View Full Version : Young MPs from Malta versus young MPs from Cyprus - compare and contrast

Tooting Carmen
02-05-2015, 11:12 AM
What similarities and differences do you see between the two groups? They are, after all, the most homogeneously Mediterranean ethnic groups/nationalities in Europe.

Maltese: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?156258-Young-MPs-from-Malta
Cypriots: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?111940-Young-MPs-from-Cyprus

Tooting Carmen
02-05-2015, 12:48 PM

02-05-2015, 04:33 PM
They look fairly similar but there are a moderate amount more of Maltese who have a "northern" influence. Maltese are basically transplanted Sicilians, and Cypriots are pre-Greek islanders, and do not have much mainland Greek ancestry.

Tooting Carmen
02-05-2015, 04:35 PM
Anyone else?

02-05-2015, 04:38 PM
Maltese by and large less exotic. You've got your Meds as expected, but also Alpinids, Borrebies, Berids, etc.

02-05-2015, 04:39 PM
Maltese have a few who look Western and a few who look Levantine. Cypriots are more homogenous.

Tooting Carmen
02-05-2015, 04:40 PM
Maltese have a few who look Western and a few who look Levantine. Cypriots are more homogenous.

Do the Cypriots look more Greek or more Levantine to you?

02-05-2015, 04:42 PM
Do the Cypriots look more Greek or more Levantine to you?

They don't look Levantine to me but they also look homogeneously darker/less European than a typical group of Greeks. Compare them for instance to the people Faklon posted the other day and you'll see a clear difference.

02-05-2015, 04:42 PM
They look fairly similar but there are a moderate amount more of Maltese who have a "northern" influence.
I agree.

02-05-2015, 05:34 PM
Do the Cypriots look more Greek or more Levantine to you?

More Greek.

02-05-2015, 05:37 PM


02-05-2015, 05:43 PM
^^blond hair and blue eyes. Looks Swedish.

03-08-2019, 09:06 PM
Maltese are mainly Berids, Cypriots are East-Meds.