View Full Version : Scythian race in Central Asia: "East Atlanto/Pontids"

01-26-2015, 09:37 PM
We all know that Atlantids and Pontids are similar, they are both mixes/transitional races between northern and southern phenotypes. There are Nordids further north, Mediterranean types to the south and Atlantids and Pontids in between. Then were did the transitional phenotypes between the Russian east Nordids and Iranic types go?

The Turko-Mongol invasions disturbed the natural line of central Asia and replaced them with Mongoloid mixes. In the past we could have seen the much lighter population. Not even I will be saying that central Asia was inhabited by races as light as European Nordids so this is how it all fits

Go and search for remnants of these people

01-26-2015, 09:43 PM
Scythians were Proto-Europoid, Cromagnoid-C aka Turanid (+ Pamirid), Pontid, Caucasid, Iranid (+ Caspid), Uralid (+ Lapponoid), Taurid, + some other. What was your point btw?

01-26-2015, 09:45 PM
Nothing. A contact did not exist between the Middle and Near Eastern Mediterranoids and the Northeastern European Nordoids through the steppe. Since the steppe was Cromagnoid.

01-26-2015, 09:47 PM
Scythians were Proto-Europoid, Cromagnoid-C aka Turanid (+ Pamirid), Pontid, Caucasid, Iranid (+ Caspid), Uralid (+ Lapponoid), Taurid, + some other. What was your point btw?

Scythians much like any other area had different phenotypes yes. I am bringing up the lost pseudo-Pontic/Atlantic race that was transitional between Nordid and Iranic

01-26-2015, 09:50 PM
Nothing. A contact did not exist between the Middle and Near Eastern Mediterranoids and the Northeastern European Nordoids through the steppe. Since the steppe was Cromagnoid.

Nordic is a morphed form of Cromagnid to begin with.

Also, the Iranics themselves were closer to my hypothetical race because of their Aryans admixture than today. This was before the time they started mixing with Arabs and other browns

01-26-2015, 10:27 PM
The Scythians were originally Nordids. We have their DNA but more importantly mummies:


They admixed with other steppe peoples including Iranids, Mongoloids etc.

01-26-2015, 10:35 PM
The Scythians were originally Nordids.
not really.

01-26-2015, 10:52 PM
Not really? Visit the Hermitage museum.

01-26-2015, 10:58 PM
Not really? Visit the Hermitage museum.
What you mean is proto-Europoid, not Nordid.

01-26-2015, 11:15 PM
What you mean is proto-Europoid, not Nordid.

Where do Nordids come from then? According to you.

01-26-2015, 11:50 PM
Where do Nordids come from then? According to you.
From CM as far as I know.

01-27-2015, 12:36 AM
The Scythians were originally Nordids. We have their DNA but more importantly mummies:


They admixed with other steppe peoples including Iranids, Mongoloids etc.

Most mummies/old skeletal remains have blonde hair due to mummification process. They (most) weren't "Nordid" phenotypically, but, Pontids, Pamirids, Nord-Iranids and Iranids and Nordo-meds, but did probably have a Nordid strain among them.

01-27-2015, 04:01 PM
The Scythians were originally Nordids. We have their DNA but more importantly mummies:
They admixed with other steppe peoples including Iranids, Mongoloids etc.

Oh no, againt this Europo-Mongoloid mummy with faded hair?

http://s21.postimg.org/uflho7i9f/aaltai.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/uflho7i9f/)

01-27-2015, 04:03 PM
Nordic is a morphed form of Cromagnid to begin with.

Oh yes? And where are the evidence onto this?

Also, the Iranics themselves were closer to my hypothetical race because of their Aryans admixture than today. This was before the time they started mixing with Arabs and other browns

No, not. The contemporary inhabitants of Iran are descendants of the local pre-Indoeuropean Mediterranids and Taurids with some medieval Mongoloid influence.

Basically no any contemporary racial sign of an Aryan invasion in the Middle East.

01-28-2015, 10:45 PM
The Yamna/Ukranian ones were overwhelmingly wog as far as pigmentation alleles for hair and eyes go. The ones in the balkans entirely so, the Ukranian/Scythian ones only had a 15% incidence of light eyes and hair. Sample size was 65 or more I think.

The ones further east were different, especially the ones from south siberia. Those were overwhelmingly blue eyed. Study did not get pigmentation alleles for their hair but one could assume that it was light.

So it rather depends on which "Scythians" one talks about. Even the bronze age warrior that was exhumed from poland was dark eyed, dark haired and dark skinned. (http://dienekes.blogspot.de/2015/01/bronze-age-warrior-from-poland.html)

It depends on the time-frame. This was due to admixture. Poland wasn't part of Scythia:


01-28-2015, 10:47 PM
Basically no any contemporary racial sign of an Aryan invasion in the Middle East.


Prisoner Of Ice
02-23-2015, 05:23 PM
We all know that Atlantids and Pontids are similar, they are both mixes/transitional races between northern and southern phenotypes. There are Nordids further north, Mediterranean types to the south and Atlantids and Pontids in between. Then were did the transitional phenotypes between the Russian east Nordids and Iranic types go?

The Turko-Mongol invasions disturbed the natural line of central Asia and replaced them with Mongoloid mixes. In the past we could have seen the much lighter population. Not even I will be saying that central Asia was inhabited by races as light as European Nordids so this is how it all fits

Well, it was of course. Mongols themselves are originally a light race, too. God cursed them for race mixing with south asian slaves. Scythian treasures showed men looking extremely nordic, they are original modern mid eurasian inhabitants, at least since ice age ended.

02-23-2015, 05:27 PM
It depends on the time-frame. This was due to admixture. Poland wasn't part of Scythia:


True. Herodotus mentions that the Scythians were recent arrivals from the east (maybe similar to those south siberian samples studied). Perhaps they were an Andranovo/Yamna mix (shooting in the dark here) thus they were much lighter than the Yamnayas and hence their description.