View Full Version : TOQ: Obama will help white nationalism

11-06-2008, 02:29 PM
The Occidental Quarterly's take on the 2008 US Presidential Election.

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism

by Greg Johnson
The Occidental Quarterly (http://www.theoccidentalquarterly.com/)

Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. Second, we must again believe that we are entitled—nay, obligated—to take our own side when our interests conflict with those of other groups.

Currently white identity and interests have been suppressed by the ideologies of universalism, multiculturalism, and white guilt. White consciousness and pride still exist, of course, but have been driven into the subconscious mind. Our race is a sleeping giant. The task of white nationalism is to waken it. And Barack Obama can only help us.

The recent presidential campaign has been racially divisive and polarizing, and that is a good thing. Countless whites have become newly conscious of their distinct racial identity and interests. Of course the Republican candidate, John McCain, did nothing to encourage this process. Nothing, that is, until he added Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket, which brought about a vicious and polarizing reaction from the left, particularly Jews. Millions of whites, most of them from the productive minority that carries the rest of the country, spontaneously identified with Palin. Thus the establishment’s hatred for her—and, by extension, them—was very instructive. Many became not just aware, but fighting mad.

But a McCain victory would only have dissipated this tendency to greater white racial consciousness. If McCain won, it would have been blamed on Republican racism, even though Obama would presumably have been defeated by racist Democrats who would have refused to vote for him. Republicans never would have considered voting for a Democrat in the first place, black or not. Nevertheless, a McCain administration would do everything in its power not to further white racial consciousness.

An Obama presidency, however, will only intensify racial polarization and stimulate greater white racial consciousness and self-assertiveness. More of the sleepers will waken.

Whites, furthermore, will retake our nation only when we realize, finally, that it has been taken away from us. For the better part of a century, the United States has been ruled by a coalition of rootless white plutocrats and ethnocentric Jews, with the power of the Jews steadily growing at the expense of the whites. This ruling elite uses non-whites to gain advantage over the white majority.

For the white elites, it is more a status game than anything else. These people feel superior to lower class whites by advancing the interests of non-whites at the expense of those people: integrating those people’s schools and neighborhoods, sacrificing those people’s jobs, families, and futures with Affirmative Action, etc.

For Jews it is a much more serious game. They are after power. They use racial integration and non-white immigration to destroy the white working and middle classes (the kind of people who would vote for a racial nationalism other than Zionism), and they use affirmative action to crowd out the white elites (since there are not enough Jews to replace the white elite).

It is very difficult, however, to convince most whites that our country is ruled by race-traitors and aliens who govern on our backs and against our interests. It is hard, because most people will not listen to an argument, much less read the 624 pages of Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority. Most people believe their eyes, and nothing else. And when they looked at their televisions, they saw white men in the White House.

Now they will see Barack Obama. That represents progress. It is truth in advertising. The symbolism now reveals rather than conceals the substance. This has not been our country for a long time. And now it no longer looks like our country.

There is no telling how Barack Obama will govern their country. There is no point in examining his platform or promises. He is a politician, after all. It is easy to tell when he is lying: his lips move. It is likely, however, that Obama will turn out rather like Bill Clinton. Both men may be leftists by conviction. But, for them, there is something far more important than their convictions, namely, themselves. They are posturing, narcissistic empty suits.

Obama, like Clinton, will probably begin his administration with an orgy of high-minded oratory and high-priced social uplift programs, rapidly wear out his welcome, suffer a series of humiliating defeats, and end his administration as a centrist: exhausted, cynical, morally-compromised, an object of near-universal scorn. Despite this, Obama might gain re-election, if the Republicans nominate another old, feeble moderate like Bob Dole or John McCain—someone fit only to lose gracefully. In fact, I would bank on it.

This is a good thing for white nationalists for two reasons. First, it is probably best that Obama not be able to enact far left programs. Second, the threat of such programs will energize the right.

During the Clinton years, there was a great deal of energy on the right. Remember the conservative writers and commentators who offered principled, passionate, and inspiring critiques of liberalism—only to metamorphose into unprincipled Republican shills when George W. Bush was elected? Remember the conservative idealism and activism—exploited by phonies like Newt Gingrich? There was also, frankly, a lot of nasty personal hatred of Bill Clinton and his wife. But hatred, like all forms of energy, can be channeled into good things.

