View Full Version : classify Uyghur man

01-22-2015, 06:06 PM

01-22-2015, 07:06 PM
Pamiro-Turanid. Here is a close, but little less Mongoloid Hungarian sample:

http://s21.postimg.org/hgjol6xir/pamiro_turanid_7.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/hgjol6xir/)

02-01-2015, 05:31 PM
Pamirid+Turanid maybe.

02-01-2015, 05:42 PM
Iranid/Pamirid with Turanid(East Eurasian is Sinid form). Definitely some Iranid in there, because he looks rather mesocephalic.

02-01-2015, 06:05 PM
Iranid/Pamirid with some Sinid like influence. Definitely some Iranid in there, because he looks rather mesocephalic.
I can't even detect 1% Iranid in him. He looks textbook Turk (Turanid), why do you think I posted him, just for fun? :p

Iranids are longheads btw.:

02-01-2015, 06:09 PM


02-01-2015, 06:15 PM
I can't even detect 1% Iranid in him. He looks textbook Turk (Turanid), why do you think I posted him, just for fun? :p

Iranids are longheads btw.:

Yes thats why some Iranid I thought. because Mesocephalic is middle longheaded which often appears when you mix a longheaded element with some brachycephalic elements. Now when you say it the longheaded element could also be simply Turanid. But something on his face simply told me "Iranid".

Either Pamirid with some Turanid (Sinid like element there) or Pamirid/Iranid with some Turanid.

02-01-2015, 06:24 PM
Either Pamirid with some Turanid (Sinid like element there)
While Pamirid being a Turanid subtype? :rolleyes: since when Turanids are connected with Sinids btw? :rolleyes:

or Pamirid/Iranid with some Turanid.
While Iranid exacty means what in this case?

02-01-2015, 06:26 PM
Iranid/Pamirid with Turanid(East Eurasian is Sinid form). Definitely some Iranid in there, because he looks rather mesocephalic.


02-01-2015, 06:30 PM

blogen don't try it. You can't even tell a meso, dolicho from a brachycephalic individual. haha

you are living in your Europo_Mongol dreamworld.

02-01-2015, 06:33 PM
While Pamirid being a Turanid subtype? :rolleyes: since when Turanids are connected with Sinids btw? :rolleyes:

Since when is Pamirid a subtype of Turanid? Do I need to bring out the definition of this? Also I think you need to understand what is really meant with Turanid. Turanid is a catch up term for every Caucasian/MOngoloid mixed physical type in Central Asia. This is why I wrote his East Eurasian is more Sinid like.

Pamirid is in fact dinarized/gracilized Iranid(mediterranean) by all authors.

It was considered an Europid subrace, characterized by brachycephaly, short and broad face, dark pigmentation of eyes hair and skin

According to Ginzburg (1966),[1] the Pamir-Fergana race was developed from intermixture of the two other Central Asian types: the Andronovo, which went through the process of gracilization (reduction of prominence of facial features), and a Central Asian variant of Mediterranean that became brachycephalic.[1] According to Andrianov (1969, 1991), with the transition of Central Asian peoples from nomadic to agricultural lifestyle, parallel processes of anthropological mixing, on the one hand, brachycephalization and gracilization, on the other, could have occurred here.[citation needed] According to Khodjaev (1981), the Pamir-Fergana race has no ancient origin and is a result of intermixture between different races.[citation needed]

More needed?

While Iranid exacty means what in this case?

Iranid is an Eastern Variant of the Mediterranean spectrum. It is like Pontid with some oriental features.

02-01-2015, 06:36 PM
nordo-iranid + Sinid

02-01-2015, 06:56 PM
blogen don't try it. You can't even tell a meso, dolicho from a brachycephalic individual. haha
you are living in your Europo_Mongol dreamworld.

This whole sentence is meaningless (the contradictory parts emphasized):

Iranid/Pamirid with Turanid(East Eurasian is Sinid form). Definitely some Iranid in there, because he looks rather mesocephalic.


- the Pamirid is an unknown origin admixture with strong Orientaloid elements. This is why Irano-Pamirids not exist, since this admixture is Pamirid.
- the Turanid race is Cromagnoid + Mongoloid. If the Cromagnoid is not dominant or the Mongoloid character is measurable (for example Sinid), than that is not Turanid or Pamirid or other admixture, but Europo-Mongoloid with dominant Mongoloid character.
- every Europo-Mongoloid admixture are brachycephal.
- this guy is a hyperbrachycephal.
- etc.

Maybe do not talk about the anthropology! :D

02-01-2015, 07:01 PM
Since when is Pamirid a subtype of Turanid?
Are you seriouis?



Turanid is a catch up term for every Caucasian/MOngoloid mixed physical type in Central Asia. This is why I wrote his East Eurasian is more Sinid like.
Turanid exists since primeval times btw. And I still didn't get your point with Sinid.

Pamirid is in fact dinarized/gracilized Iranid(mediterranean) by all authors.

More needed?
Wtf? Having problems with citing? :rolleyes:

Iranid is an Eastern Variant of the Mediterranean spectrum. It is like Pontid with some oriental features.
Relevance? :confused: