View Full Version : Westerners should racemix?

02-08-2015, 07:34 PM
Should Westerners racemix? If Westerners racemix, they could assimilate the minorities, they could assimilate them into the culture and identity of the majority. If they did this, they would have no minority problems since all the minorities have been assimilated through racemixing. It seems that the only way for the West to assimilate the blacks, arabs, Indians, etc... is to mix with them and assimilate their gene pool. What do you think?

I mean, imagine, if the French mixed with the Arabs (thereby assimilating them), they would have no more ethnic and religious terrorism.

02-08-2015, 07:36 PM
I mean, every ethnicity on this planet is a result of intermixing anyway, it's not like anything would change if this happened.

Dani Cutie
02-08-2015, 07:36 PM
No,only with East med non-muslim girls.
Guys not.

02-08-2015, 07:39 PM
That depends on the individual. Cliche as it sounds, you should marry someone because you love them and they love you back. Not because they are of a certain race. Whether or not they happen to be of the same race as you shouldn't have any bearing, IMO.

02-08-2015, 07:41 PM
Maybe we should ask Ewout.

02-08-2015, 07:41 PM
It does not bother me at all. People can mix with who their hearts desire.

02-08-2015, 07:48 PM

02-08-2015, 07:53 PM
No. it will ruin our genetic traits and produce abominations.

02-08-2015, 07:58 PM
That depends on the individual. Cliche as it sounds, you should marry someone because you love them and they love you back. Not because they are of a certain race. Whether or not they happen to be of the same race as you shouldn't have any bearing, IMO.

There is no such thing as individuals but infact groups. An individual is a no body.

02-08-2015, 07:59 PM
I don't give a shit.

02-08-2015, 08:04 PM
There is no such thing as individuals but infact groups. An individual is a no body.

But viewing people individually on their own merits rather than collectively would solve a lot.

02-08-2015, 08:10 PM
But viewing people individually on their own merits rather than collectively would solve a lot.

It wouldn't solve anything. There is no such thing as individuals.

02-08-2015, 08:11 PM
I don't give a shit.

The Passing of the Great race is coming true sadly.

Anthony PV
02-08-2015, 09:05 PM
The Passing of the Great race is coming true sadly.

Meh, Madison Grant, the author of that book, died childless. He never married nor had any child. For a man who complained about the extinction of his race, he didn't do much to improve the situation or make any difference...

The REAL question now is: Should Westerners make babies or not? Are they ready to perpetuate their race and continue their bloodline or not? Why are they wasting their time discussing DNA patterns and petty politics with complete strangers they don't want to meet in real life instead of helping each other in the demanding task of caring and raising their offspring? :p

02-08-2015, 09:12 PM
Should Westerners racemix? If Westerners racemix, they could assimilate the minorities, they could assimilate them into the culture and identity of the majority. If they did this, they would have no minority problems since all the minorities have been assimilated through racemixing. It seems that the only way for the West to assimilate the blacks, arabs, Indians, etc... is to mix with them and assimilate their gene pool. What do you think?

I mean, imagine, if the French mixed with the Arabs (thereby assimilating them), they would have no more ethnic and religious terrorism.
A small number of foreigners or already mixed people can be absorbed, in my opinion. For example, 50,000,000 X can easily absorb 50,000 Y. But I would never advocate total/large-scale mixing, no.

02-08-2015, 09:17 PM
The REAL question now is: Should Westerners make babies or not? Are they ready to perpetuate their race and continue their bloodline or not? Why are they wasting their time discussing DNA patterns and petty politics with complete strangers they don't want to meet in real life instead of helping each other in the demanding task of caring and raising their offspring? :p
Who are you? What ethnicity do you belong to?

02-08-2015, 09:24 PM
They totally should with third world foreigners and raising the kid in the third world culture.

Anthony PV
02-08-2015, 09:51 PM
Who are you? What ethnicity do you belong to?

I'm just a random weirdo who thinks that, if White Europeans want to survive and continue to exist, they should marry, procreate and help each other out rather than waste their time on the Internet, giving themselves nicknames taken from sci-fi novels... :p

Now, do svidanya, marry a nice White girl who has the same DNA patterns as you and a phenotype you like... And may Shai-Hulud make your marriage plentiful in children... :p

02-08-2015, 09:56 PM
I'm just a random weirdo who thinks that, if White Europeans want to survive and continue to exist, they should marry, procreate and help each other out rather than waste their time on the Internet, giving themselves nicknames taken from sci-fi novels... :p

Now, do svidanya, marry a nice White girl who has the same DNA patterns as you and a phenotype you like... And may Shai-Hulud make your marriage plentiful in children... :p
My life doesn't matter at all. I only wanted to know who you are, because there are a lot of sock puppets and trolls here and every new member automatically falls under suspicion. If you wish to hide your identity, then it is your right.

Anthony PV
02-08-2015, 10:10 PM
My life doesn't matter at all. I only wanted to know who you are, because there are a lot of sock puppets and trolls here and every new member automatically falls under suspicion. If you wish to hide your identity, then it is your right.

Hon, hon, hon... Leto didn't get his spice dose and thumbed me down... Well, I'm the son of two Third-World immigrants living in Québec, the 'French' part of Canada... Does that satisfy your curiosity? I'm not revealing what ethnic group I belong to, not because I'm ashamed of who I am but because I don't want some random fuckhead to insult my origins... I'm on this site not because I want to troll or because I wished I was White European but because I'm fascinated with their history and because I needed a site where I could express my 'non-politically correct' ideas...

Meh, at least, I was only thumbed down... On Facebook, my account was desactivated after I wrote that the U.S. is on the verge of a 'race war'... :p

And yes, if Westerners want to survive and continue to exist, they should actually do something concrete in real life, like marrying, raising families and helping each other... Rather than waste their time with complete strangers online... :p

02-08-2015, 10:25 PM
Hon, hon, hon... Leto didn't get his spice dose and thumbed me down... Well, I'm the son of two Third-World immigrants living in Québec, the 'French' part of Canada... Does that satisfy your curiosity? I'm not revealing what ethnic group I belong to, not because I'm ashamed of who I am but because I don't want some random fuckhead to insult my origins... I'm on this site not because I want to troll or because I wished I was White European but because I'm fascinated with their history and because I needed a site where I could express my 'non-politically correct' ideas...

Meh, at least, I was only thumbed down... On Facebook, my account was desactivated after I wrote that the U.S. is on the verge of a 'race war'... :p

And yes, if Westerners want to survive and continue to exist, they should actually do something concrete in real life, like marrying, raising families and helping each other... Rather than waste their time with complete strangers online... :p

Yes but we need to do something politically. sadly some morons think Nazism is the answer in my country or some other idea. But yes I get what you mean. Hopefully in a afew year I marry someone.

02-14-2015, 04:20 PM
Should Westerners racemix? If Westerners racemix, they could assimilate the minorities, they could assimilate them into the culture and identity of the majority. If they did this, they would have no minority problems since all the minorities have been assimilated through racemixing. It seems that the only way for the West to assimilate the blacks, arabs, Indians, etc... is to mix with them and assimilate their gene pool. What do you think?

I mean, imagine, if the French mixed with the Arabs (thereby assimilating them), they would have no more ethnic and religious terrorism.

do you think bulgarians assimilating gypsies would be a good thing?

06-15-2018, 07:25 AM

Bobby Martnen
06-15-2018, 07:26 AM
That's better than letting them stay unassimilated, but best of all would be deporting them back to Shitholistan