Obama (and his wife) will create similar energy on the right. And this time white nationalists are positioned to channel this energy into advancing our agenda. To give just one example: Now that a non-white has been elected president, it is possible to mobilize new energies and funds to abolish Affirmative Action as unnecessary.

Finally, in addition to Obama, the unfolding economic crisis—which looks more and more like a Greater Depression—will provide immense opportunities for white nationalists. For decades, movement people have been saying that the white masses will not be receptive to our message until there is a major economic downturn. There is a lot of truth in this view, although it has also functioned as an excuse for inactivity. Well, the downturn is here, and it is imperative that nationalists invest in the infrastructure necessary to get our message out to an increasingly receptive white majority. [...]

Arrow Cross
11-06-2008, 03:50 PM
Definately agreed, I myself hoped he'd win. And if even this won't effect the masses...at least they'll fall faster.

11-09-2008, 10:53 PM
Yes, it is better that Obama happened now than, say, in a decade. White people need to be woken up before the demographic issue takes things out of their hands.

11-10-2008, 12:50 AM
The drawback to the Obama victory is that it make the Republican Party the natural focus of opposition to Obama. What we need is a party that will oppose the multiracial agenda. The Republican Party can't be counted on to do that. And the two-parties both support the two-party system by making it extremely difficult to get on the ballot in most states or to get financing. We need a new political party. It may get a lot worse before it starts getting better. But maybe blatant displays of Black nationalism with a Negro president may finally take away the stigma of being of Whites being racialist of ethnicists & more of us will come out of the closet.

The Dragonslayer
11-12-2008, 12:39 AM
I'm hoping that the election of Obama will be what finally wakes up white people. The white masses have stuck their heads in the sand for far too long. They might grumble about the state of the country, but they are unwilling to do anything about it. Here's hoping and praying that this will be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. I just hope it doesn't have to get a whole lot worse before things start turning around.

11-14-2008, 01:54 PM
Key point if Obama couldn't manage with Economical Crisis... :rolleyes: His lost will give us the best of argument ever and create finest condition's for retaking of initiative in struggle for political power. (=for mind's of majority of our, white people)

11-18-2008, 05:45 AM
If this doesn't wake people up, nothing will. I'd rather have this out now while we still make up 2/3 of the country than wait.

11-18-2008, 05:59 AM
If this doesn't wake people up, nothing will. I'd rather have this out now while we still make up 2/3 of the country than wait.The basic problem is: Where are those "woken-up" people supposed to flock to? David Duke who is off hiding in Russia or Ukraine most of the time? The handful of costume-enthusiasts and federal-agents in white hoods? :rolleyes:

There is a total lack of infrastructure in the USA to accomodate a white backlash. Europe has other problems, but at least they have serious patriotic parties.

The Dragonslayer
11-18-2008, 03:07 PM
The basic problem is: Where are those "woken-up" people supposed to flock to? David Duke who is off hiding in Russia or Ukraine most of the time? The handful of costume-enthusiasts and federal-agents in white hoods? :rolleyes:

There is a total lack of infrastructure in the USA to accomodate a white backlash. Europe has other problems, but at least they have serious patriotic parties.

That's my thing. Where do we go? There doesn't seem to be any real serious organization or party for white people to flock to. If white people do actually wake up and not continue to drink the multicultural kool-aid, where are they to head? We definitely need something here in the United States.

11-18-2008, 07:17 PM
I think it will take some time for things to sink in for many many white Americans (or Europeans for that matter). Right now, the brainwashed mentality seems to be at a peak, a crescendo if you will and so many white folks I know are just thrilled to pieces to see him as the presidend-elect of America.

At the very least, it will be a facinating time in history to watch unfold--especially considering everything else going on (Middle East, China, Russia, economy, energy, global overpopulation, etc., et al).

The Dragonslayer
11-19-2008, 03:31 AM
I definitely think some of the luster will slack off as time goes on. Right now there is their glow around Obama. He's been envisioned as a Messiah or something. I'm hoping when it comes time for him to actually govern that people will see the real Obama. They will realize what a big mistake they made in electing him.

