View Full Version : Is Thailand a country with less honor?

02-02-2015, 09:10 PM
A country full of drugs, whores, people with no dignity the autochtonous seems not to care that there are millions of Thaď sex workers everywhere in the country.

Thailand is single most dangerous country for tourists in the world, Every day we hear that tourists commit suicide there, so what's wrong with this country? . This one country accounts for more deaths of foreign nationals than the rest of the world combined.

Every single day a foreigner is thrown to his death out of a highrise window in Thailand. Corrupt Thai police along with Thai whore king are all part of this scheme so these deaths are always ruled suicides or deaths by natural causes. Only in Thailand can a man with hands tied behind his back, a plastic bag over his head and a gunshot wound in his temple be thrown out of a 20+ storeys building and his death ruled “from natural causes”.

Thai people never smiles. Maybe only bitches in the Pattaya's or Bangkok's streets when they look at your money.

02-02-2015, 09:13 PM
Actually, Thailand is one of the most developed countries in the Southeast Asian region. Compared to Cambodia, Laos, Burma and even Vietnam.

02-02-2015, 09:17 PM
Actually, Thailand is one of the most developed countries in the Southeast Asian region. Compared to Cambodia, Laos, Burma and even Vietnam.

Agree with this about infrastructures but what about dangerous places and honor? 0.

02-02-2015, 09:19 PM
A country...blahblahblah

Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

Gustave H
02-02-2015, 09:23 PM
The average person of that country is unholy and worse than a wild animal. When I hear "Thailand" I become sick.

02-02-2015, 09:36 PM
Must be the Australoid within them

02-02-2015, 09:52 PM
Must be the Australoid within them

It's more a cultural thing than a racial thing. Indians are much more Australoid but they are sexually not as 'wild' as Thais.

02-02-2015, 09:54 PM
It's more a cultural thing than a racial thing. Indians are much more Australoid but they are sexually not as 'wild' as Thais.

Almost as wild. Think of the massrapes!

02-03-2015, 11:33 AM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example. Jász wog, menj haza perzsiába.

02-03-2015, 05:41 PM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

Little subhuman, i don't know what Albania have to do in this thread, but listen me motherfucker everyone feel free to send me his adress by PM and then we can have a good discussion outside this forum.

And they say Albanians provoke here...What a joke.

Anthony PV
02-03-2015, 05:47 PM
And they say Albanians provoke here...What a joke.

Dixit the Albanian who calls Thailand a nation of honorless whores... :eviltongue:

02-03-2015, 05:50 PM
Dixit the Albanian who calls Thailand a nation of honorless whores... :eviltongue:

Isn't it the case?

Darth Revan
02-03-2015, 05:59 PM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

Same impression here.
The only funny thing, in this otherwise mediocre thread, is how many bolds claims The.Mask can make without every taking the trouble to substantiate them. The hallmark of an ingnorant.

"Thailand is single most dangerous country for tourists in the world"

Heh, ok.
I wonder what tourists going to Albania and Kosovo have to comment on their experiences.

Anthony PV
02-03-2015, 06:01 PM
Isn't it the case?

How can you know for sure if you never visited the country? I mean... I never visited Albania... I just heard the people living there are easily offended and declare vendettas over trivial reasons... :eviltongue:

02-03-2015, 06:10 PM
Same impression here.
The only funny thing, in this otherwise mediocre thread, is how many bolds claims The.Mask can make without every taking the trouble to substantiate them. The hallmark of an ingnorant.

"Thailand is single most dangerous country for tourists in the world"

Heh, ok.
I wonder what tourists going to Albania and Kosovo have to comment on their experiences.

He was talking about infrastructures and devloping in the country. Now tell if the Islamic state built highways, new airports, new buildings & all, Does it make a safe and honorable country?

Now why don't you like talking about the black face of Thailand? You know it very well....And you know why european/american people going there for sex tourism.

Albania and Kosova are not dangerous countries when you're from european type since you can easily find autochtonous people like Florent Hadergjonaj on the roads


02-14-2015, 09:18 PM

The Illyrian Warrior
02-14-2015, 09:27 PM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

Euroasian abomination, why you keep editing his posts, did OP subject touch your emotional feeling of Hungary being biggest sources of porn industry aswell?

Anthony PV
02-14-2015, 09:31 PM
Euroasian abomination, why you keep editing his posts, did OP subject touch your emotional feeling of Hungary being biggest sources of porn whores aswell?

Hey, you shqiptar scum! Why don't you solve your own problems back home instead of insulting other countries who have done nothing to you! :eviltongue:

The Illyrian Warrior
02-14-2015, 09:35 PM
Hey, you shqiptar scum! Why don't you solve your own problems back home instead of insulting other countries who have done nothing to you! :eviltongue:

Whose sockpuppet are you, or better yet the fuck are you anyway?

