View Full Version : What things the US can do to strengthen the dollar vs the euro?

05-15-2010, 10:27 PM

05-15-2010, 10:30 PM

Block the german help for Greece?

Grumpy Cat
05-15-2010, 10:36 PM
Drill, baby, drill.

05-15-2010, 10:56 PM
Annex China.

The Lawspeaker
05-15-2010, 11:28 PM
1. Get rid of the Federal Reserve (and somehow of the bankers too) and hand over the power to print money to Congress (as is their constitutional prerogative)
2. Reinstate the gold standard
3. Simply pay off the remaining debt.

05-16-2010, 12:34 AM
The best thing to do is sit around and watch the Euro self destruct.

Also energy self sufficiency would help a lot. Windmills and solar panels won't do it, it will take either an increase in domestic oil production, or construction of new nuclear power plants.

1. Get rid of the Federal Reserve (and somehow of the bankers too) and hand over the power to print money to Congress (as is their constitutional prerogative)

That would probably be better than the current arrangement, though I suspect they would just print more money. Not that that's a bad thing.

I'm not so sure that we want the dollar to strengthen vs the euro. It would help out people who travel to Europe from the US, but overall would be bad for our economy and make it harder for our heavy manufactures and tourist attractions to compete with theirs.

2. Reinstate the gold standard

Would definitely help, but not sure how possible it is.

3. Simply pay off the remaining debt.

Not really possible.

05-16-2010, 12:54 AM
I've always been amused by the Euro and the European Union. Even from afar it is clear Europe is too diverse and or nationalistic for such a union to have a long future. Not just that but look at Europe economically, there are countries in which it makes literally no sense for them to be members of the EU on an economic level. Germany certainly doesn't need it nor does France or the UK.

I understand why the EU exists, so as to be economically viable with the U.S./China/Japan, but the reality which everyone is aware of...even me all the way in Texas....is that Europe is not one economic entity that can be made to walk in the same direction such as a single country can such as U.S./China/Japan....Greece is a clear example of that as well as the Turkey debacle. Europe is not a singular entity like the other economic giants it is competing with, the EU doesn't fool anyone of that. Europe's largest economies would do better internally on their own rather than propping up the rest of Europe.

05-16-2010, 01:00 AM
Bomb the Eurofags.

05-16-2010, 01:24 AM
STOP DEFICIT SPENDING ! Restore the material basis of the dollar, whether it be silver, gold, platinum, palladium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, or all of them, as long as the dollar is based on SOMETHING that can't be run off on a printing press.

This one's gonna hurt: ABOLISH PAPER MONEY. As long as there is paper money, whoever issues the paper money, be it the Treasury or the Federal Reserve, which ought to be abolished, will always print more paper money than there is metal to back it up.

I know that precious metal "cartwheels" are heavy and awkward to carry, but they carry their value with them. They have INTRINSIC value. Their buying power may exceed their bullion value, but it can NEVER be less than the bullion value.

If we had precious metal coinage, and base-metal token coins for very small denominations, but no paper money, there would be no inflation. The value of fiat currency arises from two factors: legal tender laws within the country issuing it, and confidence in its value in other countries. The value of precious metals is unversally recognised.

So, how do we stop deficit spending ? By passing and ratifying a constitutional amendment requiring the Congress to operate on a balanced budget. This, will, of course, require ignoring the cries of the rabble-rousers who claim that "You're balancing the budget on the backs of the poor.", whatever the hell THAT is supposed to mean.

Of course, we won't do any of this,. We haven't even the courage to do what the Greeks did in 1954 when they re-valued the drachma by a factor of 1000 from Dr30,000 = $1.00 to Dr30 = $1.00. No, we'll go on printing trillions of dollars that won't be worth the paper they're printed on.

Delendus est Islam !

05-16-2010, 01:30 AM
The Spanish believed strongly in the importance of gold for their national wealth. They discovered inflation when they brought lots of gold back from the New World.

05-16-2010, 04:36 AM
Whoever has the most gold, guns, and young men will be in good fortune if the financial world ever collapses as so many predict.