View Full Version : Migraines 'mean less cancer risk'

11-06-2008, 09:52 AM
A cheery article for fellow migraine sufferers :thumbs up

BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7710674.stm): Women who suffer regular migraines may have the comfort of knowing they face a much lower risk of breast cancer, say US researchers.

The discovery points to the potential importance of hormone levels in both.
The study of 3,412 women suggests a 30% lower risk for people with a history of disabling headaches.

However, the researchers, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, warned more work was needed to confirm the link.

While an estimated 30% of women will suffer at least one migraine in their lifetime, for a much smaller group, they are a regular feature.

Scientists have connected the condition, which can feature nausea and visual disturbances alongside severe headaches, with fluctuating levels of hormones.

Being pregnant, or on the contraceptive pill, both of which affect hormone levels, can lead to noticeable changes in the frequency and severity of attacks.

The US researchers are the first to look at whether this might have an effect on the chances of developing breast cancer, which, in two of its most common forms is fuelled by the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

Their group of women included 1,938 who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and 1,474 who had no history of the disease.

Women were asked to report whether they had ever been diagnosed with migraines by a health professional.

Those with a history of migraines were far less likely to go on to develop breast cancer.

Caution urged

Dr Christopher Li, reporting the results in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, said that the hormone hypothesis appeared the most likely.

A high-oestrogen state, he said, such as that found in pregnancy, could be linked to both a reduction in attacks, and the conditions needed to stimulate breast cancer development.

He said: "While these results need to be interpreted with caution, they point to a possible new factor that may be related to breast cancer risk.
"This gives us a new avenue to explore the biology behind risk reduction."

01-07-2009, 10:00 AM
I get migraines quite often but I put this down to the fact that I smoke. Does this mean that my smoking is giving me migraines which in turn may prevent me from getting lung disease?

01-07-2009, 10:09 AM
Migraines are awful.

My childhood consisted of lightless, soundless rooms with cold wash cloths and ice packs mixed with frequent vomiting. :(

I still get them every now and again. I just take the coldest shower possible and I think it shocks my body into getting over it because I always feel much better afterwards.

01-07-2009, 10:12 AM
My childhood consisted of lightless, soundless rooms with cold wash cloths and ice packs mixed with frequent vomiting. :(

For some reason, the vomiting always seems to do the trick.:(

01-07-2009, 10:18 AM
For some reason, the vomiting always seems to do the trick.:(

I think it may have something to do with foods. I was told by my doc to avoid MSG and preservatives. Since I then I try to avoid preservatives and they're less frequent and aren't usually accompanied by vomiting. The nitrates in sausage also seem to mess with me, much to my disappointment. :(

When I was a kid I told my mom my migraines were because my brain was growing too fast for my body because I was so smart :D ;)

02-21-2012, 06:13 AM
What is between a detached retina and Ocular Migraine? I have all the symptoms of a detached retina but it has been tested and proven several times thats not what it is. The next one down on the symptoms list is an ocular migraine but the symptoms are more often than with an ocular migraine. Anyone with medical knowledge with an idea?
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02-21-2012, 06:25 AM
Oh, I also get migraines quite often and I don't smoke, my grandma died at 86 from skin cancer and all her life she had migraines.Her daugheter ( my aunt) also gets migraines a lot, can it be genetically connected?

In 19 century Russia migraine was considered an upper class disease...

The Journeyman
02-21-2012, 06:31 AM
Oh, I also get migraines quite often and I don't smoke, my grandma died at 86 from skin cancer and all her life she had migraines.Her daugheter ( my aunt) also gets migraines a lot, can it be genetically connected?

In 19 century Russia migraine was considered an upper class disease...

Could be, my mom has them too. I think it may be stress related, there are some theories about that. Also one theory claims that certain dopamine receptors are highly sensitive in affected individuals.

The only people I know that get incapacitating migraines are either emotionally sensitive or intelligent individuals. Just my observation.