11-19-2008, 03:44 PM
Key point if Obama couldn't manage with Economical Crisis... :rolleyes: His lost will give us the best of argument ever and create finest condition's for retaking of initiative in struggle for political power. (=for mind's of majority of our, white people)
This is going to be very apparent soon after he takes office. Take the imminent collapse of the Big 3 automakers. They want $25 billion or they will run out of cash & have to declare bankruptcy. Obama & the Democrats want to give them this money, not to save what is left over of shareholders equity (the stocks are nearly worthless) but to save those ridiculous pension benefits that were awarded 40+ years ago but not properly funded. A manhour of labor on the production lines for the Big 3 cost about $80 an hour, twice what it cost Japanese automakers in the US. But 1/2 of this goes to paying the legacy cost of retired workers! The only way out is to let the Big 3 declare bankruptcy & let the UAW get in line behind the other creditors - goodbye most of those over generous pensions! But the Dems won't let that happen, they will just keep pumping money into the Big 3 & any other industry that is "vital" (unionized) just leading up to a more spectacular bust. On Obama's watch. He will only be able to blame Bush & the Republicans for so long before the idiot Whites who helped put him into office turn against him.

11-20-2008, 07:05 PM
TA manhour of labor on the production lines for the Big 3 cost about $80 an hour, twice what it cost Japanese automakers in the US.http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/8072/wagescg3.jpg

The perfect example of an old phrase (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/kill+the+goose+that+lays+the+golden+egg) in practice... Thanks, union gangsters. :rolleyes2:

11-20-2008, 08:02 PM
Mitt Romney published an article in the New York Times attacking the Auto Bailout

IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.

Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself. With it, the automakers will stay the course--the suicidal course of declining market shares, insurmountable labor and retiree burdens, technology atrophy, product inferiority and never-ending job losses. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.
... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/opinion/19romney.html

This is the difference between those with socialist instincts (B.H. "Economic Justice" Obama) and those with sense (Romney). If something is rotten at the core, you don't keep pouring money into it: You either let it die or fix it.

The Dragonslayer
11-21-2008, 03:38 AM
Mitt Romney published an article in the New York Times attacking the Auto Bailout

This is the difference between those with socialist instincts (B.H. "Economic Justice" Obama) and those with sense (Romney). If something is rotten at the core, you don't keep pouring money into it: You either let it die or fix it.

I read that article, plus I've seen Mitt Romney on various news programs talking about his views on the bailout. The Democrats just want to throw more money at the problem. It's like you've got a leak in your boat. You don't throw money at you. You wouldn't put a band-aid on the leak. That's what the Democrats want to do. Bailing them out just puts off the inevitable. For various reasons, the American auto industry is in the boat it's in. There needs to be some major changes and restructuring for it to survive and thrive again. I wish it the best. I don't want the United States to lose all its manufacturing. The bail out sounds like a bad idea.

01-21-2009, 02:03 AM
For what it's worth, for me, it's been a painful, but I suppose necessary awakening.I've ranted elsewhere on my misgivings, but maybe the gods have ordained it a blessing in disguise for the Folk..

01-21-2009, 02:30 AM
I sure hope not cause I don't want more Italians, Russians and Balknics savages arriving here

01-21-2009, 04:05 AM
I think that maybe we should just close our borders, period.We don't have limitless resources, the racial situation is boiling over...ugh, we just need a complete overhaul.I think it might just be a good idea to "circle the wagons" and care for our own first and foremost.To start out with, we need to establish English as our official language as well as our "common one", restore a few Constitutional rights and set ourselves up plainly as a people who've fought,bled and died for this country and demand recognition for this.My two cents.

02-18-2009, 10:58 PM
He's been envisioned as a Messiah or something

Just like Bill Clinton.

The message I got from the election: there's a huge Crowd of people who want to believe in illusions, and their mission is to destroy those gifted by nature with a sense of reality.

They need to be debunked, oppressed, deported and/or shot.

Only about half of them are white.


02-18-2009, 11:59 PM
Pride goes before a fall.Obama and his team of trained chimps can only throw peanuts at the elephant for so long before the elephant steps on them. I rather like to think of the elephant as the European people.:D
Seriously,though, this black president thing was ridiculous from the very beginning.These policies seem to be an attempt at a pale imitation of the Bush policies and I think they'll crumble.