PS. Nothing against Thailand but against to that little faggot from Hungary.

Anthony PV
02-14-2015, 09:42 PM
Whose sockpuppet are you, or better yet the fuck are you anyway?

PS. Nothing against Thailand but against to that little faggot from Hungary.

Just a random guy on the Web, Mr. Internet Tough Guy... :eviltongue:

Fine, you have nothing against Thailand, I have nothing against Albania, deal? Well, your compatriot insulted Thailand, a country he knows nothing about, because he read some weird accidents happened over there... If I insulted South-American women the same way because two women from that region took part in that weird video 2girls1cup, how do you think South-Americans would react? :eviltongue:

Petros Houhoulis
02-15-2015, 03:26 AM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

Also more honourable. Never heard of a Thai selling his daughter for $200. Albania has much to learn from Thailand, perhaps the Albanians should send The.Mask to spy on them, disguised as a ladyboy.

02-15-2015, 04:20 AM
They're not sexually 'wild'...you dont hear about Thai guys exhausting their sexual appetites doing this or that...All you hear about is Western tourists travelling there to exploit their children and women. That means, they are a nation of pimps/whores and a cum bucket for the West.

02-15-2015, 06:36 AM
They're not sexually 'wild'...you dont hear about Thai guys exhausting their sexual appetites doing this or that...All you hear about is Western tourists travelling there to exploit their children and women. That means, they are a nation of pimps/whores and a cum bucket for the West.

Thank God we have the Bedouin spirit in our people. This will never happen any of the Bedouin nations as we value dignity and honor.

02-15-2015, 12:10 PM
Thailand is an average developing country and the thai population's 90% are not connected to the mass tourism. And the thai peoples are smiles everytime. Thailand is a much, much better and developed country than Albania for example.

First of all try to write proper english so we can understand you better. Secondly, no one is going to expect anything better from you, a failed 'anthropologist'', that tries to convince people within every post that Hungarians are some kind of Mongol-Turanid-Khazar mix, totally alien to Europe, saying that you are ridiculous it very little. However this topic is not about the country of the OP, but about Thailand. What you can do, is that you can try to explain to him why you think his opinion is wrong, but you can not, because you are mentally handicapped.

Different statistics say that 30-40% of Thailand is connected to tourism, which is greatly a sexual one. The economical-social system created in Thailand ( even if it gives money) is out of the norms, even compared to the most liberal abomination creatures that live in the ''western world''. I would rather want my people to die of hunger and blood that even being near of creating a system like Thais have done, and I mean this literally.

Have you even been in Thailand? One of my friends has been in Bangkok and the only people that were smiling to him were young girls in streets or near clubs waiting for some money, the tourism you are talking about.

Also more honourable. Never heard of a Thai selling his daughter for $200. Albania has much to learn from Thailand, perhaps the Albanians should send The.Mask to spy on them, disguised as a ladyboy.

You know what is going to happen to the greek section in this forum if you try to play the smart ass here... what are you trying to say with the ''200 dollars'' thing 40 year old virgin who cleans toilets in a ship? Probably one of the stories of your grandmother, how her mother was sold as a slave in the ottoman market and than how she had some fun there and a turanid abomination like you was born? I challenge you to play the smart ass here only one more time. ( we know for a fact that you are turanid btw)

02-15-2015, 09:00 PM
Also more honourable. Never heard of a Thai selling his daughter for $200. Albania has much to learn from Thailand, perhaps the Albanians should send The.Mask to spy on them, disguised as a ladyboy.

you should go there and look for your sister, dirty gypsy face.

Now i have a question why everyone feel upset about this thread? This was only about Thailand, proved statistically and even approved by the whore's parents
Maybe you all feel like them? you have all lost you honor. Obviously when only few place in Europe have kept their honour and dignity wich are Ireland, Scotland, Bavaria, Austria, Albania and maybe few other places.

02-15-2015, 09:04 PM
A country full of drugs, whores, people with no dignity the autochtonous seems not to care that there are millions of Thaď sex workers everywhere in the country.

Thailand is single most dangerous country for tourists in the world, Every day we hear that tourists commit suicide there, so what's wrong with this country? . This one country accounts for more deaths of foreign nationals than the rest of the world combined.

Every single day a foreigner is thrown to his death out of a highrise window in Thailand. Corrupt Thai police along with Thai whore king are all part of this scheme so these deaths are always ruled suicides or deaths by natural causes. Only in Thailand can a man with hands tied behind his back, a plastic bag over his head and a gunshot wound in his temple be thrown out of a 20+ storeys building and his death ruled “from natural causes”.

