View Full Version : Your Drinking Vessel

01-18-2009, 12:51 AM
Most of us have one or two ritual drinking vessels. I'm interested to see what kind you guys use.

Myself, I've never been too keen on drinking from a horn, but I certainly didn't want any kind of stereotypical neopagan 'chalice.' Thankfully, my wife managed to find a beautifully crafted vessel that appeals to my Baroque sensibilities (complete with panels from Albrecht Dürer) and gave it to me for Yule:


01-18-2009, 02:23 AM
Well... I certainly couldn't afford that kind of tupperware, but:


01-18-2009, 02:41 AM
Most of us have one or two ritual drinking vessels. I'm interested to see what kind you guys use.

Myself, I've never been too keen on drinking from a horn, but I certainly didn't want any kind of stereotypical neopagan 'chalice.' Thankfully, my wife managed to find a beautifully crafted vessel that appeals to my Baroque sensibilities (complete with panels from Albrecht Dürer) and gave it to me for Yule:


The only horn I can say I truly own! :D I bought it in time for my Yule rite last year.


As for the neopagan chalice, this one appealed to my inner Goddess. The lighting's not the best, but there is quite a bit of intrinsic work that went into it, of a Celtic nature.


I do like yours though!

01-18-2009, 03:17 AM
I've got a horn I bought from the Asatru Alliance. My wife and I drank from it at our wedding. Maybe I'll get a picture, but it's nothing spectacular and I'm sure you're aware of the average horn.

02-28-2009, 01:18 AM
I don't have a horn, but I do have this mug, which I picked up for such occaisions:


I got it at Prairie Fire Pottery (http://www.prairiefirepottery.com/). If ever you find yourself in Beach, North Dakota, you should pay a visit. This woman's work is amazing!!!

02-28-2009, 01:34 AM

Sintra mug. Serves me well.

02-28-2009, 06:03 PM

02-28-2009, 06:11 PM

You ever try drinking wine from anything other than a glass? You feel like a DRUNK.

"Hey can you refill my yahtzee shaker please? And hit my sippy cup too. Danke." - Jim Gaffigan

02-28-2009, 06:46 PM
Don't let my shenanigans kill the thread. I'm interested in seeing everyone's drinking implement.

I myself can't limit myself to just one. I have a china cabinet dedicated to my mugs, steins, glasses, etc.

03-10-2009, 09:26 PM
I don't have a drinking vessel for ceremonies, ussually i'm drinking from a beer bottle or a shot glass.

A friend of mines father makes custom drinking horns, I'll have to get his website for you guys.

03-10-2009, 11:57 PM
That first post's picture is breathtaking.

Baron Samedi
03-17-2009, 03:52 PM
Most of us have one or two ritual drinking vessels. I'm interested to see what kind you guys use.

Myself, I've never been too keen on drinking from a horn, but I certainly didn't want any kind of stereotypical neopagan 'chalice.' Thankfully, my wife managed to find a beautifully crafted vessel that appeals to my Baroque sensibilities (complete with panels from Albrecht Dürer) and gave it to me for Yule:


I have been envious of you since you bought this, sir....

I have a drinking horn, but it tends to piss me off more than it makes me happy (especially during magical workings when I have to keep it held so the shit inside doesn't spill out).

I'm much more inclined just to buy a chalice nowadays...

03-17-2009, 05:31 PM
I don't have a drinking vessel for ceremonies, ussually i'm drinking from a beer bottle or a shot glass.

I agree playing Century Club is fun, but how often exactly do you do this? :p

Anyways, back on topic. I have a drinking horn that I bought at a festival that I use for my mother and I's Yule/Midsummer celebrations. Nothing particularly fancy, I'll take a picture of it when I'm home again.

I have a drinking horn, but it tends to piss me off more than it makes me happy (especially during magical workings when I have to keep it held so the shit inside doesn't spill out).

Just get some scrap leather and make a strap than you can attach to your belt to put your mead horn in. Very useful.