015, 08:41 AM
These are my photos of her made years ago while I went to Turkey.

01-18-2015, 08:44 AM
you should have written hungarian/magyar.
most people here don't know what a szekeler is

01-18-2015, 08:57 AM
Alpine i think.

01-18-2015, 09:01 AM

01-18-2015, 10:38 AM
you should have written hungarian/magyar.
most people here don't know what a szekeler is

You are right.

Anyway, they preserve ancient Magyar look quite commonly (having not mixed with anything but Romanians a very long time ago). I think this girl (Emese was her name) is the purest representative of ancient Magyar one could find in today's time (she in fact looks like a Lapp).

01-19-2015, 05:49 AM

Zmey Gorynych
01-19-2015, 06:04 AM
I think this girl is the purest representative of ancient Magyar one could find in today's time (she in fact looks like a Lapp).
I don't know what ancient magyars looked like but there might be something to the part I bolded. In that second picture she seems to have something that looks like lappid (or it could just be borreby) but it's far from being pure (if that's what you said). She has a pontoid (ponto-nordid) element to her phenotype.

01-19-2015, 10:27 AM
I don't know what ancient magyars looked like but there might be something to the part I bolded. In that second picture she seems to have something that looks like lappid (or it could just be borreby) but it's far from being pure (if that's what you said). She has a pontoid (ponto-nordid) element to her phenotype.

Possibly. Anyway, only Hungarians have this look, and it's mostly similar to Lapps (there is a certain Mongoloid tendency, but given their pigmentation Mongoloid can be excluded). However, I agree there are North Pontid influences in her. There could have very well occur in ancient Magyars as well (given their homeland's geographic location).

01-23-2015, 09:33 AM
Lapponoid from the East/Central-European Alpionoid-Lapponoid intermediate stock. This character came from the assimilated Slavs and not connected to the old Hungarians.

01-23-2015, 12:52 PM
Lapponoid from the East/Central-European Alpionoid-Lapponoid intermediate stock. This character came from the assimilated Slavs and not connected to the old Hungarians.

You are one crazy guy:) Does she look Slavic to you? You have a total belief in totally worthless crackpot "scientists" that are laughed at in Hungary even. Who would believe Hungarians have "Pamirids" or whatever except people without ability for critical thought? All historical, linguistic, racial evidence speaks of Ugrian/Aryan/Turkic elements (often fused) in ancient Hungarians. There was nothing else! This woman, of course, represents the Ugrian element, which, as Coon argued, was DOMINANT in the mix.

She is the most Hungarian-looking woman I ever saw (which is why I took photos of her)... There are plenty of similar-looking specimens among Szekelers, who look either Romanian or Old Magyar (Uralid-Turanid-Aryan mixes). They are without doubt the purest Hungarians today (no German admixture, no Slovak/Yugo admixture, only Bulgaro-Romanians A VERY LONG TIME AGO). Szekelers are as Slavic looking as Romanians they border (a small minority looks Slavic, nothing more)

01-23-2015, 01:02 PM
Does she look Slavic to you?

Yes, this character typical between the Polish and this Alpinoid-Lapponoid intermediate type in Central Europe is a "Slavonic" indicator as the N YDNA haplotype for example. Especially in Hungary, because the Lapponoid is not a frequent type between the Ugrians and was very rare between the ancient Ugrics and Magyars. Anything other is your problem and you have serial problems with the Eastern European and the Hungarian history and preshitory if you did not know this.

01-23-2015, 01:11 PM

01-23-2015, 03:40 PM
Yes, this character typical between the Polish and this Alpinoid-Lapponoid intermediate type in Central Europe is a "Slavonic" indicator as the N YDNA haplotype for example. Especially in Hungary, because the Lapponoid is not a frequent type between the Ugrians and was very rare between the ancient Ugrics and Magyars.

Either you are a troll or you are totally misguided. Nobody has ever argued N YDNA is "Slavic", except your Hungarian crackpots maybe. Common consensus is that in Europe it's a Uralic haplogroup. This woman can easily pass in Iceland, Lappland, Finland (resembles Byork). Lapponoid is a gracilized version of Uralid (Alpine influences are possible, BUT considering Alpine comes in Europe from Anatolia via Neolithic migrations it's extremely unlikely to have reached significant influences in regions so far north) or a racial type of a people superseded by Uralics very long time ago. What is certain is that this girl's type is typical for her people (found over and over) and the mere presence of what you call Lapponoids in Romania, and only in Hungarians (this woman's features are as incompatible with Romanians as Klaus Johannis) prove beyond reasonable doubt they were brought by ancient Magyars (given that people with this type are generally either Uralic speakers or from countries with documented Uralic presence).

01-23-2015, 03:56 PM
Either you are a troll or you are totally misguided. Nobody has ever argued N YDNA is "Slavic", except your Hungarian crackpots maybe.

Lapponoid is a gracilized version of Uralid (SIC!)


I wrote what is your problem: ignorance. Again:

"Alpinoid-Lapponoid intermediate type in Central Europe is a "Slavonic" indicator as the N YDNA haplotype "

Common consensus is that in Europe it's a Uralic haplogroup.

In Northeastern Europe yes, but the spreading Indoeuropeans (Corded Ware) assimilated many Uralic peoples in Eastern Europe and because of this, the N was common between the ancestors of the Baltoslavs and later spread with the Slavs onto West and Southwest.

The spread of the N YDNA in Central Europe:
http://s21.postimg.org/wrthlsuur/zhqw.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/wrthlsuur/)
http://s21.postimg.org/u7fh8qdrn/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/u7fh8qdrn/)

Spread with the Slavs in the region.

ps. Learn something about the Alpino-Lapponoid forms from Czekanowski pls! This is one of the most common type in Poland!

01-23-2015, 04:08 PM
Anyway, two options exist onto the origin of the Alpinoid type:

1. Paleolithic gracilization of the Cromagnoid type --> Lapponoid and later Lapponoid mixation with various elements in Central Europe --> Alpinoid.

2. Mesolithic or neolithic gracilization of the Cromagnoid type on the Near/Middle East --> migration to Europe.

But these scenarios are irrelevant in the case of the Polish Alpino-Lapponoid intermediate forms, because the two types gets mixed in the territory of Poland and Czech and forms a characteristic type, the Polish Lapponoids or Alpinoids.

01-23-2015, 05:06 PM