Thai people never smiles. Maybe only bitches in the Pattaya's or Bangkok's streets when they look at your money.

One big lie.. Thailand is called the land of smiles by the way and not the other way around

02-15-2015, 09:07 PM
It's more a cultural thing than a racial thing. Indians are much more Australoid but they are sexually not as 'wild' as Thais.

This is simply not true... Actually the opposite is true

02-15-2015, 09:07 PM
A country full of drugs, whores, people with no dignity the autochtonous seems not to care that there are millions of Thaď sex workers everywhere in the country.

Thailand is single most dangerous country for tourists in the world, Every day we hear that tourists commit suicide there, so what's wrong with this country? . This one country accounts for more deaths of foreign nationals than the rest of the world combined.

Every single day a foreigner is thrown to his death out of a highrise window in Thailand. Corrupt Thai police along with Thai whore king are all part of this scheme so these deaths are always ruled suicides or deaths by natural causes. Only in Thailand can a man with hands tied behind his back, a plastic bag over his head and a gunshot wound in his temple be thrown out of a 20+ storeys building and his death ruled “from natural causes”.

Thai people never smiles. Maybe only bitches in the Pattaya's or Bangkok's streets when they look at your money.

the country of ladyboys(shemales)

02-15-2015, 09:10 PM
Thailand is a hellhole filled with transgender non-human filth and exploited by Western sex tourists. I feel like vomiting whenever someone brings up Thailand.

02-15-2015, 09:15 PM
the country of ladyboys(shemales)

I only saw them a lot in Pattaya, Kanchanaburi and Bangkok because they all move to these places from all over the country.

02-15-2015, 10:26 PM
I only saw them a lot in Pattaya, Kanchanaburi and Bangkok because they all move to these places from all over the country.

if I were there I would mistake them for teen girls. Girls with a sausage between legs

02-15-2015, 10:38 PM
First of blahblah

Dear Albanian. We (as you know, the civilized world with well functioning institutions) have very accurate stats about the countries economic life and not only estimates about the role of the drug tafficking, sex slavery and car theft in the local economy and how many unemployment affected in the goat fucking. This is the basics about the Thai tourism industry:

7.2% of total employment and 15.4% of total indirect employment (construction, various forms of the investments, etc.)
9.0% of GDP and 19.6% of GDP with the indirect effects

source: Economic Impact 2014, Thailand - World Travel & Tourism Council, 2014

02-16-2015, 12:17 AM
You should be amazed how much honor most Thais have honestly. They have never been colonized by The West either.

Petros Houhoulis
02-16-2015, 02:40 PM
Thank God we have the Bedouin spirit in our people. This will never happen any of the Bedouin nations as we value dignity and honor.

Why do I always fail to be impressed by people invoking honor?






Petros Houhoulis
02-16-2015, 02:46 PM
You know what is going to happen to the Greek section in this forum if you try to play the smart ass here...

Yes, I'll make an arse of you in the Greeks section as well...

what are you trying to say with the ''200 dollars'' thing 40 year old virgin who cleans toilets in a ship?

This is what I am trying to say:


Probably one of the stories of your grandmother, how her mother was sold as a slave in the ottoman market and than how she had some fun there and a turanid abomination like you was born? I challenge you to play the smart ass here only one more time. ( we know for a fact that you are turanid btw)

Wash your arse before you speak about my ancestors, you shitty Alibabanian...

02-16-2015, 02:48 PM
It's also a popular tourist destination for culture. Lot's of beautiful Buddhist architecture to be seen over there. That would be my main motivation to go there.

This thread sucks anyway.

Petros Houhoulis
02-16-2015, 02:49 PM
you should go there and look for your sister, dirty gypsy face.

I have no brothers or sisters.

Now i have a question why everyone feel upset about this thread? This was only about Thailand, proved statistically and even approved by the whore's parents

You proven shit, nothing like the 2% of the Alibabanian population being whores...

Maybe you all feel like them? you have all lost you honor. Obviously when only few place in Europe have kept their honour and dignity wich are Ireland, Scotland, Bavaria, Austria, Albania and maybe few other places.

Albania never had honor to begin with, but you might eventually acquire honor in the distant future...

02-16-2015, 02:53 PM
Not all Thais are like that.

02-16-2015, 02:54 PM
They're not sexually 'wild'...you dont hear about Thai guys exhausting their sexual appetites doing this or that...All you hear about is Western tourists travelling there to exploit their children and women. That means, they are a nation of pimps/whores and a cum bucket for the West.

Don't forget that Thailand is also popular to Middle Eastern tourists for the same reason. I think this article (http://www.touropia.com/top-attractions-in-thailand/) offers better ideas to visit than Pattaya though.

By the way, Thai prostitutes often refuse to go with Middle Easterners (http://afarangabroad.com/2014/08/thai-girls-hate-black-indian-arabs.html) because they believe they disrespect women too much.

02-16-2015, 02:54 PM
Na i kena problemet tone, shtet me kurva edhe kriminela jone edhe kosova e shqipnia.

02-16-2015, 02:57 PM
Shqiptaret sote si popull nuke kane mo nder.

02-16-2015, 03:12 PM
Yes, I'll make an arse of you in the Greeks section as well...This is what I am trying to say:


Wash your arse before you speak about my ancestors, you shitty Alibabanian...

Your ancestors were sons of whores and whores and nothing more.

Your grandmother was raped by an azeri turk and now you got your turanid look. Before you were baptized as ''greek'' somewhere in the begining of the 20th century, God knows how many times you were sold as slaves and raped, this is who you and your ancestors are .

Luckily there is no Albanian in that video, and that journalist, that tries to impress the westernes by playing the role of the victim, has to bring facts and not use Catholic villages and catholic cemeteries of the communist times and communist victims as graves of the girls that never returned.

You can also mastrubate at the number '' 2 %'' of women being involved in prostitution, but unlike you I am not a son of a slut, and I am not burnt at all, since I live in this country and I also know the people that manipulate those numbers.

You should have been in front of me, to show to you what honor means, because personally I am very disgusted by bastard 40 year olds that live and get fucked in the ass in ships and spend all their time in internet. That is where you get your information btw, from you tube videos, and that is not even information, while you forget that greece is the 2nd country I know best.

02-16-2015, 03:16 PM
Here's a fellow Belgian in Pattaya singing his own song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ZRzrnrxDE).


Just discovered it today. :D Horrendous. :(

02-16-2015, 03:37 PM
I used to similar sentiments about Thailand, I looked down upon them as a country that sold it's soul.

However, nowadays I look at it differently. Essentially, it's a country with a liberal sex culture, and obviously many foreigners, from everywhere (not just the West) go there to revel and take part in it. I'd obviously prefer to not live in such a society, but I'd rather not judge them as well. Most Thais I've met are friendly and hospitable people, I also think the rest of their culture from the food, architecture, etc is great.

02-16-2015, 04:00 PM
I used to similar sentiments about Thailand, I looked down upon them as a country that sold it's soul.

However, nowadays I look at it differently. Essentially, it's a country with a liberal sex culture, and obviously many foreigners, from everywhere (not just the West) go there to revel and take part in it. I'd obviously prefer to not live in such a society, but I'd rather not judge them as well. Most Thais I've met are friendly and hospitable people, I also think the rest of their culture from the food, architecture, etc is great.

Well, my impression is that Asia is known for being more liberal about sex historically, generally lacking the Abrahamic religious outlook (of course there are many christians in South Korea and the Philippines, but even then). Sex for a long time wasn't that much about shame as it was here. I still can't shake off the idea of Pattaya being a terrible place and my heart goes out to every woman forced to do this kind of work to support her poor family or heaven forbid children getting exploited as sex workers. Rightly so I guess.

Still, a thread badmouthing Thailand as is the pretext of this thread while the country has far more to offer than that is pretty unfair (especially since they can't defend themselves, due to lack of Thai members here). It comes over as pretty arrogant and holier-than-thou. If ones keeps doing that about non-European countries, he shouldn't be surprised to end up with no friends left.

02-16-2015, 04:20 PM
Here's a fellow Belgian in Pattaya singing his own song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ZRzrnrxDE).

Just discovered it today. :D Horrendous. :(

02-16-2015, 06:13 PM
I have no brothers or sisters.You proven shit, nothing like the 2% of the Alibabanian population being whores...

Albania never had honor to begin with, but you might eventually acquire honor in the distant future...

Hye butthurt motherfucker subhuman with turko-asian blood, as i said to Loki, i've been banned for long time and trying to be a better man but now listen me i piss on your ancestors grave now contact me via PM give me your skype, your adress and all and tell me where we can meet and let's see who have more honour.
the Albanian identity have been created by blood and honour not like the new greek one created by a mix of turk-gypsy-vlachs-arvanites.

Even Albanian Mafia have more honour than your whole nation, they sell foreigner women, the only one who sold Albanian girls were the criminal bands of 1997 Ashaklis and Gypsies from Centre and South of the country http://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandat_kriminale_shqiptare You pretend to know alot about Albania but you know nothing. Degenerate son of a whore.