View Full Version : Palestinian Zionism: Palestinians As A Lost Tribe Of Israel

02-05-2015, 09:46 PM
Since the break up of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of Israel the indigenous inhabitants of the former mandate of Palestine have been searching for identity. Under the Ottomans the territory known as "Palestine" was mainly part of Syria:



Since then, with the advent of Zionism, the Palestinians have searched for their own nationalist movement. Groups such as the P.L.O. experimented with Pan-Arabism, while groups such as Hamas experimented with Islamism, in a flawed search for identity but neither ideology has taken hold because Palestinians know they're not really Arabs but rather Arabised, Islamised indigenous Levantines with some Arab admixture (Here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?114544-How-Foreign-Arabian-Clans-Rule-Over-Islamised-Palestinians-Of-Israelite-Origin)I've shown mainly ruled by foreign clans).

The Palestinians are, like Jews, Judeans rather than Arabs. Both Islamism and Pan-Arabism have failed them. Zionism should not fail them also.

As I've recounted both My Middle-East Peace Plan™ (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?118770-My-Middle-East-Peace-Plan%99-Part-4-A-Palestinian-Persective-of-how-Greater-Israel-will-work) and here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?152917-Should-Palestinians-Convert-En-Masse-To-Judaism-To-Solve-The-Midde-East-Conflict&highlight=palestinian+zionism) Palestinian nationalism ultimately has its roots in exactly this i.e. the nationalism of Palestine and will never succeed whilst non-indigenous Arabic or Islamic ideologies supplant indigenous Palestinian religion and language. The indigenous language of Palestine is Hebrew and the indigenous religion of Palestine is Judaism (and the Christianity of Jesus).

It has been a moral failing on the part of Zionists to not give Palestinians a third nationalist option: that is to embrace their own Hebrew heritage and be welcomed in to the people of Israel. All genetic tests prove that Palestinians like Jews share partial descent from Israelite ancestors (be they Samaritans or Judeans) . They too deserve to reap the benefits of Zionism.

Palestinians are the real "lost tribes of Israel" and now is the time to welcome them back into the fold.

02-05-2015, 09:51 PM
Embracing the Palestinians flies in the face of the Israeli notion of a Jewish state and their attempts at controlling the demographics.

02-05-2015, 10:44 PM
Embracing the Palestinians flies in the face of the Israeli notion of a Jewish state and their attempts at controlling the demographics.

Good points.

As much as previous Palestinian attempts at Palestinian nationalism (Pan-Arabism and Islamism) have been flawed so too has Zionism for failing to include half the Israelites: the Palestinians.

The founding fathers of Israel knew about the Israelite roots of the Palestinians but didn't want to anatagonise the Turkish rulers:

Tsvi Misinai validates his theory of the Hebrew origin of Palestinians on the basis of various findings in terms of historic-demographic, historic-geographic, national-territorial, genetic, behavioural-religious, nomenclature and linguistics, and Palestinian cultural and oral traditions. In his book Brother shall not lift sword against brother, he details numerous testimonies of their Jewish ancestry by Palestinians and Bedouins, and cites the anthropological studies conducted by Israel Belkind, one of the organizers of the Bilu movement, David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (both the first Prime Minister and the second President of Israel, respectively).


This third phase of Zionism corrects the assumption that Palestinians are not too, like Jews, descendants of Israelites. 80% of Palestinians are in fact also Israelites (or related peoples). There is in fact no demographic issue since both peoples are in fact one people.

02-05-2015, 10:47 PM
Which all boils it down to being a religious conflict.

The Scots were originally Gaels from Northern Ireland who settled in Britain. 1000 years later, the Scots became Protestant. The Scots were later sent by the British government to Northern Ireland to settle there. And now the Northern Irish Scots and their Catholic cousins haven't gotten along. Because of religion. Even though they're ultimately the same fucking people.

So are Yugoslavs. Just don't tell them that. Because of religion.

02-06-2015, 05:05 AM
Which all boils it down to being a religious conflict.

The Scots were originally Gaels from Northern Ireland who settled in Britain. 1000 years later, the Scots became Protestant. The Scots were later sent by the British government to Northern Ireland to settle there. And now the Northern Irish Scots and their Catholic cousins haven't gotten along. Because of religion. Even though they're ultimately the same fucking people.

So are Yugoslavs. Just don't tell them that. Because of religion.

True. Greater Israel will have freedom of religion but with an emphasis on Pan-Israelist ideology, although Judaism (and Christianity) not Islam is the native religion of Palestine and Hebrew the native language. An emphasis on Israelite nationality should take precedence over religion because Rabbinical Judaism was a means for the Judean nationality to survive dispersal and occupation so to some extent can be replaced by Pan-Israelist Zionism now. One state religion would be easier but since this may lead to war I suggest freedom of religion would be the pragmatic approach to unity. Muslim Palestinians would be encouraged to define themselves as Israeli(te)s as much as Jews (or Palestinian Christians) would be.

09-04-2015, 06:09 AM
Interesting interviews with Israeli Jews about the Jewishness of Palestinians:
